replacement for findfirst() and findnext() - c++

Is there any replacement for findfirst() and findnext().
I am using microsoft visual c++ 2010 express and it doesn't support these functions neither the header file <dir.h> ?
I was looking to count the number of files in the directory using these functions but i am having a problem without these functions.
If there is no replacement of the mentioned functions is there any other way out. ? Some other functions ?

As 'iammilind' said in the comments (probably worthy of an answer) - you can use the windows api's FindFirstFile and FindNextFile functions, you just have to fill up a struct and iterate through the latter until you reach an invalid handle. These functions do work on console, but you must include the 'Windows.h' header.
These functions do come with a couple of pitfalls however, and if you want your code to run on anything other than windows you're probably better off using another header/library (such as Boost::Filesystem, mentioned by vBx).
Also, this may be of help:
C++ - Load all filename + count the number of files in a current directory + filter file extension

You can use Boost.Filesystem for that

In Windows you can use: _findnext, _findnext64, _findnexti64, _wfindnext, _wfindnext64, _wfindnexti64

If you use MinGW Developer Studio, this might help:
Assuming that you have the files in the dir you want to look will be:
The code for the two files matching the pattern "s*" will be:
int main()
// the input pattern and output struct
char *pattern = "s*";
struct _finddata_t fileinfo;
// first file (sample1.txt)
int x = _findfirst(pattern, &fileinfo);
printf("%s" ,;
// next file (sample2.txt)
_findnext(x, &fileinfo);
printf("%s" ,;


How to read a file name containing 'œ' as character in C/C++ on windows

This post is not a duplicate of this one: dirent not working with unicode
Because here I'm using it on a different OS and I also don't want to do the same thing. The other thread is trying to simply count the files, and I want to access the file name which is more complex.
I'm trying to retrieve data information through files names on a windows 10 OS.
For this purpose I use dirent.h(external c library, but still very usefull also in c++).
DIR* directory = opendir(path);
struct dirent* direntStruct;
if (directory != NULL)
while (direntStruct = readdir(directory))
cout << direntStruct->d_name << endl;
This code is able to retrieve all files names located in a specific folder (one by one). And it works pretty well!
But when it encounter a file containing the character 'œ' then things are going crazy:
grosse blessure au cœur.txt
is read in my program as:
I'm not able to find the original data in the string name because as you can see my string variable has nothing to do with the current file name!
I can rename the file and it works, but I don't want to do this, I just need to read the data from that file name and it seems impossible. How can I do this?
On Windows you can use FindFirstFile() or FindFirstFileEx() followed by FindNextFile() to read the contents of a directory with Unicode in the returned file names.
Short File Name
The name you receive is the 8.3 short file name NTFS generates for non-ascii file names, so they can be accessed by programs that don't support unicode.
clinging to dirent
If dirent doesn't support UTF-16, your best bet may be to change your library.
However, depending on the implementation of the library you may have luck with:
adding / changing the manifest of your application to support UTF-8 in char-based Windows API's. This requires a very recent version of Windows 10.
see MSDN:
Use the UTF-8 code page under Windows - Apps - UWP - Design and UI - Usability - Globalization and localization.
setting the C++ Runtime's code page to UTF-8 using setlocale
I do not recommend this, and I don't know if this will work.
life is change
Use std::filesystem to enumerate directory content.
A simple example can be found here (see the "Update 2017").
Windows only
You can use FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW as platform API's that support UTF16 strings. However, with std::filesystem there's little reason to do so (at least for your use case).
If you're in C, use the OS functions directly, specifically FindFirstFileW and FindNextFileW. Note the W at the end, you want to use the wide versions of these functions to get back the full non-ASCII name.
In C++ you have more options, specifically with Boost. You have classes like recursive_directory_iterator which allow cross-platform file searching, and they provide UTF-8/UTF-16 file names.
Edit: Just to be absolutely clear, the file name you get back from your original code is correct. Due to backwards compatibility in Windows filesystems (FAT32 and NTFS), every file has two names: the "full", Unicode aware name, and the "old" 8.3 name from DOS days.
You can absolutely use the 8.3 name if you want, just don't show it to your users or they'll be (correctly) confused. Or just use the proper, modern API to get the real name.

How to properly navigate directory paths in C++

I'm working on a solution within Visual Studio. It currently has two projects.
I will represent Directories or folders with capitals letters, and filenames will be all lower case. My solution structure is as follows:
source files
shader files
source files
app.exe // debug build
app.exe // release build
Within ProjectLib I have a function to open and read my Shader files. Here is what my function looks like:
std::vector<char> VRXShader::readFile(std::string_view shadername) {
std::string filename = std::string("Shaders/");
std::ifstream file(, std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to open file!");
size_t fileSize = static_cast<size_t>(file.tellg());
std::vector<char> buffer(fileSize);
file.seekg(0);, fileSize);
return buffer;
This function is being called within my VRXDevices::createPipeline function and here is the relevant code:
void VRXDevices::createPipeline(
VkDevice device, VkExtent2D swapChainExtent, VkRenderPass renderPass,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& shaderNames,
VkPipelineLayout& pipelineLayout, VkPipeline& pipeline
) {
std::vector<std::vector<char>> shaderCodes;
for (auto& name : shaderNames) {
auto shaderCode = VRXShader::readFile(;
// .... more code
The names are being created and passed to this function from my VRXEngine::initVulkan function which can be seen here:
void VRXEngine::initVulkan(
std::string_view app_name, std::string_view engine_name,
glm::ivec3 app_version, glm::ivec3 engine_version
) {
//... code
std::vector<std::string_view> shaderFilenames{ "vert.spv", "frag.spv" };
VRXDevices::createPipeline(device_, swapChainExtent_, renderPass_, shaderFilenames, pipelineLayout_, graphicsPipeline_);
I'm using just the name of the shader files such as vert.spv, frag.spv, geom.spv etc. I'm not including the paths here because these will be used as the key to a std::map<string_view, object>. So I'm passing a vector of these names from my ::initVulkan function into ::createPipeline().
Within ::createPipeline() is where ::readFile() is being called passing in the string_view.
Now as for my question... within ::readFile() I'm creating a local string and trying to initialize it with the appropriate path... then append to it the string_view for the shader's filename as can be seen from these two lines...
std::string filename = std::string("Shaders/");
I'm trying to figure out the appropriate string to initialize filename with... Shaders/ will be a part of the name, but it's not finding the file and I'm not sure what the appropriate prefix should be...
My working directories within both projects are as follows:
ProjectApp -> $(SolutionDir)x64/Release AND $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug
ProjectLib -> $(SolutionDir)x64/Release AND $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug
So I need to go back 2 directories then into VRX Engine/Shader...
What is the correct string value for navigating back directories?
Would I initialize filename with "../../VRX Engine/Shaders/" or is it "././" also, should I have quotes around VRX Engine since there is a space in the folder name? What do I need to initialize filename with before I append the shader name to it?
How to properly navigate directory paths in C++
It depends on which C++ standard your implementation claims to be compliant with.
Or else which additional libraries can you use.
C++ is useful on computers without directories (e.g. inside some operating system kernel coded in C++ and compiled with GCC, see OSDEV for examples).
Look on for details.
Licensing constraints could matter when using extra open source libraries.
If your implementation is C++17 compliant (in a "hosted" not "freestanding" way), use the std::filesystem part of the standard library.
If your operating system supports the Qt or POCO frameworks and you are allowed to use them (e.g. on C++11), you could use appropriate APIs. So QDir and related classes with Qt, Poco::Path and related classes with POCO.
Perhaps you want to code just for the WinAPI. Then read its documentation (I never coded on Windows myself, just on POSIX or Unix -e.g. Linux- and MSDOS....).
I was originally initializing my local temp string properly with "../../VRX Engine/Shaders/" before appending the string_view to it to be able to open the file. This was actually correct, but because it didn't initially work, I was assuming that it was wrong.
The correct string value for going back one directory should be "../" at least on Windows, I'm not sure about Linux, Mac, Android, etc...
My problem wasn't with the string at all, it pertained to settings within my projects. Within my project that builds into an executable, I had its working directory set to $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug and $(SolutionDir)x64/Release respectively which is correct for my solutions structure.
The issue was within my Engine project that is being built as a static library. Within its settings for its working directory, I had forgotten to modify both of the Debug and Release build options... These were still set to the default values of Visual Studio which I believe is (ProjectDir). Once I changed these to $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug and $(SolutionDir)x64/Release to match that of my ApplicationProject, I was able to open and read the contents of the files.

Move a text file from one location to another in Turbo C++

I have been trying to use the following code snippet to move a text file from one location to another (to a folder on the Desktop). However, the method of using the REN function of DOSBox or the rename function of C++ has failed.
char billfile[] = "Text.txt";
char path[67] = "ren C:\\TURBOC3\\Projects\\";
strcat(path, billfile);
strcat(path, " C:\\Users\\Admini~1\\Desktop\\Bills");
Are there any other alternatives to this?
P.S.: This is for a school project, where Turbo C++ has to be used
Corresponding to this website for stdio.h the TurboC run-time library supports the rename function.
So even if you are obliged to use a totally outdated tool like TurboC++ it's not necessary to spawn a new process with the system function just to rename the file.
If you are using the Win32 API then consider looking into the functions CopyFile or CopyFileEx.
You can use the first in a way similar to the following:
CopyFile( szFilePath.c_str(), szCopyPath.c_str(), FALSE );
This will copy the file found at the contents of szFilePath to the contents of szCopyPath, and will return FALSE if the copy was unsuccessful. To find out more about why the function failed you can use the GetLastError() function and then look up the error codes in the Microsoft Documentation.

Method for abstracting filesystems in a C program

I'm starting out a program in SDL which obviously needs to load resources for the filesystem.
I'd like file calls within the program to be platform-independent. My initial idea is to define a macro (lets call it PTH for path) that is defined in the preprocessor based on system type and and then make file calls in the program using it.
For example
would simply translate to something filesystem-relevant.
If macros are the accepted way of doing this, what would such macros look like (how can I check for which system is in use, concatenate strings in the macro?)
If not, what is the accepted way of doing this?
The Boost Filesystem module is probably your best bet. It has override for the "/" operator on paths so you can do stuff like...
ifstream file2( arg_path / "foo" / "bar" );
GLib has a number of portable path-manipulation functions. If you prefer C++, there's also boost::filesystem.
There's no need to have this as a macro.
One common approach is to abstract paths to use the forward slash as a separator, since that (almost accidentally!) maps very well to a large proportion of actual platforms. For those where it doesn't, you simply translate inside your file system implementation layer.
Looking at the python implementation for OS9 os.path.join (macpath)
def join(s, *p):
path = s
for t in p:
if (not s) or isabs(t):
path = t
if t[:1] == ':':
t = t[1:]
if ':' not in path:
path = ':' + path
if path[-1:] != ':':
path = path + ':'
path = path + t
return path
I'm not familiar with developing under SDL on older Macs. Another alternative in game resources is to use a package file format, and load the resources into memory directly (such as a map < string, SDL_Surface > )
Thereby you would load one file (perhaps even a zip, unzipped at load time)
I would simply do the platform-equivalent version of chdir(data_base_dir); in your program's startup code, then use relative unix-style paths of the form "images/filename". The last systems where this would not work were MacOS 9, which is completely irrelevant now.

How to create a text file in a folder on the desktop

I have a problem in my project. There is a project folder on my desktop. I want to create a text file and write something include this text file. That is my code:
ofstream example("/Users/sample/Desktop/save.txt");
But I want to it could been run the other mac. I don't know what I should write addres for save.txt.
Can anyone help me?
Create a file and write some text to it is simple, here is a sample code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::ofstream o("/Users/sample/Desktop/save.txt");
o << "Hello, World\n" << std::endl;
return 0;
I hope that answers your question but I am not sure if i understand your question correctly, If not please add the details correctly of what you are trying to acheive.
Okay I guess the comment clears the problem.
Your real question is, You want to save the file in the desktop of the user who is playing the game. So getting the path of the current user's desktop is the problem.
I am not sure if there is an portable way to get desktop path but it can be done in following ways:
In Windows:
Using the SHGetSpecialFolderPath() function.
Sample code:
char saveLocation[MAX_PATH] = {0};
SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, saveLocation, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, FALSE);
//Now saveLocation contains the path to the desktop
//Append your file name to it
ofstream o(saveLocation);
In Linux:
By using environment variables $HOME
sample code:
string path(getenv("HOME"));
path += "/Desktop/save.txt";
ofstream o(path);
Rules defining where-you-should-save-file vary from platform to platform. One option would be to have it part of your compile script (that is you #define SAVEGAME_PATH as part of your compilation configuration), and thus your code itself remain more platform-agnostic.
The alternative is to find a save-data-management library that is already designed to be ported across different platforms. Whether it'd be a C or C++ or whatever-binary-interoperable library then no longer matters.
Just don't expect that to be part of C++ (the language).
if you want your program to run across platform,you'd better use the
relative path.
eg. "./output.txt",or better “GetSystemDirectory()”to obtain the system
directory to create a file,and then you could write or read the file
with the same path..