FlowlayoutPanel not displaying all it's child control - flowlayoutpanel

I am having a flowlayoutpanel which is having multiple child control panel . Child panels are being added dynamically . There is one trackbar which provide the functionality to resize the child panels ( with background image). While resizing the child panels flowlayoutpanel is not able to display all the child panels and it's display empty spaces in the bottom . Looking for help thanks in advance.


Do I need a top-level sizer on my wxWidgets frame-based app?

I am undergoing a number of tutorials on wxWidgets and found that I must add a wxPanel to my main frame in order to get a Windows native-like background, instead of the ugly dark-grey that it defaults to.
Now, the WxSmith tutorial: Hello world states that a wxBoxSizer is the first control that should be added to the main frame. Then goes the wxPanel, and then another sizer where I'll put my controls (text, buttons, etc).
I'm failing to understand the need for the first sizer. For me it would make more sense to have the following hierarchy: Frame -> Panel -> Sizer -> Controls.
So, do I really need to add a top-level sizer to my frame, before the panel?
Note: The only purpose of the wxPanel is to give my window a light-grey background.
Edit In fact, I only get what I want (light background color for the entire window) if the panel is the frame's first and only child control.
No, you don't need a sizer for the panel because wxFrame automatically resizes its only child to fill its entire client area, just because it's such a common case.
The purpose of wxPanel is not only to give you the "correct" background, but also to provide correct keyboard navigation among your controls. And the reason it is decoupled from wxFrame is that some frames don't contain controls but are used as e.g. canvases, in which case the panel would be unnecessary.
Finally, don't be confused: sizers are not controls, they are associated with a window and, in turn, contain (some of) the window children, but are not controls themselves.

How To Change Panel/view in the Windows Client Area in MFC

I want to design a student registration and exam recording app using C++ MFC with a kind of child window containing buttons edits and other common controls which is displayed on the app client area, and can be removed and replaced with another one by clicking a button. Thats the problem i face now( The GUI ). I came from JAVA background where this can be done by creating a JPanel as a container for the buttons, combo boxes and text fields controls. the panel is displayed on the client area and can be removed and replaced with another panel containing a new set of controls. I tried learning CView but it keeps talking about documents and views that displays untitled document as in word processing. Any pointer will be appreciated. Thanks.
After having searched and read a lot about my problem, i decided to go into win32 API where everything is possible depending on your awareness.The solution is as simple as creating a main window and creating any number of child windows who uses the main window as parent and all has a hiden window attribute. Then you can create controls on each child window. To switch between the child windows I did this: ShowWindow(childWindow1, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(childWindow2, SW_SHOW);. thats it, only that the repaint process after restore does not repaint the child window's controls and its child window.

SL5 out-of-browser app, controlling the containing window

In SL5 you can create multiple windows. This package allows you to use a window modally, and not have it constrained by the parent window: http://slmultiwindow.codeplex.com/
Is there any way to control the containing window's background or opacity? I'd like to animate the appearance and disappearance of the modal window; while I can control the window content via storyboard, the containing window's white background sort of ruins the effect...
Any ideas would be appreciated for how to control the appearance of the containing window...
I Think You Should Try this Way..........
1 . Click On Sliverlight Project
2 . Select Properties option
3 . Select First tab option Like Silverlight
4 . Click On Out-Of-Browser setting Option
5 . Set the window size, window title or window position etc......

MFC child dialog changing size unexpectedly

My application uses stacked dialogs to select between options in several places. For example, the dialog box below uses two stacked dialogs:
To choose between "shooting methods", the user selects from the drop-down list in the bottom right. This changes a child dialog box above it.
The "advanced options" box (located in the child dialog box) selects between a simplified interface and a more complete one.
In each case, the stacked dialog box is implemented using a picture object as a placeholder in the parent dialog. When a page is selected, SetWindowPos is called to move/resize the child dialog (pNewPage) to fit the placeholder.
// Show the newly selected page
pNewPage->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW) ;
pNewPage->SetFocus () ;
// Position the newly selected page
CRect rcDlgArea ;
GetDlgItem (IDC_DLG_AREA)->GetWindowRect (&rcDlgArea) ;
ScreenToClient (&rcDlgArea) ;
pNewPage->SetWindowPos (this,
rcDlgArea.left, rcDlgArea.top, rcDlgArea.Width (), rcDlgArea.Height (),
This has worked very well up until now, but one of my users in Germany is having a problem I can't explain. When he opens the tool, the stacked page comes up looking like this:
Note that the child dialogs are stretched so that the text in the child dialog appears larger than the text in the parent.
Other than the visual layout issues, the child dialog also seems to "cover" the selection drop-down in the bottom right (located in the parent dialog). Although the drop-down is still visible, CBN_SELCHANGE messages are not received when the drop-down list is clicked.
I am at a loss to explain why the child dialog boxes are being rescaled. As you can see above, I've tried to be very explicit about the resizing of the dialog box, but this doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone think of a reason why the child dialog might be rescaled on some systems but not on others? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Seems like this user has larger fonts selected than what is used in the first screenshot. Note that dialog sizes are specified in DLU's, which scale with the size the user has selected for the font. You can either scale your dialog explicitly, in pixels (bad solution, this will make your app look even worse on some configurations), or do your calculations in DLU's everywhere. Your second screenshot also seems to show that the child dialogs use a different font than those of the wizard. I'm not sure why that is, I guess it's something in the window styles you pass to the wizard when you create it.

split a window without a split bar

In order to split a window into 2, for example, viewing 2 documents at the same time, we created 2 child windows and a split bar to resize the child windows.
But I have seen many applications which have multiple panels without a split bar. In fact, there is a 'line' between the panels, but I found that they created an extra child window hwndChild1Container which contains the first child window hwndChild1 and the size is a litte wider than hwndChild1, hence there is a bar as we see.
My question is: In order to do the same thing, I don't know which window style I have to use for hwndChild1Container. I don't want hwndChild1Container has a board like the main window, but I need it being resizeable and when the mouse is over the right boarder, the cursor changes the shape like the case for main window. Is there a build-in window style for such child window, or I have to do this manually in the window procedure of hwndChild1Container?
Container does not need any special styles. Just process WM_NCHITTEST for container and return HTBOTTOM for bottom pixels.