Extract a from [a] - list

how can I easily take the following
and return the following:
I know that [4]!!0 works but doesn't seem to be a good strategy...

Just pattern match it:
getSingleton [a] = a

head is the normal answer, which you see three of (one with a custom name) - this is functionally the same as what you already know (x !! 0 ~ head x). I strongly suggest against partial functions unless you can prove (with local knowledge) that you'll never pass an empty list and result in a run-time exception.
If your function doesn't guarantee a non-empty list then use listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a:
> listToMaybe [4]
Just 4
> listToMaybe [5,39,-2,6,1]
Just 5
> listToMaybe []
Nothing -- A 'Nothing' constructor instead of an exception
Once you have the Maybe a you can pattern match on that, keep it as Maybe and use fmap or a Maybe monad, or some other method to perform further operations.

Alternatively to gatoatigrado's solution you can also use the head function, which extracts the first element of a list, but will also work on lists with more than one element and additionally is a standard function in the Prelude. You just have to be careful not to apply it to empty lists or you will get a runtime exception.
Prelude> head [4]
Prelude> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list

If you want this first item in a list you can just do
head [4]

[] is a monad. So you use the monad "extract" operation, <-
double x = 2*x
doubleAll xs = do x <- xs
return (double x)
Of course, the result of the monadic computation is returned in the monad. ;)


How recursion met the base case Haskell

I am trying to understand this piece of code which returns the all possible combinations of [a] passed to it:
-- Infinite list of all combinations for a given value domain
allCombinations :: [a] -> [[a]]
allCombinations [] = [[]]
allCombinations values = [] : concatMap (\w -> map (:w) values)
(allCombinations values)
Here i tried this sample input:
ghci> take 7 (allCombinations [True,False])
Here it doesn't seems understandable to me which is that how the recursion will eventually stops and will return [ [ ] ], because allCombinations function certainly doesn't have any pointer which moves through the list, on each call and when it meets the base case [ ] it returns [ [ ] ]. According to me It will call allCombinations function infinite and will never stop on its own. Or may be i am missing something?
On the other hand, take only returns the first 7 elements from the final list after all calculation is carried out by going back after completing recursive calls. So actually how recursion met the base case here?
Secondly what is the purpose of concatMap here, here we could also use Map function here just to apply function to the list and inside function we could arrange the list? What is actually concatMap doing here. From definition it concatMap tells us it first map the function then concatenate the lists where as i see we are already doing that inside the function here?
Any valuable input would be appreciated?
Short answer: it will never meet the base case.
However, it does not need to. The base case is most often needed to stop a recursion, however here you want to return an infinite list, so no need to stop it.
On the other hand, this function would break if you try to take more than 1 element of allCombination [] -- have a look at #robin's answer to understand better why. That is the only reason you see a base case here.
The way the main function works is that it starts with an empty list, and then append at the beginning each element in the argument list. (:w) does that recursively. However, this lambda alone would return an infinitely nested list. I.e: [],[[True],[False]],[[[True,True],[True,False] etc. Concatmap removes the outer list at each step, and as it is called recursively this only returns one list of lists at the end. This can be a complicated concept to grasp so look for other example of the use of concatMap and try to understand how they work and why map alone wouldn't be enough.
This obviously only works because of Haskell lazy evaluation. Similarly, you know in a foldr you need to pass it the base case, however when your function is supposed to only take infinite lists, you can have undefined as the base case to make it more clear that finite lists should not be used. For example, foldr f undefined could be used instead of foldr f []
#Lorenzo has already explained the key point - that the recursion in fact never ends, and therefore this generates an infinite list, which you can still take any finite number of elements from because of Haskell's laziness. But I think it will be helpful to give a bit more detail about this particular function and how it works.
Firstly, the [] : at the start of the definition tells you that the first element will always be []. That of course is the one and only way to make a 0-element list from elements of values. The rest of the list is concatMap (\w -> map (:w) values) (allCombinations values).
concatMap f is as you observe simply the composition concat . (map f): it applies the given function to every element of the list, and concatenates the results together. Here the function (\w -> map (:w) values) takes a list, and produces the list of lists given by prepending each element of values to that list. For example, if values == [1,2], then:
(\w -> map (:w) values) [1,2] == [[1,1,2], [2,1,2]]
if we map that function over a list of lists, such as
[[], [1], [2]]
then we get (still with values as [1,2]):
[[[1], [2]], [[1,1], [2,1]], [[1,2], [2,2]]]
That is of course a list of lists of lists - but then the concat part of concatMap comes to our rescue, flattening the outermost layer, and resulting in a list of lists as follows:
[[1], [2], [1,1], [2,1], [1,2], [2,2]]
One thing that I hope you might have noticed about this is that the list of lists I started with was not arbitrary. [[], [1], [2]] is the list of all combinations of size 0 or 1 from the starting list [1,2]. This is in fact the first three elements of allCombinations [1,2].
Recall that all we know "for sure" when looking at the definition is that the first element of this list will be []. And the rest of the list is concatMap (\w -> map (:w) [1,2]) (allCombinations [1,2]). The next step is to expand the recursive part of this as [] : concatMap (\w -> map (:w) [1,2]) (allCombinations [1,2]). The outer concatMap
then can see that the head of the list it's mapping over is [] - producing a list starting [1], [2] and continuing with the results of appending 1 and then 2 to the other elements - whatever they are. But we've just seen that the next 2 elements are in fact [1] and [2]. We end up with
allCombinations [1,2] == [] : [1] : [2] : concatMap (\w -> map (:w) values) [1,2] (tail (allCombinations [1,2]))
(tail isn't strictly called in the evaluation process, it's done by pattern-matching instead - I'm trying to explain more by words than explicit plodding through equalities).
And looking at that we know the tail is [1] : [2] : concatMap .... The key point is that, at each stage of the process, we know for sure what the first few elements of the list are - and they happen to be all 0-element lists with values taken from values, followed by all 1-element lists with these values, then all 2-element lists, and so on. Once you've got started, the process must continue, because the function passed to concatMap ensures that we just get the lists obtained from taking every list generated so far, and appending each element of values to the front of them.
If you're still confused by this, look up how to compute the Fibonacci numbers in Haskell. The classic way to get an infinite list of all Fibonacci numbers is:
fib = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
This is a bit easier to understand that the allCombinations example, but relies on essentially the same thing - defining a list purely in terms of itself, but using lazy evaluation to progressively generate as much of the list as you want, according to a simple rule.
It is not a base case but a special case, and this is not recursion but corecursion,(*) which never stops.
Maybe the following re-formulation will be easier to follow:
allCombs :: [t] -> [[t]]
-- [1,2] -> [[]] ++ [1:[],2:[]] ++ [1:[1],2:[1],1:[2],2:[2]] ++ ...
allCombs vals = concat . iterate (cons vals) $ [[]]
cons :: [t] -> [[t]] -> [[t]]
cons vals combs = concat [ [v : comb | v <- vals]
| comb <- combs ]
-- iterate :: (a -> a ) -> a -> [a]
-- cons vals :: [[t]] -> [[t]]
-- iterate (cons vals) :: [[t]] -> [[[t]]]
-- concat :: [[ a ]] -> [ a ]
-- concat . iterate (cons vals) :: [[t]]
Looks different, does the same thing. Not just produces the same results, but actually is doing the same thing to produce them.(*) The concat is the same concat, you just need to tilt your head a little to see it.
This also shows why the concat is needed here. Each step = cons vals is producing a new batch of combinations, with length increasing by 1 on each step application, and concat glues them all together into one list of results.
The length of each batch is the previous batch length multiplied by n where n is the length of vals. This also shows the need to special case the vals == [] case i.e. the n == 0 case: 0*x == 0 and so the length of each new batch is 0 and so an attempt to get one more value from the results would never produce a result, i.e. enter an infinite loop. The function is said to become non-productive, at that point.
Incidentally, cons is almost the same as
== concat [ [v : comb | comb <- combs]
| v <- vals ]
== liftA2 (:) vals combs
liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> r) -> f a -> f b -> f r
So if the internal order of each step results is unimportant to you (but see an important caveat at the post bottom) this can just be coded as
allCombsA :: [t] -> [[t]]
-- [1,2] -> [[]] ++ [1:[],2:[]] ++ [1:[1],1:[2],2:[1],2:[2]] ++ ...
allCombsA [] = [[]]
allCombsA vals = concat . iterate (liftA2 (:) vals) $ [[]]
(*) well actually, this refers to a bit modified version of it,
allCombsRes vals = res
where res = [] : concatMap (\w -> map (: w) vals)
-- or:
allCombsRes vals = fix $ ([] :) . concatMap (\w -> map (: w) vals)
-- where
-- fix g = x where x = g x -- in Data.Function
Or in pseudocode:
Produce a sequence of values `res` by
FIRST producing `[]`, AND THEN
from each produced value `w` in `res`,
produce a batch of new values `[v : w | v <- vals]`
and splice them into the output sequence
(by using `concat`)
So the res list is produced corecursively, starting from its starting point, [], producing next elements of it based on previous one(s) -- either in batches, as in iterate-based version, or one-by-one as here, taking the input via a back pointer into the results previously produced (taking its output as its input, as a saying goes -- which is a bit deceptive of course, as we take it at a slower pace than we're producing it, or otherwise the process would stop being productive, as was already mentioned above).
But. Sometimes it can be advantageous to produce the input via recursive calls, creating at run time a sequence of functions, each passing its output up the chain, to its caller. Still, the dataflow is upwards, unlike regular recursion which first goes downward towards the base case.
The advantage just mentioned has to do with memory retention. The corecursive allCombsRes as if keeps a back-pointer into the sequence that it itself is producing, and so the sequence can not be garbage-collected on the fly.
But the chain of the stream-producers implicitly created by your original version at run time means each of them can be garbage-collected on the fly as n = length vals new elements are produced from each downstream element, so the overall process becomes equivalent to just k = ceiling $ logBase n i nested loops each with O(1) space state, to produce the ith element of the sequence.
This is much much better than the O(n) memory requirement of the corecursive/value-recursive allCombsRes which in effect keeps a back pointer into its output at the i/n position. And in practice a logarithmic space requirement is most likely to be seen as a more or less O(1) space requirement.
This advantage only happens with the order of generation as in your version, i.e. as in cons vals, not liftA2 (:) vals which has to go back to the start of its input sequence combs (for each new v in vals) which thus must be preserved, so we can safely say that the formulation in your question is rather ingenious.
And if we're after a pointfree re-formulation -- as pointfree can at times be illuminating -- it is
allCombsY values = _Y $ ([] :) . concatMap (\w -> map (: w) values)
_Y g = g (_Y g) -- no-sharing fixpoint combinator
So the code is much easier understood in a fix-using formulation, and then we just switch fix with the semantically equivalent _Y, for efficiency, getting the (equivalent of the) original code from the question.
The above claims about space requirements behavior are easily tested. I haven't done so, yet.
See also:
Why does GHC make fix so confounding?
Sharing vs. non-sharing fixed-point combinator

Haskell: recursively process lists nested arbitrarily deep

I'm learning Haskell and would like to write functions to recursively process lists nested arbitrarily deep.
For example I'd like to write recurReverse, which in the basis case, acts just like the built in reverse, but when passed a nested list, would reverse all the elements of the sublists recursively as well:
recurReverse [1,2]
>> [2,1]
recurReverse [[1],[2],[3,4]]
>> [[4,3],[2],[1]]
recurReverse [[[1,2]]]
>> [[[2,1]]]
Currently I have the basic reverse down:
rev [] = []
rev (h:t) = rev t ++ [h]
But I need more than this -- in the case when the head h is also a list (as opposed to an atom in the LISP sense), I'd like to be able to reverse h as well and return something like rev t ++ [rev h]. When I try that, I get a compiler error saying something like I can't rev h because rev is of type [t] -> [t] but I'm trying to call it on type t, which makes sense. How can I get around this?
as opposed to an atom in the LISP sense
Well, there is no such thing in Haskell. Any type which you don't know a priori (which you can't, if you're doing recursion over types) could possibly be a list itself. There's no notion of atomicity, of “not-list-being” which you could use as a base case for this recursion.
That is, unless you make the distinction explicit. This can be done quite nicely in Haskell, with GADTs:
data Nest t where
Egg :: t -> Nest t
Nest :: [Nest t] -> Nest [t]
nestReverse :: Nest t -> Nest t
nestReverse (Egg x) = Egg x
nestReverse (Nest xs) = Nest . reverse $ map nestReverse xs
If you don't like this... well, there is another way, but it's considered ugly / un–Haskell‑ish.
class Atomeous l where
recurReverse :: l -> l
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Atomeous l where
recurReverse = id
instance Atomeous l => Atomeous [l] where
recurReverse = reverse . map recurReverse
Now, recurReverse has your intended behaviour. The first instance is for “atomic” types; because it is marked OVERLAPPABLE the compiler will only use this instance if it can't find “a better one” – which it does precisely for lists; these get the recursive call over all elements.

Haskell - Convert x number of tuples into a list [duplicate]

I have a question about tuples and lists in Haskell. I know how to add input into a tuple a specific number of times. Now I want to add tuples into a list an unknown number of times; it's up to the user to decide how many tuples they want to add.
How do I add tuples into a list x number of times when I don't know X beforehand?
There's a lot of things you could possibly mean. For example, if you want a few copies of a single value, you can use replicate, defined in the Prelude:
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 x = []
replicate n | n < 0 = undefined
| otherwise = x : replicate (n-1) x
In ghci:
Prelude> replicate 4 ("Haskell", 2)
Alternately, perhaps you actually want to do some IO to determine the list. Then a simple loop will do:
getListFromUser = do
putStrLn "keep going?"
s <- getLine
case s of
'y':_ -> do
putStrLn "enter a value"
v <- readLn
vs <- getListFromUser
return (v:vs)
_ -> return []
In ghci:
*Main> getListFromUser :: IO [(String, Int)]
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
Of course, this is a particularly crappy user interface -- I'm sure you can come up with a dozen ways to improve it! But the pattern, at least, should shine through: you can use values like [] and functions like : to construct lists. There are many, many other higher-level functions for constructing and manipulating lists, as well.
P.S. There's nothing particularly special about lists of tuples (as compared to lists of other things); the above functions display that by never mentioning them. =)
Sorry, you can't1. There are fundamental differences between tuples and lists:
A tuple always have a finite amount of elements, that is known at compile time. Tuples with different amounts of elements are actually different types.
List an have as many elements as they want. The amount of elements in a list doesn't need to be known at compile time.
A tuple can have elements of arbitrary types. Since the way you can use tuples always ensures that there is no type mismatch, this is safe.
On the other hand, all elements of a list have to have the same type. Haskell is a statically-typed language; that basically means that all types are known at compile time.
Because of these reasons, you can't. If it's not known, how many elements will fit into the tuple, you can't give it a type.
I guess that the input you get from your user is actually a string like "(1,2,3)". Try to make this directly a list, whithout making it a tuple before. You can use pattern matching for this, but here is a slightly sneaky approach. I just remove the opening and closing paranthesis from the string and replace them with brackets -- and voila it becomes a list.
tuplishToList :: String -> [Int]
tuplishToList str = read ('[' : tail (init str) ++ "]")
Sorry, I did not see your latest comment. What you try to do is not that difficult. I use these simple functions for my task:
words str splits str into a list of words that where separated by whitespace before. The output is a list of Strings. Caution: This only works if the string inside your tuple contains no whitespace. Implementing a better solution is left as an excercise to the reader.
map f lst applies f to each element of lst
read is a magic function that makes a a data type from a String. It only works if you know before, what the output is supposed to be. If you really want to understand how that works, consider implementing read for your specific usecase.
And here you go:
tuplish2List :: String -> [(String,Int)]
tuplish2List str = map read (words str)
1 As some others may point out, it may be possible using templates and other hacks, but I don't consider that a real solution.
When doing functional programming, it is often better to think about composition of operations instead of individual steps. So instead of thinking about it like adding tuples one at a time to a list, we can approach it by first dividing the input into a list of strings, and then converting each string into a tuple.
Assuming the tuples are written each on one line, we can split the input using lines, and then use read to parse each tuple. To make it work on the entire list, we use map.
main = do input <- getContents
let tuples = map read (lines input) :: [(String, Integer)]
print tuples
Let's try it.
$ runghc Tuples.hs
("Hello", 2)
("Haskell", 4)
Here, I press Ctrl+D to send EOF to the program, (or Ctrl+Z on Windows) and it prints the result.
If you want something more interactive, you will probably have to do your own recursion. See Daniel Wagner's answer for an example of that.
One simple solution to this would be to use a list comprehension, as so (done in GHCi):
Prelude> let fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
Prelude> fstMap [("String1",1),("String2",2),("String3",3)]
Prelude> :t fstMap
fstMap :: [(t, b)] -> [t]
This will work for an arbitrary number of tuples - as many as the user wants to use.
To use this in your code, you would just write:
fstMap :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
The example I gave is just one possible solution. As the name implies, of course, you can just write:
fstMap' :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap' = map fst
This is an even simpler solution.
I'm guessing that, since this is for a class, and you've been studying Haskell for < 1 week, you don't actually need to do any input/output. That's a bit more advanced than you probably are, yet. So:
As others have said, map fst will take a list of tuples, of arbitrary length, and return the first elements. You say you know how to do that. Fine.
But how do the tuples get into the list in the first place? Well, if you have a list of tuples and want to add another, (:) does the trick. Like so:
oldList = [("first", 1), ("second", 2)]
newList = ("third", 2) : oldList
You can do that as many times as you like. And if you don't have a list of tuples yet, your list is [].
Does that do everything that you need? If not, what specifically is it missing?
Edit: With the corrected type:
Eq a => [(a, b)]
That's not the type of a function. It's the type of a list of tuples. Just have the user type yourFunctionName followed by [ ("String1", val1), ("String2", val2), ... ("LastString", lastVal)] at the prompt.

How do I add x tuples into a list x number of times?

I have a question about tuples and lists in Haskell. I know how to add input into a tuple a specific number of times. Now I want to add tuples into a list an unknown number of times; it's up to the user to decide how many tuples they want to add.
How do I add tuples into a list x number of times when I don't know X beforehand?
There's a lot of things you could possibly mean. For example, if you want a few copies of a single value, you can use replicate, defined in the Prelude:
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 x = []
replicate n | n < 0 = undefined
| otherwise = x : replicate (n-1) x
In ghci:
Prelude> replicate 4 ("Haskell", 2)
Alternately, perhaps you actually want to do some IO to determine the list. Then a simple loop will do:
getListFromUser = do
putStrLn "keep going?"
s <- getLine
case s of
'y':_ -> do
putStrLn "enter a value"
v <- readLn
vs <- getListFromUser
return (v:vs)
_ -> return []
In ghci:
*Main> getListFromUser :: IO [(String, Int)]
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
Of course, this is a particularly crappy user interface -- I'm sure you can come up with a dozen ways to improve it! But the pattern, at least, should shine through: you can use values like [] and functions like : to construct lists. There are many, many other higher-level functions for constructing and manipulating lists, as well.
P.S. There's nothing particularly special about lists of tuples (as compared to lists of other things); the above functions display that by never mentioning them. =)
Sorry, you can't1. There are fundamental differences between tuples and lists:
A tuple always have a finite amount of elements, that is known at compile time. Tuples with different amounts of elements are actually different types.
List an have as many elements as they want. The amount of elements in a list doesn't need to be known at compile time.
A tuple can have elements of arbitrary types. Since the way you can use tuples always ensures that there is no type mismatch, this is safe.
On the other hand, all elements of a list have to have the same type. Haskell is a statically-typed language; that basically means that all types are known at compile time.
Because of these reasons, you can't. If it's not known, how many elements will fit into the tuple, you can't give it a type.
I guess that the input you get from your user is actually a string like "(1,2,3)". Try to make this directly a list, whithout making it a tuple before. You can use pattern matching for this, but here is a slightly sneaky approach. I just remove the opening and closing paranthesis from the string and replace them with brackets -- and voila it becomes a list.
tuplishToList :: String -> [Int]
tuplishToList str = read ('[' : tail (init str) ++ "]")
Sorry, I did not see your latest comment. What you try to do is not that difficult. I use these simple functions for my task:
words str splits str into a list of words that where separated by whitespace before. The output is a list of Strings. Caution: This only works if the string inside your tuple contains no whitespace. Implementing a better solution is left as an excercise to the reader.
map f lst applies f to each element of lst
read is a magic function that makes a a data type from a String. It only works if you know before, what the output is supposed to be. If you really want to understand how that works, consider implementing read for your specific usecase.
And here you go:
tuplish2List :: String -> [(String,Int)]
tuplish2List str = map read (words str)
1 As some others may point out, it may be possible using templates and other hacks, but I don't consider that a real solution.
When doing functional programming, it is often better to think about composition of operations instead of individual steps. So instead of thinking about it like adding tuples one at a time to a list, we can approach it by first dividing the input into a list of strings, and then converting each string into a tuple.
Assuming the tuples are written each on one line, we can split the input using lines, and then use read to parse each tuple. To make it work on the entire list, we use map.
main = do input <- getContents
let tuples = map read (lines input) :: [(String, Integer)]
print tuples
Let's try it.
$ runghc Tuples.hs
("Hello", 2)
("Haskell", 4)
Here, I press Ctrl+D to send EOF to the program, (or Ctrl+Z on Windows) and it prints the result.
If you want something more interactive, you will probably have to do your own recursion. See Daniel Wagner's answer for an example of that.
One simple solution to this would be to use a list comprehension, as so (done in GHCi):
Prelude> let fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
Prelude> fstMap [("String1",1),("String2",2),("String3",3)]
Prelude> :t fstMap
fstMap :: [(t, b)] -> [t]
This will work for an arbitrary number of tuples - as many as the user wants to use.
To use this in your code, you would just write:
fstMap :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
The example I gave is just one possible solution. As the name implies, of course, you can just write:
fstMap' :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap' = map fst
This is an even simpler solution.
I'm guessing that, since this is for a class, and you've been studying Haskell for < 1 week, you don't actually need to do any input/output. That's a bit more advanced than you probably are, yet. So:
As others have said, map fst will take a list of tuples, of arbitrary length, and return the first elements. You say you know how to do that. Fine.
But how do the tuples get into the list in the first place? Well, if you have a list of tuples and want to add another, (:) does the trick. Like so:
oldList = [("first", 1), ("second", 2)]
newList = ("third", 2) : oldList
You can do that as many times as you like. And if you don't have a list of tuples yet, your list is [].
Does that do everything that you need? If not, what specifically is it missing?
Edit: With the corrected type:
Eq a => [(a, b)]
That's not the type of a function. It's the type of a list of tuples. Just have the user type yourFunctionName followed by [ ("String1", val1), ("String2", val2), ... ("LastString", lastVal)] at the prompt.

Value of the last element of a list

how to get the value of the last element of a List? I've noted that List.hd (or .Head) return an item, while List.tl (or .Tail) returns a List.
Is rev the List and get the hd the only way around? Thanks.
Try this function. It uses recursion, though it gets optimised to iteration anyway since it's tail recursion. In any case, it is most likely quicker than reversing the entire list (using List.rev).
let rec last = function
| hd :: [] -> hd
| hd :: tl -> last tl
| _ -> failwith "Empty list."
The answer of Pavel Minaev is definitely worth taking into account, however. Nonetheless, the algorithm you have requested may be useful in some rare cases, and is the most efficient way to go about the task.
In general, if you need to do this, you're doing something wrong. Since F# lists are single-linked, accessing the last element is costly - O(N), where N is size of list. Try to rewrite your algorithm so that you always access the first element, not the last (which is O(1)). If you cannot do so, chances are good that your choice of list for a data structure wasn't correct in the first place.
A quick & dirty way of doing it is by using List.reduce. Assuming the list is called ls,
let lastElement ls = List.reduce (fun _ i -> i) ls
As for efficiency, I agree with Pavel.
A more concise version based on Mitch's answer:
let lastItem = myList |> List.rev |> List.head
The myList list is sent to List.rev function. The result is then processed by List.head
Agreed, not so efficient to get the last element of list, or any other "enumerable" sequence. That said, this function already exists in the Seq module, Seq.last.
As a novice F# developer, I don't see what the harm is in doing the following
let mylist = [1;2;3;4;5]
let lastValue = mylist.[mylist.Length - 1]
Imperative in nature? Yes but no need for recursion.
The regular way to work with lists in F# is to use recursion. The first item in a list is the head (obviously) and the rest of the list is the tail (as oppose to the last item). So when a function recieves a list it processes the head and then recursively processes the rest of the list (the tail).
let reversedList = List.rev originalList
let tailItem = List.hd reversedList
I think you can just write
You can call List.Head to get the first element of a list, such that the below expression evaluates to true:
let lst = [1;2;3;4;5]
List.head lst = 1
However, calling List.Tail will return every element in the list after the first element, such that the below expression is true:
let lst = [1;2;3;4;5]
List.tail lst = [2;3;4;5]
Like some other people have mentioned, there isn't an efficient way in F# to get the tail end of a list, basic lists just aren't built with that functionality in mind. If you really want to get the last element you're going to have to reverse your list first, and then take the new head (which was the previous tail).
let lst = [1;2;3;4;5]
(List.head (List.rev lst) ) = 5
Below code worked fine with me, I've an array of integers, want to start from the 5th item, then take it minus the item number
Sum of [Array(xi) - Array(xi-5)] where i start at 5
The code used is:
series |> Array.windowed 5
|> Array.fold (fun s x ->
(x |> Array.rev |> Array.head) - (x |> Array.head) + s) 0
|> float
It's a very old question, but just in case someone comes here:
with FSharp 5, you can do x.[^index] where index will start at the end of the array / list.
let a = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9]
a.[^0] is 9
a.[^1] is 8