I need to send a models.FileField as an email attachment using Django. I've seen snippets that show how to do this with the raw request.FILES data (which still contains the Content-Type), but have not been able to find anything that shows how to do it once you've already saved the file in a models.FileField. The content type seems to be inaccessible from the models.FileField.
Can someone give me an example of how this would work? I'm beginning to think that I might have to store the Content-Type in the model when I save the file.
Attaching a models.FileField file to an email message is nice and simple in Django:
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
kwargs = dict(
alternatives=((html_content, 'text/html'),)
message = EmailMultiAlternatives(**kwargs)
I am using django-storages and so .path raises
NotImplementedError: This backend doesn't support absolute paths.
To avoid this, I simply open the file, read it, guess the mimetype and close it later, but having to use .attach instead of .attach_file magic.
from mimetypes import guess_type
from os.path import basename
f = model.filefield
# msg.attach(filename, content, mimetype)
msg.attach(basename(f.name), f.read(), guess_type(f.name)[0])
Another approach:
from django.core.mail.message import EmailMessage
msg = EmailMessage(subject=my_subject, body=my_email_body,
from_email=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, to=[to_addressed])
msg.attach_file(self.my_filefield.path) # self.my_filefield.file for Django < 1.7
I would just not supply a content type and let the recipient's email client work it out. Unless it will be something unusual it shouldn't be a problem.
RFC2616 states:
If and only if the media type is not
given by a Content-Type field, the
recipient MAY attempt to guess the
media type via inspection of its
content and/or the name extension(s)
of the URI used to identify the
If you want to specify it then storing the content type on upload is a very good idea. It should be noted that django's own docs say to verify the data from users
If you are on a *unix OS you could try to guess/inspect it:
import subprocess
subprocess.check_output(['file', '-b', '--mime', filename])
(from How to find the mime type of a file in python? )
when running the Django server and hitting the URL, I was getting the requested image (jpg).
Now I exchange the jpg by a file, which is also called h2.jpg but when I call the same URL again
it still shows the old picture.
How to handle that?
I need to do it automatically by the backend or somehow --> without user action
Django version 2.1.7
You can use this middleware
from django.utils.cache import add_never_cache_headers
class NoCachingMiddleware(object):
def process_response(self, request, response):
return respons
from this question:
So, now the new file has a timestamp included in the filename. By this I can first read all files available in the folder and then take the first one to create a NEW dynamic filepath.
I am writing a Django based website, but need to serve a a simple text file. Is the correct way to so this by putting it in the static directory and bypassing Django?
If the file is static (not generated by the django app) then you can put it in the static directory.
If the content of this file is generated by Django then you can return it in a HttpResponse with text/plain as mimetype.
content = 'any string generated by django'
return HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/plain')
You can also give a name to the file by setting the Content-Disposition of the response.
filename = "my-file.txt"
content = 'any string generated by django'
response = HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/plain')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename={0}'.format(filename)
return response
I agree with #luc, however another alternative is to use X-Accel-Redirect header.
Imagine that you have to serve big protected (have to login to view it) static files. If you put the file in static directory, then it's access is open and anybody can view it. If you serve it in Django by opening the file and then serving it, there is too much IO and Django will use more RAM since it has to load the file into RAM. The solution is to have a view, which will authenticate a user against a database, however instead of returning a file, Django will add X-Accel-Redirect header to it's response. Now since Django is behind nginx, nginx will see this header and it will then serve the protected static file. That's much better because nginx is much better and much faste at serving static files compared to Django. Here are nginx docs on how to do that. You can also do a similar thing in Apache, however I don't remember the header.
I was using a more complex method until recently, then I discovered this and this:
path('file.txt', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='file.txt',
Then put file.txt in the root of your templates directory in your Django project.
I'm now using this method for robots.txt, a text file like the original asker, and a pre-generated sitemap.xml (eg, change to content_type='text/xml').
Unless I'm missing something, this is pretty simple and powerful.
I had a similar requirement for getting a text template for a form via AJAX. I choose to implement it with a model based view (Django 1.6.1) like this:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.generic import View
from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectMixin
from .models import MyModel
class TextFieldView(SingleObjectMixin, View):
model = MyModel
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
myinstance = self.get_object()
content = myinstance.render_text_content()
return HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf8')
The rendered text is quite small and dynamically generated from other fields in the model.
I just learnt that with Rails is possible to simulate HTTP requests in the console with few lines of code.
Check out: http://37signals.com/svn/posts/3176-three-quick-rails-console-tips (section "Dive into your app").
Is there a similar way to do that with Django? Would be handy.
You can use RequestFactory, which allows
inserting a user into the request
inserting an uploaded file into the request
sending specific parameters to the view
and does not require the additional dependency of using requests.
Note that you have to specify both the URL and the view class, so it takes an extra line of code than using requests.
from django.test import RequestFactory
request_factory = RequestFactory()
my_url = '/my_full/url/here' # Replace with your URL -- or use reverse
my_request = request_factory.get(my_url)
response = MyClasBasedView.as_view()(my_request) # Replace with your view
To set the user of the request, do something like my_request.user = User.objects.get(id=123) before getting the response.
To send parameters to a class-based view, do something like response = MyClasBasedView.as_view()(my_request, parameter_1, parameter_2)
Extended Example
Here's an example of using RequestFactory with these things in combination
HTTP POST (to url url, functional view view, and a data dictionary post_data)
uploading a single file (path file_path, name file_name, and form field value file_key)
assigning a user to the request (user)
passing on kwargs dictionary from the url (url_kwargs)
SimpleUploadedFile helps format the file in a way that is valid for forms.
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile
from django.test import RequestFactory
request = RequestFactory().post(url, post_data)
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_ptr:
request.FILES[file_key] = SimpleUploadedFile(file_name, file_ptr.read())
file_ptr.seek(0) # resets the file pointer after the read
if user:
request.user = user
response = view(request, **url_kwargs)
Using RequestFactory from a Python shell
RequestFactory names your server "testserver" by default, which can cause a problem if you're not using it inside test code. You'll see an error like:
DisallowedHost: Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'testserver'. You may need to add 'testserver' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
This workaround from #boatcoder's comment shows how to override the default server name to "localhost":
request_factory = RequestFactory(**{"SERVER_NAME": "localhost", "wsgi.url_scheme":"https"}).
How I simulate requests from the python command line is:
Use the excellent requests library
Use the django reverse function
A simple way of simulating requests is:
>>> from django.urls import reverse
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get(reverse('app.views.your_view'))
>>> r.text
(prints output)
>>> r.status_code
Update: be sure to launch the django shell (via manage.py shell), not a classic python shell.
Update 2: For Django <1.10, change the first line to
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
(See tldr; down)
Its an old question,
but just adding an answer, in case someone maybe interested.
Though this might not be the best(or lets say Django) way of doing things.
but you can try doing this way.
Inside your django shell
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('your_full_url_here')
I omitted the reverse(),
explanation being, since reverse() more or less,
finds the url associated to a views.py function,
you may omit the reverse() if you wish to, and put the whole url instead.
For example, if you have a friends app in your django project,
and you want to see the list_all() (in views.py) function in the friends app,
then you may do this.
>>> import requests
>>> url = 'http://localhost:8000/friends/list_all'
>>> r = requests.get(url)
Ive been requested by a client that his satchmo store should send an html formatted mail when resetting his password.
Aparently satchmo or django's contrib.auth.views.password_reset sends only raw email.
How do I modify this in order to be able to send html formatted mails?
Thank you!
I haven't used Satchmo, but this should get you started.
First of all, subclass the PasswordResetForm, and override the save method to send an html email instead of a plain text email.
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm
class HTMLPasswordResetForm(PasswordResetForm):
def save(self, domain_override=None, email_template_name='registration/password_reset_email.html',
use_https=False, token_generator=default_token_generator, from_email=None, request=None):
Generates a one-use only link for resetting password and sends to the user
# Left as an exercise to the reader
You can use the existing PasswordResetForm as a guide. You need replace the send_mail call at the end with code to send html emails. The docs about sending html emails should help.
Once you've written your form, you need to include the form in the url pattern for password_reset. As I said, I don't have any experience of Satchmo, but looking at the source code, I think you want to update satchmo_store.accounts.urls, by changing the password_reset_dict.
# You need to import your form, or define it in this module
from myapp.forms import HTMLPasswordResetForm
#Dictionary for authentication views
password_reset_dict = {
'template_name': 'registration/password_reset_form.html',
# You might want the change the email template to .html
'email_template_name': 'registration/password_reset.txt',
'password_reset_form': HTMLPasswordResetForm,
# the "from email" in password reset is problematic... it is hard coded as None
urlpatterns += patterns('django.contrib.auth.views',
(r'^password_reset/$', 'password_reset', password_reset_dict, 'auth_password_reset'),
I want to store some mp3s in a folder which is not public, can't be directly accessed through the web and allow users to hear/download the songs with a browser only if they are logged in.
How can I do that?
I do my web development with Django, but if I know how it works is enough.
You first need to setup authentication. The django tutorials thoroughly explore this.
You don't' link the mp3's directly, You link to a django script that checks the auth, then reads the mp3 and serves it to the client with a mp3 content type header.
I assume you use django. Then you can try something like this:
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.http import HttpResponse
def listen(request, file_name):
# note that MP3_STORAGE should not be in MEDIA_ROOT
file = open("%smp3/%s" % (settings.MP3_STORAGE, file_name))
response = HttpResponse(file.read(), mimetype="audio/mpeg")
return response
Note that you will get dramatic speed decrease. Using generator to read file in blocks may help to save memory.
Lazy Method for Reading Big File in Python?
File outside of public access (not in
MEDIA_URL folders)
Check if user logged in
Serve files only via a view, with
unique links for every user
class Mp3(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to=path_outside_of_public_access)
hash = models.CharField(unique=True)
def generate_link_hash(request, file):
return hashlib.md5("%s_%i_%s_%s" % (request.session.session_key, file.id, str(file.date_added), file.hash)) # or however u like
def files_list(request)
""" view to show files list """
for file in files:
file.link_hash = generate_link_hash(request, file)
def download_file(request, file_hash, link_hash):
""" view to download file """
file = Mp3.objects.get(hash=file_hash)
if link_hash == generate_link_hash(request, file):
file = open(file.file)
return HttpResponse(file.read(), mimetype="audio/mpeg")
raise Http404
Should do the job enough, but remember - what is once accessed, you have no control where it goes from now on. And that every file download needs reading the file through the app (it's not given statically), which will affect the performance of your app.