Am I getting a race condition with my boost asio async_read? - c++

bool Connection::Receive(){
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(1000);
boost::bind(&Connection::handler, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred));
int rcvlen=buf.size();
ByteBuffer b((std::shared_ptr<uint8_t>),rcvlen);
if(rcvlen <= 0){
return false;
return true;
The method works fine but only when I make a breakpoint inside it. Is there an issue with timing as it waits to receive? Without the breakpoint, nothing is received.

You are trying to read from the receive buffer immediately after starting the asynchronous operation, without waiting for it to complete, that is why it works when you set a breakpoint.
The code after your async_read belongs into Connection::handler, since that is the callback you told async_read to invoke after receiving some data.
What you usually want is a start_read and a handle_read_some function:
void connection::start_read()
boost::bind(&connection::handle_read_some, shared_from_this(),
void connection::handle_read_some(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t bytes_transferred)
if (!error)
// Use the data here!
Note the shared_from_this, it's important if you want the lifetime of your connection to be automatically taken care of by the number of outstanding I/O requests. Make sure to derive your class from boost::enable_shared_from_this<connection> and to only create it with make_shared<connection>.
To enforce this, your constructor should be private and you can add a friend declaration (C++0x version; if your compiler does not support this, you will have to insert the correct number of arguments yourself):
template<typename T, typename... Arg> friend boost::shared_ptr<T> boost::make_shared(const Arg&...);
Also make sure your receive buffer is still alive by the time the callback is invoked, preferably by using a statically sized buffer member variable of your connection class.


Boost async: which completion condition to use with async_read on a socket?

I'm using Boost's async_read method to read from a socket (see code below).
Wireshark shows that packets of various size are received on the socket port, some with size between 256B and 512B (we only focus on these packets below).
When I use transfer_all() completion condition, the handler function is never called, as if all packets were buffered forever and never actually read.
On the opposite, if I use for instance transfer_at_least(8) as a completion condition, the handler function is called twice per packet, once with 256B of data, then once with the remainder. This I can understand (I guess the condition is checked every 256B or something).
What I want is to have the handler called once for each packet with the full data, but I cannot find how to do this.
Note: this question (boost::asio::read with completion condition boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1) won't read until EOF) seems to say transfer_all is the way to go, but what is my issue here?
// Extract of .h file
class ClientSocket
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;
boost::asio::streambuf input_buffer_;
// Extract of .cpp file
void ClientSocket::start_read()
boost::asio::async_read(socket_, input_buffer_, boost::asio::transfer_at_least(8), boost::bind(&ClientSocket::handle_read, this, _1));
void ClientSocket::handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& ec)
if (!ec)
const auto buffer =;
std::size_t size = input_buffer_.size();
// ---> the value of 'size' here show the issue
// Copy data
// Keep reading

Cancelling boost::asio::async_read gracefully

I have a class that looks like this:
class MyConnector : public boost::noncopyable, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<MyConnector>
typedef MyConnector this_type;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket _plainSocket;
boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> _readBuffer;
// lot of obvious stuff removed....
void readProtocol()
_readBuffer = boost::make_shared<std::vector<uint8_t>>(12, 0);
boost::asio::async_read(_plainSocket, boost::asio::buffer(&_readBuffer->at(0), 12),
boost::bind(&this_type::handleReadProtocol, shared_from_this(),
boost::asio::placeholders::bytes_transferred, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
void handleReadProtocol(size_t bytesRead,const boost::system::error_code& error)
// handling code removed
This class instance is generally waiting to receive 12 bytes protocol, before trying to read the full message. However, when I try to cancel this read operation and destroy the object, it doesn't happen. When I call _plainSocket.cancel(ec), it doesn't call handleReadProtocol with that ec. Socket disconnects, but the handler is not called.
boost::system::error_code ec;
And the shared_ptr of MyConnector object that was passed using shared_from_this() is not released. The object remains like a zombie in the heap memory. How do I cancel the async_read() in such a way that the MyConnector object reference count is decremented, allowing the object to destroy itself?
Two things: one, in handleReadProtocol, make sure that, if there is an error, that readProtocol is not called. Canceled operations still call the handler, but with an error code set.
Second, asio recommends shutting down and closing the socket if you're finished with the connection. For example:
asio::post([this] {
if (_plainSocket.is_open()) {
asio::error_code ec;
/* For portable behaviour with respect to graceful closure of a connected socket, call
* shutdown() before closing the socket. */
_plainSocket.shutdown(asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);
if (ec) {
Log(fmt::format("Socket shutdown error {}.", ec.message()));
if (ec)
Log(fmt::format("Socket close error {}.", ec.message()));

boost asio async_write with shared buffer over multi-thread

Now I have a Connection class as shown below (irrelevant things are omitted):
class Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Connection> {
virtual void write() {
void on_written(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t length) {
if(e) {
// handle error here
void add_to_buf(const std::string& data) {
// add the string data to buffer_ here
boost::asio::io_service& service_;
std::unique_ptr<socket> socket_;
boost::asio::streambuf buffer_;
As you see, the write() operation will write data in buffer_ and the buffer_ is only cleaned in the write operation completion handler. However, the problem comes, now I have the following invocation code (Note: it is multi-threaded):
Connection conn;
// initialization code here
conn.add_to_buf("first ");
The output I want is first second, but, sometimes the output could be first first second. It happens when the second operation starts but the first completion handler has not been called. I have read about strand to serialize things, however, it can only serialize tasks, it cannot serialize a completion handler and a task.
Someone may suggest to call the second write operation in the first's completion handler, but, per the design, this cannot be achieved.
So, any suggestions? maybe a lock on buffer_?
Locking the buffer per se wont change anything. If you call write before the first write has completed it will send the same data again. In my opinion the best way is to drop the add_to_buf method and just stick to a write function that does both, add data to the buffer and if neccessary triggers a send.
class Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Connection> {
virtual void write(const std::string& data) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
bool triggerSend = buffer_.size() == 0;
// add data to buffer
if (triggerSend) {
void on_written(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t length) {
if (e) {
// handle error here
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(lock_);
if (buffer_.size() > 0) {
void do_send_chunk() {
boost::asio::io_service& service_;
std::unique_ptr<socket> socket_;
boost::asio::streambuf buffer_;
std::mutex lock_;
The idea is, that the write function checks if there is still data left in the buffer. In this case it does not have to trigger a do_send_chunk call as sooner or later on_written will be called which then will cause another do_send_chunk as the new data will stay in the buffer and the if(buffer_.size() > 0) will be true inside on_written. If however there is no data left it has to trigger a send operation.

what is the easiest way to extend an existing data structure to include semaphore or similar methods in c++?

I have an existing c++ code.
boost::asio::ip::address m_sender_IP_address;
void Udp_comm::start_receive()
//receive UDP message
boost::bind(&Udp_comm::handle_receive, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error,
void Udp_comm::handle_receive(const boost::system::error_code& error, const std::size_t bytes_transferred)
std::string recvd_message(m_recv_buffer.begin(), m_recv_buffer.begin() + bytes_transferred);
m_sender_IP_address = m_sender_endpoint.address();//////////wait here
//continue to listening to future messages
process_message(m_sender_IP_addres.to_string(), recvd_message);
How to protect m_sender_IP_address from getting overwritten by next UDP message received? I want lock access to that variable from 2nd line in handle_receive method to the 1st line in process_message method
can I also acheive something similar without using locks?
A semaphore is not necessary here. You can use a strand to ensure an asynchronous handler is invoked concurrently once at most. To do this, create a wrapped handler for the async_receieve_from() callback
void Udp_comm::start_receive()
//receive UDP message
Here m_strand is a member of Udp_comm. Doing this will guarantee only one thread can mutate m_sender_IP_address.

boost::asio::async_read texutal stop condition?

I'm writing a server with Boost, something pretty simple - accept an XML message, process, reply. But I'm running into trouble at telling it when to stop reading.
This is what I have right now: (_index is the buffer into which the data is read)
std::size_t tcp_connection::completion_condition(const boost::system::error_code& error,
std::size_t bytes_transferred)
int ret = -1;
std::istream is(&_index);
std::string s;
is >> s;
if (s.find("</end_tag>") != std::string.npos) ret = 0;
return ret;
void tcp_connection::start()
// Get index from server
boost::asio::async_read(_socket, _index, &(tcp_connection::completion_condition),
boost::bind(&tcp_connection::handle_read, shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error,
This doesn't compile, since I have to define completion_condition as static to pass it to async_read; and I can't define _index as static since (obviously) I need it to be specific to the class.
Is there some other way to give parameters to completion_condition? How do I get it to recognize the ending tag and call the reading handler?
You can pass pointers to member functions. The syntax for doing it with C++ is tricky, but boost::bind hides it and makes it fairly easy to do.
An example would be making completion_condition non-static and passing it to async_read as such:boost::bind(&tcp_connection::completion_condition, this, _1, _2)
&tcp_connection::completion_condition is a pointer to the function. this is the object of type tcp_connection to call the function on. _1 and _2 are placeholders; they will be replaced with the two parameters the function is called with.