Writing multiple output files in Fortran - fortran

Dear All, I am writing a code that writes the out put in multiple files named as 1.dat, 2.dat, ..... Here is my code but it gives some unusual output. May you tell me what is wrong in my code please? Basically I could not get the correct syntax to open multiple files, write on them and close before the next file is opened. Thank you. My Code:
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z),integer(i-n)
dimension b(3300,78805),bb(78805)
nf = 3600 ! NUMBER OF FILES
nj = 360 ! Number of rows in file.
do j = 1, nj
bb(j) = 0.0
end do
c-------!Body program-----------------------------------------------
iout = 0 ! Output Files upto "ns" no.
if(mod(i,180).eq.0.0) then
open(unit = iout, file = 'formatted')
x = 0.0
do j = 1, nj
bb(j) = sin(x)
write(iout,11) int(x),bb(j)
x = x + 1.0
end do
iout = iout + 1
end if
11 format(i0,'.dat')

So there are a few things not immediately clear about your code, but I think here the most relevant bits are that you want to specify the filename with file = in the open statement, not the formatting, and looping over units with iout is problematic because you'll eventually hit system-defined units for stdin and stdout. Also, with that format line it looks like you're getting ready to create the filename, but you never actually use it.
I'm not sure where you're; going with the mod test, etc, but below is a stripped down version of above which just creates the files ina loop:
program manyfiles
implicit none
character(len=70) :: fn
integer, parameter :: numfiles=40
integer, parameter :: outunit=44
integer :: filenum, j
do filenum=1,numfiles
! build filename -- i.dat
write(fn,fmt='(i0,a)') filenum, '.dat'
! open it with a fixed unit number
open(unit=outunit,file=fn, form='formatted')
! write something
write(outunit, *) filenum
! close it
end program manyfiles

In my case, I want the file name have an prefix likedyn_
program manyfiles
implicit none
character(len=70) :: filename
integer, parameter :: numfiles=40
integer, parameter :: outunit=44
integer :: filenum, j
do filenum=1,numfiles
write(filename,'("dyn_",i0,".dat")') filenum
open(unit=outunit,file=filename, form='formatted')
write(outunit, *) filenum
end program manyfiles


FORTRAN parsing file with varying line formate

I have only limited experience with FORTRAN and I need to parse files with a structure similar to this:
H s 13.010000 0.019685
1.962000 0.137977
0.444600 0.478148
s 0.122000 1.000000
p 0.727000 1.000000
He s 38.360000 0.023809
5.770000 0.154891
1.240000 0.469987
s 0.297600 1.000000
p 1.275000 1.000000
I need to search for the label (e.g. He) and then read the corresponding blocks into an array.
I know I can parse file by specifying the format each line is supposed to have, but here there are different formats possible.
In Python I would just split each line by the white spaces and deal with it depending on the number of columns. But how to approach this in FORTRAN?
You can read each line as a character string and then process it. If, as it seems, the format is fixed (element symbol in first two characters, orbital letter in sixth character, etc.), the following program could serve you as inspiration:
program elms
implicit none
integer, parameter :: MAX_LEN = 40
character(len=MAX_LEN) :: line_el, line
integer :: u
integer :: is
integer :: nlin
character(len=2) :: element = 'He'
integer, parameter :: MAX_LINES = 20
real, dimension(MAX_LINES) :: e, f
open(newunit=u, file='elms.dat', status='old', action='read')
main_loop: do
! Read line
read(u, '(a)', iostat=is) line_el
if (eof_iostat(is)) exit main_loop
! Check first two characters of the line vs. chemical element.
if (line_el(1:2) .eq. element) then
! This is the beginning of an element block
nlin = 0
line = line_el
if (line .ne. '') then
! Line is not empty or only spaces.
nlin = nlin + 1
if (line(6:6) .ne. ' ') then
! Line contains an orbital letter - process it.
end if
! Read the real values in the rest of the line
read(line(7:),*) e(nlin), f(nlin)
end if
! Read next line
read(u, '(a)', iostat=is) line
if (eof_iostat(is)) exit main_loop
if (line(1:2) .ne. ' ') then
! Finished processing element block.
exit main_loop
end if
end do
end if
end do main_loop
! Close file
logical function eof_iostat(istat)
! Returns true if the end of file has been reached
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: IOSTAT_END
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: istat
select case (istat)
case (0) ! No error
eof_iostat = .false.
case (IOSTAT_END) ! End of file reached
eof_iostat = .true.
case default ! Error
end select
end function eof_iostat
end program
You will probably need to make the program a subroutine, make element an intent(in) dummy argument, process the orbital symbols, etc.
Note that, if possible, it would be easier to just read all the data from the file in one go, and then search for the relevant data in the memory (e.g., having an array with the chemical symbols).

How to open all files with some specific extension(prefix in name) in fortran ?

I want to read data from some files in Fortran, I can do that when the file names have a regular order. but now it's not regular, although all have same prefix for example : Fix001, Fix002, Fix023, Fix432, ...
I want the program get the prefix from the user and open all the files in a loop, read the data and write them in a single file.
any idea ?
Implicit none
Integer ::n=5 !number of files
Integer ::nn=50 !number of rows in each file
Integer ::i,j
Allocate (t(1000),x(1000),y(1000),z(1000))
Do i=1,n
10 Format('100',i3.3,'')
20 Format(<nn>E25.8E3)
If you do have an upper limit, you can try to open the file and test with the iostat parameter whether that was successful. If it wasn't, you skip the file.
This is an example that reads only the first integer variable from a file and appends it to the output file:
program read_files
implicit none
integer :: i, d
integer :: ioerr
character(len=len("FixXXX.txt")) :: fname
open(unit=30, file="Output.txt", action="write", iostat=ioerr)
if (ioerr /= 0) stop 1
do i = 0, 999
write(fname, '(A, I3.3, A)') "Fix", i, ".txt"
open(unit = 40, file=fname, status="old", action="read", iostat=ioerr)
if (ioerr /= 0) cycle
read(40, *) d
write(30, *) d
end do
end program read_files

Optimizing Fortran ascii file IO

I'm working on a project where I need to write some existing data to disk as ascii. I have something that works, but the IO itself is quite expensive and I'd like to optimise it further.
The data is basically an array of reals, however some of the columns store encoded strings which need to be recast as character strings (don't ask!). The input and output of this problem are beyond my control, I am receiving this real array and need to write it out as ascii.
I know that writing the array in one go as an unformatted write is faster, but this doesn't deal with the string columns correctly. Any ideas?
Here is some example code:
program test
implicit none
integer(kind=4), parameter :: nrows = 5000
integer(kind=4), parameter :: ncols = 400
integer, parameter :: real_kind = 8
integer(kind=4) :: i,j, handle
character(len=256) :: value_str
character(len=1) :: delimiter
real(kind=real_kind) :: data(nrows,ncols)
delimiter = " "
data(:,:) = 999.999
! Some examples of the "string columns"
data(:,10) = transfer(' foo ',data(1,1))
data(:,20) = transfer(' bar ',data(1,1))
open(handle,file="out.txt",status="replace", access="stream")
do i=1,nrows
do j=1,ncols
! If this column contains encoded strings then recast
write(handle) delimiter
value_str = transfer(data(i,j),value_str(1:real_kind))
write(handle) trim(value_str)
write(value_str,*) data(i,j)
write(handle) trim(value_str)
write(handle) new_line('x')
end program test
gfortran test.F90 -o test.x
time test.x
real 0m2.65s
user 0m2.24s
sys 0m0.04s
Edit: removed "if(j/=1)" from original test.F90 code sample in response to comment.
Use the free formatting and have the system handle more for you. In this proposition, I handle the transfer beforehand and use a single loop to write the data to file. This is handy if you have only few columns of character data like the 2 in your example.
Your code will look like this
program test
implicit none
integer(kind=4), parameter :: nrows = 5000
integer(kind=4), parameter :: ncols = 400
integer, parameter :: real_kind = 8
integer, parameter :: pos1 = 10 ! I like named constants
integer, parameter :: pos2 = 20 ! I like named constants
integer(kind=4) :: i,j, handle
character(len=256) :: value_str
character(len=1) :: delimiter
real(kind=real_kind) :: data(nrows,ncols)
character(real_kind), dimension(nrows,2) :: cdata ! two columns array for
delimiter = " "
data(:,:) = 999.999
! Some examples of the "string columns"
data(:,pos1) = transfer(' foo ',data(1,1))
data(:,pos2) = transfer(' bar ',data(1,1))
open(handle,file="out.txt",status="replace", form="formatted")
! Transfer beforehand
cdata(:,1) = transfer( data(:,pos1), cdata(1,1) )
cdata(:,2) = transfer( data(:,pos2), cdata(1,1) )
do i=1,nrows
write(handle,*) data(i,1:pos1-1), cdata(i,1)&
, data(i,pos1+1:pos2-1), cdata(i,2)&
, data(i,pos2+1:)
end program test
and give this timing
time ./test.x
real 0m1.696s
user 0m1.661s
sys 0m0.029s
instead of
time ./test.x
real 0m2.654s
user 0m2.616s
sys 0m0.032s
On my computer

Fortran: Add column per column to file

The code consists of a do-loop and creates arrays of data as long as running. I need these arrays added to a file as new columns.
The first column is fixed (wavelengths) and the second is generated within the first run:
OPEN (unit=11,file=filename // '.csv')
WRITE(11,'(i4,A1,f10.6)') (lambda(ii),tab,resv(ii), ii=1,nw)
lambda are the wavelengths (4 digits), tab is declared as char(9) and resv are my data (floating). The array consists of nw=2000 items.
First time running the script gives me a nice output which I can load into MS Excel as .csv
However, the script is to return to the beginning of the loop, calculate new data and store the changed "resv" items into a new column.
But when I go like
WRITE(11,'(T17,i4,A1,f10.6)') (lambda(ii),tab,resv(ii), ii=1,nw)
the new data is indeed stored into column 17, but all the data before is being removed!
So how can I tell Fortran to "add" a new column?
Try a variant of this. Have a look at the code in addcolumn. The restriction is that your line can't be more than 1024 characters long. You can increase the size of the array to suit your needs.
module mod_helper
integer, parameter:: AMAX = 10
integer, dimension(AMAX):: coldata
integer:: revision
subroutine init
revision = 0
do ii = 1, AMAX
coldata(ii) = ii
end do
end subroutine init
subroutine increment(howmuch)
integer, intent(in):: howmuch
coldata = coldata + howmuch
end subroutine
subroutine addcolumn(csvname)
character*(*), intent(in) csvname
integer(kind=2):: status
integer:: prevlen
character(1024):: prev, oldname, newname
integer, parameter:: oldfile = 20, newfile = 30
write(oldname, "(A,I3.3,'.csv')") csvname, revision
revision = revision + 1
write(newname, "(A,I3.3,'.csv')") csvname, revision
if (revision .gt. 1) then
! Open the old file
open(oldfile, file=oldname, access="sequential", status="old")
end if
open(newfile, file=newname, access="sequential", status="new", action="write")
prev = ' '
do ii = 1, AMAX
if (revision .gt. 1) then
! read previous contents as a string
read(oldfile, "(A)") prev
prevlen = len(trim(prev))
prevlen = 1
end if
! write previous and new contents
write(newfile, "(A, I4, ',')") prev(1:prevlen), coldata(ii)
end do
! delete the previous file
if (revision .gt. 1) close(oldfile, status='delete')
end subroutine
end module
program main
use mod_helper
call init
call addcolumn('col')
call increment(1)
call addcolumn('col')
call increment(20)
call addcolumn('col')
end program

Error 57 :Attempt to read past end of file in fortran

I wrote a fortran code to read data from a file stored as 2D array of complex variables and output on screen. But during execution an error message Error 57: Attempt to read past end-of-file.
N = 12; M = 3
OPEN(UNIT = 20, FILE ='C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\A_matrix.dat', &
DO I = 1,N
READ(20,FMT = '(2F20.10)')(A(I,J),J = 1,N)
OPEN(UNIT = 30, FILE ='C:\Users\Hp\Desktop\B_vector.dat',&
DO I = 1, N
READ(30,FMT = '(2F20.10)')(B(I,J),J = 1, M)
DO J = 1, N
WRITE(*,*) (B(J,I), I = 1,M)
DO J = 1, N
WRITE(*,*) (A(J,I), I = 1,N)
This format
Says to read only 2 values. You need to put a repeat specifier as large or larger than your array,
Too big is ok.., put 10000f20.10 if you need.
In f2008 you can specify unlimited repeat with *F20.10
(..about time..)
If that doesn't do the trick you should post a sample of what the data file looks like.