Processing conditional statements - c++

I'm not looking for an implementation, just pseudo-code, or at least an algorithm to handle this effectively. I need to process statements like these:
(a) # if(a)
(a,b) # if(a || b)
(a+b) # if(a && b)
(a+b,c) # same as ((a+b),c) or if((a&&b) || c)
(a,b+c) # same as (a,(b|c)) or if(a || (b&&c))
So the + operator takes precedence over the , operator. (so my + is like mathematical multiplication with , being mathematical addition, but that is just confusing).
I think a recursive function would be best, so I can handle nested parentheses nice and easy by a recursive call. I'll also take care of error handling once the function returns, so no worries there. The problems I'm having:
I just don't know how to tackle the precedence thing. I could return true as soon as I see a , and the previous value was true. Otherwise, I'll rerun the same routine. A plus would effectively be a bool multiplication (ie true*true=true, true*false=false etc...).
Error detection: I've thought up several schemes to handle the input, but there are a lot of ugly bad things I want to detect and print an error to the user. None of the schemes I thought of handle errors in a unified (read: centralized) place in the code, which would be nice for maintainability and readability:
Detecting these in my "routine" above should take care of bad input. Of course I'll check end-of-input each time I read a token.
Of course I'll have the problem of maybe having o read the full text file if there are unmatched parenthesis, but hey, people should avoid such tension.
EDIT: Ah, yes, I forgot the ! which should also be usable like the classic not operator:
Tiny update for those interested: I had an uninformed wild go at this, and wrote my own implementation from scratch. It may not be pretty enough for the die-hards, so hence this question on codereview.

The shunting-yard algorithm is easily implementable in a relatively short amount of code. It can be used to convert an infix expression like those in your examples into postfix expressions, and evaluation of a postfix expression is Easy-with-a-capital-E (you don't strictly need to complete the infix-to-postfix conversion; you can evaluate the postfix output of the shunting yard directly and just accumulate the result as you go along).
It handles operator precedence, parentheses, and both unary and binary operators (and with a little effort can be modified to handle infix ternary operators, like the conditional operator in many languages).

Write it in yacc (bison) it becomes trivial.
/* Yeacc Code */
%token LITERAL
Expression: OrExpression
OrExpression: AndExpression
| OrExpression ',' AndExpression
AndExpression: NotExpression
| AndExpression '+' NotExpression
NotExpression: PrimaryExpression
| '!' NotExpression
PrimaryExpression: Identifier
| Literal
| '(' Expression ')'
Literal: LITERAL
Identifier: IDENTIFIER

There's probably a better (there's definitely a more concise) description of this, but I learned how to do this from this tutorial many years ago:
It's a very easy read for non-programmers too (like me). You'll need only the first few chapters.


C++ parsing expressions, breaking down the order of evaluation

I'm trying to write an expression parser. One part I'm stuck on is breaking down an expression into blocks via its appropriate order of precedence.
I found the order of precedence for C++ operators here. But where exactly do I split the expression based on this?
I have to assume the worst of the user. Here's a really messy over-exaggerated test example:
if (test(s[4]) < 4 && b + 3 < r && a!=b && ((c | e) == (g | e)) ||
r % 7 < 4 * givemeanobj(a & c & e, b, hello(c)).method())
Perhaps it doesn't even evaluate, and if it doesn't I still need to break it down to determine that.
It should break down into blocks of singles and pairs connected by operators. Essentially it breaks down into a tree-structure where the branches are the groupings, and each node has two branches.
Following the order of precedence the first thing to do would be to evaluate the givemeanobj(), however that's an easy one to see. The next would be the multiplication sign. Does that split everything before the * into a separate , or just the 4? 4 * givemeanobj comes before the <, right? So that's the first grouping?
Is there a straightforward rule to follow for this?
Is there a straightforward rule to follow for this?
Yes, use a parser generator such as ANTLR. You write your language specification formally, and it will generate code which parses all valid expressions (and no invalid ones). ANTLR is nice in that it can give you an abstract syntax tree which you can easily traverse and evaluate.
Or, if the language you are parsing is actually C++, use Clang, which is a proper compiler and happens to be usable as a library as well.

Regular expression in C++ for mathematical expressions

I have this trouble: I must verify the correctness of many mathematical expressions especially check for consecutive operators + - * /.
For example:
is ok while
I am not using the library <regex> since it is only compatible with C++11.
Is there a alternative method to solve this problem? Thanks.
You can use a regular expression to verify everything about a mathematical expression except the check that parentheses are balanced. That is, the regular expression will only ensure that open and close parentheses appear at the point in the expression they should appear, but not their correct relationship with other parentheses.
So you could check both that the expression matches a regex and that the parentheses are balanced. Checking for balanced parentheses is really simple if there is only one type of parenthesis:
bool check_balanced(const char* expr, char open, char close) {
int parens = 0;
for (const char* p = expr; *p; ++p) {
if (*p == open) ++parens;
else if (*p == close && parens-- == 0) return false;
return parens == 0;
To get the regular expression, note that mathematical expressions without function calls can be summarized as:
BEFORE is sub-regex which matches an open parenthesis or a prefix unary operator (if you have prefix unary operators; the question is not clear).
AFTER is a sub-regex which matches a close parenthesis or, in the case that you have them, a postfix unary operator.
BETWEEN is a sub-regex which matches a binary operator.
VALUE is a sub-regex which matches a value.
For example, for ordinary four-operator arithmetic on integers you would have:
BEFORE: [-+(]
AFTER: [)]
BETWEEN: [-+*/]
VALUE: [[:digit:]]+
and putting all that together you might end up with the regex:
If you have a Posix C library, you will have the <regex.h> header, which gives you regcomp and regexec. There's sample code at the bottom of the referenced page in the Posix standard, so I won't bother repeating it here. Make sure you supply REG_EXTENDED in the last argument to regcomp; REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB, as in the example code, is probably even better since you don't need captures and not asking for them will speed things up.
You can loop over each charin your expression.
If you encounter a + you can check whether it is follow by another +, /, *...
Additionally you can group operators together to prevent code duplication.
int i = 0
while(!EOF) {
switch(expression[i]) {
case '+':
case '*': //Do your syntax checks here
Well, in general case, you can't solve this with regex. Arithmethic expressions "language" can't be described with regular grammar. It's context-free grammar. So if what you want is to check correctness of an arbitrary mathemathical expression then you'll have to write a parser.
However, if you only need to make sure that your string doesn't have consecutive +-*/ operators then regex is enough. You can write something like this [-+*/]{2,}. It will match substrings with 2 or more consecutive symbols from +-*/ set.
Or something like this ([-+*/]\s*){2,} if you also want to handle situations with spaces like 5+ - * 123
Well, you will have to define some rules if possible. It's not possible to completely parse mathamatical language with Regex, but given some lenience it may work.
The problem is that often the way we write math can be interpreted as an error, but it's really not. For instance:
5--3 can be 5-(-3)
So in this case, you have two choices:
Ensure that the input is parenthesized well enough that no two operators meet
If you find something like --, treat it as a special case and investigate it further
If the formulas are in fact in your favor (have well defined parenthesis), then you can just check for repeats. For instance:
If you have a match, it means you have a poorly formatted equation and you can throw it out (or whatever you want to do).
You can check for this, using the following regex. You can add more constraints to the [..][..]. I'm giving you the basics here:
which will work for the following examples (and more):
An alternative, probably a better one, is just write a parser. it will step by step process the equation to check it's validity. A parser will, if well written, 100% accurate. A Regex approach leaves you to a lot of constraints.
There is no real way to do this with a regex because mathematical expressions inherently aren't regular. Heck, even balancing parens isn't regular. Typically this will be done with a parser.
A basic approach to writing a recursive-descent parser (IMO the most basic parser to write) is:
Write a grammar for a mathematical expression. (These can be found online)
Tokenize the input into lexemes. (This will be done with a regex, typically).
Match the expressions based on the next lexeme you see.
Recurse based on your grammar
A quick Google search can provide many example recursive-descent parsers written in C++.

Why alternative keywords are not famous in place of in-built ascii operators? [duplicate]

Or are we all sticking to our taught "&&, ||, !" way?
Any thoughts in why we should use one or the other?
I'm just wondering because several answers state thate code should be as natural as possible, but I haven't seen a lot of code with "and, or, not" while this is more natural.
I like the idea of the not operator because it is more visible than the ! operator. For example:
if (! { ... }
if (not { ... }
I suggest that the second one is more visible and readable. I don't think the same argument necessarily applies to the and and or forms, though.
"What's in a name? That which we call &&, || or !
By any other name would smell as sweet."
In other words, natural depends on what you are used to.
Those were not supported in the old days. And even now you need to give a special switch to some compilers to enable these keywords. That's probably because old code base may have had some functions || variables named "and" "or" "not".
One problem with using them (for me anyway) is that in MSVC you have to include iso646.h or use the (mostly unusable) /Za switch.
The main problem I have with them is the Catch-22 that they're not commonly used, so they require my brain to actively process the meaning, where the old-fashioned operators are more or less ingrained (kind of like the difference between reading a learned language vs. your native language).
Though I'm sure I'd overcome that issue if their use became more universal. If that happened, then I'd have the problem that some boolean operators have keywords while others don't, so if alternate keywords were used, you might see expressions like:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y == z) or (z <= something)) {...}
when it seems to me they should have alternate tokens for all the (at least comparison) operators:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y eq z) or (z lt_eq something)) {...}
This is because the reason the alternate keywords (and digraphs and trigraphs) were provided was not to make the expressions more readable - it was because historically there have been (and maybe still are) keyboards and/or codepages in some localities that do not have certain punctuation characters. For example, the invariant part of the ISO 646 codepage (surprise) is missing the '|', '^' and '~' characters among others.
Although I've been programming C++ from quite some time, I did not know that the keywords "and" "or" and "not" were allowed, and I've never seen it used.
I searched through my C++ book, and I found a small section mentioning alternative representation for the normal operators "&&", "||" and "!", where it explains those are available for people with non-standard keyboards that do not have the "&!|" symbols.
A bit like trigraphs in C.
Basically, I would be confused by their use, and I think I would not be the only one.
Using a representation which is non-standard, should really have a good reason to be used.
And if used, it should be used consistently in the code, and described in the coding standard.
The digraph and trigraph operators were actually designed more for systems that didn't carry the standard ASCII character set - such as IBM mainframes (which use EBCDIC). In the olden days of mechanical printers, there was this thing called a "48-character print chain" which, as its name implied, only carried 48 characters. A-Z (uppercase), 0-9 and a handful of symbols. Since one of the missing symbols was an underscore (which rendered as a space), this could make working with languages like C and PL/1 a real fun activity (is this 2 words or one word with an underscore???).
Conventional C/C++ is coded with the symbols and not the digraphs. Although I have been known to #define "NOT", since it makes the meaning of a boolean expression more obvious, and it's visually harder to miss than a skinny little "!".
I wish I could use || and && in normal speech. People try very hard to misunderstand when I say "and" or "or"...
I personally like operators to look like operators. It's all maths, and unless you start using "add" and "subtract" operators too it starts to look a little inconsistent.
I think some languages suit the word-style and some suit the symbols if only because it's what people are used to and it works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
There is also the question of precedence, which seems to be one of the reasons for introducing the new operators, but who can be bothered to learn more rules than they need to?
In cases where I program with names directly mapped to the real world, I tend to use 'and' and 'or', for example:
if(isMale or isBoy and age < 40){}
It's nice to use 'em in Eclipse+gcc, as they are highlighted. But then, the code doesn't compile with some compilers :-(
Using these operators is harmful. Notice that and and or are logical operators whereas the similar-looking xor is a bitwise operator. Thus, arguments to and and or are normalized to 0 and 1, whereas those to xor aren't.
Imagine something like
char *p, *q; // Set somehow
if(p and q) { ... } // Both non-NULL
if(p or q) { ... } // At least one non-NULL
if(p xor q) { ... } // Exactly one non-NULL
Bzzzt, you have a bug. In the last case you're testing whether at least one of the bits in the pointers is different, which probably isn't what you thought you were doing because then you would have written p != q.
This example is not hypothetical. I was working together with a student one time and he was fond of these literate operators. His code failed every now and then for reasons that he couldn't explain. When he asked me, I could zero in on the problem because I knew that C++ doesn't have a logical xor operator, and that line struck me as very odd.
BTW the way to write a logical xor in C++ is
!a != !b
I like the idea, but don't use them. I'm so used to the old way that it provides no advantage to me doing it either way. Same holds true for the rest of our group, however, I do have concerns that we might want to switch to help avoid future programmers from stumbling over the old symbols.
So to summarize: it's not used a lot because of following combination
old code where it was not used
habit (more standard)
taste (more math-like)
Thanks for your thoughts

Initiating Short circuit rule in Bison for && and || operations

I'm programming a simple calculator in Bison & Flex , using C/C++ (The logic is done in Bison , and the C/C++ part is responsible for the data structures , e.g. STL and more) .
I have the following problem :
In my calculator the dollar sign $ means i++ and ++i (both prefix and postfix) , e.g. :
int y = 3;
-> $y = 4
-> y$ = 4
When the user hits : int_expression1 && int_expression2 , if int_expression1 is evaluated to 0 (i.e. false) , then I don't wan't bison to evaluate int_expression2 !
For example :
int a = 0 ;
int x = 2 ;
and the user hits : int z = a&&x$ ...
So , the variable a is evaluated to 0 , hence , I don't want to evaluate x , however it still grows by 1 ... here is the code of the bison/c++ :
int int_value;
double double_value;
char* string_value;
%type <int_value> int_expr
%type <double_value> double_expr
%type <double_value> cmp_expr
| int_expr '&&' int_expr { /* And operation between two integers */
if ($1 == 0)
$$ = 0;
else // calc
$$ = $1 && $3;
How can I tell bison to not evaluate the second expression , if the first one was already evaluated to false (i.e. 0) ?
Converting extensive commentary into an answer:
How can I tell Bison to not evaluate the second expression if the first one was already evaluated to false?
It's your code that does the evaluation, not Bison; put the 'blame' where it belongs.
You need to detect that you're dealing with an && rule before the RHS is evaluated. The chances are that you need to insert some code after the && and before the second int_expr that suspends evaluation if the first int_expr evaluates to 0. You'll also need to modify all the other evaluation code to check for and obey a 'do not evaluate' flag.
Alternatively, you have the Bison do the parsing and create a program that you execute when the parse is complete, rather than evaluating as you parse. That is a much bigger set of changes.
Are you sure regarding putting some code before the second int_expr ? I can't seem to find a plausible way to do that. It's a nice trick, but I can't find a way to actually tell Bison not to evaluate the second int_expr, without ruining the entire evaluation.
You have to write your code so that it does not evaluate when it is not supposed to evaluate. The Bison syntax is:
| int_expr '&&' {...code 1...} int_expr {...code 2...}
'Code 1' will check on $1 and arrange to stop evaluating (set a global variable or something similar). 'Code 2' will conditionally evaluate $4 (4 because 'code 1' is now $3). All evaluation code must obey the dictates of 'code 1' — it must not evaluate if 'code 1' says 'do not evaluate'. Or you can do what I suggested and aselle suggested; parse and evaluate separately.
I second aselle's suggestion about The UNIX Programming Environment. There's a whole chapter in there about developing a calculator (they call it hoc for higher-order calculator) which is worth reading. Be aware, though, that the book was published in 1984, and pre-dates the C standard by a good margin. There are no prototypes in the C code, and (by modern standards) it takes a few liberties. I do have hoc6 (the last version of hoc they describe; also versions 1-3) in modern C — contact me if you want it (see my profile).
That's the problem: I can't stop evaluating in the middle of the rule, since I cannot use return (I can, but of no use; it causes the program to exit). | intExpr '&&' { if ($1 == 0) {/* turn off a flag */ } } intExpr { /* code */} After I exit $3 the $4 is being evaluated automatically.
You can stop evaluating in the middle of a rule, but you have to code your expression evaluation code block to take the possibility into account. And when I said 'stop evaluating', I meant 'stop doing the calculations', not 'stop the parser in its tracks'. The parsing must continue; your code that calculates values must only evaluate when evaluation is required, not when no evaluation is required. This might be an (ugh!) global flag, or you may have some other mechanism.
It's probably best to convert your parser into a code generator and execute the code after you've parsed it. This sort of complication is why that is a good strategy.
#JonathanLeffler: You're indeed the king ! This should be an answer !!!
Now it is an answer.
You almost assuredly want to generate some other representation before evaluating in your calculator. A parse tree or ast are classic methods, but a simple stack machine is also popular. There are many great examples of how to do this, but my favorite is
That shows how to take a simple direct evaluation tool like you have made in yacc (old bison) and take it all the way to a programming language that is almost as powerful as BASIC. All in very few pages. It's a very old book but well worth the read.
You can also look at SeExpr
which is a simple expression language calculator for scalars and 3 vectors. If you look at
on line 313 you will see the && implementation of he eval() function:
SeExprAndNode::eval(SeVec3d& result) const
// operands and result must be scalar
SeVec3d a, b;
if (!a[0]) {
result[0] = 0;
} else {
result[0] = (b[0] != 0.0);
That file contains all objects that represent operations in the parse tree. These objects are generated as the code is parsed (these are the actions in yacc). Hope this helps.

Is anybody using the named boolean operators?

Or are we all sticking to our taught "&&, ||, !" way?
Any thoughts in why we should use one or the other?
I'm just wondering because several answers state thate code should be as natural as possible, but I haven't seen a lot of code with "and, or, not" while this is more natural.
I like the idea of the not operator because it is more visible than the ! operator. For example:
if (! { ... }
if (not { ... }
I suggest that the second one is more visible and readable. I don't think the same argument necessarily applies to the and and or forms, though.
"What's in a name? That which we call &&, || or !
By any other name would smell as sweet."
In other words, natural depends on what you are used to.
Those were not supported in the old days. And even now you need to give a special switch to some compilers to enable these keywords. That's probably because old code base may have had some functions || variables named "and" "or" "not".
One problem with using them (for me anyway) is that in MSVC you have to include iso646.h or use the (mostly unusable) /Za switch.
The main problem I have with them is the Catch-22 that they're not commonly used, so they require my brain to actively process the meaning, where the old-fashioned operators are more or less ingrained (kind of like the difference between reading a learned language vs. your native language).
Though I'm sure I'd overcome that issue if their use became more universal. If that happened, then I'd have the problem that some boolean operators have keywords while others don't, so if alternate keywords were used, you might see expressions like:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y == z) or (z <= something)) {...}
when it seems to me they should have alternate tokens for all the (at least comparison) operators:
if ((x not_eq y) and (y eq z) or (z lt_eq something)) {...}
This is because the reason the alternate keywords (and digraphs and trigraphs) were provided was not to make the expressions more readable - it was because historically there have been (and maybe still are) keyboards and/or codepages in some localities that do not have certain punctuation characters. For example, the invariant part of the ISO 646 codepage (surprise) is missing the '|', '^' and '~' characters among others.
Although I've been programming C++ from quite some time, I did not know that the keywords "and" "or" and "not" were allowed, and I've never seen it used.
I searched through my C++ book, and I found a small section mentioning alternative representation for the normal operators "&&", "||" and "!", where it explains those are available for people with non-standard keyboards that do not have the "&!|" symbols.
A bit like trigraphs in C.
Basically, I would be confused by their use, and I think I would not be the only one.
Using a representation which is non-standard, should really have a good reason to be used.
And if used, it should be used consistently in the code, and described in the coding standard.
The digraph and trigraph operators were actually designed more for systems that didn't carry the standard ASCII character set - such as IBM mainframes (which use EBCDIC). In the olden days of mechanical printers, there was this thing called a "48-character print chain" which, as its name implied, only carried 48 characters. A-Z (uppercase), 0-9 and a handful of symbols. Since one of the missing symbols was an underscore (which rendered as a space), this could make working with languages like C and PL/1 a real fun activity (is this 2 words or one word with an underscore???).
Conventional C/C++ is coded with the symbols and not the digraphs. Although I have been known to #define "NOT", since it makes the meaning of a boolean expression more obvious, and it's visually harder to miss than a skinny little "!".
I wish I could use || and && in normal speech. People try very hard to misunderstand when I say "and" or "or"...
I personally like operators to look like operators. It's all maths, and unless you start using "add" and "subtract" operators too it starts to look a little inconsistent.
I think some languages suit the word-style and some suit the symbols if only because it's what people are used to and it works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
There is also the question of precedence, which seems to be one of the reasons for introducing the new operators, but who can be bothered to learn more rules than they need to?
In cases where I program with names directly mapped to the real world, I tend to use 'and' and 'or', for example:
if(isMale or isBoy and age < 40){}
It's nice to use 'em in Eclipse+gcc, as they are highlighted. But then, the code doesn't compile with some compilers :-(
Using these operators is harmful. Notice that and and or are logical operators whereas the similar-looking xor is a bitwise operator. Thus, arguments to and and or are normalized to 0 and 1, whereas those to xor aren't.
Imagine something like
char *p, *q; // Set somehow
if(p and q) { ... } // Both non-NULL
if(p or q) { ... } // At least one non-NULL
if(p xor q) { ... } // Exactly one non-NULL
Bzzzt, you have a bug. In the last case you're testing whether at least one of the bits in the pointers is different, which probably isn't what you thought you were doing because then you would have written p != q.
This example is not hypothetical. I was working together with a student one time and he was fond of these literate operators. His code failed every now and then for reasons that he couldn't explain. When he asked me, I could zero in on the problem because I knew that C++ doesn't have a logical xor operator, and that line struck me as very odd.
BTW the way to write a logical xor in C++ is
!a != !b
I like the idea, but don't use them. I'm so used to the old way that it provides no advantage to me doing it either way. Same holds true for the rest of our group, however, I do have concerns that we might want to switch to help avoid future programmers from stumbling over the old symbols.
So to summarize: it's not used a lot because of following combination
old code where it was not used
habit (more standard)
taste (more math-like)
Thanks for your thoughts