polymorphism and encapsulation of classes - c++

I'm trying to take advantage of the polymorphism in c++, but I'm from a c world, and I think what I've done could be done more cleverly in a OOP way.
I have 2 classes that has exactly the same public attributes, and I want to "hide" that there exists 2 different implementations. Such that I can have a single class where I can use the member functions as If i were accessing the specific class.
An very simple implementation of what I'm trying to accomplish is below:
#include <iostream>
class subber{
int id;
int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a-b;};
class adder{
int id;
int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a+b;};
class wrapper{
int type_m;
adder cls1;
subber cls2;
wrapper(int type) {type_m=type;};//constructor
int doStuff(int a, int b) {if(type_m==0) return cls1.doStuff(a,b); else return cls2.doStuff(a,b);};
int main(){
wrapper class1(0);
std::cout <<class1.doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
wrapper class2(1);
std::cout <<class2.doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
return 0;
I have 2 classes called "subber" and "adder" which both have a member function called doStuff, which will either subtract of add 2 numbers.
This I wrap up in a class "wrapper", which has both "adder" and "subber" as private variables, and a doStuff public member function. And given which value I instantiate my "wrapper" class with, my "wrapper" class will simply relay the "doStuff" to the correct class.
This code does of cause work, but I would like to avoid instatiating both "subber" and "adder" in my wrapper class, since I will only need of them in each of my "wrapper" classes.

There are many ways to do it. Through a Factory for example.
But to keep it simple - make a base abstract class that defines the interface, and derive your classes from it to implement the functionality. Then you only need to make the distinction once, when you create the class, after that you don't care, you just call the interface functions.
your code would look something like that.
class DoStuffer
virtual int doStuff(int, int)=0;
virtual ~DoStuffer(){}; // Because Tony insists:-) See the comments
class subber: public DoStuffer{
virtual int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a-b;};
class adder: public DoStuffer{
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a+b;};
int main(){
DoStuffer *class1 = new adder();
DoStuffer *class2 = new subber();
std::cout <<class1->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
std::cout <<class2->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
delete class1; // don't forget these:-)
delete class2;
return 0;

This is one of the more idiomatic ways to use the C++ class system to accomplish what you want. Both adder and subber publicly inherit from wrapper, which is now an abstract base class. The doStuff method is now a (pure) virtual function. And instead of being a simple instance of wrapper, the "encapsulated" object is now a reference to a wrapper.
#include <iostream>
class wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) = 0;
class subber : public wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a,int b) {return a - b;}
class adder : public wrapper {
virtual int doStuff(int a, int b) {return a + b;}
int main(){
// actual objects
adder impl1;
subber impl2;
// in real code, the wrapper references would probably be function arguments
wrapper& class1 = impl1;
std::cout << class1.doStuff(1,3) << std::endl;
wrapper& class2 = impl2;
std::cout << class2.doStuff(1,3) << std::endl;
return 0;
(Not using any factory pattern in this example, since it's not obvious that it's needed or what the question is about.)

Exactly what was last said.
Make a base class, and have a virtual function |doStuff| in it.
Then you can derive any number of classes out from it, all have to implement the above virtual function, in whatever way they want to.
Then you can just do the following
BaseClass *object1 = new DerivedClass1();
BaseClass *object2 = new DerivedClass2();
You can even do
object1 = object2;
And then they point to the same object (i.e. an object of type |DerivedClass2|)
But remember, when you do objectn->doStuff(), the function that will be executed will be what the pointer points to at run-time, and not at compile time.
i.e. if I do object1->doStuff() DerivedClass2's doStuff will be called because we already did `object1 = object2;
You may want to Google and read about
Polymorphism/ Run-time Polymorphism
Virtual Functions in C++
You can read Factory Method, which is something that is known as a Design Pattern, but later in life.

The classic run-time polymorphic approach is:
struct Operation
virtual ~Operation() { } // guideline: if there are any virtual functions,
// provide virtual destructor
virtual int doStuff(int, int) const;
struct Subber : Operation
int doStuff(int a, int b) const { return a - b; }
struct Adder : Operation
int doStuff(int a, int b) const { return a + b; }
enum Operations { Add, Subtract };
struct Operation* op_factory(Operations op)
if (op == Add) return new Adder;
if (op == Subtract) return new Subber;
throw std::runtime_error("unsupported op");
int main()
Operation* p1 = op_factory(Add);
std::cout << p1->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
Operation* p2 = op_factory(Subtract);
std::cout << p2->doStuff(1,3) <<std::endl;
delete p1;
delete p2;
From the Standard 5.3.5/5 "In the first alternative (delete object), if the static type of the operand is different from its dynamic type, the static type shall be a base class of the operand's dynamic type and the static type shall have a virtual destructor or the behavior is undefined.", which is why you must use the virtual keyword on the base class destructor.
It's noteworthy that in your example the type of operation to perform was communicated to the wrapper class using a function argument of 0 or 1... this is what suggests you want run-time polymorphism. For example, if the 0 or 1 value was based on a command line argument, file content, keyboard input etc., then the factory method above can pass a corresponding Add or Subtract value and receive an appropriately-behaving object derived from Operation. This concept of creating an instance of a run-time polymorphic type based on run-time values is known as a factory.
If you really only need compile-time polymorphism, you can do some interesting things with templates such as:
template <class Operation>
void output(int a, int b)
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a, b) << std::endl;
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a * 10, b * 10) << std::endl;
std::cout << Operation::doStuff(a * 100, b * 100) << std::endl;
int main()
output<adder>(1, 3);
output<subber>(1, 3);
FWIW, your approach is probably slightly faster than the virtual function approach (as it can potentially do more inlining), but not as clean, extensible, maintainable or scalable.

I think what you're looking for is virtual functions. If you declare a function virtual in your base class, you can do things like make a vector containing multiple objects derived from your base class, but when you call on a particular object it will execute it's own method.


C++ polymorphism: how to create derived class objects

I have an abstract base class called BaseStrategy. It contains one pure virtual function calculateEfficiency(). There are two classes ConvolutionStrategy and MaxPoolStrategy which derive from this base class and implement their own specific version of calculateEfficiency().
Here is some code:
class BaseStrategy {
explicit BaseStrategy();
virtual ~BaseStrategy() = default;
virtual double calculateEfficiency(mlir::Operation* op) = 0;
class ConvolutionStrategy : public BaseStrategy {
double calculateEfficiency(mlir::Operation* op)
//some formula for convolution
return 1;
class MaxPoolStrategy : public BaseStrategy {
double calculateEfficiency(mlir::Operation* op)
//some formula for MaxPool
return 1;
Now I have another class called StrategyAssigner. It has method calculateAllLayerEfficiencies() whose purpose is to iterate over all layers in a network. Depending on the type of layer there is a switch statement and should call the correct calculateEfficiency() depending on the layer type.
class StrategyAssigner final {
explicit StrategyAssigner(){};
void calculateAllLayerEfficiencies() {
// Logic to iterate over all layers in
// a network
switch (layerType) {
case Convolution:
// Call calculateEfficiency() for Convolution
case MaxPool:
// Call calculateEfficiency() for MaxPool
int main ()
StrategyAssigner assigner;
My question is, should I store references of objects Convolution and MaxPool in the class StrategyAssigner so that I can call the respective calculateEfficiency().
Or could you suggest a better way to call calculateEfficiency(). I don't really know how to create the objects (stupid as that sounds).
I can't make calculateEfficiency() static as I need them to be virtual so that each derived class can implemented its own formula.
If you included complete code I could give a more detailed answer, but you need to store BaseStrategy pointers that are initialized with derived class instances. Here's an example made from some of your code:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>> strategies;
strategies.emplace_back(new ConvolutionStrategy);
strategies.emplace_back(new MaxPoolStrategy);
for (int i = 0; i < strategies.size(); ++i) {
std::unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>& pStrat = strategies[i];
Note that this won't compile because I don't have enough details from the code you posted to make it so, but this shows how to exploit polymorphism in the way that you need.
Also, I used smart pointers for memory management; use these at your discretion.
You can indeed use runtime polymorphism here:
Declare ~BaseStrategy virtual (you are already doing it ;-)
If you are never going to instantiate a BaseStrategy, declare one of its methods as virtual pure, e.g. calculateEfficiency (you are already doing it as well!). I would make that method const, since it doesn't look it's going to modify the instance. And it will need to be public, because it will need to be accessed from StrategyAnalyser.
Declare calculateEfficiency as virtual and override in each of the subclasses. It could also be final if you don't want subclasses to override it.
I'd keep a std::vector of smart pointers to BaseStrategy at StrategyAssigner. You can use unique_ptrs if you think this class is not going to be sharing those pointers.
The key point now is that you create heap instances of the subclasses and assign them to a pointer of the base class.
class StrategyAssigner final {
void addStrategy(std::unique_ptr<BaseStrategy> s) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseStrategy>> strategies_{};
int main()
StrategyAssigner assigner;
Then, when you call calculateEfficiency using any of those pointers to BaseStrategy, the runtime polymorphism will kick in and it will be the method for the subclass the one that will be actually called.
class ConvolutionStrategy : public BaseStrategy {
virtual double calculateEfficiency() const override {
std::cout << "ConvolutionStrategy::calculateEfficiency()\n";
return 10;
class MaxPoolStrategy : public BaseStrategy {
virtual double calculateEfficiency() const override {
std::cout << "MaxPoolStrategy::calculateEfficiency()\n";
return 20;
class StrategyAssigner final {
void calculateAllLayerEfficiencies() {
auto sum = std::accumulate(std::cbegin(strategies_), std::cend(strategies_), 0,
[](auto total, const auto& strategy_up) {
return total + strategy_up->calculateEfficiency(); });
std::cout << "Sum of all efficiencies: " << sum << "\n";
int main()
StrategyAssigner assigner;
// Outputs:
// ConvolutionStrategy::calculateEfficiency()
// MaxPoolStrategy::calculateEfficiency()
// Sum of all efficiencies: 30

is there a "semi-pure" virtual function in c++?

Is there a way to write an abstract base class that looks like it's forcing an implementer to choose among a myriad of pure virtual functions?
The abstract base classes I'm writing define a mathematically tedious function, and request that the deriving code define only building block functions. The building block functions can be generalized to take on more arguments, though. For example, in the code below, it might "make sense" to allow another_derived::first() to take three arguments. The "mathematically tedious" part of this is the multiplication by 3. Unsurprisingly, it won't allow won't compile unless I comment out the creation of d2. I understand why.
One option is to create different base classes. One would request a single parameter function to be defined, and the other would request a two parameter function to be defined. However, there would be an enormous amount of code being copy and pasted between the two base class' definition of final_result(). This is why I'm asking, so I don't write WET code.
Another option would be to have one pure virtual function, but change the signature so that its implementation can do either of these things. I want to explore this, but I also don't want to start using fancier techniques so that it puts a barrier to entry on the type of people trying to inherit from these base classes. Ideally, if the writers of the base class could get away with barely knowing any c++, that would be great. Also, it would be ideal if the inheritors didn't even have to know about the existence of related classes they could be writing.
#include <iostream>
class base{
virtual int first(int a) = 0;
int final_result(int a) {
return 3*first(a);
class derived : public base {
int first(int a) {
return 2*a;
class another_derived : public base {
int first(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
derived d;
std::cout << d.final_result(1) << "\n";
//another_derived d2; // doesn't work
return 0;
Not sure it matches exactly what you want, but with CRTP, you might do something like:
template <typename Derived>
struct MulBy3
template <typename... Ts>
int final_result(Ts... args) { return 3 * static_cast<Derived&>(*this).first(args...); }
class derived : public MulBy3<derived> {
int first(int a) { return 2*a; }
class another_derived : public MulBy3<another_derived > {
int first(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
With usage similar to
int main() {
derived d;
std::cout << d.final_result(1) << "\n";
another_derived d2;
std::cout << d2.final_result(10, 4) << "\n";

Is it possible to store polymorphic class in shared memory?

Suppose I have class Base and Derived : public Base.
I have constructed a shared memory segment using boost::interprocess library. Is it possible to have code similar to this:
Base* b = new Derived();
write(b); //one app writes
Base* b2 = read(b); //second app reads
//b equals b2 (bitwise, not the ptr location)
The problems I see here is for instance that the required space for a derived class of Base is unknown (so how much shmem to allocate?)
Q: how to pass objects via pointers between applications?
Just read its documentation
In particular:
Virtuality forbidden
The virtual table pointer and the virtual table are in the address
space of the process that constructs the object, so if we place a
class with a virtual function or virtual base class, the virtual
pointer placed in shared memory will be invalid for other processes
and they will crash.
This problem is very difficult to solve, since each process needs a
different virtual table pointer and the object that contains that
pointer is shared across many processes. Even if we map the mapped
region in the same address in every process, the virtual table can be
in a different address in every process. To enable virtual functions
for objects shared between processes, deep compiler changes are needed
and virtual functions would suffer a performance hit. That's why
Boost.Interprocess does not have any plan to support virtual function
and virtual inheritance in mapped regions shared between processes.
Shared memory originally only allows POD structures (at heart, they may have constructors/copy/etc...).
Boost.Interprocess raises the bar by emulating pointers semantics on top of offsets into the shared memory segment.
However, a virtual pointer is not a pointer to pure data, it's a pointer to code sections, and that is where things get complicated because code sections are not necessarily mapped to the same address from one process to another (even if they were launched from the same binary).
So... no, virtual pointers-polymorphic objects cannot be stored in shared memory.
However, just because many C++ implementations chose to use a virtual-pointer mechanism does not mean that this is the only way to have polymorphic behavior. For example, in LLVM and Clang they build on their closed hierarchies to get polymorphism without virtual pointers (and RTTI) so as to lower memory requirements. Those objects could, effectively, be stored in shared memory.
So, how to get polymorphism compatible with shared memory: we need not to store pointers to tables/functions, however we can store indexes.
Example of the idea, but could probably be refined.
/// In header
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
template <class, size_t> class BaseT;
class Base {
template <class, size_t> friend class BaseT;
int get() const; // -> Implement: 'int getImpl() const' in Derived
void set(int i); // = 0 -> Implement: 'void setImpl(int i)' in Derived
struct VTable {
typedef int (*Getter)(void const*);
typedef void (*Setter)(void*, int);
VTable(): _get(0), _set(0) {}
Getter _get;
Setter _set;
static std::vector<VTable>& VT(); // defined in .cpp
explicit Base(size_t v): _v(v) {}
size_t _v;
}; // class Base
template <class Derived, size_t Index>
class BaseT: public Base {
BaseT(): Base(Index) {
static bool const _ = Register();
// Provide default implementation of getImpl
int getImpl() const { return 0; }
// No default implementation setImpl
static int Get(void const* b) {
Derived const* d = static_cast<Derived const*>(b);
return d->getImpl();
static void Set(void* b, int i) {
Derived* d = static_cast<Derived*>(b);
static bool Register() {
typedef Base::VTable VTable;
std::vector<VTable>& vt = Base::VT();
if (vt.size() <= Index) {
vt.insert(vt.end(), Index - vt.size() + 1, VTable());
} else {
assert(vt[Index]._get == 0 && "Already registered VTable!");
vt[Index]._get = &Get;
vt[Index]._set = &Set;
}; // class BaseT
/// In source
std::vector<VTable>& Base::VT() {
static std::vector<VTable> V;
return V;
} // Base::VT
int Base::get() const {
return VT()[_v]._get(this);
} // Base::get
void Base::set(int i) {
return VT()[_v]._set(this, i);
} // Base::set
Okay... I guess that now you appreciate the compiler's magic...
Regarding the usage, it's fortunately much simpler:
/// Another header
#include <Base.h>
// 4 must be unique within the hierarchy
class Derived: public BaseT<Derived, 4> {
template <class, size_t> friend class BaseT;
Derived(): _i(0) {}
int getImpl() const { return _i; }
void setImpl(int i) { _i = i; }
int _i;
}; // class Derived
In action at ideone.
I believe you are looking at serialization of objects. Have a look at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/libs/serialization/doc/index.html
A few ways you can do is:
1. serialize your C++ class
2. send data to another app
3. deserialize into C++ class.
//From the example above , I have removed VTable
// I also removed static variables as per boost::interprocess
// static variable don't work with shared memory, and also I did not see
// any advantage in actually builting a VTable for all derived classes
#include <vector>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
template <class> class BaseT;
class Base {
template <class> friend class BaseT;
boost::function< int (void) > _get;
boost::function< void (int) > _set;
int get() {
return _get();
} // -> Implement: 'int get() ' in Derived
void set(int i) {
} // = 0 -> Implement: 'void set(int i)' in Derived
}; // class Base
template <class Derived>
class BaseT : public Base {
BaseT() : Base(), impl(static_cast<Derived *> (this)) {
Base::_get = boost::bind(&BaseT<Derived>::get, this);
Base::_set = boost::bind(&BaseT<Derived>::set, this, _1);
int get() {
return impl->get();
void set(int i) {
Derived * impl;
//some A implementation of Base
struct A : BaseT<A> {
int get() {
return 101; //testing implementation
void set(int i) {
; //implementation goes here
//some B implementation of Base
struct B : BaseT<B> {
int get() {
return 102; //testing implementation
void set(int i) {
; //implementation goes here
int main() {
BaseT<A> objectA;
BaseT<B> objectB;
Base *a = &objectA;
Base *b = &objectB;
std::cout << a->get() << " returned from A class , "
<< b->get() << " returned from B class " << std::endl;
return 0;
//While redefining I changed semantics of constnance in getter,
//and had non- const Derived pointer used for both getter and setter.
//But original simantics can be preserved as following:
int get() const {
//return impl->get();
//this enforces that get has to be const
static_cast<const Derived *> (this)->get() ;

Changing an object from one derived class to another

I have a couple of classes that share a common base class, with the exception that they differ in the way their methods work. So in the example below, Adder and Multiplier are the same except for the way in which their calculation is performed.
Is there a way to change "a" to a Multiplier on the fly? Do I need to implement methods which convert derived classes to each other? e.g. something like
a = a.asMultiplier()?
As you can see in the code below I tried reinterpret_cast to a Multiplier, with no luck, it still acts like an Adder. (gcc OS X v4.2.1)
#include <iostream>
class Base {
int a,b;
Base(int a, int b) {
this->a = a;
this->b = b;
virtual ~Base() { }
virtual int calculate() = 0;
class Adder : public Base {
Adder(int a, int b) : Base(a, b) {
int calculate() {
return this->a + this->b;
class Multiplier : public Base {
Multiplier(int a, int b) : Base(a, b) {
int calculate() {
return this->a * this->b;
int main() {
Base* a = new Adder(3,4);
Base* m = new Multiplier(3,4);
std::cout << "Adder gives " << a->calculate() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Multiplier gives " << m->calculate() << std::endl;
a = reinterpret_cast<Multiplier*>(a);
std::cout << "Now adder gives " << a->calculate() << std::endl;
delete a;
delete m;
return 0;
The best thing that comes up to me to solve this, is implementing a copy constructor, taking the base class:
class Multiplier : public Base {
Multiplier(int a, int b) : Base(a, b) {
explicit Multiplier(const Base& iBase) : Base(iBase.a, iBase.b) {
int calculate() {
return this->a * this->b;
But since I am not the most advanced c++ developer here, it might not be correct or other people might have a better idea, just trying :)
I would propose to decouple the object's data from its operations. This way you can easily construct one object from another, overtaking the data. So your "conversion" will look like this: Multiplier m = new Multiplier(a);
Doing it the way you are asking for is impossible in C++.
This seems to me that you would need utility classes that operate on data: Change your base class to a Data class whose purpose is only to store the data and pass the data explicitly to the Adder, Multiplier etc. classes.
You can still use inheritance in the utility classes if it makes sense after the above refactoring: in this case base would also operate on a Data object, instead of being the Data itself
It is probably a good idea to change your design. In general I would say that it is a good idea to used inheritance when there is some kind of commonality shared by base and derived classes, not only in terms of data, but in terms of behaviour. Whilst not being very helpful advice directly I would suggest maybe reading some books on object oriented design principles. Trying to cast types in the way you are really makes no sense.

Double dispatch without knowing the full hierarchy

I would like to implement the following thing in C++:
I would like to have a bunch of child classes of a single class with the ability to call a function that takes a pair of objects of any of these types. There is supposed to be a generic implementation that is called for mixed types or the base type and specialised implementations which get called if two objects of the same derived type are used as arguments.
As far as I know, this is a classic application of double dispatch. However, I have the following constraint:
It must be possible to derive new classes from the existing ones and add new pair-functions for these new classes without changing existing classes, for instance in an external library..
The approach I proposed in my last question is faulty, and the solution proposed there only works for types that are known at the time when the base class is written.
Any suggestion on how to implement this? Is that even possible?
Update: Code says more than a thousand words. The following approach works:
#include <iostream>
class B;
class A
virtual void PostCompose(A* other)
virtual void PreCompose(A* other)
std::cout << "Precomposing with an A object" << std::endl;
virtual void PreCompose(B* other);
class B : public A
using A::PreCompose;
virtual void PostCompose(A* other)
virtual void PostCompose(B* other)
virtual void PreCompose(B* other)
std::cout << "Precomposing with a B object" << std::endl;
void A::PreCompose(B* other)
int main()
B b;
A* p = &b;
p->PostCompose(p); // -> "Precomposing with a B object"
but it requires knowledge of B when implementing A. Is there a better way?
Since the derived classes only need to detect if the parameter type matches the object type, you can just use a straightforward check.
virtual void foo( base *argument_base ) {
if ( derived *argument = dynamic_cast< derived * >( argument_base ) ) {
argument->something = pair_match_foo;
} else {
base_class::foo( argument_base );