How to deploy dotcms war file into the existing tomcat server? - dotcms

I downloaded dotcms1.9.3 from, how can i deploy it into tomcat 6, i do know that i have to create or modify some files like specify the mysql (not POSTGRESQ )database connection string to make the system work, can you go into detail about it? Thanks in advance!


How to upload multiple WAR files to Tomcat

We been using Tomcat to host our Java Web Services that our PHP website will call.
We have have few environments, meaning we have a few Tomcat Servers. Each time we change a Web Service we have to upload the WAR file to all the Servers. And it becomes a lot of work, for each server uploading one war file at a time.
Is there a way to upload multiple WAR files to Tomcat? And maybe later on I can write a program to do the uploading for us.
Any advice or links that can help, point me in the right direction will be appreciated.
So I did a little more googling and found out that Tomcat allows you to send single request URI. A given example is:
For some reason its not working with me, keeps telling me access denied. Will keep trying
Search the net for this I came across Tcat that has this functionality:
Deploy multiple applications across servers. Rollback bad deployments
1.View complete deployment history
2.Rollback to earlier versions
3.Deploy, undeploy and redeploy multiple applications
Of course this is a paid software...
I found the solution, just copy the WAR files to the \webapps directory in Tomcat.
Windows: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps
Linux: /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
Tomcat will deploy the WAR files automatically. If it does not deploy automatically, then try restarting Tomcat.

Auto-reloading WAR in Jetty standalone

I have a WAR deployed to Jetty 9.0.0.M3. I am trying to figure out what I need to set in my context in order to be able to have it reloaded every time I upload an updated war file (without having to restart Jetty).
I had a look at the docs, but I'm afraid I couldn't find what I was looking for. I only know how to do this with the embedded Jetty Maven plugin, but not with the standalone.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
The key is in the deployer. You need to wire up the deployment manager functionality and have it manage the starting of the webapp.
The jetty xml files are effectively a thin skin over java so look the following xml file which is what jetty uses for the traditional webapp startup of our distribution.
This ought to get you fixed up.

Create a virtual directory in wso2

I am using wso2 application server v4.0 on Linux.
I have a webapp and I want to have a folder to store files. The folder size can be huge and the application could be redeployed as well, so directory is not inside the webapp.
How do I create a virtual directory or similar in wso2? That directory can be general, i mean it is not needed to be related to the webapp examples: localhost:80/myDirectory/ and localhost:80/myApplication/myDirectory/ are valid approaches to me.
There are some clear instructions to do it in tomcat but I can't find out how to translate this to tomcat in wso2.
Please checkout the sample available here.

How to fix the error 'input Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file is not valid'?

I'm facing a problem when I deploy a DTSX File to a production server.
In the DTSX file I consume a WebService through the Web Service Task,
The WebService asks for a WSDL File that it has to download from a local path.
There is no problem in my machine, but in the production server it won't ever exists.
I think it is not acceptable to ask to my client to get me permissions to enter in his production server and create a folder to store that wsdl file. In addition what will happen when the wsdl changes? I will have to deploy my dtsx package again and also replace the wsdl file in the server. So I think it is not an option.
So, my question is,
Is there a possible way to avoid to have a physical file with the wsdl especifcation, or it could be deployed within the dtsx deployment package, or save it in a variable, or how else I could do that?
I've been searching a lot, but still not luck.
Any help would be really appreciated.
To achieve this, one option would be to make use of Script Task and with the help of .NET namespace System.Net.WebClient, you can access the WSDL URL path and download the contents of the WSDL file to the system's temporary folder path. You can get the system's temporary folder path, which is the value of the environment variable TEMP, using the .NET method System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(). The newly generated temporary path of the WSDL file can be then stored in an SSIS package variable, which can then be configured in the Web Service Task for it to use instead of relying on a local path. Initially, during development you will need to have the WSDL file in the local path but once you deploy the package to the production, the WSDL file need not exist on the local drive.
Hope that helps.

Where does the tomcat axis file server-config.wsdd come from?

Part of our system provides a web service through apache tomcat, the service is referenced in the server-config.wsdd file. Unfortunately nobody can remember how it got in there.
The apache set up has changed, and I need to update the system for the new configuration. What magic keywords can I google for to help me work out how and why it got into the existing server-config.wsdd, and how it might fit into the new server-config.wsdd
The server-config.wsdd file is generated by the wsdl2java tool from Axis. So, some developer used the tool and copied the file inside your Tomcat conf, where it belongs.
The server-config.wsdd is created when you deploy your web service by running
java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient \deploy.wsdd
my knowledge says that it is hardcoded... and by using java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient \deploy.wsdd or by explicitly invoking it through an ant script you can embody it to the server-config.wsdd and deploy the service