Node.js application using Django Admin Interface - django

I would like to build a new application using node.js but it requires quite a bit of backend management that I would rather not have to build. I have some existing code in django and really like the built in Admin interface for handling the backend management.
Is it possible for me to use something like nginx to direct all traffic to my node.js application except when the url path starts with /admin in which case it would direct the traffic to django?
Alternatively is there something like the admin interface for any of the node.js frameworks for certain databases?

Yes, you can do that.
It might be easier to just put your django admin app on a subdomain,
I'm using Django admin interface with a legacy PHP application. I found out I could build a nicer admin in just a few hours, than the special built one. The frontend is still obviously using PHP and the old code, but I just swapped out the entire admin backend which is now run on django against the database.
It's very nice indeed.

If you are already using Node.js, you might want to look into node-http-proxy which can redirect requests to different places based on the route. It's very easy to setup and runs very fast from my experience.


What are the options to configure a reactjs and django application?

I am using reactjs for frontend and Django REST API for the backened. What is the best possible way to integrate both?
which of these two is a good option?
Running two servers for frontend and backend?
replacing django templates with reactjs?
Your help is highly appreciated.
Few options here
Django templates with react.
Not my preferred method. Essentially, you are blending django templating and jsx. The benefit here is low over head. It requires little configuration and allows you to write react and leverage the django templating language in the same file. If you need to get something up and running quickly, its a great solution. Have a look at this library
Using django webpack loader
This will allow you to separate your react code from django code but still keep all your code to one repository. You need to configure django settings to find your react code. Then on your prod/dev server, have your web server point to the directory where your static react code lives or write a django url and view that will serve the react apps index file. It will be located in /static/ after you configure correctly and run python collectstatics. Benefits here are that it keeps the code to one repository but still isolates the python and javascript code. This is a middleground solution of the three. Quick note. You won't have react hot reload with this method for development. Here is the library that helps you configure this setup
Having 2 separate applications
Similar to what you are doing right now, have a separate react repository, either served by a nodejs backend or deploy the code to a cdn service like amazon s3 and serve the one page app from there. And then as its counterpart, have your django app on a separate server with its consumable rest api (will need to configure allowed cors) . This method requires a lot of operational work: deploying, configuring, and management of 2 separate code bases. If you have the time and resources I do recommend this setup. The decoupling of the 2 apps allows this solution to scale the best
What do you mean two servers? You mean two projects/repositories?
Yes, you can keep frontend in the separate project. It make sence if you have multiple clients for your backend (like mobile apps and web). Different developers can have permission to edit only their repositories. Also it make sence if you are going to use some microservices structure for your project. But more simpliest way is to keep frontend and backed in the same project. Try to check some tutorial about Django+reactjs apps.

Is it reliable to build desktop applications using web frameworks like Django?

Is it reliable to build desktop applications using web frameworks like Django?
The idea is to
build the interface with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
use Python and Django for backend operations (calculations, storage and databases, etc)
and then run a server locally so that
the interaction with the application is done through the browser
other local devices can access the application by connecting to the device on which the server is running.
If that is possible and yields a reliable experience, then
is the development server that comes with Django enough? If no, what servers are most suitable for our purpose? Is Nginx good for example?
what database should be used? PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc? The app will need to store a large number of entries.
I've never done this, but I can't see why not. You can use the Django REST Framework to create an API that your desktop application can talk to, in exactly the same way as you might with a JavaScript single page app.
But no, you should not use the dev server for production, even in a limited scenario like this. Apache/mod_wsgi or nginx/gunicorn are simple to set up and deploy.
For the database, it makes no difference. The Django core devs prefer postgres, but you should use whatever you are comfortable with.
You are asking for a webApp, so yes you can. Is not use the Django server, instead is very common use nginx for Django, and the best database is postgres for Django.
If you want to pass your project like a desktop app is better use Django server and SQLite for avoid create a new database server.
I find this answer explaining why is postgres better for Django

Running a meteor app as part of a wider django project

I'm currently working on a project which would require some realtime functionalities such as Multi-user chatrooms etc.
Ideally, I’m looking to have meteor run the chat application(on a different port) and mongodb act as message broker to the django back-end which would take care of user registration , management and everything 'non-realtime' related.
This would involve setting up a reverse-proxy which would redirect to a different port based on the url (please let me know if i'm wrong in this)
Would this be possible(or even advisable)? Another option would be to implement the same with tornado. but I have no experience with building tornado-based apps and rather do this with a framework I’m comfortable with.
You can have Django serve the Meteor front-end while providing access to its data using django-ddp, giving you some distinct advantages:
Continue to serve your existing Django project/apps.
No extra services or ports to manage.
Scale out by simply adding more front-end Python/Django servers (server to server IPC is done via the existing database connection).
Use django.contrib.auth user accounts in your Meteor app.
Familiar Python/Django code (no "callback" style such as with Tornado).
Use time-tested, trusted relational databases.
Use Django migrations to effectively manage schema changes.
There's a Gitter chat room where I can give you assistance if you need it.
DISCLAIMER: I'm the author of django-ddp.
A meteor application is more than capable of handling the user registration flow and many other things. Why not just build the application entirely in meteor? Your application sounds like a perfect candidate for meteor, with realtime interaction with your database at the core.
The other option would be to use swampdragon which adds realtime data binding within django. It allows for simple bi directional communication between the server and the client. Again, essential for a chat application. It nice and easy to get setup and running as well.
Are there any specific reasons to not implementing your application in one framework alone?

Django app as REST-based service

According to the documentation, an app is a module which deals a well defined operation.
Is it correct to think about an app as a REST-based service? or is it mandatory to use some framework like piston or tastypie to create a RESTful web service around an app?
Generally, no. Django app is really just a python module, with some interfaces to django internals like models, urls, admin discovery etc.
To implement REST, you still have to manage network communications via views, and this is where you either write your own code or use the help of tastypie/piston/etc.
Please do have a look at django-rest-framework, I just stepped over from tastypie to this new framework, works great!
Especially the class based views and the browsable api! and may other advantages (e..g. to upload images)
And to answer your question:
The rest-base service is an extra entry to your webapp.
I made some api's for some projects using the django-rest-framework, most project members were surprised they got a webapp as an extra, while it was actually the other way around. You make a django app (with views models and urls) and on top off that you make the api.

Using django with legacy authentication cookies

I have a large codebase in a homebrew python framework. I'm going to be gradually moving the code to Django, but in the meantime need to support logging in via the old system. The old system uses a cookie to identify the user after they have logged in.
I don't want users to log in via Django, but I do want to be able to use #login_required as well as several apps that rely on Django's auth system, such as the admin, django-tagging and django-comments.
What's the best way to integrate the two auth systems? Both codebases are running within the same python process (via a wsgi middleware that switches apps per-request) and can load modules from each other as needed.
The easiest way to get it working is probably to use a custom authentication middleware in Django.
There are a couple of example authentication middlewares in Django: