decoder cannot decode input - coldfusion

i'm getting this error returned when using cfimage to scale an image down to size when a user uploads a large image. It seems to only throw for larger images. smaller ones go through ok. i've not seen much help for the issue perusing google/SO...
i'm running cf8. here is the code, marking the line it fails:
<cffile action="move" source="#imgVars.fileData#" destination="#imgVars.folder#\#imgVars.newFileUUID#.#listlast(imgVars.fileName, '.')#" />
<cfset newFile = imgVars.folder & '/' & imgVars.newFileUUID & '.' & listlast(imgVars.filename, '.')>
<cfif fileexists(newFile)>
<cfimage action="read" source="#newFile#" name="imageToUpload"><!---FAILURE--->
<cfif ImageGetHeight(imageToUpload) gt 800 or ImageGetWidth(imageToUpload) gt 600>
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(imageToUpload, 800, 600, "bilinear")>
<cfimage source="#imageToUpload#" action="write" destination="#newFile#" overwrite="yes">
<cfif ImageGetWidth(imageToUpload) gt 600>
<cfset ImageScaleToFit(imageToUpload, 600, 600, "bilinear")>
<cfimage source="#imageToUpload#" action="write" destination="#newFile#" overwrite="yes">

Try using isImageFile() instead of fileExists()


Randomize cfoutput

The following code changes the body BG dependent on if the /home url is active else use a different BG. We have the pageID = 206 containing the /home BG image and pageID = 207 containing the else BG image. We currently have it setup this way so the client can go into the CMS and change the BG image without an issue.
However, the client would like the ability to add additional backgrounds and have them randomize. In theory I would add a page to the CMS and include the pageID and add randomize. I'm familiar with ColdFusion but this is a little over my head. Any input or direction would be greatly appreciated.
<cfsavecontent variable="HOME_BG">
<cfset includeID = '206'><cfinclude emplate='/PageInclude/PageInclude.cfm'/>
<cfset BG1 = getToken(HOME_BG,3, """") >
<cfsavecontent variable="COMM_BG">
<cfset includeID = '207'><cfinclude template='/PageInclude/PageInclude.cfm'/>
<cfset BG2 = getToken(COMM_BG,3, """") >
<body onload="checkCookie()" style="background-image: url(<cfoutput><cfif fpath EQ "home">#BG1#<cfelse>#BG2#</cfif></cfoutput>);">
I was looking for the ability to randomize between two different < cfset > but didn't find much luck.
Solution using an array and randrange
<cfset bgHomeIDArray = ArrayNew(1)> <!--- Create the array --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(bgHomeIDArray, 214)> <!--- Adds an array value --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(bgHomeIDArray, 215)> <!--- Adds an array value --->
<cfsavecontent variable="HOME_BG">
<cfset includeID = bgHomeIDArray[randRange(1, len(bgHomeIDArray))]> <cfinclude template='/PageInclude/PageInclude.cfm'/>
<cfset BG1 = getToken(HOME_BG,3, """") >
<cfset bgCommIDArray = ArrayNew(1)> <!--- Create the array --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(bgCommIDArray, 216)> <!--- Adds an array value --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(bgCommIDArray, 217)> <!--- Adds an array value --->
<cfsavecontent variable="COMM_BG">
<cfset includeID = bgCommIDArray[randRange(1, len(bgCommIDArray))]><cfinclude template='/PageInclude/PageInclude.cfm'/>
<cfset BG2 = getToken(COMM_BG,3, """") >
<body onLoad="checkCookie()" style="background-image: url(<cfoutput><cfif fpath EQ "home">#BG1#<cfelse>#BG2#</cfif></cfoutput>?03202014);">

Appending File in Coldfusion

I am taking a Word RTF file and then replacing data within in and then writing it to a specific folder and appending the requestID to the file name. That part works great. However, my client also want to be able to print each word document that is generated at the smae time if there are multiple records.
For this I am reading the same RTF file, replaceing the data within it and then writing to a seperate file that I am attempting to append too within the loop, however it isn't working. I am only getting one record of the query.
<cfloop query="checklistData">
<cffile action="read" file="#request.filePath#\_reports\fileChecklist.rtf" variable="rtf">
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%PROGRAM%",#rqst_activity#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%DLA%",#DLA#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%SPS%",#SPS#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%ECAT%",#ECAT#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%MILSTRIP%",#MILSTRIP#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%TDPNUM%",#tdp_nbr#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%DTRQST%",#DateFormat(dt_tdp_rcvd,'M/DD/YYYY')#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%DTCMPT%",#DateFormat(dt_tdp_cmplt,'M/DD/YYYY')#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%DTDEL%",#DateFormat(rqsted_delivery_dt,'M/DD/YYYY')#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%UIC%",#DoDAAC#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%COMMAND%",#COMMAND#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%DTPRINT%",#DateFormat(NOW(),'M/DD/YYYY')#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%NSN%",#nsn_id_rqsted#)>
<cfset rtf = Replace(rtf,"%NOMEN%",#nsn_nomenclature#)>
<cfset directoryCheck = "#request.filePath#\requests\documents\#checklistData.id_rqst#">
<cfif directoryExists(directoryCheck)>
<cffile action="write" file="#request.filePath#\requests\documents\#checklistData.id_rqst#\fileChecklist_#checklistData.id_rqst#.doc" output="#rtf#" nameconflict="overwrite">
<cfdirectory action="create" directory="#directoryCheck#">
<cffile action="write" file="#request.filePath#\requests\documents\#checklistData.id_rqst#\fileChecklist_#checklistData.id_rqst#.doc" output="#rtf#" nameconflict="overwrite">
<cffile action="append" file="#request.filePath#\requests\documents\fileChecklistGroup_#ARGUMENTS.groupID#.rtf" output="#rtf#">
<cfif NOT LEN('checklistData.groupID')>
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="filename=#request.filePath#\requests\documents\#requestID#\fileChecklist_#requestID#.doc" />
<cfcontent type="application/msword" file="#request.filePath#\requests\documents\#requestID#\fileChecklist_#requestID#.doc">
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="filename=#request.filePath#\requests\documents\fileChecklistGroup_#groupID#.rtf" />
<cfcontent type="application/msword" file="#request.filePath#\requests\documents\fileChecklistGroup_#groupID#.rtf">
And then I am asking to open the file at the end. Thanks in advance for an help!

Coldfusion - cannot access templ folder when creating thumb

I am getting a problem with the following line:
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
I suspect it is because I am using a shared host (CF9) and do not have access to the folder. The error I get is "unable to create temporary file". My temp directory is home/kloxo/temp/wwwroot-tmp. Can I specify another temp folder or do I have to get my hosting company to sort this?
<cfapplication sessionmanagement="true">
<cfif IsDefined ("FORM")>
<cfif structKeyExists(form, "uploadfile")>
<cfset destination = expandPath("../../banner")>
<cfif not directoryExists(destination)>
<cfdirectory action="create" directory="#destination#">
<cffile action="upload" filefield="uploadfile" destination="#destination#" nameConflict="makeUnique" result="upload">
<cfdump var="#upload.clientfile#">
<cfimage action="read" name="myImage" source="#ExpandPath("../../banner/#upload.clientfile#")#" />
It appears to be a configuration issue. Contact your host. Here is a page with more information:

Searching a folder (recursively) for duplicate photos using Coldfusion?

After moving and backing up my photo collection a few times I have several duplicate photos, with different filenames in various folders scattered across my PC. So I thought I would write a quick CF (9) page to find the duplicates (and can then add code later to allow me to delete them).
I have a couple of queries:-
At the moment I am just using file size to match the image file, but I presume matching EXIF data or matching hash of image file binary would be more reliable?
The code I lashed together sort of works, but how could this be done to search outside web root?
Is there a better way?
sort="size DESC"
type="file" >
<cfset matchingCount=0>
<cfset duplicatesFound=0>
<table border=1>
<cfloop query="myFiles" endrow="#myfiles.recordcount#-1">
<cfif myfiles.size is myfiles.size[currentrow + 1]>
<!---this file is the same size as the next row--->
<cfset matchingCount = matchingCount + 1>
<cfset duplicatesFound=1>
<!--- the next file is a different size --->
<!--- if there have been matches, display them now --->
<cfif matchingCount gt 0>
<cfset sRow=#currentrow#-#matchingCount#>
<cfloop index="i" from="#sRow#" to="#currentrow#">
<cfset imgURL=#replace(directory[i], "C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\", "http://localhost:8500/")#>
<td><img height=200 width=200 src="#imgURL#\#name[i]#"></td>
<cfloop index="i" from="#sRow#" to="#currentrow#">
<td width=200>#name[i]#<br>#directory[i]#</td>
<cfset matchingCount = 0>
<cfif duplicatesFound is 0><cfoutput>No duplicate jpgs found</cfoutput></cfif>
This is pretty fun task, so I've decided to give it a try.
First, some testing results on my laptop with 4GB RAM, 2x2.26Ghz CPU and SSD: 1,143 images, total 263.8MB.
ACF9: 8 duplicates, took ~2.3 s
Railo 3.3: 8 duplicates, took ~2.0 s (yay!)
I've used great tip from this SO answer to pick the best hashing option.
So, here is what I did:
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" />
<cfset ticks = getTickCount() />
<!--- this is great set of utils from Apache --->
<cfset digestUtils = CreateObject("java","org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils") />
<!--- cache containers --->
<cfset checksums = {} />
<cfset duplicates = {} />
recurse="true" />
<cfloop query="images">
<!--- change delimiter to \ if you're on windoze --->
<cfset ipath = & "/" & />
<cffile action="readbinary" file="#ipath#" variable="binimage" />
This is slow as hell with any encoding!
<cfset checksum = BinaryEncode(binimage, "Base64") />
<cfset checksum = digestUtils.md5hex(binimage) />
<cfif StructKeyExists(checksums, checksum)>
<!--- init cache using original on 1st position when duplicate found --->
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(duplicates, checksum)>
<cfset duplicates[checksum] = [] />
<cfset ArrayAppend(duplicates[checksum], checksums[checksum]) />
<!--- append current duplicate --->
<cfset ArrayAppend(duplicates[checksum], ipath) />
<!--- save originals only into the cache --->
<cfset checksums[checksum] = ipath />
<cfset time = NumberFormat((getTickcount()-ticks)/1000, "._") />
<!--- render duplicates without resizing (see options of cfimage for this) --->
<h1>Found #StructCount(duplicates)# duplicates, took ~#time# s</h1>
<cfloop collection="#duplicates#" item="checksum">
<!--- display all found paths of duplicate --->
<cfloop array="#duplicates[checksum]#" index="path">
<!--- render only last duplicate, they are the same image any way --->
<cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#path#" />
Obviously, you can easily use duplicates array to review the results and/or run some cleanup job.
Have fun!
I would recommend split up the checking code into a function which only accepts a filename.
Then use a global struct for checking for duplicates, the key would be "size" or "size_hash" and the value could be an array which will contain all filenames that matches this key.
Run the function on all jpeg files in all different directories, after that scan the struct and report all entries that have more than one file in it's array.
If you want to show an image outside your webroot you can serve it via < cfcontent file="#filename#" type="image/jpeg">

ColdFusion MX 7.0 Flash based multiple file uploader causing issues after 2/3 files upload

I have an application that uses a single signon for login in ColdFusion MX 7.0. It essentially
has a cfldap in the application.cfm. But the real issue is that I am trying to use a multi-file upload third party tool that submits to a coldfusion script with cffile and stuff in it.
Both the Flash based tool and the Java based tool are cauing an issue when I try a uploading more than 3 files at the same time. First they prompt the windows based login again. Even though I type in the credentials correctly, the upload process stops completely and only 1/2
files are uploaded.
The code for the Interface(form) for multi_file upload
<div id="EAFlashUpload_placeholder"></div>
<cfparam name="session.multiUploadError" default="">
<cfif session.multiUploadError neq "">
<font color="#FF0000"><em> <strong>Error Uploading File: </strong>
<!--- ok. now wipe the error message clean for next time --->
<cfset session.multiUploadError = "">
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var params = {
wmode: "window"
var attributes = {
id: "EAFlashUpload",
name: "EAFlashUpload"
var flashvars = new Object();
flashvars["uploader.uploadUrl"] = "";
flashvars["viewFile"] = "TableView.swf";
flashvars["queue.filesCountLimit"] = "30";
flashvars["uploader.retrieveBrowserCookie"] = true;
swfobject.embedSWF("EAFUpload.swf", "EAFlashUpload_placeholder", "450", "350", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
The code for the backend ColdFusion script
<cfif isDefined("Form.Filedata")>
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata" destination="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
<cfif right(cffile.clientFile, 3) neq "htm" and right(cffile.clientFile,4) neq ".htm">
<cffile action="delete" file="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile#">
<cfset session.multiUploadError = " " & session.multiUploadError & " #cffile.clientFile# could not be uploaded, because html files are not permitted.<br> ">
<cffile action="APPEND" file="f:\sitepublisher_dev\sp2\juploadoutput.txt" output="#idx# - #session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile# (#cffile.fileSize#) at #cffile.timeLastModified#" addnewline="Yes">
The file has not been saved. Please check destination folder exists and has read/write permissions.
<cfif isDefined("Form.Filedata")>
<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Filedata" destination="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
<cfif right(cffile.clientFile, 3) neq "htm" and right(cffile.clientFile,4) neq ".htm">
<cffile action="delete" file="#session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile#">
<cfset session.multiUploadError = " " & session.multiUploadError & " #cffile.clientFile# could not be uploaded, because html files are not permitted.<br> ">
<cffile action="APPEND" file="f:\sitepublisher_dev\sp2\juploadoutput.txt" output="#idx# - #session.siteDirectory#\#session.Directory#\#cffile.clientFile# (#cffile.fileSize#) at #cffile.timeLastModified#" addnewline="Yes">
<cfcatch type="Any">
<cfoutput><eaferror>The file has not been saved. Please check destination folder exists and has read/write permissions.</eaferror></cfoutput>