mex file is crashing, how to use MATLAB_MEM_MGR in matlab? - c++

I have compiled a c++ code to MEX-file, but on calling this MEX-file, it crashes.
It gives the following error message in MATLAB:
Segmentation violation detected
I tried using try-catch in C++ file to print the message in the catch block
try {
//my code;
catch(std::exception &e)
but the print message does not work and the code still crashes.
On looking at Google, most of the time it points to some form of message given by MathWorks:
which instructs to set a environment variable "MATLAB_MEM_MGR=debug",
but it does not explain how to use it? Can anyone please explain it?

First off, try/catch will not catch a segmentation violation. It only catches C++ exceptions, not signals like sigsegv.
Second, to "use" MATLAB_MEM_MGR:
Set the environment variable MATLAB_MEM_MGR to "debug" in an OS shell (like a Command prompt on Windows or a terminal on Unix),
Run MATLAB from that same shell,
Run your MEX-function normally from that MATLAB.
As Q3.5 of the FAQ says, if the MEX-function corrupts memory by (for example) writing past the end of a MATLAB-allocated block of memory, MATLAB will report the corruption when the block of memory is freed.
You may instead want to try running your MEX-function under a debugger. This tech note has several links describing how to do so on various platforms.
EDIT: previous link is dead, here is the latest doc page.

Remove mexEvalString("drawnow;"). It took me 5 hours to figure out this.


how to get the line where the program crashes

I have a c++ program and I want to display the line number of where the program crashes in the console ! I'm using VS2010! is that even possible? I use opencv , and opencv does it !
any idea?
I had a same issue, there was a code and I wasn't able to debug it (it had to run without stopping). I put below code before every suspecting line:
cout << __LINE__ << endl;
After that, when it crashed, I could trap the problem.
But a standard way is using a debugger and put conditional breakpoints. (I'm not sure it helps you)
I'd suggest using a debugger with reasonable haltpoints and check if those haltpoints are reached. I prefer this one over console debug messages as it doesn't pollute your code.
Sometimes you cannot use a debugger, e.g. when you cannot reproduce the crash locally. In this case you need to put try/catch on top-level to catch and report all exceptions (on Windows make sure you also catch structured exceptions) and to subscribe to signals to catch and report SEGFAULTs etc.
Then you can log stack trace (not portable and requires debug symbols) or create a mini-dump (not portable).

Debugging error in STL

I have one big problem with using STL, C++ and Visual Studio. When i use some std or stl functions (in debug compilation) a have some errors some like this "Incorrect format specifier".
but my code are too large for "hand searching" for this error. Maybe one know how to get some help with finding error, some like __FILE__ & __LINE__ for assert? Because code of program too large.
Or try & catch my last hope?...
with respect Alex
Since you have the source code for the STL, what I would do is set a breakpoint at the point where the "Incorrect format specifier" string is located. Do a grep (eg find in files) for that string, set a breakpoint at each one, run your program and hope for death. :)
You talk about try/catch, so I assume it's throwing an exception. If you run your app within the debugger, doesn't it break your program at the point where the uncaught exception is thrown?
EDIT: If you could alternately compile on Linux/g++ it would leave behind a core with a backtrace in that case.
Maybe you could do status msgs on the console so that you get an idea where the error happens. You can search in this part more detailed with the same technique. Do this as often as you need.
After that you can debug you program and set breakpoints in the 'problem area' and step through it.
EDIT: If you are able to compile the program on linux, you can simply install and run valgrind memcheck. It should print out all errors with line number.
The attached screenshot makes it clear that you hit a runtime assertion, and even offers the option to go directly to the dbugger. This will take you to the faulty callstack.
This message is the default mode of _CrtDbgReport. With _CrtSetReportHook2, you can run your own code before the error is printed. You might create a minidump, for instance.

Displaying exception debug information to users

I'm currently working on adding exceptions and exception handling to my OSS application. Exceptions have been the general idea from the start, but I wanted to find a good exception framework and in all honesty, understand C++ exception handling conventions and idioms a bit better before starting to use them. I have a lot of experience with C#/.Net, Python and other languages that use exceptions. I'm no stranger to the idea (but far from a master).
In C# and Python, when an unhandled exception occurs, the user gets a nice stack trace and in general a lot of very useful priceless debugging information. If you're working on an OSS application, having users paste that info into issue reports is... well let's just say I'm finding it difficult to live without that. For this C++ project, I get "The application crashed", or from more informed users, "I did X, Y and Z, and then it crashed". But I want that debugging information too!
I've already (and with great difficulty) made my peace with the fact that I'll never see a cross-platform and cross-compiler way of getting a C++ exception stack trace, but I know I can get the function name and other relevant information.
And now I want that for my unhandled exceptions. I'm using boost::exception, and they have this very nice diagnostic_information thingamajig that can print out the (unmangled) function name, file, line and most importantly, other exception specific information the programmer added to that exception.
Naturally, I'll be handling exceptions inside the code whenever I can, but I'm not that naive to think I won't let a couple slip through (unintentionally, of course).
So what I want to do is wrap my main entry point inside a try block with a catch that creates a special dialog that informs the user that an error has occurred in the application, with more detailed information presented when the user clicks "More" or "Debug info" or whatever. This would contain the string from diagnostic_information. I could then instruct the users to paste this information into issue reports.
But a nagging gut feeling is telling me that wrapping everything in a try block is a really bad idea. Is what I'm about to do stupid? If it is (and even if it's not), what's a better way to achieve what I want?
Putting a try/catch block in main() is okay, it doesn't cause any problems. The program is dead on an unhandled exception anyway. It isn't going to be helpful at all in your quest to get the all-important stack trace though. That info is gonzo when the catch block traps the exception.
Catching a C++ exception won't be very helpful either. The odds that the program dies on a an exception derived from std::exception are pretty slim. Although it could happen. Much more likely in a C/C++ app is death due to hardware exceptions, AccessViolation being numero uno. Trapping those requires the __try and __except keywords in your main() method. Again, very little context is available, you've basically only got an exception code. An AV also tells you which exact memory location caused the exception.
This is not just a cross-platform issue btw, you can't get a good stack trace on any platform. There is no reliable way to walk the stack, there are too many optimizations (like framepointer omission) that make this a perilous journey. It is the C/C++ way: make it as fast as possible, leave no clue what happened when it blows up.
What you need to do is debug these kind of problems the C/C++ way. You need to create a minidump. It is roughly analogous to the "core dump" of old, a snapshot of the process image at the time the exception happens. Back then, you actually got a complete dump of the core. There's been progress, nowadays it is "mini", somewhat necessary because a complete core dump would take close to 2 gigabytes. It actually works pretty well to diagnose the program state.
On Windows, that starts by calling SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(), you provide a callback function pointer to a function that will run when your program dies on an unhandled exception. Any exception, C++ as well as SEH. Your next resource is dbghelp.dll, available in the Debugging Tools for Windows download. It has an entrypoint called MiniDumpWriteDump(), it creates a minidump.
Once you get the file created by MiniDumpWriteDump(), you're pretty golden. You can load the .dmp file in Visual Studio, almost like it's a project. Press F5 and VS grinds away for a while trying to load .pdb files for the DLLs loaded in the process. You'll want to setup the symbol server, that's very important to get good stack traces. If everything works, you'll get a "debug break" at the exact location where the exception was thrown". With a stack trace.
Things you need to do to make this work smoothly:
Use a build server to create the binaries. It needs to push the debugging symbols (.pdb files) to a symbol server so they are readily available when you debug the minidump.
Configure the debugger so it can find the debugging symbols for all modules. You can get the debugging symbols for Windows from Microsoft, the symbols for your code needs to come from the symbol server mentioned above.
Write the code to trap the unhandled exception and create the minidump. I mentioned SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() but the code that creates the minidump should not be in the program that crashed. The odds that it can write the minidump successfully are fairly slim, the state of the program is undetermined. Best thing to do is to run a "guard" process that keeps an eye on a named Mutex. Your exception filter can set the mutex, the guard can create the minidump.
Create a way for the minidump to get transferred from the client's machine to yours. We use Amazon's S3 service for that, terabytes at a reasonable rate.
Wire the minidump handler into your debug database. We use Jira, it has a web-service that allows us to verify the crash bucket against a database of earlier crashes with the same "signature". When it is unique, or doesn't have enough hits, we ask the crash manager code to upload the minidump to Amazon and create the bug database entry.
Well, that's what I did for the company I work for. Worked out very well, it reduced crash bucket frequency from thousands to dozens. Personal message to the creators of the open source ffdshow component: I hate you with a passion. But you're no longer crashing our app anymore! Buggers.
Wrapping all your code in one try/catch block is a-ok. It won't slow down the execution of anything inside it, for example. In fact, all my programs have (code similar to) this framework:
int execute(int pArgc, char *pArgv[])
// do stuff
int main(int pArgc, char *pArgv[])
// maybe setup some debug stuff,
// like splitting cerr to log.txt
return execute(pArgc, pArgv);
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "Unhandled exception:\n" << e.what() << std::endl;
// or other methods of displaying an error
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl;
No it's not stupid. It's a very good idea, and it costs virtually nothing at runtime until you hit an unhandled exception, of course.
Be aware that there is already an exception handler wrapping your thread, provided by the OS (and another one by the C-runtime I think). You may need to pass certain exceptions on to these handlers to get correct behavior. In some architectures, accessing mis-aligned data is handled by an exception handler. so you may want to special case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT and let it pass on to the higher level exception handler.
I include the registers, the app version and build number, the exception type and a stack dump in hex annotated with module names and offsets for hex values that could be addresses to code. Be sure to include the version number and build number/date of your exe.
You can also use VirtualQuery to turn stack values into "ModuleName+Offset" pretty easily. And that, combined with a .MAP file will often tell you exactly where you crashed.
I found that I could train beta testers to send my the text pretty easily, but in the early days what I got was a picture of the error dialog rather than the text. I think that's because a lot of users don't know you can right click on any Edit control to get a menu with "Select All" and "Copy". If I was going to do it again, I would add a button
that copied that text to the clipboard so that it can easily be pasted into an email.
Even better if you want to go to the trouble of haveing a 'send error report' button, but just giving users a way to get the text into their own emails gets you most of the way there, and doesn't raise any red flags about "what information am I sharing with them?"
In fact, boost::diagnostic_information has been designed specifically to be used in a "global" catch(...) block, to display information about exceptions which should not have reached it. However, note that the string returned by boost::diagnostic_information is NOT user-friendly.

How can I debug a program when debugger fails

I am debugging an Iphone program with the simulator in xCode and I have one last issue to resolve but I need help resolving it for the following reason: when it happens the program goes into debugging mode but no errors appear (no BAD ACCESS appears) and it does not show where the code fails. Putting some variables as global helps me to see their values to start pin pointing where the bug is but before I go into this fully I would like to know what techniques/tools you guys use to debug these situations.
If it helps Im debugging the following: I merged some code into the SpeakHere demo. The code was added in the C++ modules of the program (AQRecorder.h and .mm). I seem to have pinpointed the problem code in a function I wrote.
My favourite is always to add debugging code and log it to a file. This allows me so report any and all information I need to resolve the issue if the debugger is not working properly.
I normally control the debugging code by use of a flag which I can manipulate at run time or by the command line.
If the error is (and it probably is) a memory management issue, printing log entries is really not going to help.
I would reccomend learning how to use Instruments, and use its tools to track down the memory leak when it occurs rather than waiting until the application crashes later on.

How can I debug a win32 process that unexpectedly terminates silently?

I have a Windows application written in C++ that occasionally evaporates. I use the word evaporate because there is nothing left behind: no "we're sorry" message from Windows, no crash dump from the Dr. Watson facility...
On the one occasion the crash occurred under the debugger, the debugger did not break---it showed the application still running. When I manually paused execution, I found that my process no longer had any threads.
How can I capture the reason this process is terminating?
You could try using the adplus utility in the windows debugging tool package.
adplus -crash -p yourprocessid
The auto dump tool provides mini dumps for exceptions and a full dump if the application crashes.
If you are using Visual Studio 2003 or later, you should enable the debuggers "First Chance Exception" handler feature by turning on ALL the Debug Exception Break options found under the Debug Menu | Exceptions Dialog. Turn on EVERY option before starting the debug build of the process within the debugger.
By default most of these First Chance Exception handlers in the debugger are turned off, so if Windows or your code throws an exception, the debugger expects your application to handle it.
The First Chance Exception system allows debuggers to intercept EVERY possible exception thrown by the Process and/or System.
All the other ideas posted are good.
But it also sounds like the application is calling abort() or terminate().
If you run it in the debugger set a breakpoint on both these methods and exit() just for good measure.
Here is a list of situations that will cause terminate to be called because of exceptions going wrong.
See also:
Why destructor is not called on exception?
This shows that an application will terminate() if an exceptions is not caught. So stick a catch block in main() that reports the error (to a log file) then re-throw.
int main()
// Do your code here.
// Log Error;
throw; // re-throw the error for the de-bugger.
Well, the problem is you are getting an access violation. You may want to attach with WinDBG and turn on all of the exception filters. It may still not help - my guess is you are getting memory corruption that isn't throwing an exception.
You may want to look at enabling full pageheap checking
You might also want to check out this older question about heap corruption for some ideas on tools.
The most common cause for this kind of sudden disappearance is a stack overflow, usually caused by some kind of infinite recursion (which may, of course, involve a chain of several functions calling each other).
Is that a possibility in your app?
You could check the Windows Logs in Event Viewer on Windows.
First of all I want to say that I've only a moderate experience on windows development.
After that I think this is a typical case where a log may help.
Normally debugging and logging supply orthogonal info. If your debugger is useless probably the log will help you.
This could be a call to _exit() or some Windows equivalent. Try setting a breakpoint on _exit...
Have you tried PC Lint etc and run it over your code?
Try compiling with maximum warnings
If this is a .NET app - use FX Cop.
Possible causes come to mind.
Stack overflow exception
Exception while handling an exception
The last one in particular results in immediate failure of the application.
The stack overflow - you may get a notification of this, but unlikely.
Drop into the debugger, change all exception notifications to "stop always" rather than "stop if not handled" then do what you do to cause the program failure. The debugger will stop if you get an exception and you can decide if this is the exception you are looking for.
I spent a couple hours trying to dig into this on Visual Studio 2017 running a 64-bit application on Windows 7. I ended up having to set a breakpoint on the RtlReportSilentProcessExit function, which lives in the ntdll.dll file. Just the base function name was enough for Visual Studio to find it.
That said, after I let Visual Studio automatically download symbols for the C standard library, it also automatically stopped on the runtime exception that caused the problem.