Compiling and Running MFC Applications with Visual Studio 2008? - c++

I was wondering if anyone can provide a detailed explanation on how I can compile and execute a C++ MFC application in Visual Studio 2008 given that I already have a .h and .cpp file only.
I couldn't find a decent and up to date explanation anywhere and when I try to create a plain MFC project in VS08 I get a bunch of xxx.h xxxDoc.h xxxView.h files, I try and replace those files with my own .cpp and .h files but i get a ton of errors when I run it.
So just to summarize, how do I compile and run my MFC project's .h and .cpp files in Visual Studio 2008 and create an .exe?
Thanks in advance.

See here: Creating an MFC Application
This tutorial may help you as well: Introduction to MFC Applications

It depends on what you are trying to do, but deleting the files the wizard creates is not a good idea. They are there because you told it to put them there (by selecting MFC-SDI/MDI), so they are necessary for the basic initialization and such.
If you don't need the Doc/View architecture, you can create a Dialog Based application. Or, you can even use an MDI or SDI app, and not use the Doc and the View, but if you want to delete them you'll have to make sure there are no references to them. What you cannot delete is the "MyProject.cpp" (where the CWinApp derived class lays), which does the initialization of the application.
Another option is to create a Console application with MFC support. To do so, you have to select "Win32 console application" in the wizard and then check "Add headers for MFC".


How to add .ui file in Visual Studio (2010) project and compile it

I'm new in using Qt and I have a problem. I have created a simple window (.ui File) with Qt Designer and saved it.
Now I want compile it with Visual Studio 2010 . How can I add an external .ui file into my Visual Studio Project and compile it?
Should I create a new class in the project? If yes, how?
The best option (and probably the only one unless you are using CMake or similar) is to use the official Visual Studio Qt add-in (download from here): it will handle all the pre-processing steps required by some of Qt functionalities (C++ classes moc'ing, UI compilation...). It will also associate Qt files (.ui, .qrc, .ts) to respective editors.
Basically, you create a new Qt project, then create the .ui (you can use the one that comes with the template), create a class that inherits from the respective widget (QWidget, QDialog, QMainWindow) (again, there is one with the default project). From that class you setup the UI (you link the .ui and the C++ class, let's say), create slots and connect them with the UI elements, etc.
For a step-by-step tutorial please take a look at the official manual, specially the getting started section.

What type of Visual Studio project should I use?

I am going to be making a project with OpenCV and (probably) Qt for GUI and I was just wondering what kind of project I should create in visual studio? Would it be the Win32 Project or Win32 Console Application or just an Empty Project? A lot of them are quite obvious as I am not making a Dll or makefile but do not know the difference between the others. Thanks in advance.
Which type of project you decide to pick in Visual Studio depends what will best fits your needs. Since I do not know your exact needs, the best answer I can give is explain the difference between the types of Project Options and give examples when you would choose to use the given project:
Win32 Project: A Win32 Project is one of the options Visual Studio provides to you, and if chosen will provide the user with template code that generates a "window", that window being just like any other window (browser window, folder window, etc), but one that your program controls.
Examples: Making a calculator, making an application that needs a window with buttons for the user to communicate with the program, etc.
Win32 Console Application: In this option, Visual Studio provides a Command Prompt interface where the user can input data and also where output can appear. Basically it's the black window where you can input commands and receive information of what is happening in your program.
Examples: When testing out code (it makes debugging easier in some cases), when the program really doesn't need to be too elaborate, etc.
There are other options available, thou these two were mentioned in your post and are probably the most popular among developers.
After installing Qt and maybe a Qt-VisualStudio-Plugin you have some new options when creating a New Project:
You should choose Qt Application in most cases. Not sure if you can use a GUI with Qt Console Application, but you'll get a terminal/console in that case.
After choosing project name, you can easily choose the Qt Modules you'll need. This adds them to your project settings, so you don't have to add the manually (but I guess you can do so later if you need more modules).
The project will create a .ui file which you can open/edit with QtDesigner. The project will perform all the moc and uic compile steps automatically and you don't have to add those things manually.
I think this is the easiest way to use the combination of Qt and Visual Studio.
Adding OpenCV to Visual Studio is easy:
Just add the include directories and the correct OpenCV libraries.
The question whether to use a consolse application or not depends on your needs.
Personally, I like printing development output to a console, but maybe you don't want that in your final project ;)

How to get ATL support into an existing Windows application

I'm building an application using Qt 5.3.1 in Visual Studio 2012. I also want to use a hardware library which requires me to add a simple ATL object to the project. This can be done by using a Visual Studio wizard. The wizard complains that my project is neither an MFC executable nor an MFC DLL with full ATL support.
My question is: How can I add this support to my application? In the project properties I configured the project to link to the ATL and use the MFC. It did not work. Both statically and dynamically.
If there's another solution in order to add a simple ATL object to the project, please let me know.
The wizard which adds ATL support works on source code of the C++ project, including both checking if the current code is already ATL project, whether the project is okay for adding ATL support to, and code modification per se.
If the wizard "does not like" something in your project it displays an error which basically means that the wizard does know how to safely modify your source code. It does not however mean that adding ATL support is impossible. And enabling an option in project settings is insufficient since source code needs some explicit initialization stuff.
The best you can do to add ATL support without thinking too much about it, is to create a new empty project that matches the project type you currently have, e.g. MFC application. Then take a snapshot of source code, then add ATL support using the wizard. Then compare changes and duplicate them on your real project. The same applies to next step of adding ATL Simple Object using Visual Studio wizard.
Some relevant links (even though the method above looks the easiest to me):
How To Add ATL Support to an MFC EXE
Adding ATL support to existing mfc application
Add automation support to MFC DLL

How to use ActiveX dll in win32 C++ project visual studio 2010

Background: Vendor has provided me ActiveX Dll, no header files or .tlb file or anything such.
I am using Visual Stdio 2010 and using win32 C++.
The problem I am facing is how to load or reference dll?
I cannot reference the dll through solution explorer because it is unmanaged project.
When I try to use #import, it give me compile error saying XXX.tlb file not found. But I don't have .tlb type file.
The other option I tried was to open the dll with OLE viewer and copy the dll definitions and then paste in .idl extension file I created with Visual Studio. Then I executed midl on the idl file to create .h file but that did not help either. When I try use the classes, its gives me "abstract classes cannot be used or referenced" error.
There are other questions asked on the matter but not straight forward and the answers are not marked as answered or upvoted.
I want to know what are the different methods available to load the ActiveX dll in win32 C++ project in visual studio 2010 and which one should be preferred when? If there is a thread that actually addresses my issue please point me to that.
If you are able to see the interface definitions using OLE View it means that the type library is embedded into the dll resources. So if you use #import "YourActiveX.dll" it should work.
You need
Register the COM (Active X) component in windows using regsvr32 : regsvr32 my_dll.dll
Then use COM to interact with the component. This is a good tutorial.

Default project in Visual C++ 2008

In Visual C++ 2008 ( Professional Edition )it is impossible to create default project for a .cpp file. Sometimes it is inconvenient. Is there an edition of Visual C++ 2008 which allows it?
It's available, assuming you've already written the .cpp file. Use File + New + Project From Existing Code. You'll get a point-and-click wizard with a bunch of questions that need to be answered.
I reckon you'll use this a few times, then discover it is just simpler to start a new project from scratch with the Win32 Console Application template. Just add your .cpp to the project's Source Files folder.
Why you can't do this?
You can normally create Win32 C++ project and have with this .cpp file.
You mean you don't want to create a solution each time? There's no getting around this. It can be useful to create a Sandbox solution and just fill that up with .cpp files to throw your ideas around on.