I would like to design a RESTful search URI using query parameters. For example, this URI returns a list of all users:
GET /users
And the first 25 users with the last name "Harvey":
GET /users?surname=Harvey&maxResults=25
How can I use hypermedia to describe what query parameters are allowed by the "/users" resource? I noticed that the new Google Tasks API just documents all the query parameters in the reference guide. I will document the list, but I would like to do it with HATEOAS too.
Thank you in advance!
Using the syntax described in the current draft of the URI template spec you would do:
The other option is to use an html form:
<form method="get" action="/users">
<label for="surname">Surname: </label>
<input type="text" name="surname"/>
<label for="maxresults">Max Results: </label>
<input type="text" name="maxresults" value="25"/> <!-- default is 25 -->
<input type="submit" name="submitbutton" value="submit"/>
A form like this fully documents the available options and any defaults, it creates the specified URL and can be annotated with any further documentation that you care to put there.
I am no REST expert, but let me throw in my 2¢:
On the human Web, HTML forms are often used to build a URI to a representation of the search results. Problem is, the programmable Web does not have forms. But you could easily define something something analogous yourself, that is:
Define a media type for search descriptions, let's say application/prs.example.searchdescription+json (but take note of the P.S. at the end of this answer);
Expose a sub-resource that represents a search for users, /users/search.
The second step would be achieved by linking to that sub-resource from somewhere else. For instance, let's say the client has requested GET /users. It might receive something like this:
{ _links: [ …, { rel: "search", href: "/users/search" }, …] }
The client could follow that link and POST a search specification to that resource URI, for example:
POST /users/search
Content-Type: application/prs.example.search-definition+json
{ criteria: { surname: "Harvey" }, maxResults: 25 }
Here, criteria contains a (partial) representation of the objects to be found. This could be made into an arbitrarily complex description.
To a request as described above, the server might then reply with status code 200 OK and, in the entity body, a link to a resource representing the results for the posted search:
{ _links: [ { rel: "results", href: "/users?surname=Harvey&maxResults=25" } ] }
The client can then navigate to the URI with the results relation to get the search results, without ever having had to assemble an URI itself.
P.S.: When I originally wrote this, I had not yet realized that defining new media types all the time can become problematic. Mark Nottingham blogged about "media type proliferation" and how to combat it by making use of the profile link relation.
I'm currently writing a simple form in ionic 2 (Angular 2). I was wondering how I'd add a simple regular expression pattern to the validation:
I basically have this:
<ion-input stacked-label>
<input type="text"
<button [disabled]="!msisdnForm.valid" block (click)="requestActivationCode()">
The maxlength, minlength & required are being picked up (the button is disabled if conditions not met). Now I want to limit the input to numeric and prefix it with 06 (Dutch phone number with minimum amount of numbers).
The pattern is however not picked up in the validation. Can I do it this way, or do I need a code approach?
Add the pattern to a variable
var pattern=/06([0-9]{8})/;
and bind the attribute to it
<input type="text"
Seems this PR https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/6623/files needs to land first.
There is still an open issue https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/7595
This prevents pattern being bound to. The pattern needs to be statically added to the DOM (without binding) to work.
I put more details (Angular 2.0.8 - 3 March 2016):
Example from repo:
<input [ngControl]="fullName" pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*">
I tested it, and it worked :) - here is my code:
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(room)" #roomForm='ngForm' >
UPDATE September 2017
I just wanna to say that currently when I have more experience, I usally use following 'cheap' approach to data validation:
Validation is ONLY on server side (not in angular at all!) and if something is wrong then server (Restful API) return some error code e.g HTTP 400 and following json object in response body (which in angular I put to err variable ):
this.err = {
"capacity" : "too_small"
"filed_name" : "error_name",
"field2_name" : "other_error_name",
(if server return validation error in different format then you can usually easily map it to above structure)
In html template i use separate tag (div/span/small etc.)
<input [(ngModel)]='room.capacity' ...>
<small *ngIf="err.capacity" ...>{{ translate(err.capacity) }}</small>
As you see, when there is some error in 'capacity' then tag with error translation (to user language) will be visible. This approach have following advantages:
it is very simple
in angular we not double validation code which is (and must be) in server (in case of regexp validation this can either prevent or complicate ReDoS attacks)
we have full control on way the error will be shown to user (here as egzample in <small> tag)
because in server response we return error_name (instead of direct error message), we can easily change error message (or translate it) by modify only frontend-angular code (or files with translations). So in that case we not need to touch backend/server code.
Of course sometimes (if this is needed - eg. retypePassword field which is never send to server) I make exceptions of above approach and make some validation in angular (but use similar "this.err" mechanism to show errors (so I not use pattern attribute directly in input tag but rather I make regexp validation in some component method after user raise proper event like input-change or save) .
Im very much new to Flask, and one of the starting requirements is that i need SEO friendly urls.
I have a route, say
def get_sales(addr):
# do some magic here
# render template of sales
and a simple GET form that submits an address.
<form action={{ url_for('get_sales') }}>
<input type='text' name='address'>
<input type=submit>
On form submission, the request goes to /sales/?address=somevalue and not to the standard route. What options do I have to have that form submit to /sales/somevalue ?
I feel like I'm missing something very basic.
You would need to use JavaScript to achieve this so your template would become:
<input type='text' id='address'>
<button onclick="sendUrl();">submit</button>
function sendUrl(){
and your routes similar to before:
def get_sales(address="Nowhere"):
# do some magic here
# render template of sales
return "The address is "+address
However, this is not the best way of doing this kind of thing. An alternative approach is to have flask serve data and use a single-page-application framework in javascript to deal with the routes from a user interface perspective.
There is a difference between the request made when the form is submitted and the response returned. Leave the query string as is, as that is the normal way to interact with a form. When you get a query, process it then redirect to the url you want to display to the user.
def sales(address=None):
if 'address' in request.args:
# process the address
return redirect(url_for('sales', address=address_url_value)
# address wasn't submitted, show form and address details
I'm not sure there's a way to access the query string like that. The route decorators only work on the base url (minus the query string)
If you want the address in your route handler then you can access it like this:
request.args.get('address', None)
and your route handler will look more like:
def get_sales():
address = request.args.get('address', None)
But if I were to add my 2 cents, you may want to use POST as the method for your form posting. It makes it easier to semantically separate getting data from the Web server (GET) and sending data to the webserver (POST) :)
How (and where) to get the completed documentation of zurb-foundation. I am using Zurb's Foundation 3 and got the doc from http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/index.php. However, some of the docs are missing, such as the one for form validation. In the foundation cases, it shows that a form element can have a required attribute or an input element can have a type equals email. But when I submit the form (in my application), it will auto validate and I can't get any docs about it.
Where I can find additional documentation?
The Zurb documentation is complete. I guess that given that Zurb offers such a rich framework we all expect Foundation to include full form validation.
The Framework does not include a form validation javascript, just form validation aware forms which are greatly described in the Zurb Documentation.
Having said that I have done validation usin the jQuery Validation Plugin. It takes a little bit of puzzle solving to get the thing fully sorted but I guess the code below should provide some initial guidance on how to fully use the Validation statuses offered by Foundation 3.0:
<form id="contactForm">
<div class="five columns">
<label>First Name:</label>
<input type="text" maxlength='40' name='First Name' class='required' minlength='2'/>
errorElement: "small",
highlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
unhighlight: function(element, errorClass, validClass) {
The keys are:
** Use jQuery validate classes to define the validation rules, use the options highlight and unhighlight to add/remove the error class to the input element being validate and specify the errorElement to paste the error message within a <small> tag instead of a label.
Hope this helps
First Quesiton:
This form submits to demo_form?name=ABC
<form action="demo_form" method="get">
name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Is there a way to make it submit to demo_form/ABC/?
Second Question:
Even if users don't use my form, if they use a web crawler to simply visit demo_form?name=ABC or demo_form/ABC/, it would yield the same result. I want to prevent that. What's the best way of making those two URLs only valid if the user submit the name via my form? I am learning django so hopefully the solution would work with django framework.
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to make it submit to demo_form/ABC/?
You could intercept the submission in JavaScript, construct the URL manually, then set location. That would break if JS wasn't available.
More sanely, you could send an HTTP 301 redirect response when you get the request for demo_form?name=ABC
What's the best way of making those two URLs only valid if the user submit the name via my form?
Generally speaking, visiting a form should not be a pre-requisite for anything involving a GET request. A large portion of the point of GET is that the results are bookmarkable, linkable, etc.
It would be more understandable if it was a POST request, as those are intended to change data on the server and you will want to protect against CSFR. The standard protection against CSRF is a token stored in the form and in a cookie
My company gave me the task of resolving all security issues with a particular application. The security tream reported a cross site scripting error. The error lies in the following input field:
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value="${param.eventId}"/>
The report from security wasn't very detailed, but the say they can make a POST request to the page that has the above tag including the following malicious code:
And that when the page reloads, it will have the following:
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value=""><sCrIpt>alert(83676)</sCrIpt></value>
I am trying to "be the hacker" and show the vulnerability. But I can't figure out how they manage to get that script in there. I am guessing they include it as a URL parameter in the GET request for the form, but when I try to do it myself I get a 403 error. Does anyone know how the vulnerability can be shown?
I know there is a number of XSS questions on the site, but none seem to hit this topic.
So, I am not sure why, but my original hunch was correct. The script can be put on as a URL parameter. For some reason though, this was not working with our staging site. Only with running the application locally. I am not sure why, but this works (only locally):
Doing that, you see an alert box pop up. I am planning to fix it using JSTL functions.
<%# taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
<input type="hidden" name="eventId" value="${fn:escapeXml(param.eventId)}"/>
Install [TamperData][1] add-on in firefox browser which let you edit the data before submitting. Doesn't matter if it's in POST or GET.
By using this hidden fields can be edited.
What you want to do to fix the problem, is to HTMLAttributeEncode the value before putting it inside the value-attribute. See OWASP ESAPI or MS AntiXSS for methods for doing HTML attribute encoding.
Seeing how the attack string is URL encoding, I think you guess about including it as a GET parameter seems reasonable.
I used the OWASP ESAPI API as the legacy jsp's didn't have JSTL available. This is what I used:
<input type="hidden" name="dataValue" value="<%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTMLAttribute(dataValue)%>">
You can also use the API to filter request.Parameter() which I also needed, as in:
String userURL = request.getParameter( "userURL" )
boolean isValidURL = ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("URLContext", userURL, "URL", 255, false);
if (isValidURL) {
String name = (String) request.getParameter("name");
name = ESAPI.validator().getValidInput("name ", name , "SafeString", 35, true);