Django Form 2 Stages - django

I'm trying to make a Django order system that requires 2 forms. The first form, lets users choose some some quantities and basic contact info some. Then, using the quantities of each item they ordered I generate a 2nd form which allows them to choose some options for each item. This system is specifically for event tickets. Here are the 2 stages:
1) Get the order info such as name, address, phone of the person placing the order. Also find out how many people are coming to each of the possible events.
2) Based on the number of people per event, get their name and e-mail address.
I already have both forms created. I am just getting tripped up in the views. When they submit form 1, I need to take that info and save some of it and then send them to form 2. At form 2, they will fill out the rest of the info and finish processing.
How would you set up the views in such as case? I essentially nee-d to call on view form another and pass data between. I tried using kwargs, but I have trouble processing the second form.

Without seeing your models, it's hard to give an exact solution, but one approach is to have two separate views, one for each form.
Once you've processed the first form, you're most likely going to have an instance of some object that you created from the first form. It sounds like you just need to pass the id of that object to your next view where you could then get that object and do whatever association you need.
Also, it sounds like you might need to be collecting data from several instances of a form...
(2) Based on the number of people per event, get their name and e-mail
You'll want to use a formset for that.


Django (GET) - Is it posible to pass multiple values in only one parameter, instead of multiple parameters called the same

I'm developing an web app with Django to query and download data from multiple weather stations. It's almost everything good but something that I don't like it's that when I filter by stations, the form passes them to the URL like this:
And since the number of selected stations can reach more than 250 (this added to the fact that spatial data are also passed in the URL as coordinates, polygons...), I would like to know if there is any way to obtain the "station_name" parameter in a list format like this or similar, for me to later divide it in my
On the other hand, I'm not sure if there are any contraindications when generating too long URLs, if not I have no problem maintaining the current format, but otherwise I would like to find a solution.
Thanks in advance
Edit: If it helps, I'm using the Select2MultipleWidget widget for this field.

Django, Can i call view in execution time? best method

I have a question, i explain, i have a form with two modelchoicefield and i want to fill the second modelchoice when the first is changed, both depend on from two tables joined with a foreign key relation then when i choice a value in the first modelchoice the second should load their values.
Please anyone knows the best way to do this?
Simple method would be to make selecting the first choice a post event. This would post the form at that stage back to the server, then your view code can render a new form with the second choice options based on whatever logic you need it to.
For a better UX you could run some AJAX on the page that will request the choices for the second field when the first has been selected.

Keep track of all objects created using a form

Ok, this might take a bit of explanation.
I have a class called PurchaceOrder, which has a form with 18 fields. A lot of the time, there will be several PurchaceOrders with the first 12 fields being the same. To facilitate this (and remove the chance of a user making an error when trying to make the 12 fields the same every time) I have a form that allows the user to add more than one PurchaceOrder with the first 12 Fields being carried over from one entry to the next. This is all fine and good, and is working very well.
However; I need a splash page after the user is done adding all of his/her PurchaceOrders, that shows all the entries that were just made. This means I need to track the new entries that are being created, but I can't think of a way to do this. For now I'm just filtering the categories, so that the PurchaceOrders with the first 12 fields being the same as the ones just entered are displayed, but this obviously won't really work (there could be a previous entry that has those 12 fields that are the same). What I'd really like to have is a list of Primary Keys of the entries that were just created. I could then pass this information onto the view that's responsible for the confirmation landing page.
In my current view I have the following:
if form.is_valid():
My thinking was that I could then do something like:
pks = [pks,]
I don't know where I would instantiate the list. If I did it in the view, it would be whipped out every time the page was reloaded.
I'd appreciate any help.
My first thought would be to have a separate class/method/function that keeps track of the PurchaceOrder's in each form. The ID could be tied to the result through a database or array/linked list that is auto-incremented when a new PurchaceOrder is created.
As far as instantiating the list, have it instantiated when the class is first called, or have it as a separate class. After writing that, a separate class makes more sense, which is probably why I posted it that way originally.
After leaving this alone for a long time, I've finally come up with a suitable solution. What I've done is created a url conf that has a regex of (?P<match>/+)/in it. That rexeg will be used to contain an arbitrary number of primary keys separated by /. I use this to store all of the primary keys of the PurchaseOrders that have been created (that is, when I create PurchaseOrder number 15, it redirects me to /new/15, then when I create number 16, it directs me to /new/15/16/, and so on. Then when I'm ready to confirm, I'm sent to /confirm/15/16/ and I can easily access the pk's of the entries I've just created by calling pks=match.split('/'). I can then simply iterate through pks and do something for each object. I think it's an elegant solution, as long as you don't mind your user seeing the primary keys in the url.

Django admin store dynamic formset added with ajax

I'm currently implementing a solution using django admin, it allows users to define in the db a product, and then custom attributes and details, more details may be aggregated by a common attribute, this allows me to query with ajax a custom view that returns some JSON data to build automagically the form fields that I need directly in the same formset view (manipulating the DOM).
The current DB design follows this schema:
Catalog(name, description, photo)
Product(rel_catalog, name, base_price, photo, manufacturer_email)
ProductDetail(rel_product, rel_attribute, percentage_price, fixed_price)
ProductAttribute(rel_product, name, description)
As you may see I have a catalog, where there can be more products, a lot of details per product, aggregated by attributes. Then I simple show by default the Catalog, then the select with all available products for that catalog, then, choosing the right Product, I obtain the complete form (each row has a label with and a select with related ProductDetail).
All works pretty dam good, but I also need to store this references in the DB when someone completes the form (making an order with choosen products). This forms are displayed as StackedInline (the ModelAdmin is for the Order).
I don't know how many options there may be per product so I was thinking to use this design to track orders:
Order(customer, status, notes, tot_price, inserted_by)
OrderItem(rel_order, catalog, product, unit_price)
But I don't know how to store the dynamic added inputs...
I was thiking to implement OrderItemProperty(rel_orderitem, rel_productdetail, rel_productattribute) to store each single input... but how do I loop over this unknown fields?
Maybe do you suggest a better design?
If you need more code just ask for it and I'll reply with a pastebin link.
Finally I got a working solution,
I've created a custom view, overriding the default "add/" view, this way I can customize whatever I want to and I can read the POST data handling each validation, putting then the data in the right model.

Django create several records at a time

I want to be able to create as many records as a user wants for a database table in a single form.
For example, there will be some inputs for the data required for a record and at the end of the line a "+" button that would make a new line of inputs appear. There should be no limit to the number of lines and when the user clicks on the single submit button, all of the records would be inserted.
Thing is : I don't know how to make a new line appear dynamically, I suppose I have to use jquery for that but I'm kind of a newbie :)
And I don't know how I can iterate through all the lines dynamically added.
If someone can point to an example or something, it'd save me a lot of hair pulling !
By following this blog post I managed to do that. I have one last problem which is : when I try to insert several records at one time, it keeps the last one fine, but the previous ones are considered empty. It tells me that the fields are required, I fill them up and click on save and only then it saves them allright.
Maybe I'll ask a new question for this!
Start here:
I suppose I have to use jquery for that
That can also work.
And I don't know how I can iterate through all the lines dynamically added.
You'll get all the fields of the form (all of them) in your request.POST object. If you use a formset, it will largely be handled by the form's clean() and save() methods.