suggestions for improving an allocator algorithm implementation - c++

I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++ application where I'm using a custom allocator for standard containers such that their memory comes from a Memory Mapped File rather than the heap. This allocator is used for 4 different use cases:
104-byte fixed size structure std::vector< SomeType, MyAllocator< SomeType > > foo;
200-byte fixed size structure
304-byte fixed size structure
n-byte strings std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, MyAllocator< char > > strn;
I need to be able to allocate roughly 32MB total for each of these.
The allocator tracks memory usage using a std::map of pointers to allocation size. typedef std::map< void*, size_t > SuperBlock; Each SuperBlock represents 4MB of memory.
There is a std::vector< SuperBlock > of these in case one SuperBlock isn't enough space.
The algorithm used for the allocator goes like this:
For each SuperBlock: Is there space at the end of the SuperBlock? put the allocation there. (fast)
If not, search within each SuperBlock for an empty space of sufficient size and put the allocation there. (slow)
Still nothing? allocate another SuperBlock and put the allocation at the start of the new SuperBlock.
Unfortunately, step 2 can become VERY slow after a while. As copies of objects are made and temporary variables destroyed I get a lot of fragmentation. This causes a lot of deep searching within the memory structure. Fragmentation is in issue as I have a limited amount of memory to work with (see note below)
Can anybody suggest improvements to this algorithm that would speed up the process? Do I need two separate algorithms (1 for the fixed-size allocations and one for the string allocator)?
Note: For those that need a reason: I'm using this algorithm in Windows Mobile where there's a 32MB process slot limit to the Heap. So, the usual std::allocator won't cut it. I need to put the allocations in the 1GB Large Memory Area to have enough space and that's what this does.

Can you have a separate memory allocation pool for each different fixed-size type you are allocating? That way there won't be any fragmentation, because the allocated objects will always align on n-byte boundaries. That doesn't help for the variable-length strings, of course.
There's an example of small-object allocation in Alexandrescu's Modern C++ design that illustrates this principle and may give you some ideas.

For the fixed sized objects, you can create a fixed sized allocator. Basically you allocate blocks, partition into subblocks of the appropriate size and create a linked list with the result. Allocating from such a block is O(1) if there is memory available (just remove the first element from the list and return a pointer to it) as is deallocation (add the block to the free list). During allocation, if the list is empty, grab a new superblock, partition and add all blocks into the list.
For the variable sized list, you can simplify it to the fixed size block by allocating only blocks of known sizes: 32 bytes, 64 bytes, 128 bytes, 512 bytes. You will have to analyze the memory usage to come up with the different buckets so that you don't waste too much memory. For large objects, you can go back to a dynamic size allocation pattern, that will be slow, but hopefully the amount of large objects is limited.

Building on Tim's answer, I would personally use something akin to BiBOP.
The basic idea is simple: use fixed-size pools.
There are some refinements to that.
First, the size of the pools is generally fixed. It depends on your allocation routine, typically if you know the OS you're working on map at least 4KB at once when you use malloc, then you use that value. For a memory mapped file, you might be able to increase this.
The advantage of fixed-size pools is that it nicely fights off fragmentation. All pages being of the same size, you can recycle an empty 256-bytes page into a 128-bytes page easily.
There is still some fragmentation for large objects, which are typically allocated outside of this system. But it's low, especially if you fit large objects into a multiple of the page size, this way the memory will be easy to recycle.
Second, how to handle the pools ? Using linked-lists.
The pages are typically untyped (by themselves), so you have a free-list of pages in which to prepare new pages and put "recycled" pages.
For each size category you then have a list of "occupied" pages, in which memory has been allocated. For each page you keep:
the allocation size (for this page)
the number of allocated objects (to check for emptiness)
a pointer to the first free cell
a pointer to the previous and next pages (might point to the "head" of the list)
Each free-cell is itself a pointer (or index, depending on the size you have) to the next free-cell.
The list of "occupied" pages of a given size is simply managed:
on deletion: if you empty the page, then remove it from the list and push it into the recycled pages, otherwise, update the free-cell list of this page (note: finding the beginning of the current page is usually a simple modulo operation on the address)
on insertion: search starting from head, as soon as you find a non-full page, move it in front of the list (if it's not already) and insert your item
This scheme is really performant memory-wise, with only a single page reserved for indexing.
For multi-threaded / multi-processes applications, you'll need to add synchronization (a mutex per page typically), in case you could get inspiration from Google's tcmalloc (try and find another page instead of blocking, use a thread-local cache to remember which page you last used).
Having said that, have you tried Boost.Interprocess ? It provides allocators.

For the fixed sizes you can easily use a small memory allocator type of allocator where you allocate a large block that's split into fixed-size chunks. You then create a vector of pointers to available chunks and pop/push as you allocate/free. This is very fast.
For variable length items, it's harder: You either have to deal with searching for available contiguous space or use some other approach. You might consider maintaining another map of all the free nodes ordered by block size, so you can lower_bound the map and if the next available node is say only 5% too big return it instead of trying to find usable available space of the exact size.

My inclination for variable-sized items would be to, if practical, avoid holding direct pointers to data and instead keep handles. Each handle would be a the index of a superblock, and an index to an item within the superblock. Each superblock would have an item-list allocated top-down and items allocated bottom-up. Each item's allocation would be preceded by its length, and by the index of the item it represents; use one bit of the index to indicate whether an item is 'pinned'.
If an item fits after the last allocated item, simply allocate it. If it would hit a pinned item, move the next-allocation mark past the pinned item, find the next higher pinned item, and try the allocation again. If the item would collide with the item-list but there's enough free space somewhere, compactify the block's contents (if one or more items are pinned, it may be better to use another superblock if one is available). Depending upon usage patterns, it may be desirable to start by only compactifying the stuff that was added since the last collection; if that doesn't provide enough space, then compactify everything.
Of course, if only have a few discrete sizes of items, you can use simple fixed-sized-chunk allocators.

I agree with Tim - use memory pools to avoid fragmentation.
However you may be able to avoid some of the churn by storing pointers rather than objects in your vectors, perhaps ptr_vector?


std::vector increasing peak memory

This is in continuation of my last question. I am failed to understand the memory taken up by vector. Problem skeleton:
Consider an vector which is an collection of lists and lists is an collection of pointers. Exactly like:
std::vector<std::list<ABC*> > vec;
where ABC is my class. We work on 64bit machines, so size of pointer is 8 bytes.
At the start of my flow in the project, I resize this vector to an number so that I can store lists at respective indexes.
At this point, capacity and size of the vector would be 613284686. Right. After resizing, I am inserting the lists at corresponding indexes as:
// Some where down in the program, make these lists. Simple push for now.
std::list<ABC*> l1;
// Copy the list at location
setInfo(613284686, l1);
void setInfo(uint64_t index, std::list<ABC*> list>) {
std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), std::back_inserter(;
Alright. So inserting is done. Notable things are:
Size of vector is : 613284686
Entries in the vector is : 3638243731 // Calculated this by going over vector indexes and add the size of std::lists at each index.
Now, since there are 3638243731 entries of pointers, I would expect memory taken by this vector is ~30Gb. 3638243731 * 8(bytes) = ~30Gb.
BUT BUT When I have this data in memory, memory peaks to, 400G.
And then I clear up this vector with:
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >& ccInfo = getVec(); // getVec defined somewhere and return me original vec.
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >::iterator it = ccInfo.begin();
for(; it != ccInfo.end(); ++it) {
ccInfo.clear(); // Since it is an reference
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >().swap(ccInfo); // This makes the capacity of the vector 0.
Well, after clearing up this vector, memory drops down to 100G. That is too much holding from an vector.
Would you all like to correct me what I am failing to understand here?
P.S. I can not reproduce it on smaller cases and it is coming in my project.
At this point, capacity and size of the vector would be 613284686
It would be at least 613284686. It could be more.
std::vector<std::list<nl_net> >().swap(ccInfo); // This makes the capacity of the vector 0.
Technically, there is no guarantee by the standard that a default constructed vector wouldn't have capacity other than 0... But in practice, this is probably true.
Now, since there are 3638243731 entries of pointers, I would expect memory taken by this vector is ~30Gb. 3638243731 * 8(bytes)
But the vector doesn't contain pointers. It contains std::list<ABC*> objects. So, you should expect vec.capacity() * sizeof(std::list<ABC*>) bytes used by the buffer of the vector itself. Each list has at least a pointer to beginning and the end.
Furthermore, you should expect each element in each of the lists to use memory as well. Since the list is doubly linked, you should expect about two pointers plus the data (a third pointer) worth of memory for each element.
Also, each pointer in the lists apparently points to an ABC object, and each of those use sizeof(ABC) memory as well.
Furthermore, since each element of the linked lists are allocated separately, and each dynamic allocation requires book-keeping so that they can be individually de-allocated, and each allocation must be aligned to the maximum native alignment, and the free store may have fragmented during the execution, there will be much overhead associated with each dynamic allocation.
Well, after clearing up this vector, memory drops down to 100G.
It is quite typical for the language implementation to retain (some) memory it has allocated from the OS. If your target system documents an implementation specific function for explicitly requesting release of such memory, then you could attempt using that.
However, if the vector buffer wasn't the latest dynamic allocation, then its deallocation may have left a massive reusable area in the free store, but if there exists later allocations, then all that memory might not be releasable back to the OS.
Even if the langauge implementation has released the memory to the OS, it is quite typical for the OS to keep the memory mapped for the process until another process actually needs the memory for something else. So, depending on how you're measuring memory use, the results might not necessarily be meaningful.
General rules of thumb that may be useful:
Don't use a vector unless you use all (or most) of the indices. In case where you don't, consider a sparse array instead (there is no standard container for such data structure though).
When using vector, reserve before resize if you know the upper bound of allocation.
Don't use linked lists without a good reason.
Don't rely on getting all memory back from peak usage (back to the OS that is; The memory is still usable for further dynamic allocations).
Don't stress about virtual memory usage.
std::list is a fragmented memory container. Typically each node MUST have the data it is storing, plus the 2 prev/next pointers, and then you have to add in the space required within the OS allocation table (typically 16 or 32 bytes per allocation - depending on OS). You then have to account for the fact all allocations must be returned on a 16byte boundary (on Intel/AMD based 64bit machines anyway).
So using the example of std::list<ABC*> the size of a pointer is 8, however you will need at least 48bytes to store each element (at least).
So memory usage for ONLY the list entries is going to be around: 3638243731 * 48(bytes) = ~162Gb.
This is of course assuming that there is no memory fragmentation (where there may be a block of 62bytes free, and the OS returns the entire block of 62 rather than the 48 requested). We are also assuming here that the OS has a minimum allocation size of 48 bytes (and not say, 64bytes, which would not be overly silly, but would push the usage up far higher).
The size of the std::lists themselves within the vector comes to around 18GB. So in total we are looking at 180Gb at least to store that vector. It would not be beyond the realm of possibility that the extra allocations are additional OS book keeping info, for all of those individual memory allocations (e.g. lists of loaded memory pages, lists of swapped out memory pages, the read/write/mmap permissions, etc, etc).
As a final note, instead of using swap on a newly constructed vector, you can just use shrink to fit.
The main vector needs some more consideration. I get the impression it will always be a fixed size. So why not use a std::array instead? A std::vector always allocates more memory than it needs to allow for growth. The bigger your vector the bigger the reservation of memory to allow for more even growth. The reasononing behind is to keep relocations in memory to a minimum. Relocations on really big vectors take up huge amounts of time so a lot of extra memory is reserved to prevent this.
No vector function that can delete elements (such as vector::clear and ::erase) also deallocates memory (e.g. lower the capacity). The size will decrease but the capacity doesn't. Again, this is meant to prevent relocations; if you delete you are also very likely to add again. ::shrink_to_fit also doesn't guarantuee you that all of the used memory is released.*
Next is the choice of a list to store elements. Is a list really applicable? Lists are strong in random access/insertion/removal operations. Are you really constantly adding and removing ABC objects to the list in random locations? Or is another container type with different properties but with contiguous memory more suitable? Another std::vector or std::array perhaps. If the answer is yes than you're pretty much stuck with a list and its scattered memory allocations. If no, than you could win back a lot of memory by using a different container type.
So, what is it you really want to do? Do you really need dynamic growth on both the main container and its elements? Do you really need random manipulation? Or can you use fixed-size arrays for both container and ABC objects and use iteration instead? When contemplating this you might want to read up on the available containers and their properties on It will help you decide what is most appropriate.
*For the fun of it I dug around in VS2017's implementation and it creates an entirely new vector without the growth segment, copies the old elements and then reassigns the internal pointers of the old vector to the new one while deleting the old memory. So at least with that compiler you can count on memory being released.

Is it possible to implement a memory pool that works with arrays instead of single objects?

I know it's easy to make a memory pool for single objects, however I need to make a memory pool for arrays. The memory pool I have currently has a vector of addresses to contiguous memory blocks and a stack that points to each object from these blocks, so when you allocate from the pool you just pop the stack and when you free, you just push an object's address back to it. However I also need an array equivalent. Something like this:
template<typename T>
class ArrayPool
T* AllocateArray(int x); //Returns a pointer to a T array that contains 'x' elements.
void FreeArray(T* arr, int x); //Returns the array to the free address list/stack/whatever/
Has such a thing been implemented? I imagine a big problem from having such a pool - if make sure arrays returned by ALlocateArray are contiguous in memory, I'm basically doing the same as if not having a memorypool. Just allocating arrays on the spot. With the normal object pool every time I just allocate 1 object. With the arrays I may allocate a different sized array every time, so once an array is freed, it won't be compatible with a new one of different size, unless I stich arrays together with some linkedlist-like structure, but then they won't be contiguous.
Currently your allocator takes advantage of the fact that all allocations are the same size. This simplifies and speeds up allocation and freeing, and means memory fragmentation is impossible.
If you have to allocate arrays of any size, then what you want is a general-purpose allocator, not a pool allocator. What to do next depends why you're using a pool allocator in the first place. I can think of two other features of a pool allocator that might be relevant, and there may be others:
all memory comes from a particular region specified when you create the pool
all memory can be freed at once without freeing each individual allocation, by resetting the pool.
If you don't need any special features of controlling allocation yourself then just use vector or global operator new or malloc to allocate your memory. If you do need special features then you'll probably want to take an allocator off the shelf rather than implementing your own. If you really want to get into the details of how a good memory allocator works then look at and perhaps adapt it to your use.
But if you really need to hand-roll an allocator for limited purposes, then the basic idea is that instead of a list of free nodes from which you can always take the first, you need some data structure (your choice what) containing free blocks of different sizes, that allows you to quickly find a block that's big enough to satisfy the current request. In the case where it's much bigger you might choose to split the block, return part of it, and keep the rest as a new smaller free block. In the case where two free blocks are adjacent you might choose to merge them into a single larger free block.
One common strategy is to keep pool-like lists of blocks of certain sizes (for example 16, 32, 64...). If the request is small enough, satisfy it using one of these. If not, do something more complex. But as I say, if you want to see a lot of tricks working together then look at dlmalloc.
What you could do is having fixed sizes and only work on those. For example 400st 32 byte arrays, 200 128b, 100 1024b, 50 8096b or something like that. When something ask for an array of size N you match to the closest size with a free array.
How many you need to each size is probably up for a lot of tweaking.
That would allow you to re-use arrays much more freely than allowing custom sizes.
What exactly are you trying to win from this? Why isn't it enough just to treat each array as an object? Unless you are direly strapped for memory or the time to construct the array elements is really excessive and not to be wasted, this sounds like a classic case of premature optimization. And if the above are your problems, I'd explore other data structures (not arrays) first before plunging into this.
Your time (getting this working and its quirks ironed out will be a week or so, methinks) is way more valuable than a few pennies of computer time or memory saved.

Should I use boost fast pool allocator for following?

I have a server that throughout the course of 24 hours keeps adding new items to a set. Elements are not deleted over the 24 period, just new elements keep getting inserted.
Then at end of period the set is cleared, and new elements start getting added again for another 24 hours.
Do you think a fast pool allocator would be useful here as to reuse the memory and possibly help with fragmentation?
The set grows to around 1 million elements. Each element is about 1k.
It's highly unlikely …but you are of course free to test it in your program.
For a collection of that size and allocation pattern (more! more! more! + grow! grow! grow!), you should use an array of vectors. Just keep it in contiguous blocks and reserve() when they are created and you never need to reallocate/resize or waste space and bandwidth traversing lists. vector is going to be best for your memory layout with a collection that large. Not one big vector (which would take a long time to resize), but several vectors, each which represent chunks (ideal chunk size can vary by platform -- I'd start with 5MB each and measure from there). If you follow, you see there is no need to resize or reuse memory; just create an allocation every few minutes for the next N objects -- there is no need for high frequency/speed object allocation and recreation.
The thing about a pool allocator would suggest you want a lot of objects which have discontiguous allocations, lots of inserts and deletes like a list of big allocations -- this is bad for a few reasons. If you want to create an implementation which optimizes for contiguous allocation at this size, just aim for the blocks with vectors approach. Allocation and lookup will both be close to minimal. At that point, allocation times should be tiny (relative to the other work you do). Then you will also have nothing unusual or surprising about your allocation patterns. However, the fast pool allocator suggests you treat this collection as a list, which will have terrible performance for this problem.
Once you implement that block+vector approach, a better performance comparison (at that point) would be to compare boost's pool_allocator vs std::allocator. Of course, you could test all three, but memory fragmentation is likely going to be reduced far more by that block of vectors approach, if you implement it correctly. Reference:
If you are seriously concerned about performance, use fast_pool_allocator when dealing with containers such as std::list, and use pool_allocator when dealing with containers such as std::vector.

C++ heap organisation - which data structure?

C++ has two main memory types: heap and stack. With stack everything is clear to me, but concerning heap a question remains:
How is heap memory organised? I read about the heap data structure, but that seems not the applicable to the heap, because in C++ I can access any data from the heap, not just a minimum or maximum value.
So my question is: how is heap memory organized in C++? When we read "is allocated on the heap" what memory organization do we have in mind?
A common (though certainly not the only) implementation of the free store is a linked list of free blocks of memory (i.e., blocks not currently in use). The heap manager will typically allocate large blocks of memory (e.g., 1 megabyte at a time) from the operating system, then split these blocks up into pieces for use by your code when you use new and such. When you use delete, the block of memory you quit using will be added as a node on that linked list.
There are various strategies for how you use those free blocks. Three common ones are best fit, worst fit and first fit.
In best fit, you try to find a free block that's closest in size to the required allocation. If it's larger than required (typically after rounding the allocation size) you split it into two pieces: one to return for the allocation, and a new (smaller) free block to put back on the list to meet other allocation requests. Although this can seem like a good strategy, it's often problematic. The problem is that when you find the closest fit, the left-over block is often too small to be of much use. After a short time, you end up with a huge number of tiny blocks of free space, none of which is good for much of anything.
Worst fit combats that by instead finding the worst fit among the free blocks -- IOW, the largest block of free space. When it splits that block, what's left over will be as large as possible, maximizing the chance that it'll be useful for other allocations.
First fist just walks through the list of free blocks, and (as you'd guess from the name) uses the first block that's large enough to meet the requirement.
Quite a few also start with a search for an exact fit, and use that in preference to splitting a block.
Quite a few also keep (for example) a number of separate linked lists for different allocation sizes to minimize searching for a block of the right size.
In quite a few cases, the manager also has some code to walk through the list of free blocks, to find any that are right next to each other. If it finds them, it will join the two small blocks into one larger bock. Sometimes this is done right when you free/delete a block. More often, it's done lazily, to avoid joining then re-splitting blocks when/if you're using a lot of the same size of blocks (which is fairly common).
Another possibility that's common when dealing with a large number of identically-sized items (especially small ones) is an array of blocks, with a bitset to specify which are free or in use. In this case, you typically keep track of an index into the bitset where the last free block was found. When a block is needed, just search forward from the last index until you find the next one for which the bitset says the block is free.
Heap has two main meanings with two different concepts:
A data structure for arrange data, a tree.
A pool of available memory. It manages memory by allocate/free available memory blocks.
An introduction about Heap in Memory Management:
The heap is the other dynamic memory area, allocated/freed by
malloc/free and their variants....
Here heap doesn't mean the heap data structure. That memory is termed as heap memory where global, static variables are stored. Also when we allocate memory dynamically, it is allocated in the heap memory.
When you read "allocated on the heap", that's usually an implementation-specific implementation of C++'s "dynamic storage duration". It means you've used new to allocate memory, and have a pointer to it that you now have to keep track of til you delete (or delete[]) it.
As for how it's organized, there's no one set way of doing so. At one point, if memory serves, the "heap" used to actually be a min-heap (organized by block size). That's implementation specific, though, and doesn't have to be that way. Any data structure will do, some better than others for given circumstances.

Given an Array, is there an algorithm that can allocate memory out of it?

I'm doing some graphics programming and I'm using Vertex pools. I'd like to be able to allocate a range out of the pool and use this for drawing.
Whats different from the solution I need than from a C allocator is that I never call malloc. Instead I preallocate the array and then need an object that wraps that up and keeps track of the free space and allocates a range (a pair of begin/end pointers) from the allocation I pass in.
Much thanks.
in general: you're looking for a memory mangager, which uses a (see wikipedia) memory pool (like the boost::pool as answered by TokenMacGuy). They come in many flavours. Important considerations:
block size (fixed or variable; number of different block sizes; can the block size usage be predicted (statistically)?
efficiency (some managers have 2^n block sizes, i.e. for use in network stacks where they search for best fit block; very good performance and no fragementation at the cost of wasting memory)
administration overhead (I presume that you'll have many, very small blocks; so the number of ints and pointers maintainted by the memory manager is significant for efficiency)
In case of boost::pool, I think the simple segragated storage is worth a look.
It will allow you to configure a memory pool with many different block sizes for which a best-match is searched for.
boost::pool does this for you very nicely!
Instead I preallocate the array and then need an object that wraps that up and keeps track of the free space and allocates a range (a pair of begin/end pointers) from the allocation I pass in.
That's basically what malloc() does internally (malloc() can increase the size of this "preallocated array" if it gets full, though). So yes, there is an algorithm for it. There are many, in fact, and Wikipedia gives a basic overview. Different strategies can work better in different situations. (E.g. if all the blocks are a similar size, or if there's some pattern to allocation and freeing)
If you have many objects of the same size, look into obstacks.
You probably don't want to write the code yourself, it's not an easy task and bugs can be painful.