Recover from task failed beyond max_retries - django

I am attempting to asynchronously consume a web service because it takes up to 45 seconds to return. Unfortunately, this web service is also somewhat unreliable and can throw errors. I have set up django-celery and have my tasks executing, which works fine until the task fails beyond max_retries.
Here is what I have so far:
#task(default_retry_delay=5, max_retries=10)
def request(xml):
server = Client('')
xml = server.service.RunRealTimeXML(
except Exception, e:
result = Result(, details=e.reason, status="i")
return request.retry(exc=e)
except MaxRetriesExceededError, e:
result = Result(, details="Max Retries Exceeded", status="f")
result = Result(, details=xml, status="s")
return result
Unfortunately, MaxRetriesExceededError is not being thrown by retry(), so I'm not sure how to handle the failure of this task. Django has already returned HTML to the client, and I am checking the contents of Result via AJAX, which is never getting to a full fail f status.
So the question is: How can I update my database when the Celery task has exceeded max_retries?

The issue is that celery is trying to re-raise the exception you passed in when it hits the retry limit. The code for doing this re-raising is here:
The simplest way around this is to just not have celery manage your exceptions at all:
def mytask():
except Exception as e:
except MaxRetriesExceededError:

You can override the after_return method of the celery task class, this method is called after the execution of the task whatever is the ret status (SUCCESS,FAILED,RETRY)
class MyTask(celery.task.Task)
def run(self, xml, **kwargs)
#Your stuffs here
def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo=None):
if self.max_retries == int(kwargs['task_retries']):
#If max retries are equals to task retries do something
if status == "FAILURE":
#You can do also something if the tasks fail instead of check the retries

With Celery version 2.3.2 this approach has worked well for me:
class MyTask(celery.task.Task):
abstract = True
def after_return(self, status, retval, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
if self.max_retries == self.request.retries:
#If max retries is equal to task retries do something
#task(base=MyTask, default_retry_delay=5, max_retries=10)
def request(xml):
#Your stuff here

I'm just going with this for now, spares me the work of subclassing Task and is easily understood.
# auto-retry with delay as defined below. After that, hook is disabled.
#celery.shared_task(bind=True, max_retries=5, default_retry_delay=300)
def post_data(self, hook_object_id, url, event, payload):
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
r =, data=payload, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
if self.request.retries >= self.max_retries:
log.warning("Auto-deactivating webhook %s for event %s", hook_object_id, event)
return False
raise self.retry(exc=e)
return True


Flask global exception handling

How could one handle exceptions globally with Flask? I have found ways to use the following to handle custom db interactions:
except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, exc:
reason = exc.message
if reason.endswith('is not unique'):
print "%s already exists" % exc.params[0]
The problem with try-except is I would have to run that on every aspect of my code. I can find better ways to do that for custom code. My question is directed more towards global catching and handling for:
I have found that this apimanager accepts validation_exceptions: [ValidationError] but I have found no examples of this being used.
I still would like a higher tier of handling that effects all db interactions with a simple concept of "If this error: show this, If another error: show something else" that just runs on all interactions/exceptions automatically without me including it on every apimanager (putting it in my base_writable_api_settings is fine I guess). (IntegrityError, NameError, DataError, DatabaseError, etc)
I tend to set up an error handler on the app that formats the exception into a json response. Then you can create custom exceptions like UnauthorizedException...
class Unauthorized(Exception):
status_code = 401
def _(error):
trace = traceback.format_exc()
status_code = getattr(error, 'status_code', 400)
response_dict = dict(getattr(error, 'payload', None) or ())
response_dict['message'] = getattr(error, 'message', None)
response_dict['traceback'] = trace
response = jsonify(response_dict)
response.status_code = status_code
return response
You can also handle specific exceptions using this pattern...
def handle_validation_error(error):
# Do something...
Error handlers get attached to the app, not the apimanager. You probably have something like
app = Flask()
apimanager = ApiManager(app)
Put this somewhere using that app object.
My preferred approach uses decorated view-functions.
You could define a decorator like the following:
def handle_exceptions(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except ValidationError:
# do something
except HTTPException:
# do something else ...
except MyCustomException:
# do a third thing
Then you can simply decorate your view-functions, e.g.
def index():
# ...
I unfortunately do not know about the hooks Flask-Restless offers for passing view-functions.

Python user defined exception handling

i need a little bit of help understanding a problem that i have with user defined exceptions in python 2.7.11.
I have two files and .in main i post data and receive a response and and in myErrors i handle the errors.
What i'm trying to do is execute the version error in the try:except statement, but it doesn't get executed even thought it should be. what i'm doing is that i pass the response to myErrors and update that data to a dictionary in the errors file.-
my question was badly phrased. What I want to do is, is pass the response to the error handler, but i don't want to execute it, until we get to the Try:except clause in on_response method. So when we get the response and if it's not successful, then check the error code and raise the exception. Now what i'm doing is checking first for errors and then executing the check for success (error code)
Here is the main
def send_messages(self):
response = cm.postData(url=simulateSasServer, jsondata=json_data)
def on_response(self, response):
# if registration is succesful change state to REGISTERED.
if 'registrationResponse' in response:
responseObjects = response['registrationResponse']
for responseObject in responseObjects:
if responseObject['error']['errorCode'] == 0:
except myErrors.Version():
raise ("version_message")
Here is the myErrors
class myERRORS(Exception):
error_code = {'SUCCESS': 0,
'VERSION': 100,
response_data = {}
def __init__(self, response):
class Version(myERRORS):
def __init__(self): = "VERSION"
self.err_code = self.error_code['VERSION']
self.msg = "SAS protocol version used by CBSD is not supported by SAS"
if self.version_error() is True:
print (, self.err_code, self.msg)
raise Exception(, self.err_code, self.msg)
def version_error(self):
response_objects = self.response_data.values()[0]
if 'registrationResponse' in self.response_data:
for r_object in response_objects:
if r_object['error']['errorCode'] == self.error_code['VERSION']:
return True
Any help is much appreciated.
There isn't really anything special about exceptions. They are classes. What you did is create an instance of a class. You did not raise it. Change:
raise myERRORS.myERRORS(response)

Celery: check if a task is completed to send an email to

I'm new to celery and an overall python noob. I must have stumbled upon the right solution during my research but I just don't seem to understand what I need to do for what seems to be a simple case scenario.
I followed the following guide to learn about flask+celery.
What I understand:
There seems there is something obvious I'm missing about how to trigger a task after the first one is finished. I tried using callbacks, using loops, even tried using Celery Flower and Celery beat to realise this has nothing with what I'm doing...
After filling the form, I want to send an email with attachements (result of the task) or a failure email otherwise. Without having to wonder what my user is doing on the app (no HTTP requests)
My code:
class ClassWithTheTask:
def __init__(self, filename, proxies):
# do stuff until a variable results is created
self.results = 'this contains my result'
#app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
#app.route('/index', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
form = MyForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
# ...
# the task
my_task = task1.delay(file_path, proxies)
return redirect(url_for('taskstatus',, filename=filename,
return render_template('index.html',
def task1(self, filepath, proxies):
task = ClassWithTheTask(filepath, proxies)
return results
def send_async_email(msg):
"""Background task to send an email with Flask-Mail."""
with app.app_context():
def taskstatus(task_id, filename, email):
task = task1.AsyncResult(task_id)
if task.state == 'PENDING':
# job did not start yet
response = {
'state': task.state,
'status': 'Pending...'
elif task.state != 'FAILURE':
response = {
'state': task.state,
'status':'status', '')
if 'results' in
response['results'] =['results']
response['untranslated'] =['untranslated']
msg = Message('Task Complete for %s !' % filename,
msg.body = 'blabla'
with app.open_resource(response['results']) as fp:
msg.attach(response['results'], "text/csv",
with app.open_resource(response['untranslated']) as fp:
msg.attach(response['untranslated'], "text/csv",
# the big problem here is that it will send the email only if the user refreshes the page and get the 'SUCCESS' status.
flash('task finished. sent an email.')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
# something went wrong in the background job
response = {
'state': task.state,
'status': str(, # this is the exception raised
return jsonify(response)
I don't get the goal of your method for status check. Anyway what you are describing can be accomplished this way.
if form.validate_on_submit():
# ...
# the task
my_task = (
task1.s(file_path, proxies).set(link_error=send_error_email.s(filename, error))
| send_async_email.s()
return redirect(url_for('taskstatus',, filename=filename,
Then your error task will look like this. The normal task can stay the way it is.
def send_error_email(task_id, filename, email):
task = AsyncResult(task_id)
What happens here is that you are using a chain. You are telling Celery to run your task1, if that completes successfully then run send_async_email, if it fails run send_error_email. This should work, but you might need to adapt the parameters, consider it as pseudocode.
This does not seem right at all:
def task1(self, filepath, proxies):
task = ClassWithTheTask(filepath, proxies)
return results
The line my_task = task1.delay(file_path, proxies) earlier in your code suggests you want to return task but you return results which is not defined anywhere. (ClassWithTheTask is also undefined). This code would crash, and your task would never execute.

Logging request timeouts on Django + Gunicorn + Heroku

We have a Django app running Gunicorn with sync workers that's deployed on Heroku. Our request response time shows several requests that hit 30s (and die), which is the default Gunicorn timeout.
What is the best way to log these requests and analyze the timeout? Gunicorn doesn't seem to provide a hook for catching these timeouts, at least not something that's obvious.
One rather rough way to do it is have a "watchdog" timer that interrupts the process after, say, 25 seconds. Once you have an idea of which procs are slow, you can refine the data to figure out what's going on.
import signal
def timeout(_signum, _frame):
print 'TIMEOUT'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout)
signal.alarm(1) # send SIGALRM in 1 second
print 'waiting'
print 'done'
Another approach is to fire off a Thread which pokes the main code after a certain amount of elapsed time. It has several caveats -- be sure to read the ActiveState link.
Here's one implementation by Aaron Swartz from
import threading
class TimeoutError(Exception): pass
def timelimit(timeout):
def internal(function):
def internal2(*args, **kw):
class Calculator(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.result = None
self.error = None
def run(self):
self.result = function(*args, **kw)
self.error = sys.exc_info()[0]
c = Calculator()
if c.isAlive():
raise TimeoutError
if c.error:
raise c.error
return c.result
return internal2
return internal added a worker_abort signal which is what I'm using in this case.

How to have django give a HTTP response before continuing on to complete a task associated to the request?

In my django piston API, I want to yield/return a http response to the the client before calling another function that will take quite some time. How do I make the yield give a HTTP response containing the desired JSON and not a string relating to the creation of a generator object?
My piston handler method looks like so:
def create(self, request):
data =
*other operations......................*
response = rc.CREATED
response.content = {"id":str(}
yield response
Instead of the response I want, like:
The client gets a string like this:
"<generator object create at 0x102c50050>"
I realise that using yield was the wrong way to go about this, in essence what I am trying to achieve is that the client receives a response right away before the server moves onto the time costly function of manage_incident()
This doesn't have anything to do with generators or yielding, but I've used the following code and decorator to have things run in the background while returning the client an HTTP response immediately.
def long_process():
do things...
def some_view(request):
return HttpResponse(...)
And here's the code to make it work:
import atexit
import Queue
import threading
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
def _worker():
while True:
func, args, kwargs = _queue.get()
func(*args, **kwargs)
import traceback
details = traceback.format_exc()
mail_admins('Background process exception', details)
_queue.task_done() # so we can join at exit
def postpone(func):
def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
_queue.put((func, args, kwargs))
return decorator
_queue = Queue.Queue()
_thread = threading.Thread(target=_worker)
_thread.daemon = True
def _cleanup():
_queue.join() # so we don't exit too soon
Perhaps you could do something like this (be careful though):
import threading
def create(self, request):
data =
# do stuff...
t = threading.Thread(target=manage_incident,
return response
Have anyone tried this? Is it safe? My guess is it's not, mostly because of concurrency issues but also due to the fact that if you get a lot of requests, you might also get a lot of processes (since they might be running for a while), but it might be worth a shot.
Otherwise, you could just add the incident that needs to be managed to your database and handle it later via a cron job or something like that.
I don't think Django is built either for concurrency or very time consuming operations.
Someone have tried it, seems to work.
Edit 2
These kind of things are often better handled by background jobs. The Django Background Tasks library is nice, but there are others of course.
You've turned your view into a generator thinking that Django will pick up on that fact and handle it appropriately. Well, it won't.
def create(self, request):
return HttpResponse(real_create(request))
Since you seem to be having trouble... visualizing it...
def stuff():
print 1
yield 'foo'
print 2
for i in stuff():
print i