Update option (of Make file) in CMake - c++

I have a big project that uses CMake to create Make file. Sometimes, I add one small project and then have to run the CMake script for whole project (like delete previous, and create newer CMake with this project included).
I was wondering, whehter there is some option in CMake whereby I can only "update" the Make script (created by CMake) to include newly added project (rather than above option).

You can only do
cmake .
in directory which contains CMakeCache.txt. This will trigger whole reconfiguration, but save your options.


Is it possible to force CMake generate Visual Studio project on other project type generation?

I have a CMake project. It is a crossplatform project developed by a team of developers. Visual Studio and other make files are inside version control for library release and external developers.
Each time a file is added we need to recompile all project files for all platforms. How do I force CMake to generate new project files for all systems at once (if possible from inside CMakeLists.txt, not as command line arguments)?
I think it doesn't make sense for this to be possible within the CMakeLists.txt file. CMake is a makefile generator. Everything in the CMakeLists.txt file is configuring the makefile, and it can also be repurposed to make project files.
If the CMakeLists.txt file could also request to generate a different kind of makefile... it would be different from every other command in the CMakeLists.txt file in that it isn't describing the currently selected makefile.
If I were you I would just make a shell script, or a simple makefile, separate from CMake, which rebuilds each of the project files, by invoking CMake from command line with appropriate parameters.
Is the goal of the versioned CMake produced build scripts to not force developers to install CMake?
In any case: it's best to use the right tool for the right job. CMake is for producing build-files and the little scripting necessary to do so. Use a scripting environment (Bash, cmd.exe) to run CMake as necessary for all your platforms.
This keeps the CMake files clean (and readable, CMake scripting is hard to read) and provides clean separation of concerns.

CMake Roundtrip Workflow

I understand that CMake enables a project to be easily built in a variety of compiler/IDE environments. I have experienced this for myself and was amazed when CMake produced a working, buildable Xcode project for me from some open source project (cool!)
But what I don't understand is how you properly update the CMake system after you have made significant changes to the project that CMake created for you.
For example I am envisioning a workflow in which the project should be kept portable via CMake. So I create a clone of a github project, use CMake to create my XCode project, and then go to work implementing some new feature or bug fix. Perhaps these changes are non-trivial and affect build.
After these changes are complete I want to push the code base back to github. What happens now? Must all of the CMake files be updated by hand to reflect all of the work that I've done? Or is there some equally magical feature to update the CMake files with the changes that were implemented in XCode (or Visual Studio, or some other supported IDE/compiler combo)?
What is the general "Roundtrip" workflow with CMake and how efficient is it?
The point is that you change your project by changing the CMake configuration files themselves. It could be that you'll find some other tool which manages cmake projects, which will make changes to your cmake files. In the example you mention, you have to check if XCode is modifying your cmake files.
You have to commit all the necessary modifications you do to your cmake files, and your build program (make, ninja, or any other) will run cmake every time the cmake project files are touched.
Advanced note: if you use the command file with globbing instructions to get the list of your sources files, you might be interested to read Getting cmake to run before building after pulling from git

New Linux programmer -- Trying to develop libraries

I'm a new Linux programmer trying to develop shared libraries and have been able to successfully compile one in Eclipse using the Eclipse project settings; only to find that to create a Debian package I need a ./configure script! So I set up Autotools on my system, and tried to create an Autotools project in Eclipse. I created it with the default library settings, and then renamed the .C file to a .CPP file, and changed the entry in the Makefile.am as per the documentation. I cleaned the project, rebuilt the Makefile, but for some reason it's still looking for the old .C file!!!! (No rule to make target libTest.c needed by libTest_la-libTest.lo'!
I've spend hours trying to figure this one out to no avail. Could someone please help!
The .deps folder stands for dependencies. These are generated when ./configure is run. Doing a make distclean (if one exists) or equivalent will remove this .deps directory along with any other generated files. The make clean only removes generated object files.
Re-running configure should generate a list of source file dependencies. Invoking make itself does not re-generate the dependencies.
OK. Found out the answer was hidden in a .deps folder. Deleting the .deps folder fixed the issue. I will award the answer to whoever can explain why deleting the folder worked though, because I'm really confused on this one.

What does cmake .. do?

I got the Box2D project source and want to compile the testbed portion of it.
The project folder contains folders like: freeglu glui testbed(a demo) helloword(a demo)
Box2D Build CMakeFiles
There are many CMakeLists.txt in all the different folders.
I was thinking that I should cmake all those files so that make files are created in all places required.
I read this (as instructions to do do want I want) :
wget http://box2d.googlecode.com/files/Box2D_v2.2.1.zip
unzip Box2D_v2.2.1.zip
cd Box2D_v2.2.1/Build
cmake ..
What does the cmake .. do?
There is no CMakeLists.txt in the build folder.
cmake is a Makefile generator.
When you call cmake [path], you ask it to generate a Makefile in the current directory following instructions given in [path]/CMakeLists.txt
Usually cmake output some messages while it is working, and after it is done without errors, you can type "make" to execute your newly created Makefile.
CMakeLists.txt files can reference other CMakeLists.txt file in sub-directories, so you are usually only interested by the CMakeLists.txt of the top directory, not the other ones.
Using an empty "build" directory is a technique called "out-of-source build", in which all your generated files (.o, executable, Makefile, .anything) are generated in the separate "build" directory and not mixed with source files. If you want to clean all, you can delete all the content of the build directory.
In fact, you can put your "build" directory in any place, as long as you give cmake the correct path of the top CMakeLists.txt. You can even have several build directories. It is very useful if you need several different builds at the same time (with different options, different versions of gcc, etc.)
In old programs, you generate the Makefile too, but using ./configure (this is called auto-tools. You may have encountered that already). cmake is considered a successor of the auto-tools.
cmake .. generates makefiles in the current directory, using ../CMakeLists.txt file as starting point. make command, executed after this, builds the program, using generated makefile(s) as an input. This is convenient to keep a source code and build results in different folders. General syntax is: cmake source-dir (of course, there are a lot of other switches).
Well, .. is shorthand for the parent folder, so it will presumably act upon whatever it finds in Box2D_v2.2.1.

What is nmake equivalent of 'configure --prefix=DIR && make all install '?

I would like my nmake output to go to a particular directory.
The short bit is that there isn't such a thing as Make and configure do two different things. The configure is what creates a Makefile, and a Makefile is what actually contains the compiler commands to build the software. Together they create what is called a build system. To specify the target directory, you'll need to review what creates that makefile for you. However, if you do not generate a Makefile, it is likely that there is a variable which you can override with your target directory, something like:nmake DESTDIR="Path"
With your added comment regarding your file, if it's set-up like this project, then you'll can use nmake PREFIX="Path"