Can epoll receive udp packet? - c++

I am a newbie of network programming and I've hear about epoll. I read a couple of tutorials and now I got some basic idea of what epoll does and how I can implement this.
The question is that can I use epoll even if client will using udp connection? All the tutorials I read used tcp connection.
Also is there a good tutorials or a sample code that explains multi-thread based server implementation using epoll? Those tutorials I got from online only showed how to create a simple echo server on single thread.
Thanks in advance.

There is no problem to use epoll with UDP, the epoll just notifies if there is any data to read in the file descriptor. There are some implications in the read/write... operations related to the UDP socket behaviour (from the man page of epoll):
For stream-oriented files (e.g., pipe, FIFO, stream socket), the condition
that the read/write I/O space is exhausted can also be detected by
checking the amount of data read from / written to the target file
descriptor. For example, if you call read(2) by asking to read a certain
amount of data and read(2) returns a lower number of bytes, you can be
sure of having exhausted the read I/O space for the file descriptor. The
same is true when writing using write(2). (Avoid this latter technique if
you cannot guarantee that the monitored file descriptor always refers to a
stream-oriented file.)
On the other hand is not very usual to use the epoll directly. The best way of using epoll is using an event loop library, libev, or libevent, for example. This is a better aproach, beacause epoll is not available in every system and using this kind of libraries your programs are more portable.
Here you can found an example of libev use with UDP, and Here other example with libevent.


What are the "serious caveats" with ZMQ_FD?

The ZeroMQ FAQ states in the Why can't I use standard I/O multiplexing functions such as select() or poll() on ZeroMQ sockets? question:
Note that there's a way to retrieve a file descriptor from ZeroMQ socket (ZMQ_FD socket option) that you can poll on from version 2.1 onwards, however, there are some serious caveats when using it. Check the documentation carefully before using this feature.
I've prototyped integrating ZeroMQ socket receiving to Qt's and custom select() based event loops, and on the first glance everything seems to work.
From the documentation I have identified two "caveats" that I handle in my code:
The ability to read from the returned file descriptor does not necessarily indicate that messages are available to be read from the socket
This I have solved by checking ZMQ_EVENTS before reading from the socket.
Events are signaled in edge-triggered fashion
This one I have solved by always receiving all the messages from the socket when the file descriptor signals.
Are there some caveats that I'm missing?

mkfifo Alternative

I have a process that continuously needs to write information. Furthermore, there is a second process which sometimes connects to the "information channel" of the writing process and should read the information that are written since it's connected. This process might also deconnect and reconnect several times again.
I am currently realizing this with a named pipe, by using mkfifo() in my c++ program. Unfortunately if I call open() on this fifo it blocks until a process opens the fifo for reading. This is quite normal for named pipes, but I need this open command to be non-blocking.
Do you know an alternative to mkfifo in this case?
You could use Unix-domain sockets, or regular TCP sockets on loopback interface.
You can use shared memory or mmap. It should contain offset to the oldest data, and the block of memory for data
fifo is limited to 64k (depends on distribution and some settings).
I finally used the unix message queue, Reader and Writer started totally independet and everything can be performed non blocking

Asynchronous event loop design and issues

I'm designing event loop for asynchronous socket IO using epoll/devpoll/kqueue/poll/select (including windows-select).
I have two options of performing, IO operation:
Non-blocking mode, poll on EAGAIN
Set socket to non-blocking mode.
Read/Write to socket.
If operation succeeds, post completion notification to event loop.
If I get EAGAIN, add socket to "select list" and poll socket.
Polling mode: poll and then execute
Add socket to select list and poll it.
Wait for notification that it is readable writable
Post completion notification to event loop of sucseeds
To me it looks like first would require less system calls when using in normal mode,
especially for writing to socket (buffers are quite big).
Also it looks like that it would be possible to reduce the overhead over number of "select"
executions, especially it is nice when you do not have something that scales well
as epoll/devpoll/kqueue.
Are there any advantages of the second approach?
Are there any portability issues with non-blocking operations on sockets/file descriptors over numerous operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MacOSX, Windows.
Notes: Please do not suggest using existing event-loop/socket-api implementations
I'm not sure there's any cross-platform problem; at the most you would have to use Windows Sockets API, but with the same results.
Otherwise, you seem to be polling in either case (avoiding blocking waits), so both approaches are fine. As long as you don't put yourself in a position to block (ex. read when there's no data, write when buffer's full), it makes no difference at all.
Maybe the first approach is easier to code/understand; so, go with that.
It might be of interest to you to check out the documentation of libev and the c10k problem for interesting ideas/approaches on this topic.
The first design is the Proactor Pattern, the second is the Reactor Pattern
One advantage of the reactor pattern is that you can design your API such that you don't have to allocate read buffers until the data is actually there to be read. This reduces memory usage while you're waiting for I/O.
from my experience with low latency socket apps:
for writes - try to write directly into the socket from writing thread (you need to obtain event loop mutex for that), if write is incomplete subscribe to write readiness with event loop (select/waitformultipleobjects) and write from event loop thread when socket gets writable
for reads - be always "subscribed" for read readiness for all sockets, so you always read from within event loop thread when the socket gets readable

sending file by C++

I want to send a file in C++ over network (for a chat program)
what should I do?
Take a look at . The Iostreams example should give you the first good step. Asio is a portable network library of the boost project. Boost is available for most platforms available today.
You can stream in the file and stream out it into the TCP stream.
Use Open source FTP library for more robust application .Read this thread for c++ based open soruce library.
Its quite easy. Set up a TCP/IP socket and then split the file into packets and send them across. TCP is reliable thus all the packets will arrive in the right order and it will handle re-transmission etc.
If, however, you need to use an unreliable transport (such as UDP) then look at stop and wait (Easiest), go-back-n or selective repeat (Which are both somewhat harder but far more efficient).
You can open a direct connection between the two and send the content the file. For that, one side will be the client and the other will be the sender.
You can see a simple implementation here.
You will be doing something called socket programming. Please refer Beej's Guide to Networking for all the details and the solution to your problem.

client-server design

i want to develop a pretty basic client-server program.
one software reads xml (or any data) and send it to the server who in turn will manipulate it a little bit and eventually will write it to the disk.
the thing is that if i have many xml files on disk (on my client side), i want to open multiple connection to the server , and not doint one by one.
my first question is : let's say i have one thread who keeps all the files handles and waitformultipleobjects on them, so it will know when one of them is ready to be read from disk. and for every file i have an appropriate socket who suppose to send that specifi file to the server. for the socket i can use the select function to know which sockets are ready for sent. but is there way to know that both the file and the appropraite socket are ready to be sent ?
second, is there a more efficient way to design the client, cuase on my current design i'm using just one thread which on multi processor computer is rather not efficient enough.
(though i'm sure is till better then laucning new thread for every socket connection)
third, for the server i read about the reactor pattern. it seems appropriate but still ,like my second question, seems not effient enought while using one thread.
maybe i can use something with completion ports ? think they are pretty efficient but never really used them, so don't know exactly how.
any answers and general suggestion would be great.
Take a look at boost::asio it uses a proactor pattern (see the docs) that basically uses the OS wait operations (waitforsingle/multiple,select,epoll, etc...) to make very efficient use of a single thread in a system like you're looking at implementing.
asio can read/write files as well as sockets. You could sumbit an async read for the file using asio, it would call your callback on completion then you would submit that read buffer as an async write to the socket. Asio would take care of delivering all async writes buffers as the socket completed each pending write operation.
Each of these operations is done asynchronously so the thread is only really busy to initiate reads or writes, sitting idle the rest of the time.