WSDL/SOAP Test With soapui - web-services

I have tested my web services (wsdl/soap) with soapui. and i have the errors :
http/log : error 400 BAD REQUEST.
What can be the error please with my wsdl ?
error/log :
un Jun 05 14:10:37 CEST 2011:ERROR:javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at /html): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{}definitions'.
javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at /html): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{}definitions'.
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definitions is a root element of WSDL so it looks like you are not loading WSDL.
I tested it and it looks like the whole problem is with your web server. Your web server returns WSDL to browser but it doesn't return it to any tool because these tools are using very minimalistic HTTP requests without many HTTP headers. One of missing headers is Accept. Once this header is not included in the request your server throws HTTP 400 Bad request.
The easy approach to continue is opening WSDL in the browser, save the wsdl to a file and import that file to soapUI instead of the WSDL from URL.

Another possibility is that you need to add ?wsdl at the end of your service url for SoapUI.
That one got me as I'm used to WCFClient which didn't need it.

You can try opening the wsdl in web browser and saving with .wsdl extension. And set the WSDL in SOAP UI project to this .wsdl file.
This really works.

yes, first ensure you added "?wsdl" to your "http......whatever.svc" link.
That didn't fix my problem, though. I had to create a new WCF project from the beginning and manually copy the code. That fixed it. Good luck.
And most important!!!
When you change a namespace in your code, also make sure you change it in web.config!

I faced the same exception while trying to test my web-services deployed to WSO2 ESB.
WSO2 generated both wsdl and wsdl2. I tried to pass a wsdl2 URL and got the above exception. Quick googling showed me, that one of differences between wsdl1.1 and wsdl2.0 is replacing 'definitions' element with 'description'. Also, I found out, that SoapUI does not support wsdl2.
Therefore, for me the solution was to use wsdl1 url instead of wsdl2.

A likely possibility is that your browser reaches your web service through a proxy, and SoapUI is not configured to use that proxy. For example, I work in a corporate environment and while my IE and FireFox can access external websites, my SoapUI can only access internal web services.
The easy solution is to just open the WSDL in a browser, save it to a .xml file, and base your SoapUI project on that. This won't work if your WSDL relies on external XSDs that it can't get to, however.

For anyone hitting this issue in the future: the specific situation here ("the server isn't sending back the WSDL properly") may or may not always be relevant, but two key aspects should always be:
The message faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{}definitions' means that the actual content returned is not XML with a base element of "definitions" in the WSDL namespace.
The message WSDLException (at /html) tells you an important clue about what it did find — for this example, /html strongly implies that a normal webpage was returned, rather than a WSDL. Another common situation is seeing something like /soapenv:Reason, which would indicate that the server was trying to treat it as a SOAP call — for example, this can happen if your URL is for the "base" service URL rather than the WSDL.

I had the same problem, and the solution (for me) was to:
open SoapUI Preferences
click on SSL Settings
clear out the KeyStore and KeyStore Password text boxes
untick the bottom checkbox for Client Authentication, requires client authentication.

On AspNet services with .svc endding you must terminate URL as "?wsdl".
Otherwise, SoapUI will try to read the land page HTML of the Service (that is not a WSDL, right?)


Wsdl file changed on new server

We have deployed our webservice in liberty server.Earlier it was on IBM WAS. After deploying in liberty, we came to know that Webservices is running on CXF webservice framework. In WAS, it was Axis framework.
Another difference is that , changes happened in wsdl url & content. The old wsdl url is http://localhost:8080/Hello/HelloServices/Helloservices.wsdl and it contains xsd schema definition.
In the liberty server above wsdl url is not working and throwing file not found. But if we try to invoke http://localhost:8080/Hello/HelloServices?wsdl it's working.
Could anyone tell why old url is not working in New server. Is it due to server or inbuilt cxf framework in server.
Another team is using wsdl url to consume this webservice, with this new url they are not able to achieve it.
Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated..
Thanks in Advance
The main reason for this is the change in the JAX-WS implementations used by the different WebSphere profiles. CXF, unfortunately, hard codes the WSDL url to append ?wsdl in several locations and so this is something that is not possible to change in configuration. The easiest solution would to add a ServletFilter to check the incoming request url for http://localhost:8080/Hello/HelloServices/Helloservices.wsdl and then redirect the request to http://localhost:8080/Hello/HelloServices/Helloservices?wsdl.
There's a good SO post that shows how to write a ServletFilter to redirect here:
How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?
The other option would be to have the client side update either their code or configuration to account for the change to the WSDL URL.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException while initializing JAXWS consumer

I'm getting the below exception when the JAXWS Java consumer stub constructor is invoked. When I try via. SOAPUI everything is working fine and able to get correct response. It is a web server to multiple app server (Websphere 7.x clustered) setup. Consumer code looks fine. Provider code is fine, since it works in SOAPUI. There is some problem with Web Server and web server may respond with a HTML rather then XML. App Server doesn't get the request when trying via Java consumer and no logs are there. We tested in local app server without web server setup, it works. Don't know where the problem lies? Anybody can help? I'm using Axis2 that comes with WebSphere for hosting web service. Web Sphere reads annotations in implementation class to deploy web service. Generate WSDL automatically. WSDL Location I've not specified in implementation file, if it specified not works. No configuration file (web.xml, etc.,) i provide. It is not an HTTPS web service. I'm able to telnet to the web service server and get the WSDL via telnet. javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing 'http://ip:port/AppName/ServiceName'.: (http://ip:port/AppName/ServiceName%27.:) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory.createWebServiceException(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.loadDefinition(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.getDefinition(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.commonPartsURLConstructor(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.<init>(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.ServiceDescriptionImpl.setupWsdlDefinition(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.ServiceDescriptionImpl.<init>(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.ServiceDescriptionImpl.<init>(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.DescriptionFactoryImpl.createServiceDescription(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.DescriptionFactoryImpl.createServiceDescription(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.DescriptionFactory.createServiceDescription(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.ServiceDelegate.<init>(
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.Provider.createServiceDelegate(
at somepackage.servicename.<init>( are here hidden to maintain confidential
Caused by:
javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Problem parsing 'http://ip:port/AppName/ServiceName'.: (http://ip:port/AppName/ServiceName%27.:) org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper$
at org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper.loadDefinition(
... 70 more
Caused by:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
... 75 more </pre>
I'm not sure what's going wrong with wsdl retrieval for you, but if you can extract the wsdl (and any files it imports) from the remote service and just package them with your client directly, that will avoid retrieving the wsdl from the remote service for each invocation, which besides not working in your case, also degrades performance. Your client wsdllocation would change to file:///(something). If you're using a developer tool like RAD or WDT, it has an option to automatically retrieve the wsdl and package it with the client.

What difference step is happening while importing WSDL via browser Vs SOAPUI

I have a well reported problem with a simple WS deployed in Glassfish 4.1 , where I get the WSDL in browser but cant import it in SOAP UI or Eclipse(Kepler) .
IWAB0135E An unexpected error has occurred.
WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR:
My question is : What extra thing is happening while trying to access this location from SOAP UI / Eclipse WebService explorer Vs via browser ?
I would like to know what other areas I need to look at to trouble shoot this issue .
When loading a WSDL trough SOAP UI, it tries to parse it and does some validations of the WSDL in order to create a SOAP UI project and generate the empty requests for you. Eclipse also does these validations (On validate in the context menu, when a .WSDL is opened or when saving a .WSDL) - I've found them even more strict than the SOAP UI ones.
On the other hand, the browser doesn't do validation of the wsdl content, it just displays it as it is, and applies some default colours for rendering xml in order to make it more readable. But it would not complain if the wsdl is not formed correctly.

Call JBoss Webservice from another JBoss instance

I was trying to call Webservice on JBoss(A) from another JBoss server(B).
I can invoke Webservice deployed on JBoss(A) nicely from the Webservice Client which I created with source code made by "wsimport".
But when I deploy this client onto JBoss(B) and called from Servlet, the client threw exception.
Root of the exception is
Caused by: Could not find service named {http://searchrequest}HotelSearchWebService in wsdl http://xxxxxx:8080/schedule_jsf/HotelSearchWebService?wsdl
I double checked urls and names, nothing is wrong.(I mean same names and addresses with local client which works fine)
I was thinking simply deploy Websevice Client on Server and it will work happy forever.
But it seems like some specific configuration needed.
Does someone have any idea?
Or if somebody knows any example source code on the web.
I will be happy with any information.
I have solved the problem.
Somehow my pojo parameters that created by jaxb had empty element name.
When I added annotation attribute, it worked fine.
Now everything is OK, my server is working beautiful.
Thanks for your visit and have a nice day, everyone.

Invalid WSDL request message (HTTP 405) on WSDL request (Glassfish v3)

I've a web service, which is basically a #Stateless EJB annotated with #WebService, and other JAX-WS related annotations. I can deploy this bean on my machine's glassfish instance, and see its WSDL through Glassfish's administrative GUI. I can also call its methods without any problems, from a SE client.
When I deploy this web service to a server instance in any other machine, I can no longer browse its WSDL through glassfish, and the client fails to connect to the server. The message displayed is:
Invalid WSDL request: http://ip:port/context/serviceEndpoint?wsdl
The HTTP error returned by Glassfish on such request is 405 (method not allowed).
I browsed around, and couldn't get anything directly related to glassfish v3. There are issues open on Glassfish's bugzilla for version 2, meaning they're old and have been labelled as CLOSED/FIXED already.
Anyone ran into this before? Any help or any clues about what could be happening here?
Thanks in advance!
For the sake of those who might come across this problem one day: I had OpenSSO on the target server. And by many obvious reasons, it was a classpath clashing problem that prevented the WSDL to be generated by glassfish.
Once OpenSSO has been removed of the equation, everything worked as it was supposed too. So, even if you're not an OpenSSO user, check your classpath for multiple Metro instances, or any other JAX related library that might be conflicting with glassfish's own on your domain.