How to prevent iostreams::mapped_file_sink from creating executable txt files - c++

EDIT: code sample is broken, it is missing .is_open(), please DON'T use it.
I have a rather strange question. I use boost iostreams and they work awesome, but the problem is that files that program creates are executable txt files(I'm on ubuntu,msg is :""lol2.txt" is an executable text file.").
So is there any way to make it a regular nonexecutable file. I would like to change the code so that it doesnt create executable, files I know I can change the file after it is created from terminal or Nautilus.
btw this is the code that I'm using:
void write_file(const std::string& name,string data)
iostreams::mapped_file_params params;
iostreams::mapped_file_sink file(params);

You can change the file creation mask of your process to create non-executable files by default:
umask(getumask() & ~(S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH));


Downloading my programs data from a webserver (Its basically just a .exe turned into .txt) but when I put it into a .exe it does not run?

So currently I am using a basic Http request to pull the exe data from my server
it returns my program in .txt form but when I put it into a file it will not run.
I assume this is because I need metadata but have no clue how to find that process or even how to google something as specific as that... So I am either asking for a solution (how to add proper .exe metadata) or if there is a better way to download files like that in C++
*Note I cannot use basic windows functions such as DownloadToFileA or External Library's (Like LibCurl/Curl)"C:\\Users\\Program.exe").c_str(), std::ios::out);
if (OutFile.is_open())
OutFile << Output;
//Initialize .exe Meta Data???
You need to open your file in binary mode otherwise newline translation will screw up your executable:"C:\\Users\\Program.exe").c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

Read file in zip without unzip(c++)

I can read file in c++. This is my code:
std::string ReadFile(std::string file)
char buff[20480];
std::ifstream fread(file, std::ios::binary | std::ios::app);,sizeof(buff));
std::string str = buff;
return str;
The variable "file" is the FilePath. And I get a folder .zip, I want to read the file in folder. What should I do? I try to use libzip, but it can't solve my problem, maybe I didn't use it by wrong way.
No. To unzip a file, you must unzip a file.
You don't need to invoke the unzip utility to do it: there are libraries that can expose decompression through a streams API, resulting in code that looks rather similar to what you've written above. But you need to install and learn how to use those libraries.
Unless you have access to the API that allows to unpack your file I don't see how directly in the code.
If you are lazy you could write a small script in whatever language you prefer that does the unpacking and then calls your program on the unpacked file
Assuming, you have unzip available. Did you try something like:
FILE * file = popen("unzip -p filename", "r");
Similarly, popen("gzip -f filename", "r") should work for gzip.
In order to parse the output, I'd refer to this post (with Windows hints). I don't know about a more C++-style way of doing this.

Loading files merged with executable

I'm trying to merge a file with my executable, and read the merged file. I merge them with the Windows command;
copy /b Game.exe+Image.jpg TheGame.exe
Here's what I've tried:
std::ifstream f("Image.jpg");
if (f.good()) {
std::cout << "Found Image.jpg" << std::endl;
Image.jpg is in the same directory as the resulting executable file, and it works. However when I use the command to merge them and then delete the Image.jpg file it is not found (although it is merged with the executable.)
Any suggestions?
ifstream only works with external files. You deleted the file it is trying to open, so of course it will not find the file. What you are attempting cannot (easily) be done using binary merges. If you want to store a file inside of an executable, the correct approach is to store it in a resource instead. Read the following chapter on MSDN for more information.
Introduction to Resources
In particular, the following example shows how go create a new resource in an .exe file and write data into it. The example copies a resource from another .exe file, but you can write whatever you want. In tbis case, replace RT_DIALOG with RT_RCDATA, and write your image data.
Using Resources

Getting full path of file in COCOS2D-X on Android devices

I am trying to obtain an XML file in my project but I can't seem make work right.
I am using libXML (the one that comes with cocos2d-x-2.0.4) to parse XML files.
I'm using CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils() -> fullPathFromRelativePath( ); but the problem is, for Android versions, it will not give the full path. It works fine on iOS, though.
I then looked at the GitHub and saw something weird. It turns out that fullPathFromRelativePath( ) will only return whatever you pass onto it.
From the GitHub:
const char* CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativePath(const char *pszRelativePath)
return pszRelativePath;
I've looked everywhere and all I get is how to read XML files using CCFileUtils. I am already able to parse XML files. The only issue is that I can't get the full path of the XML file using fullPathFromRelativePath() in Android.
How can I get the full path of the XML file in Android?
There is nothing wrong with that function. The problem is that your xml files are inside apk, which is a zipped file, you cannot read that file directly, you should use something like
long tmpSize;
const char* xmlData = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(YOUR_PATH_TO_FILE, "r", &tmpSize);
then you can use lib xml to handle the data you get.
but remember you cannot modify anything inside apk file. if you want to write to xml, you need to copy it to some writable path first (like sdcard or using getWritablePath()).
For the files not inside apk, you can use fopen() directly, you do not need getFileData() any more.
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to store binary files inside an exe

Is it possible to do this: (for educational purpose).
suppose I have a image file "image.jpg"
I want to create a program when it executes it should create this image. That means the data of the image is stored in the exe. Is this possible to do?
Something like this: link the image file from resource.rc then tell the compiler to get the data and store it (something like this unsigned char data_buffer[]="binary data of the image" then when the program is executed I can write this data to a file)
(I'm using C++ with mingw compiler)
Any help is highly appreciated.
There are several options:
1) Add it as a byte array in a source file. It is trivial to write an auxiliary program that reads the bytes from the files and writes the C source. E.g.:
unsigned char data_jpg[] = {1,2,3... };
extern char data_jpg[];
const size_t data_jpg_size = 1000;
2) Add it as a binary resource to the executable. You said "exe", did you? So you are likely on Windows. Window EXE files can have binary resources, that can be located using the resource API. See the FindResource, LoadResource and GlobalLock, functions.
ID_DATA_JPG FILE "data.jpg"
3) Convert the binary file directly into a OBJ file and link it into the executable. In the old good days of turbo-c used to be a BINOBJ tool for that. And GNU tools can do it, AFAIk, but with MS tools, I really cannot tell.
With a PE file, you can add data(include bin data) to the PE file's tail as your resource. You just remember the PE file's size. But I'm not sure of that whether you need change the PE's checksum. And use VC++ Compiler to embed resources would be pretty much easy.