calling kernel32.dll function without including windows.h - c++

if kernel32.dll is guaranteed to loaded into a process virtual memory,why couldn't i call function such as Sleep without including windows.h?
the below is an excerpt quoting from
5. So, what about windows? How do I find the addresses of my needed DLL functions? Don't these addresses change with every service pack upgrade?
There are multitudes of ways to find the addresses of the functions that you need to use in your shellcode. There are two methods for addressing functions; you can find the desired function at runtime or use hard coded addresses. This tutorial will mostly discuss the hard coded method. The only DLL that is guaranteed to be mapped into the shellcode's address space is kernel32.dll. This DLL will hold LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress, the two functions needed to obtain any functions address that can be mapped into the exploits process space. There is a problem with this method though, the address offsets will change with every new release of Windows (service packs, patches etc.). So, if you use this method your shellcode will ONLY work for a specific version of Windows. Further dynamic addressing will be referenced at the end of the paper in the Further Reading section.

The article you quoted focuses on getting the address of the function. You still need the function prototype of the function (which doesn't change across versions), in order to generate the code for calling the function - with appropriate handling of input and output arguments, register values, and stack.
The windows.h header provides the function prototype that you wish to call to the C/C++ compiler, so that the code for calling the function (the passing of arguments via register or stack, and getting the function's return value) can be generated.
After knowing the function prototype by reading windows.h, a skillful assembly programmer may also be able to write the assembly code to call the Sleep function. Together with the function's address, these are all you need to make the function call.

With some black magic you can ;). there have been many custom implementations of GetProcAddress, which would allow you to get away with not needing windows.h, this however isn't be all and end all and could probably end up with problems due to internal windows changes. Another method is using toolhlp to enumerate the modules in the process to get kernel.dll's base, then spelunks its PE for the EAT and grab the address of GetProcAddress. from there you just need function pointer prototypes to call the addresses correctly(and any structure defs needed), which isn't too hard meerly labour intensive(if you have many functions), infact under windows xp this is required to disable DEP due to service pack differencing, ofc you need windows.h as a reference to get this, you just don't need to include it.

You'd still need to declare the function in order to call it, and you'd need to link with kernel32.lib. The header file isn't anything magic, it's basically just a lot of function declarations.

I can do it with 1 line of assembly and then some helper functions to walk the PEB
file by hard coding the correct offsets to different members.
You'll have to start here:
static void*
void* base_address = 0;
unsigned long long var_out = 0;
" movq %%gs:0x60, %[sym_out] ; \n\t"
:[sym_out] "=r" (var_out) //:OUTPUTS
//: printf("[var_out]:%d\n", (int)var_out);
return( base_address );
Then use windbg on an executable file to inspect the data structures on your machine.
A lot of the values you'll be needing are hard to find and only really documented by random hackers. You'll find yourself on a lot of malware writing sites digging for answers.
dt nt!_PEB -r #$peb
Was pretty useful in windbg to get information on the PEB file.
There is a full working implementation of this in my game engine.
Just look in: /DEP/PEB2020 for the code.
I don't include <windows.h> in my game engine. Yet I use "GetProcAddress"
and "LoadLibraryA". Might be in-advisable to do this. But my thought was the more
moving parts, the more that can go wrong. So figured I'd take the "#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" to it's absurd conclusion and not include <windows.h> at all.


Can I access Windows Kernel system calls directly?

I have been doing research into Windows internals, and have just recently learned about system calls and I am wondering if it is possible to use these system calls like functions? I understand they aren't really meant to be accessed externally.
For instance: NtUserEmptyClipboard is a system call in Win32k.sys, and it's address is 0x117f
If I wanted to use this call like a function, how could I do so?
What you want to do depends heavily on the architecture you're interested, but the thing to know is, that ntdll.dll is the user-mode trampoline for every syscall - i.e. the only one who actually makes syscalls at the end of the day is ntdll.
So, let's disassemble one of these methods in WinDbg, by opening up any old exe (I picked notepad). First, use x ntdll!* to find the symbols exported by ntdll:
0:000> x ntdll!*
00007ff9`ed1aec20 ntdll!RtlpMuiRegCreateLanguageList (void)
00007ff9`ed1cf194 ntdll!EtwDeliverDataBlock (void)
00007ff9`ed20fed0 ntdll!shortsort_s (void)
00007ff9`ed22abbf ntdll!RtlUnicodeStringToOemString$fin$0 (void)
00007ff9`ed1e9af0 ntdll!LdrpAllocateDataTableEntry (void)
So, let's pick one at random, NtReadFile looks neato. Let's disassemble it:
0:000> uf ntdll!NtReadFile
00007ff9`ed21abe0 4c8bd1 mov r10,rcx
00007ff9`ed21abe3 b805000000 mov eax,5
00007ff9`ed21abe8 0f05 syscall
00007ff9`ed21abea c3 ret
Here, we see that we stuff away rcx, put the syscall number into eax, then call the syscall instruction. Every syscall has a number that is assigned arbitrarily by Windows (i.e. this number is a secret handshake between ntdll and the kernel, and changes whenever Microsoft wants)
None of these instructions are "magic", you could execute them in your app directly too (but there's no practical reason to do so, of course - just for funsies)
EmptyClipboard is one of so-called "Win32 API" and NtUserEmptyClipboard is a corresponding "native API".
Unlike Linux syscall(2), we are rarely supposed to directly call "native API". I heard they are in ntdll.dll rather than win32k.sys. But we should be able to invoke them just like normal functions defined in a normal DLL.
Is there any way to call the Windows Native API functions from the user mode?
I strongly doubt that 0x117f is the address you're looking for. I suspect it might be the value which you need to pass to GetProcAddress. But I don't know for sure, since those things vary across Windows versions (that's why ordinary people use documented functions instead)
The main part of the native API is exported via normal functions from ntdll.dll. You can load this dll into your process and call these functions just like any other API functions. As long as you have the right function prototypes and parameters, the calls will work just fine. What they do internally is transition from usermode to kernelmode and then they use an offset into the system service descriptor table (SSDT) to find the address of the function in kernel mode memory, and then the function is called. There is an open source project that makes calls to the native api that you might refer to.
The functions in win32k.sys are not exposed in ntdll.dll. As far as I can tell they are not exposed anywhere. The address you have listed - I believe - is actually an offset into the SSDT. If you really needed to call this function, you would have to make the transition from usermode to kernelmode yourself, putting all the parameters for the function and the SSDT offset into the right places.
As others have recommended, I would suggest to find the usermode API to help accomplish what you want to do. FWIW, in user32.dll the function EmptyClipboard appears to forward directly to NtUserEmptyClipboard, according to the link /dump output.
1731 DF 0002018A EmptyClipboard = _NtUserEmptyClipboard#0

Changing what a function points to

I have been playing around with pointers and function pointers in c/c++. As you can get the adress of a function, can you change where a function call actually ends?
I tried getting the memory adress of a function, then writing a second functions adress to that location, but it gave me a access violation error.
Function pointers are variables, just like ints and doubles. The address of a function is something different. It is the location of the beginning of the function in the .text section of the binary. You can assign the address of a function to a function pointer of the same type however the .text section is read only and therefore you can't modify it. Writing to the address of a function would attempt to overwrite the code at the beginning of the function and is therefore not allowed.
If you want to change, at runtime, where function calls end up you can create something called a vritual dispatch table, or vtable. This is a structure containing function pointers and is used in languages such as c++ for polymorphism.
struct VTable {
int (*foo)(void);
int (*bar)(int);
} vTbl;
At runtime you can change the values of and to point to different functions and any calls made to or .bar will be directed to the new functions.
If the function you're trying to call is inlined, then you're pretty much out of luck. However, if it's not inlined, then there may be a way:
On Unix systems there's a common feature of the dynamic linker called LD_PRELOAD which allows you to override functions in shared libraries with your own versions. See the question What is the LD_PRELOAD trick? for some discussion of this. If the function you're trying to hijack is not loaded from a shared library (i.e. if it's part of the executable or if it's coming from a statically linked library), you're probably out of luck.
On Windows, there are other attack vectors. If the function to be hooked is exported by some DLL, you could use Import Address Table Patching to hijack it without tinkering with the code of the function. If it's not exported by the DLL but you can get the address of it (i.e. by taking the address of a function) you could use something like the free (and highly recommended) N-CodeHook project.
In some environments, it is possible to "patch" the beginning instructions of a function to make the call go somewhere else. This is an unusual technique and is not used for normal programming. It is sometimes used if you have an existing compiled program and need to change how it interacts with the operating system.
Microsoft Detours is an example of a library that has the ability to this.
You can change what a function pointer points to, but you can't change a normal function nor can you change what the function contains.
You generally can't find where a function ends. There's no such standard functionality in the language and the compiler can optimize code in such ways that the function's code isn't contiguous and really has not a single point of end and in order to find where the code ends one would need to either use some non-standard tools or disassemble the code and make sense of it, which isn't something you can easily write a program for to do automatically.

Can I programatically deduce the calling convention used by a C++ dll?

Imagine you'd like to write a program that tests functions in a c++ dll file.
You should enable the user to select a dll (we assume we are talking about c++ dlls).
He should be able to obtain a list of all functions exported by the dll.
Then, the user should be able to select a function name from the list, manually input a list of arguments ( the arguments are all basic types, like int, double, bool or char arrays (e.g. c-type strings) ) and attempt to run the selected function with the specified arguments.
He'd like to know if the function runs with the specified arguments, or do they cause it to crash ( because they don't match the signature for example ).
The main problem is that C++, being a strongly typed language, requires you to know the number and type of the arguments for a function call at compile time.And in my case, I simply don't know what these arguments are, until the user selects them at runtime.
The only solution I came up with, was to use assembly to manually push the arguments on the call stack.
However, I've come to understand that if I want to mess with assembly, I'd better make damn sure that I know which calling convention are the functions in the dll using.
So (finally:) here's my question: can I deduce the calling convention programmaticaly? Dependency Walker won't help me, and I've no idea how to manually read PE format.
The answer is maybe.
If the functions names are C++ decorated, then you can determine the argument count and types from the name decoration, this is your best case scenario, and fairly likely if MSVC was used to write the code in the first place.
If the exported functions are stdcall calling convention (the default for windows api), you can determine the number of bytes to be pushed, but not the types of the arguments.
The bad news is that for C calling convention, there isn't any way to tell by looking at the symbol names. You would need to have access to the source code or the debug info.
The name that a function is given as an export is not required to have any relationship with the name that the linker sees, but most of the time, the exported name and the symbol name that the linker sees are the same.
You didn't specify whether you're talking 32-bit or 64-bit here, and the difficulties outlined by you and the other posters mainly apply to 32-bit code. On 64-bit Windows, there's essentially only one calling convention (it's in also in the wikipedia article linked by John Knoeller), which means that you do know the calling convention (of course with the exception of anybody cooking up their own).
Also, with the Microsoft x64 calling convention, not knowing the number of parameters of the function to be called does not stop you from calling it, providing as many parameters as you wish/the user wishes to. This is because you as a caller set aside stack space and clean it up afterwards. -- Of course, not providing the right [number of] parameters may still have the called function do silly things because you're providing invalid input, but that's another story.
The compiled code does not just say 'Here this function is a fastcall, and this one here is stdcall' unfortunately.
Not even modern disassemblers like IDA try to deduce call types by default (there might be a plugin or an option somewhere idk).
Basically if you are a human you cn look at the first few instructions and tell 90% of the time. If they are pop and push, its stdcall, if its passing params through the registers (especially ecx) then its cdecl. Fastcall also uses the registers but does something special.. dunno off the top of my head. But all this info is useless because your program obviously will not be a human.
If you are doing testing, dont you at least have the header files?? This is an awfully hard way to skin a cat..
If you want to know what calling convention a C++ function uses, your best hope is to study
The header that declares that function, and
The documentation for the compiler that compiled your particular DLL.
But this whole thing sounds like a bit of a mess, honestly. Why does your friend want to be able to do this, and why can't he get the information he needs by parsing a header that declares the relevant functions?
This page describes the way VC++6 encodes parameter and calling convention info into a symbol name:
I suspect that later versions of VC++ will be compatible but I haven't confirmed this.
There are also some tools that automate this which accompany the compiler:
The name mangling only applies for C++ functions; if a function is 'extern "C"' then this won't work.

Does an arbitrary instruction pointer reside in a specific function?

I have a very difficult problem I'm trying to solve: Let's say I have an arbitrary instruction pointer. I need to find out if that instruction pointer resides in a specific function (let's call it "Foo").
One approach to this would be to try to find the start and ending bounds of the function and see if the IP resides in it. The starting bound is easy to find:
void *start = &Foo;
The problem is, I don't know how to get the ending address of the function (or how "long" the function is, in bytes of assembly).
Does anyone have any ideas how you would get the "length" of a function, or a completely different way of doing this?
Let's assume that there is no SEH or C++ exception handling in the function. Also note that I am on a win32 platform, and have full access to the win32 api.
This won't work. You're presuming functions are contigous in memory and that one address will map to one function. The optimizer has a lot of leeway here and can move code from functions around the image.
If you have PDB files, you can use something like the dbghelp or DIA API's to figure this out. For instance, SymFromAddr. There may be some ambiguity here as a single address can map to multiple functions.
I've seen code that tries to do this before with something like:
#pragma optimize("", off)
void Foo()
void FooEnd()
#pragma optimize("", on)
And then FooEnd-Foo was used to compute the length of function Foo. This approach is incredibly error prone and still makes a lot of assumptions about exactly how the code is generated.
Look at the *.map file which can optionally be generated by the linker when it links the program, or at the program's debug (*.pdb) file.
OK, I haven't done assembly in about 15 years. Back then, I didn't do very much. Also, it was 680x0 asm. BUT...
Don't you just need to put a label before and after the function, take their addresses, subtract them for the function length, and then just compare the IP? I've seen the former done. The latter seems obvious.
If you're doing this in C, look first for debugging support --- ChrisW is spot on with map files, but also see if your C compiler's standard library provides anything for this low-level stuff -- most compilers provide tools for analysing the stack etc., for instance, even though it's not standard. Otherwise, try just using inline assembly, or wrapping the C function with an assembly file and a empty wrapper function with those labels.
The most simple solution is maintaining a state variable:
volatile int FOO_is_running = 0;
int Foo( int par ){
FOO_is_running = 1;
/* do the work */
FOO_is_running = 0;
return 0;
Here's how I do it, but it's using gcc/gdb.
$ gdb ImageWithSymbols
gdb> info line * 0xYourEIPhere
Edit: Formatting is giving me fits. Time for another beer.

Incorrect function addresses in Visual Studio MAP-file

the function addresses (Rva+Base) in my MAP-file from visual studio doesn't match the one I see in the debugger (or when I manually inspect my stack frame).
What could be causing this?
Is the problem in an executable or a DLL?
If it's a DLL what is its preferred load address? If this clashes with any other DLL then it will be rebased by the loader, and this can lead to what you're seeing.
As part of your build process, you should ensure that all your DLLs are rebased (there's a tool to do this) so that their address spaces don't clash (this frees up some page file space as well as improving load time).
Both exe and dll can be relocated, unless you specify a /FIXED command line option when linking. I use following way to determine the real address to determine where my exe was loaded, so that I can compute the offset against the map file.
static void KnownFunctionAddress(){}
// check an address of a known function
// and compare this to the value read from the map file
intptr_t CheckRelocationOffset(MapFile map)
intptr_t mapAddress = map.PhysicalAddress("?KnownFunctionAddress##YAXXZ");
intptr_t realAddress = (intptr_t)KnownFunctionAddress;
return realAddress-mapAddress;
When you are in the debugger and stepping into the code, can you check if the code address is within the range that you see in the "Modules" window? Sometimes the same piece of code may exist in several modules of same / different names.
Once you identify the "Module" which contains the code, use the base address from the Modules window to arrive at (by subtracting) the DLL entry point address.
Finally, there is also the effect of entry jump tables (trampoline), which is a kind of function call indirection that can be added at compile time or at runtime. Thus, the "entry point" address may be a smoke screen and doesn't match the address for the function body.
(My understanding of DLL structure is limited, so there may be inaccuracies in my answer.)
I'm not able to reply directly to Suma's reply for some reason, but you can also just do the following:
extern "C" struct IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; // On platforms other than Win32/Win64, this MAY be a different header type...
printf_s("base: %p", &__ImageBase);
__ImageBase is defined by the linker (VC++ at least) and taking its address will give you the base address of the module (EXE/DLL), even if it is relocated at runtime.
There's also
printf_s("calling module's base: %p\n", GetModuleHandle(NULL));
which can give you the same base address value...but there are more caveats to GetModuleHandle (plus it requires windows.h) so I recommend just sticking to __ImageBase.
Like others have mentioned, your problem is probably relating to Windows relocating your module. If there is no .reloc section in the module file, then the file isn't relocatable, in which case it is like you're running into trampolines or such like rwong suggested.