Accessing Extra-Date using social_auth for django - django

I am using social_auth in my django application to use facebook connect. I have followed steps which are given in the documentation ( But I am struggling in accessing extra info such as 'user_about_me','profile_pic' etc. I am able to see the access token in my db column but I am really struggling in making use of it.
Can someone help me.
Thanks in advance :)

You will have to create a Profile model for your user in order to store additional data if thats what you need. With the token you should be able to make use of the Graph Api
django-social-auth is just that.. auth, not a facebook app.


Django Rest Framework with Mozilla Django OCID

I've been working on this Drf app to sign certificates. I have been using simple JWT for token authentication. But now I need to implement SSO authentication, so I have been trying to use Mozilla - Django - OIDC, but I can't seem to figure out the docs. I'm confused on where the access and refresh tokens would come from, since it clearly says in the docs.
Note that this only takes care of authenticating against an access token, and provides no options to create or renew tokens.
If mozilla-django-oidc is not creating the tokens, then where do I obtain them from and where will they be stored when I try to access them in my React frontend.
Thank you in advance for any help!!
I was trying to do something similar to what you mentioning, however I was using this packages:
It can effectively create tokens and authenticate, I was struggling with the validation part of the user, but... might help out.

Tastypie/Mongoengine Authentication

I'm creating a REST API for a iOS app. Using Django, Tastypie, Mongoengine/MongoDB. I'm using python-social-auth to allow users to register via Facebook and it seems to be working perfectly.
What I'm struggling with is what happens next - when the user makes subsequent calls to the API what credentials should be passed with the request? I'm thinking that when the user is saved, I should generate an APIkey and send it back which the user would then use to authenticate in subsequent requests. Would that be the correct approach and, if so, how would that be implemented?
I can't seem to find any info/examples for non-ORM
Any help/nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Django-facebook: how to repost to a group or fanpage

Please help, I'm not familiar with facebook API.
I have a facebook app with a token and secret.
My users are happily authenticated via python-social-auth.
I've installed django-facebook.
I want to create a group (or a fanpage) and make my content automatically reposted to facebook on
How do I implement this?
Take a look at the Art&Logic blog with their Tutorial: Posting to Facebook from a Django App. I think that's exactly what you're looking for.
They use facebook-sdk instead of django-facebook, though.

Django social-auth: Fetching date of birth, address, and more fields from facebook

I am using django-social-auth app for my social logging. Now I want to fetch more information from facebook like dob,address and many more. In this I tried using putting in settings
FACEBOOK_EXTENDED_PERMISSIONS but it is not working for me.
Please help me in knowing, how to fetch more information using social auth from facebook, google and twitter
Thanks in advance
For the extended permissions with django-social-auth you need to add them to the request selecting permissions you want from facebook permissions. For example in your case, you probably want user_about_me or user_birthday.
For example.

How can i do custom login with social security number and pass and not username or email?

Hallo all,
Using django 1.3 on python 2.6.5
I'm having a problem finding any help about this, I have a site that just has to (the client demands) authenticate the user login by socail security number or passport number and not the regular fields.
I just can't find any thing about it...why do most of the tutorials are withouth any authentication or start with esumption that there is already and authentication system...
Can any one please explain it to me, how to i do the custom authentication, If could please show example or refere to page i would thank you a million times.. :-)
10x for all the help i am getting here, you guys are great :-)
There is a whole topic in the django documentation about custom authentication
An authentication backend is a class
that implements two methods:
get_user(user_id) and
You simple overwrite the django auth and write your own: