Size/Resize of GHashTable - c++

Here is my use case: I want to use glib's GHashTable and use IP-addresses as keys, and the olume of data sent/received by this IP-address as the value. For instance I succeeded to implement the whole issue in user-space using some kernel variables in order to look to the volume per IP-address.
Now the question is: Suppose I have a LOT of IP-addresses (i.e. 500,000 up to 1,000,000 uniques) => it is really not clear what is the space allocated and the first size that was given to a new hash table created when using (g_hash_table_new()/g_hash_table_new_full()), and how the whole thing works in the background. It is known that when resizing a hash table it can take a lot of time. So how can we play with these parameters?

Neither g_hash_table_new() nor g_hash_table_new_full() let you specify the size.
The size of a hash table is only available as the number of values stored in it, you don't have access to the actual array size that typically is used in the implementation.
However, the existance of g_spaced_primes_closest() kind of hints that glib's hash table uses a prime-sized internal array.
I would say that although a million keys is quite a lot, it's not extraordinary. Try it, and then measure the performance to determine if it's worth digging deeper.


SAS Hash Tables: Is there a way to find/join on different keys or have optional keys

I frequently work with some data for which the keys are not perfect, and I need to join data from a difference source, I want to continue using Hash Objects for the speed advantage however when I am using a lot of data I can run into crashes (memory restraints).
A simplified overview is I have 2 different keys which are all unique but not present for every record, we will call them Key1 and Key2.
My current solution, which is not very elegant (but it works) is to do the following:
if _N_ = 1 then do;
declare hash h1(Dataset:"DataSet1");
declare hash h2(Dataset:"DataSet1");
set DataSet2;
rc = h1.find();
if rc NE 0 then do;
rc = h2.find();
So I have exactly the same dataset in two hash tables, but with 2 different keys defined, if the first key is not found, then I try to find the second key.
Does anyone know of a way to make this more efficient/easier to read/less memory intensive?
Apologies if this seems a bad way to accomplish the task, I absolutely welcome criticism so I can learn!
Thanks in advance,
I am a huge proponent of hash table lookups - they've helped me do some massive multi hundred-million row joins in minutes that otherwise would could have taken hours.
The way you're doing it isn't a bad route. If you find yourself running low on memory, the first thing to identify is how much memory your hash table is actually using. This article by sasnrd shows exactly how to do this.
Once you've figured out how much it's using and have a benchmark, or if it doesn't even run at all because it runs out of memory, you can play around with some options to see how they improve your memory usage and performance.
1. Include only the keys and data you need
When loading your hash table, exclude any unnecessary variables. You can do this before loading the hash table, or during. You can use dataset options to help reduce table size, such as where, keep, and drop.
dcl hash h1(dataset: 'mydata(keep=key var1)');
2. Reduce the variable lengths
Long character variables take up more memory. Decreasing the length to their minimum required value will help reduce memory usage. Use the %squeeze() macro to automatically reduce all variables to their minimum required size before loading. You can find that macro here.
%squeeze(mydata, mydata_smaller);
3. Adjust the hashexp option
hashexp helps improve performance and reduce hash collisions. Larger values of hashexp will increase memory usage but may improve performance. Smaller values will reduce memory usage. I recommend reading the link above and also looking at the link at the top of this post by sasnrd to get an idea of how it will affect your join. This value should be sized appropriately depending on the size of your table. There's no hard and fast answer as to what value you should use, my recommendation is as big as your system can handle.
dcl hash h1(dataset: 'mydata', hashexp:2);
4. Allocate more memory to your SAS session
If you often run out of memory with your hash tables, you may have too low of a memsize. Many machines have plenty of RAM nowadays, and SAS does a really great job of juggling multiple hard-hitting SAS sessions even on moderately equipped machines. Increasing this can make a huge difference, but you want to adjust this value as a last resort.
The default memsize option is 2GB. Try increasing it to 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, etc., but don't go overboard, like setting it to 0 to use as much memory as it wants. You don't want your SAS session to eat up all the memory on the machine if other users are also on it.
Temporarily setting it to 0 can be a helpful troubleshooting tool to see how much memory your hash object actually occupies if it's not running. But if it's your own machine and you're the only one using it, you can just go ham and set it to 0.
memsize can be adjusted at SAS invocation or within the SAS Configuration File directly (sasv9.cfg on 9.4, or SASV9_Option environment variable in Viya).
I have a fairly similar problem that I approached slightly differently.
First: all of what Stu says is good to keep in mind, regardless of the issue.
If you are in a situation though where you can't really reduce the character variable size (remember, all numerics are 8 bytes in RAM no matter what the dataset size, so don't try to shrink them for this reason), you can approach it this way.
Build a hash table with key1 as key, key2 as data along with your actual data. Make sure that key1 is the "better" key - the one that is more fully populated. Rename Key2 to some other variable name, to make sure you don't overwrite your real key2.
Search on key1. If key1 is found, great! Move on.
If key1 is missing, then use a hiter object (hash iterator) to iterate over all of the records searching for your key2.
This is not very efficient if key2 is used a lot. Step 3 also might be better done in a different way than using a hiter - you could do a keyed set or something else for those records, for example. In my particular case, both the table and the lookup were missing key1, so it was possible to simply iterate over the much smaller subset missing key1 - if in your case that's not true, and your master table is fully populated for both keys, then this is going to be a lot slower.
The other thing I'd consider is abandoning hash tables and using a keyed set, or a format, or something else that doesn't use RAM.
Or split your dataset:
data haskey1 nokey1;
set yourdata;
if missing(key1) then output nokey1;
else output haskey1;
Then two data steps, one with a hash with key1 and one with a hash with key2, then combine the two back together.
Which of these is the most efficient depends heavily on your dataset sizes (both master and lookup) and on the missingness of key1.

Fftw3 library and plans reuse

I'm about to use fftw3 library in my very certain task.
I have a heavy load packets stream with variable frame size, which is produced like that:
Since creating plans is rather expensive, I want to modify my code to something like this:
if(inputArraySizeDiffers()) destroyOldAndCreateNewPlan();
copyDataToInputArray(); // e.g. `memcpy` or `std::copy`;
Can I do this? I mean, does plan contain some important information based on data such, that plan created for one array with size N, when executed will give incorrect results for the other array of same size N.
The fftw_execute() function does not modify the plan presented to it, and can be called multiple times with the same plan. Note, however, that the plan contains pointers to the input and output arrays, so if copyDataToInputArray() involves creating a different input (or output) array then you cannot afterwards use the old plan in fftw_execute() to transform the new data.
FFTW does, however, have a set of "New-array Execute Functions" that could help here, supposing that the new arrays satisfy some additional similarity criteria with respect to the old (see linked docs for details).
The docs do recommend:
If you are tempted to use the new-array execute interface because you want to transform a known bunch of arrays of the same size, you should probably go use the advanced interface instead
but that's talking about transforming multiple arrays that are all in memory simultaneously, and arranged in a regular manner.
Note, too, that if your variable frame size is not too variable -- that is, if it is always one of a relatively small number of choices -- then you could consider keeping a separate plan in memory for each frame size instead of recomputing a plan every time one frame's size differs from the previous one's.

How to handle allocation/deallocation for small objects of variable size in C++

I am currently writing C++ code to store and retrieve tabular data (e.g. a spreadsheet) in memory. The data is loaded from a database. The user can work with the data and there is also a GUI class which should render the tabular data. The GUI renders only a few rows at once, but the tabular data could contain 100,000s of rows at once.
My classes look like this:
Table: provides access to rows (by index) and column-definitions (by name of column)
Column: contains the column definition like name of the column and data-type
Row: contains multiple fields (as many as there are columns) and provides access to those fields (by column name)
Field: contains some "raw" data of variable length and methods to get/set this data
With this design a table with 40 columns and 200k rows contains over 8 million objects. After some experiments I saw that allocating and deallocating 8 million objects is a very time consuming task. Some research showed that other people are using custom allocators (like Boosts pool_allocator) to solve that problem. The problem is that I can't use them in my problem domain, since their performance boost comes from relying on the fact, that all objects allocated have the same size. This is not the case in my code, since my objects differ in size.
Are there any other techniques I could use for memory management? Or do you have suggestions about the design?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: In the meantime I found out what my problem was. I started my program under Visual Studio, which means that the debugger was attached to the debug- and also to the release-build. With an attached debugger my executable uses a so called debug heap, which is very slow. (further details here) When I start my program without a debugger attached, everything is as fast as I would have expected it.
Thank you all for participating in this question!
Why not just allocate 40 large blocks of memory? One for each column. Most of the columns will have fixed length data which makes those easy and fast. eg vector<int> col1(200000). For the variable length ones just use vector<string> col5(200000). The Small String Optimization will ensure that your short strings require no extra allocation. Only rows with longer strings (generally > 15 characters) will require allocs.
If your variable length columns are not storing strings then you could also use vector<vector<unsigned char>> This also allows a nice pre-allocation strategy. eg Assume your biggest variable length field in this column is 100 bytes you could do:
vector<vector<unsigned char>> col2(200000);
for (auto& cell : col2)
Now you have a preallocated column that supports 200000 rows with a max data length of 100 bytes. I would definitely go with the std::string version though if you can as it is conceptually simpler.
Try rapidjson allocators, they are not limited to objects of the same size AFAIK.
You might attach an allocator to a table and allocate all table objects with it.
For more granularity, you might have row or column pools.
Apache does this, attaching all data to request and connection pools.
If you want them to be STL-compatible then perhaps this answer will help to integrate them, although I'm not sure. (I plan to try something like this myself, but haven't gotten to it yet).
Also, some allocators might be faster than what your system offers by default. TCMalloc, for example. (See also). So, you might want to profile and see whether using a different system allocator helps.

mmap-loadable data structure library for C++ (or C)

I have a some large data structure (N > 10,000) that usually only needs to be created once (at runtime), and can be reused many times afterwards, but it needs to be loaded very quickly. (It is used for user input processing on iPhoneOS.) mmap-ing a file seems to be the best choice.
Are there any data structure libraries for C++ (or C)? Something along the line
ReadOnlyHashTable<char, int> table ("filename.hash");
// mmap(...) inside the c'tor
int freq = table.get('a');
// munmap(...); inside the d'tor.
Thank you!
I've written a similar class for hash table myself but I find it pretty hard to maintain, so I would like to see if there's existing solutions already. The library should
Contain a creation routine that serialize the data structure into file. This part doesn't need to be fast.
Contain a loading routine that mmap a file into read-only (or read-write) data structure that can be usable within O(1) steps of processing.
Use O(N) amount of disk/memory space with a small constant factor. (The device has serious memory constraint.)
Small time overhead to accessors. (i.e. the complexity isn't modified.)
Bit representation of data (e.g. endianness, encoding of float, etc.) does not matter since it is only used locally.
So far the possible types of data I need are integers, strings, and struct's of them. Pointers do not appear.
P.S. Can Boost.intrusive help?
You could try to create a memory mapped file and then create the STL map structure with a customer allocator. Your customer allocator then simply takes the beginning of the memory of the memory mapped file, and then increments its pointer according to the requested size.
In the end all the allocated memory should be within the memory of the memory mapped file and should be reloadable later.
You will have to check if memory is free'd by the STL map. If it is, your customer allocator will lose some memory of the memory mapped file but if this is limited you can probably live with it.
Sounds like maybe you could use one of the "perfect hash" utilities out there. These spend some time opimising the hash function for the particular data, so there are no hash collisions and (for minimal perfect hash functions) so that there are no (or at least few) empty gaps in the hash table. Obviously, this is intended to be generated rarely but used frequently.
CMPH claims to cope with large numbers of keys. However, I have never used it.
There's a good chance it only generates the hash function, leaving you to use that to generate the data structure. That shouldn't be especially hard, but it possibly still leaves you where you are now - maintaining at least some of the code yourself.
Just thought of another option - Datadraw. Again, I haven't used this, so no guarantees, but it does claim to be a fast persistent database code generator.
WRT boost.intrusive, I've just been having a look. It's interesting. And annoying, as it makes one of my own libraries look a bit pointless.
I thought this section looked particularly relevant.
If you can use "smart pointers" for links, presumably the smart pointer type can be implemented using a simple offset-from-base-address integer (and I think that's the point of the example). An array subscript might be equally valid.
There's certainly unordered set/multiset support (C++ code for hash tables).
Using cmph would work. It does have the serialization machinery for the hash function itself, but you still need to serialize the keys and the data, besides adding a layer of collision resolution on top of it if your query set universe is not known before hand. If you know all keys before hand, then it is the way to go since you don't need to store the keys and will save a lot of space. If not, for such a small set, I would say it is overkill.
Probably the best option is to use google's sparse_hash_map. It has very low overhead and also has the serialization hooks that you need.
GVDB (GVariant Database), the core of Dconf is exactly this.
See, dconf and bv

How to store a hash table in a file?

How can I store a hash table with separate chaining in a file on disk?
Generating the data stored in the hash table at runtime is expensive, it would be faster to just load the HT from disk...if only I can figure out how to do it.
The lookups are done with the HT loaded in memory. I need to find a way to store the hashtable (in memory) to a file in some binary format. So that next time when the program runs it can just load the HT off disk into RAM.
I am using C++.
What language are you using? The common method is to do some sort binary serialization.
Ok, I see you have edited to add the language. For C++ there a few options. I believe the Boost serialization mechanism is pretty good. In addition, the page for Boost's serialization library also describes alternatives. Here is the link:
Assuming C/C++: Use array indexes and fixed size structs instead of pointers and variable length allocations. You should be able to directly write() the data structures to file for later read()ing.
For anything higher-level: A lot of higher language APIs have serialization facilities. Java and Qt/C++ both have methods that sprint immediately to mind, so I know others do as well.
You could just write the entire data structure directly to disk by using serialization (e.g. in Java). However, you might be forced to read the entire object back into memory in order to access its elements. If this is not practical, then you could consider using a random access file to store the elements of the hash table. Instead of using a pointer to represent the next element in the chain, you would just use the byte position in the file.
Ditch the pointers for indices.
This is a bit similar to constructing an on-disk DAWG, which I did a while back. What made that so very sweet was that it could be loaded directly with mmap instead reading the file. If the hash-space is manageable, say 216 or 224 entries, then I think I would do something like this:
Keep a list of free indices. (if the table is empty, each chain-index would point at the next index.)
When chaining is needed use the free space in the table.
If you need to put something in an index that's occupied by a squatter (overflow from elsewhere) :
record the index (let's call it N)
swap the new element and the squatter
put the squatter in a new free index, (F).
follow the chain on the squatter's hash index, to replace N with F.
If you completely run out of free indices, you probably need a bigger table, but you can cope a little longer by using mremap to create extra room after the table.
This should allow you to mmap and use the table directly, without modification. (scary fast if in the OS cache!) but you have to work with indices instead of pointers. It's pretty spooky to have megabytes available in syscall-round-trip-time, and still have it take up less than that in physical memory, because of paging.
Perhaps DBM could be of use to you.
If your hash table implementation is any good, then just store the hash and each object's data - putting an object into the table shouldn't be expensive given the hash, and not serialising the table or chain directly lets you vary the exact implementation between save and load.