Why does Eclipse-CDT sometimes not run my custom builder? - eclipse-cdt

I have an Eclipse-CDT workspace with 8 projects in it. 3 of those projects use an External Tool (builder) to run a Python script that generates a header file prior to building the rest of the code. (Debian Lenny/ Eclipse 3.2)
When I build, the script may or may not run. It seems totally random. After failing I can just restart the build and the script might run, without changing anything.
I configured the builder once in Project|External Tools|External Tools and then imported it into the three projects. Since it runs sometimes the path and working dir must be correct. I have it set to refresh only the project, and to run after Cleans and on Manual builds.
I'm using find to ensure the output is not being created somewhere else and to delete the output after each test.
What could be causing this?


Pass selected file to Make target in Eclipse

At the company I'm currently working for, several IDEs are being used (they develop firmware for different embedded platforms).
All their C projects use a Makefile, so we decided to also add rules to their default Makefile to run static code analysis tools.
One of the IDEs they use is Eclipse.
Here we have added additional targets to the Make Target view, that triggers the lint target from the Makefile, for example.
Since we use multiple IDEs we can tell the tools called by the Makefile to generate specific output for the IDE being used.
For Eclipse we do this by adjusting the Build Command and adding something like IDE_ENV=eclipse to the end.
This works just fine.
Recently one of the engineers mentioned that it would be really helpful if he could run the tools, as defined in the Makefile, for a single file.
So, I updated the Makefile and it now accepts a variable SOURCE_FILE with the path of the file that needs to be checked.
In Eclipse I tried adding SOURCE_FILE=${selected_resource_loc} and just SOURCE_FILE=${resource_loc}, but these variable do not seem to work when running a Make Target.
I also tried to use $(selected_resource_loc) and $(resource_loc) directly in the Makefile, but without any luck.
Can somebody tell me how I can pass the current selected file to Make when running a target from the Make Target view?
Some Eclipse special variables can be not recognized in a build configuration. Instead of running build procedure try to use External Tools Configuration.
Similar problem was described here: Custom command for Eclipse on current file .

TFS Build: projects rebuilt even if not changed

I'm trying to automate our main project build (C++) via Team Build system (TFS 2013).
However, I see that a couple of projects are always built, even if no code change has occurred, while this does not happen using VS2013 on my development machine. This would cause some headache since binaries would always be generated and sent to test team even if not really modified.
Enabling "diagnostic" verbosity in build output, I see that the two project exhibit different behavior.
In the first project the log says that all .cpp files are rebuilt because the .PCH file has been modified (although no change happened). I could try disabling the PCH but would really avoid it if possible. Besides, not going to the root cause of the error would leave an open door to the error representing again and again.
In the second project, we have a pre build step that generates a .h file. However, prebuild steps should not run if no change in the code has been detected (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/42x5kfw4.aspx), so happens indeed on my development machine. On the build machine, instead, the prebuild step is executed, the .h is generated and this forces a complete rebuild.
In the team build settings I have "Clean workspace=false", "Clean build=false". I also tried "/p:IncrementalBuild=True" in MSBuild settings, but this did not fix the issue.
Note - I already looked at Visual Studio Rebuilds unmodified projects and VS2010 always rebuilds solution? before posting.
According to your info about project2, the pre build step executed on the build agent and not executed on your local machine. There must be something different with your local build environment and build agent environment. This may be the root cause.
Suggest you to double check it and make sure the environment is the same with each other. And try it again.

Xcode run script during build

I'm working on a project which has a SQLite database, built by running "sqlite3 [db filename] < [schema filename]" from the Terminal on Mac OS X. I'd like to learn more about the projects system in Xcode, and ideally get it to run this Terminal command automatically when I build the project, additionally copying the created database into the output directory of the C++ project. I've been able to do similar things with Visual Studio before, and I get the impression from the options presented that I can do the same thing in Xcode.
I've added an external build target with the database schema files inside it (so they get source controlled too) and at first it was running with errors that too many arguments were being passed. However, I put single quotes around the arguments and now it runs. But I don't see any output. The file is not generated in the directory I set and I can't find it anywhere else. I was wondering if it took the single quotes as a single argument to sqlite3, but I can't find anything named that either.
I keep finding tutorials such as this one: http://b2cloud.com.au/how-to-guides/precompilation-run-script-in-xcode-4 but it appears that Xcode has changed since they were written and I'm having no luck on 5.0.1. I can't seem to get it to run shell scripts, (hopeful for a workaround) can't find the output of what appear to be successfully run commands, and cannot add Aggregate/External Build Tool projects to the dependencies of my code project, so even if I had it working, it would not rebuild the database with the source code.
I'm more after an outline of the best way to do this in 5.0.1, because I suspect my entire approach may be wrong here.
Thank you for your time.

Run a script in eclipse before build

Simply put:
In eclipse how do I run a shell/batch script when I build? I have an external tool that can be run by hand but I want to trigger it when the project is built. Using build variables in the script would be an added bonus.
Why I want this:
I work on multi-platform games for mobile. The teams in the company I'm at use X-Code, Visual Studio, and Eclipse (Momentics) for our games. We want to be able to pick up a phone and see overlay on-top of it with information such as who built it, when it was built, what branch and revision it's from, and what library versions are being used. I've done this with X-Code by running a script on build that dumps some of that information to the resource directory of my game that I can then parse at runtime. It's really simple and I'm up for alternate suggestions if you have them; keeping in mind it must work for the three IDE's our developers use.
Bonus Sugar:
In X-Code we can use build variables which would be super nice to have for eclipse as well. I use them to change to the active cocos2d-x repository and get a git log to tell us when the last commit to that repository was made and by who. If that isn't possible in eclipse I can figure something out.
Thanks in advance!
Add a custom builder to your project: open Project properties from the popup menu, on the builders page add a new Program. That will open a "External tool configuration" page.
There you can define a script to run, and also add parameters, where you can add Eclipse variables, such as ${workspace}, etc.
Be careful though: this will run every time when the incremental project builder runs, and the configuration is shared through version control (so beware of absolute paths).

Why Build Fails with CruiseControl.NET but it builds fine manually with same settings?

I have a project that builds fine If I build it manually but it fails with CC.NET.
The error that shows up on CC.NET is basically related to an import that's failing because file was not found; one of the projects (C++ dll) tries to import a dll built by another project. Dll should be in the right place since there's a dependency between the projects - indeeed when I build manually everything works fine (Note that when I say manually I am getting everything fresh from source code repository then invoking a Rebuild from VS2005 to simulate CC.NET automation).
looks like dependencies are ignored when the build is automated through CC.NET.
I am building in Release MinDependency mode.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Can you change CC to use msbuild instead of devenv? That seems like the optimal solution to me, as it means the build is the same in both situations.
After a long investigation - my understanding on this at current stage is that the problem is related to the fact that I am using devenv to build through CruiseControl.NET but when I build manually VisualStudio is using msbuild.
Basically this causes dependencies to be ignored (because of some msbuild command arg that I am not reproducing using devenv).
I think the fact that dependencies are set between C++ projects is relevant too to some extent, since I've been able in other occasions to build properly with CC.NET setting dependencies between .NET projects and C++ projects.
In order to figure out exactly what is generating this different
behavior I'd have to follow this lead.
I'd like to hear other people's opinions on this.
Try building it from the command line and see what happens.
My guess would be that the user that the service is configured has different permissions and/or environment variables as you do when actually running it. If you are on the same physical box and it compiles fine with visual studio and you are also using visual studio in CruiseControl (not MSBuild) then it is almost assuredly the user. If however you are using MSBuild in CruiseControl there is a huge set of diffrence when MSBuild (2.0) compiles a C++ sln and when Visual Studio compiles it. If you must use MSBuild on C++ solutions try v3.5 it has much more support for C++ solutions.
I wonder if CC.Net is building with different environment variables, such that the necessary library directories aren't properly added to the path.
Is there any specific error message in the CC.Net build log as to why that particular DLL import failed? Could not find file? Permissions? Look in the detailed CC.Net build log for the failure and see where it differs from a normal command-line build.
I've run into instances where my solution builds if I open it in the IDE and compile, but fails if I run from a command line (either msbuild or devenv.) In each case, the problem was due to a bad reference - likely from paths not matching between your local box and the build server. You see it compile in the IDE correctly because VisualStudio, when opening a solution, will attempt to auto-resolve broken paths. When it does this, it won't tell you about it and usually won't change your solution and project files (which is what you'd hope for.)
Try opening your solution file and/or project files in a text editor and make sure all relative paths are valid.
As Alex said, I think that your problem is that the CC.NET service runs as a local user account. Unfortunatly some of the C++ environment variables are per user and will not be carried over to the default build environment. In my case it was the lib and include files defined in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories. This same issue evidently causes other issues and is called out in this article as a yellow block.
My solution was to create a new user (BuildUser) on the build machine specifically for building. The key was to then log in as BuildUser and set up the environment. Finally, I changed the CC.NET service to login as BuildUser and restarted it.
(reposting as my initial post seems to have failed)
VC2003 seems to have an inconsistency between dependencies and input libraries.
An example:
ProjectA --> A.lib
ProjectB --> B.exe
In Properties-->Linker-->Additional Input Libraries, A.lib is specified.
In Project Dependencies, ProjectA is unchecked (why it is not automatic is still a mystery to me)
When cleaning ProjectB, A.lib is not deleted, nor is it rebuilt when ProjectB is compiled. So the build appears to succeed in your local machine.
CC.NET starts from scratch, and the build fails as A.lib is not found in the first place.