Properties of the modulo operation - c++

I have the compute the sum S = (a*x + b*y + c) % N. Yes it looks like a quadratic equation but it is not because the x and y have some properties and have to be calculated using some recurrence relations. Because the sum exceeds even the limits of unsigned long long I want to know how could I compute that sum using the properties of the modulo operation, properties that allow the writing of the sum something like that(I say something because I do not remember exactly how are those properties): (a*x)%N + (b*y)%N + c%N, thus avoiding exceeding the limits of unsigned long long.
Thanks in advance for your concern! :)

a % N = x means that for some integers 0 <= x < N and m: m * N + x = a.
You can simply deduce then that if a % N = x and b % N = y then
(a + b) % N =
= (m * N + x + l * N + y) % N =
= ((m + l) * N + x + y) % N =
= (x + y) % N =
= (a % N + b % N) % N.
We know that 0 < x + y < 2N, that is why you need to keep remainder calculation. This shows that it is okay to split the summation and calculate the remainders separately and then add them, but don't forget to get the remainder for the sum.
For multiplication:
(a * b) % N =
= ((m * N + x) * (l * N + y)) % N =
= ((m * l + x * l + m * y) * N + x * y) % N =
= (x * y) % N =
= ((a % N) * (b % N)) % N.
Thus you can also do the same with products.
These properties can be simply derived in a more general setting using some abstract algebra (the remainders form a factor ring Z/nZ).

You can take the idea even further, if needed:
S = ( (a%N)*(x%N)+(b%N)*(y%N)+c%N )%N

You can apply the modulus to each term of the sum as you've suggested; but even so after summing them you must apply the modulus again to get your final result.

How about this:
int x = (7 + 7 + 7) % 10;
int y = (7 % 10 + 7 % 10 + 7 % 10) % 10;

You remember right. The equation you gave, where you %N every of the summands is correct. And that would be exactly what I use. You should also %N for every partial sum (and the total) again, as the addition results can be still greater than N. BUT be careful this works only if your size limit is at least twice as big as your N. If this is not the case, it can get really nasty.
Btw for the following %N operations of the partial sums, you dont have to perform a complete division, a check > N and if bigger just subtraction of N is enough.

Not only can you reduce all variable mod n before starting the calculation, you can write your own mod-mul to compute a*x mod n by using a shift-and-add method and reduce the result mod n at each step. That way your intermediate calculations will only require one more bit than n. Once these products are computed, you can add them pairwise and reduce mod n after each addition which will also not require more than 1 bit beyond the range of n.
There is a python implementation of modular multiplication in my answer to this question. Conversion to C should be trivial.


modulo formula in C++

I Have this formula:
(n - 1)! ((n (n - 1))/2 + ((n - 1) (n - 2))/4)
I would like to modulate the result of this from this formula by any modulo, but for the moment let's assume that it is constant, MOD = 999999997. Unfortunately I can't just calculate the result and modulate it, because unfortunately I don't have variables larger than 2^64 at my disposal, so the main question is. What factors to modulate by MOD to get the results%MOD ?
Now let's assume that n=19. What is in brackets is equal to 247.5
18! = 6402373705728000.
(6402373705728000 * 247.5)mod999999997 = 921442488.
Unfortunately, in case I modulate 18! first, the result will be wrong, because (18!)mod999999997 = 724935119. (724935119 * 247.5)mod9999997 = 421442490.
How to solve this problem?
I think the sum could be break down. The only tricky part here is that (n - 1)(n - 2)/4 may have a .5 decimal., as n(n-1) / 2 will always be integer.
S = (n - 1)! * ((n (n - 1))/2 + ((n - 1) (n - 2))/4)
= [(n-1)! * (n*(n-1)/2)] + [(n-1)! * (n-1)(n-2)/4]
= A + B
A is easy to do. With B, if (n-1)(n-2) % 4 == 0 then there's nothing else either, else you can simplified to X/2, as (n-1)(n-2) is also divisible by 2.
If n = 2, it's trivial, else if n > 2 there's always a 2 in the representation of (N-1)! = 1x2x3x ... xN. In that case, simply calculate ((N-1)!/2) = 1x3x4x5x ... xN.
Late example:
N = 19
MOD = 999999997
--> 18! % MOD = 724935119 (1)
(18!/2) % MOD = 862467558 (2)
n(n-1)/2 = 171 (3)
(n-1)(n-2)/2 = 153 (4)
--> S = (1)*(3) + (2)*(4) = 255921441723
S % MOD = 921442488
On another note, if mod is some prime number, like 1e9+7, you can just apply Fermat's little theorem to calculate multiplicative inverse as such:
(a/b) % P = [(a%P) * ((b^(P-2)) % P)] % P (with P as prime, a and b are co-prime to P)
You will have to use 2 mathematical formulas here:
(a + b) mod c == (a mod c + b mod c) mod c
(a * b) mod c == (a mod c * b mod c) mod c
But those are only valid for integers. The nice part here is that formula can only be integer for n >= 2, provided you compute it as:
(((n - 1)! * n * (n - 1))/2) + (((n - 1)! * (n - 1) * (n - 2))/4)
1st part is integer | 2nd part is too
for n == 2, first part boils down to 1 and second is 0
for n > 2 either n or n-1 is even so first part is integer, and again eithe n-1 of n-2 is even and (n-1)! is also even so second part is integer. As your formula can be rewritten to only use additions and multiplications it can be computed.
Here is a possible C++ code (before unsigned long long is required):
#include <iostream>
template<class T>
class Modop {
T mod;
Modop(T mod) : mod(mod) {}
T add(T a, T b) {
return ((a % mod) + (b % mod)) % mod;
T mul(T a, T b) {
return ((a % mod) * (b % mod)) % mod;
int fact_2(T n) {
T cr = 1;
for (T i = 3; i <= n; ++i) {
cr = mul(cr, i);
return cr;
template<class T>
T formula(T n, T mod) {
Modop<T> op = mod;
if (n == 2) {
return 1;
T second, first = op.mul(op.fact_2(n - 1), op.mul(n, n - 1));
if (n % 2 == 0) {
second = op.mul(op.fact_2(n - 1), op.mul((n - 2)/ 2, n - 1));
else {
second = op.mul(op.fact_2(n - 1), op.mul(n- 2, (n - 1) / 2));
return op.add(first, second);
int main() {
std::cout << formula(19ull, 999999997ull) << std::endl;
return 0;
First of All , for n=2 we can say that the result is 1.
Then, the expression is equal to: (n*(n-1)(n-1)!)/2 + (((n-1)(n-2)/2)^2)*(n-3)! .
lemma: For every two consecutive integer number , one of them is even.
By lemma we can understand that n*(n-1) is even and also (n-1)*(n-2) is even too. So we know that the answer is an integer number.
First we calculate (n*(n-1)(n-1)!)/2 modulo MOD. We can calculate (n(n-1))/2 that can be saved in a long long variable like x, and we get the mod of it modulo MOD:
x = (n*(n-1))/2;
x %= MOD;
After that for: i (n-1 -> 1) we do:
x = (x*i)%MOD;
And we know that both of 'x' and 'i' are less than MOD and the result of
multiplication can be save in a long long variable.
And likewise we do the same for (((n-1)(n-2)/2)^2)(n-3)! .
We calculate (n-1)*(n-2)/2 that can be save in a long long variable like y, and we get the mod of it modulo MOD:
y = ((n-1)*(n-2))/2;
y %= MOD;
And after that we replace (y^2)%MOD on y because we know that y is less than MOD and y*y can be save in a long long variable:
y = (y*y)%MOD;
Then like before for: i (n-3 -> 1) we do:
y = (y*i)%MOD;
And finally the answer is (x+y)%MOD

Big O Notation Calculation

I'm stuck determining the big o notation for the below fragmented code, the given expression is part of I'm trying to figure out. I know given two plain, default for loops results in O(n^2) but the latter is entirely different. Here are the instructions.
The algorithm of
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
for (k = j; k < n; k++)
will result in a number of iterations of given by the expression:
= n + (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ........ + (n - n)
Reduce the above series expression to an algebraic expression, without summation.
After determining the algebraic expression express the performance in Big O Notation.
You can use this method (supposedly applied by Gauss when he was a wee lad).
If you sum all the numbers twice, you have
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n
+ n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1
(n+1) + (n+1) + (n+1) + ... + (n+1) = n(n+1)
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2
and n(n+1)/2 is (n^2)/2 + n/2, so it is in O(n^2).

Calculating the summation of powers of a number modulo a number

There are 3 numbers: T, N, M. 1 ≤ T, M ≤ 10^9, 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^18 .
What is asked in the problem is to compute [Σ(T^i)]mod(m) where i varies from 0 to n. Obviously, O(N) or O(M) solutions wouldn't work because of 1 second time limit. How should I proceed?
As pointed out in previous answers, you may use the formula for geometric progression sum. However there is a small problem - if m is not prime, computing (T^n - 1) / (T - 1) can not be done directly - the division will not be a well-defined operations. In fact there is a solution that can handle even non prime modules and will have a complexity O(log(n) * log(n)). The approach is similar to binary exponentiation. Here is my code written in c++ for this(note that my solution uses binary exponentiation internally):
typedef long long ll;
ll binary_exponent(ll x, ll y, ll mod) {
ll res = 1;
ll p = x;
while (y) {
if (y % 2) {
res = (res * p) % mod;
p = (p * p) % mod;
y /= 2;
return res;
ll gp_sum(ll a, int n, ll mod) {
ll A = 1;
int num = 0;
ll res = 0;
ll degree = 1;
while (n) {
if (n & (1 << num)) {
n &= (~(1 << num));
res = (res + (A * binary_exponent(a, n, mod)) % mod) % mod;
A = (A + (A * binary_exponent(a, degree, mod)) % mod) % mod;
degree *= 2;
return res;
In this solution A stores consecutively the values 1, 1 + a, 1 + a + a^2 + a^3, ...1 + a + a^2 + ... a ^ (2^n - 1).
Also just like in binary exponentiation if I want to compute the sum of n degrees of a, I split n to sum of powers of two(essentially using the binary representation of n). Now having the above sequence of values for A, I choose the appropriate lengths(the ones that correspond to 1 bits of the binary representation of n) and multiply the sum by some value of a accumulating the result in res. Computing the values of A will take O(log(n)) time and for each value I may have to compute a degree of a which will result in another O(log(n)) - thus overall we have O(log(n) * log (n)).
Let's take an example - we want to compute 1 + a + a^2 .... + a ^ 10. In this case, we call gp_sum(a, 11, mod).
On the first iteration n & (1 << 0) is not zero as the first bit of 11(1011(2)) is 1. Thus I turn off this bit setting n to 10 and I accumulate in res: 0 + 1 * (a ^ (10)) = a^10. A is now a + 1.
The next second bit is also set in 10(1010(2)), so now n becomes 8 and res is a^10 + (a + 1)*(a^8)=a^10 + a^9 + a^8. A is now 1 + a + a^2 + a^3
Next bit is 0, thus res stays the same, but A will become 1 + a + a^2 + ... a^7.
On the last iteration the bit is 1 so we have:
res = a^10 + a^9 + a^8 + a^0 *(1 + a + a^2 + ... +a^7) = 1 + a .... + a ^10.
One can use an algorithm which is similar to binary exponentiation:
// Returns a pair <t^n mod m, sum of t^0..t^n mod m>,
// I assume that int is big enough to hold all values without overflowing.
pair<int, int> calc(int t, int n, int m)
if n == 0 // Base case. t^0 is always 1.
return (1 % m, 1 % m)
if n % 2 == 1
// We just compute the result for n - 1 and then add t^n.
(prevPow, prevSum) = calc(t, n - 1, m)
curPow = prevPow * t % m
curSum = (prevSum + curPow) % m
return (curPow, curSum)
// If n is even, we compute the sum for the first half.
(halfPow, halfSum) = calc(t, n / 2, m)
curPow = halfPow * halfPow % m // t^n = (t^(n/2))^2
curSum = (halfSum * halfPow + halfSum) % m
return (curPow, curSum)
The time complexity is O(log n)(the analysis is the same as for the binary exponentiation algorithm). Why is it better than a closed form formula for geometric progression? The latter involves division by (t - 1). But it is not guaranteed that there is an inverse of t - 1 mod m.
you can use this:
a^1 + a^2 + ... + a^n = a(1-a^n) / (1-a)
so, you just need to calc:
a * (1 - a^n) / (1 - a) mod M
and you can find O(logN) way to calc a^n mod M
It's a geometric series whose sum is equal to :

How to calculate (n!)%1000000009

I need to find n!%1000000009.
n is of type 2^k for k in range 1 to 20.
The function I'm using is:
#define llu unsigned long long
#define MOD 1000000009
llu mulmod(llu a,llu b) // This function calculates (a*b)%MOD caring about overflows
llu x=0,y=a%MOD;
while(b > 0)
if(b%2 == 1)
x = (x+y)%MOD;
y = (y*2)%MOD;
b /= 2;
return (x%MOD);
llu fun(int n) // This function returns answer to my query ie. n!%MOD
llu ans=1;
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++)
return ans;
My demand is such that I need to call the function 'fun', n/2 times. My code runs too slow for values of k around 15. Is there a way to go faster?
In actual I'm calculating 2*[(i-1)C(2^(k-1)-1)]*[((2^(k-1))!)^2] for all i in range 2^(k-1) to 2^k. My program demands (nCr)%MOD caring about overflows.
EDIT: I need an efficient way to find nCr%MOD for large n.
The mulmod routine can be speeded up by a large factor K.
1) '%' is overkill, since (a + b) are both less than N.
- It's enough to evaluate c = a+b; if (c>=N) c-=N;
2) Multiple bits can be processed at once; see optimization to "Russian peasant's algorithm"
3) a * b is actually small enough to fit 64-bit unsigned long long without overflow
Since the actual problem is about nCr mod M, the high level optimization requires using the recurrence
(n+1)Cr mod M = (n+1)nCr / (n+1-r) mod M.
Because the left side of the formula ((nCr) mod M)*(n+1) is not divisible by (n+1-r), the division needs to be implemented as multiplication with the modular inverse: (n+r-1)^(-1). The modular inverse b^(-1) is b^(M-1), for M being prime. (Otherwise it's b^(phi(M)), where phi is Euler's Totient function.)
The modular exponentiation is most commonly implemented with repeated squaring, which requires in this case ~45 modular multiplications per divisor.
If you can use the recurrence
nC(r+1) mod M = nCr * (n-r) / (r+1) mod M
It's only necessary to calculate (r+1)^(M-1) mod M once.
Since you are looking for nCr for multiple sequential values of n you can make use of the following:
(n+1)Cr = (n+1)! / ((r!)*(n+1-r)!)
(n+1)Cr = n!*(n+1) / ((r!)*(n-r)!*(n+1-r))
(n+1)Cr = n! / ((r!)*(n-r)!) * (n+1)/(n+1-r)
(n+1)Cr = nCr * (n+1)/(n+1-r)
This saves you from explicitly calling the factorial function for each i.
Furthermore, to save that first call to nCr you can use:
nC(n-1) = n //where n in your case is 2^(k-1).
As Aki Suihkonen pointed out, (a/b) % m != a%m / b%m. So the method above so the method above won't work right out of the box. There are two different solutions to this:
1000000009 is prime, this means that a/b % m == a*c % m where c is the inverse of b modulo m. You can find an explanation of how to calculate it here and follow the link to the Extended Euclidean Algorithm for more on how to calculate it.
The other option which might be easier is to recognize that since nCr * (n+1)/(n+1-r) must give an integer, it must be possible to write n+1-r == a*b where a | nCr and b | n+1 (the | here means divides, you can rewrite that as nCr % a == 0 if you like). Without loss of generality, let a = gcd(n+1-r,nCr) and then let b = (n+1-r) / a. This gives (n+1)Cr == (nCr / a) * ((n+1) / b) % MOD. Now your divisions are guaranteed to be exact, so you just calculate them and then proceed with the multiplication as before. EDIT As per the comments, I don't believe this method will work.
Another thing I might try is in your llu mulmod(llu a,llu b)
llu mulmod(llu a,llu b)
llu q = a * b;
if(q < a || q < b) // Overflow!
llu x=0,y=a%MOD;
while(b > 0)
if(b%2 == 1)
x = (x+y)%MOD;
y = (y*2)%MOD;
b /= 2;
return (x%MOD);
return q % MOD;
That could also save some precious time.

Find the sum of all numbers between 1 and N divisible by either x or y

Say we have 3 numbers N, x and y which are always >=1.
N will be greater than x and y and x will be greater than y.
Now we need to find the sum of all number between 1 and N that are divisible by either x or y.
I came up with this:
sum = 0;
if(i%x || i%y)
sum += i;
Is there a way better way of finding the sum avoiding the for loop?
I've been pounding my head for many days now but have not got anything better.
If the value of N has a upper limit we can use a lookup method to speedup the process.
Thanks everyone.
I wanted a C/C++ based solution. Is there a built-in function to do this? Or do I have to code the algorithm?
Yes. You can void the for loop altogether and find the sum in constant time.
According to the Inclusion–exclusion principle summing up the multiples of x and multiples of y and subtracting the common multiple(s) that got added twice should give us the required sum.
Required Sum = sum of ( multiples of x that are <= N ) +
sum of ( multiples of y that are <= N ) -
sum of ( multiples of (x*y) that are <= N )
N = 15
x = 3
y = 4
Required sum = ( 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 15) + // multiples of 3
( 4 + 8 + 12 ) - // multiples of 4
( 12 ) // multiples of 12
As seen above we had to subtract 12 as it got added twice because it is a common multiple.
How is the entire algorithm O(1)?
Let sum(x, N) be sum of multiples of x which are less than or equal to N.
sum(x,N) = x + 2x + ... + floor(N/x) * x
= x * ( 1 + 2 + ... + floor(N/x) )
= x * ( 1 + 2 + ... + k) // Where k = floor(N/x)
= x * k * (k+1) / 2 // Sum of first k natural num = k*(k+1)/2
Now k = floor(N/x) can be computed in constant time.
Once k is known sum(x,N) can be computed in constant time.
So the required sum can also be computed in constant time.
The above discussion holds true only when x and y are co-primes. If not we need to use LCM(x,y) in place of x*y. There are many ways to find LCM one of which is to divide product by GCD. Now GCD cannot be computed in constant time but its time complexity can be made significantly lesser than linear time.
If a number is divisible by X, it has to be a multiple of x.
If a number is divisible by Y, it has to be a multiple of y.
I believe, if you do a for loop for all multiples of x and y, and avoid any duplicates, you should get the same answer.
Out of my head, something of the type:
sum = 0
for( i=x; i<=n; i+=x)
sum += i;
for( i=y; i<=n; i+=y)
if( y % x != 0 )
sum += i;