My use is pretty complicated. I have a bunch of objs and they are all passed around by ptr (not reference or value unless its an enum which is byval). At a specific point in time i like to call CheckMembers() which will check if each member has been set or is null. By default i cant make it all null because i wouldnt know if i set it to null or if it is still null bc i havent touch it since the ctor.
To assign a variable i still need the syntax to be the normal var = p; var->member = new Type;. I generate all the classes/members. So my question is how can i implement a property like feature where i can detect if the value has been set or left as the default?
I am thinking maybe i can use C++ with CLR/.NET but i never used it before and have no idea how well it will work and what might break in my C++ prj (it uses rtti, templates, etc).
Reality (edit): this proved to be tricky, but the following code should handle your requirements. It uses a simple counter in the base class. The counter is incremented once for every property you wish to track, and then decremented once for every property that is set. The checkMembers() function only has to verify that the counter is equal to zero. As a bonus, you could potentially report how many members were not initialized.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class PropertyBase
int * counter;
bool is_set;
template <typename T>
class Property : public PropertyBase
T* ptr;
T* operator=(T* src)
ptr = src;
if (!is_set) { (*counter)--; is_set = true; }
return ptr;
T* operator->() { return ptr; }
~Property() { delete ptr; }
class Base
int counter;
void TrackProperty(PropertyBase& p)
p.counter = &counter;
bool checkMembers() { return (counter == 0); }
class OtherObject : public Base { }; // just as an example
class MyObject : public Base
Property<OtherObject> x;
Property<OtherObject> y;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
MyObject * object1 = new MyObject();
MyObject * object2 = new MyObject();
object1->x = new OtherObject();
object1->y = new OtherObject();
cout << object1->checkMembers() << endl; // true
cout << object2->checkMembers() << endl; // false
delete object1;
delete object2;
return 0;
There are a number of ways to do this, with varying tradeoffs in terms of space overhead. For example, here's one option:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, typename OuterClass>
class Property
typedef void (OuterClass::*setter)(const T &value);
typedef T &value_type;
typedef const T &const_type;
setter set_;
T &ref_;
OuterClass *parent_;
operator value_type() { return ref_; }
operator const_type() const { return ref_; }
Property<T, OuterClass> &operator=(const T &value)
return *this;
Property(T &ref, OuterClass *parent, setter setfunc)
: set_(setfunc), ref_(ref), parent_(parent)
{ }
struct demo {
int val_p;
void set_val(const int &newval) {
std::cout << "New value: " << newval << std::endl;
val_p = newval;
Property<int, demo> val;
: val(val_p, this, &demo::set_val)
{ }
int main() {
demo d;
d.val = 42;
std::cout << "Value is: " << d.val << std::endl;
return 0;
It's possible to get less overhead (this has up to 4 * sizeof(void*) bytes overhead) using template accessors - here's another example:
#include <iostream>
template<typename T, typename ParentType, typename AccessTraits>
class Property
ParentType *get_parent()
return (ParentType *)((char *)this - AccessTraits::get_offset());
operator T &() { return AccessTraits::get(get_parent()); }
operator T() { return AccessTraits::get(get_parent()); }
operator const T &() { return AccessTraits::get(get_parent()); }
Property &operator =(const T &value) {
AccessTraits::set(get_parent(), value);
return *this;
#define DECL_PROPERTY(ClassName, ValueType, MemberName, TraitsName) \
struct MemberName##__Detail : public TraitsName { \
static ptrdiff_t get_offset() { return offsetof(ClassName, MemberName); }; \
}; \
Property<ValueType, ClassName, MemberName##__Detail> MemberName;
struct demo {
int val_;
struct AccessTraits {
static int get(demo *parent) {
return parent->val_;
static void set(demo *parent, int newval) {
std::cout << "New value: " << newval << std::endl;
parent->val_ = newval;
DECL_PROPERTY(demo, int, val, AccessTraits)
{ val_ = 0; }
int main() {
demo d;
d.val = 42;
std::cout << "Value is: " << (int)d.val << std::endl;
return 0;
This only consumes one byte for the property struct itself; however, it relies on unportable offsetof() behavior (you're not technically allowed to use it on non-POD structures). For a more portable approach, you could stash just the this pointer of the parent class in a member variable.
Note that both classes are just barely enough to demonstrate the technique - you'll want to overload operator* and operator->, etc, as well.
Here's my temporary alternative. One that doesn't ask for constructor parameters.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class Property
bool isSet;
T v;
Property(Property&p) { }
Property() { isSet=0; }
T operator=(T src) { v = src; isSet = 1; return v; }
operator T() const { assert(isSet); return v; }
bool is_set() { return isSet; }
class SomeType {};
enum SomeType2 { none, a, b};
class MyObject
Property<SomeType*> x;
Property<SomeType2> y;
//This should be generated. //Consider generating ((T)x)->checkMembers() when type is a pointer
bool checkMembers() { return x.is_set() && y.is_set(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
MyObject* p = new MyObject();
p->x = new SomeType;
cout << p->checkMembers() << endl; // false
p->y = a;
cout << p->checkMembers() << endl; // true
delete p->x;
delete p;
In C++ you can use virtual methods to have following code work as you expect:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class BaseClass {
virtual std::string class_name() const { return "Base Class"; }
class FirstClass : public BaseClass {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "FirstClass"; }
class SecondClass : public BaseClass {
long long value = -1;
std::string class_name() const { return "SecondClass"; }
int main() {
const int array_size = 5;
const bool in_first_mode = true;
void *data;
int sample_size;
if (in_first_mode) {
data = new FirstClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(FirstClass);
} else {
data = new SecondClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(SecondClass);
// this is class-independent code
for (int index = 0; index < array_size; ++index) {
BaseClass *pointer = static_cast<BaseClass*>(data + index * sample_size);
std::cout << pointer->class_name() << std::endl;
return 0;
This will work correctly for both in_first_mode = true and in_first_mode = false.
So, basically, when you want to write code that works for both classes you can just use pointer to the BaseClass.
But what if you already given data buffer, filled with data of type TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree or TypeFour, and in runtime you know that type, which stored in int type. Problem is that TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree and TypeFour have not inherited from one base class. In my case, actually, they are structs from 3rd party library, which is already compiled C-compatible library, so I can not modify it. I want to get something like pointer from the example above, but problem arises with identifying what C++ type should have this pointer.
It there a more elegant type-casting alternative to making C++ class wrappers to these four types (which gives something similar to the example above), and to making pointer be void * and necessity of
if (type == 1) {
TypeOne *type_one_pointer = static_cast<TypeOne*>(pointer);
// do something
} else if (type == 2) {
/* ... */
every time I use pointer?
If the classes are unrelated, you can store them in a std::variant (or use Boost.Variant if your compiler is not C++17 compliant) and access the value with a visitor. This is more flexible than templates, as it allows you to include types with a different interface in the variant type.
For example (I did not compile this code):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
struct TypeOne {
std::string class_name() const { return "Type one"; }
struct TypeTwo {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "Type two"; }
struct TypeThree {
long long value = -1;
// note the different function signature
static std::string class_name() { return "Type three"; }
struct TypeFour {
std::string getMyClassName() const { return "Type four"; }
struct Visitor {
template <class T>
void operator ()(T&& value) const {
std::cout << value.class_name() << std::endl;
// special case
void operator ()(const TypeFour& value) const {
std::cout << value.getMyClassName() << std::endl;
int main() {
typedef std::variant<TypeOne, TypeTwo, TypeThree, TypeFour> Variant;
std::vector<Variant> values;
for (const auto& var : values) {
std::visit(Visitor{}, var);
Thanks to #ForEveR, I find the solution. I need to use templates.
It means that if in the example above FirstClass and SecondClass would have no BaseClass one can do so:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class FirstClass {
int value = 1;
std::string class_name() const { return "FirstClass"; }
class SecondClass {
long long value = -1;
std::string class_name() const { return "SecondClass"; }
template <typename T>
void do_my_stuff(void* void_pointer) {
T *pointer = static_cast<T*>(void_pointer);
std::cout << pointer->class_name() << std::endl;
int main() {
const int array_size = 5;
const bool in_first_mode = true;
void *data;
int sample_size;
if (in_first_mode) {
data = new FirstClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(FirstClass);
} else {
data = new SecondClass[array_size];
sample_size = sizeof(SecondClass);
for (int index = 0; index < array_size; ++index) {
if (in_first_mode) {
do_my_stuff<FirstClass>(data + index * sample_size);
} else {
do_my_stuff<SecondClass>(data + index * sample_size);
return 0;
As far as I know, this seems to be impossible in a straightforward way. Making the member const makes it const for everyone. I would like to have a read-only property, but would like to avoid the typical "getter". I'd like const public, mutable private. Is this at all possible in C++?
Currently all I can think of is some trickery with templates and friend. I'm investigating this now.
Might seem like a stupid question, but I have been surprised by answers here before.
A possible solution can be based on an inner class of which the outer one is a friend, like the following one:
struct S {
template<typename T>
class Prop {
friend struct S;
T t;
void operator=(T val) { t = val; }
operator const T &() const { return t; }
void f() {
prop = 42;
Prop<int> prop;
int main() {
S s;
int i = s.prop;
//s.prop = 0;
return i, 0;
As shown in the example, the class S can modify the property from within its member functions (see S::f). On the other side, the property cannot be modified in any other way but still read by means of the given operator that returns a const reference to the actual variable.
There seems to be another, more obvious solution: use a public const reference member, pointing to the private, mutable, member. live code here.
#include <iostream>
struct S {
int member;
const int& prop;
S() : member{42}, prop{member} {}
S(const S& s) : member{s.member}, prop{member} {}
S(S&& s) : member(s.member), prop{member} {}
S& operator=(const S& s) { member = s.member; return *this; }
S& operator=(S&& s) { member = s.member; return *this; }
void f() { member = 32; }
int main() {
using namespace std;
S s;
int i = s.prop;
cout << i << endl;
cout << s.prop << endl;
S s2{s};
// s.prop = 32; // ERROR: does not compile
cout << s.prop << endl;
cout << s2.prop << endl;
S s3 = move(s2);
cout << s3.prop << endl;
S s4;
cout << s4.prop << endl;
s4 = s3;
cout << s4.prop << endl;
s4 = S{};
cout << s4.prop << endl;
I like #skypjack's answer, but would have written it somehow like this:
#include <iostream>
template <class Parent, class Value> class ROMember {
friend Parent;
Value v_;
inline ROMember(Value const &v) : v_{v} {}
inline ROMember(Value &&v) : v_{std::move(v)} {}
inline Value &operator=(Value const &v) {
v_ = v;
return v_;
inline Value &operator=(Value &&v) {
v_ = std::move(v);
return v_;
inline operator Value& () & {
return v_;
inline operator Value const & () const & {
return v_;
inline operator Value&& () && {
return std::move(v_);
inline Value const &operator()() const { return v_; }
class S {
template <class T> using member_t = ROMember<S, T>;
member_t<int> val = 0;
void f() { val = 1; }
int main() {
S s;
std::cout << s.val() << "\n";
std::cout << s.val() << "\n";
return 0;
Some enable_ifs are missing to really be generic to the core, but the spirit is to make it re-usable and to keep the calls looking like getters.
This is indeed a trickery with friend.
You can use curiously recurring template pattern and friend the super class from within a property class like so:
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
template<typename Super, typename T>
class property {
friend Super;
T& operator=(const T& val)
{ value = val; return value; }
T& operator=(T&& val)
{ value = val; return value; }
operator T && () &&
{ return std::move(value); }
operator T const& () const&
{ return value; }
T value;
struct wrap {
wrap() {
// Assign OK
prop1 = 5; // This is legal since we are friends
prop2 = 10;
prop3 = 15;
// Move OK
prop2 = std::move(prop1);
assert(prop1 == 5 && prop2 == 5);
// Swap OK
std::swap(prop2, prop3);
assert(prop2 == 15 && prop3 == 5);
property<wrap, int> prop1;
property<wrap, int> prop2;
property<wrap, int> prop3;
int foo() {
wrap w{};
w.prop1 = 5; // This is illegal since operator= is protected
return w.prop1; // But this is perfectly legal
I have the following code with a custom Variant class and a custom SmartPtr class:
using namespace std;
class Object
template<typename T>
class SmartPtr
template<typename Y>
explicit SmartPtr(Y* p) { p_ = p; }
SmartPtr(std::nullptr_t) { p_ = nullptr; }
T* p_;
class Variant
Variant(bool b) : _b(b) { }
bool _b;
class Obj
void test(SmartPtr<Object> /*p*/) { cout << "smartptr version!" << endl; }
void test(Variant /*v*/) { cout << "variant version!" << endl; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Obj o;
o.test(nullptr); // calls SmartPtr version
o.test(true); // calls Variant version
o.test(false); // -> compiler error: ambiguous call to overloaded function
return 0;
I assume that the boolean false can be converted both to the Variant and to 0 then to nullptr and then to SmartPtr, which causes this error.
Any chances of avoiding this conversion?
For the user of the library an API which works with 'o.test(true);' but requires something like 'o.test(Variant(false));' to compile is not very intuitive.
I believe I have an ideal solution. It only requires that the test function be altered, so it leaves SmartPtr and Variant alone, which is ideal. It adds a non-defined templated overload to test that has specializations for bool and nullptr that are defined. This directly dispatches bool and nullptr to the desired specialization, but causes link errors on other unhandled types. I'm so glad to have this worked out because I've certainly run into this in many forms myself. I wish you could use explicit of function parameters!!
I got the idea from here: C++ templates that accept only certain types
using namespace std;
class Object
class Variant
Variant( bool b) : _b(b) { }
bool _b;
template<typename T>
class SmartPtr
SmartPtr(std::nullptr_t null) { p_ = nullptr; }
template<typename Y>
SmartPtr(Y* p) { p_ = p; }
T* p_;
class Obj
void test(SmartPtr<Object> here /*p*/) {
cout << "smartptr version!" << endl;
void test(Variant /*v*/) { cout << "variant version!" << endl; }
template<typename T> void test(T t);
void test<bool>(bool b) {
cout << "bool specialization" << endl;
void test<std::nullptr_t>(std::nullptr_t null) {
cout << "nullptr specialization" << endl;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Obj o;
Obj c;
Object object;
//o.test(3); // Gives link error LNK2019
o.test(Variant(true)); // calls Variant version
o.test(SmartPtr<Object>(&object)); // calls SmartPtr version
o.test(nullptr); // dispatched to SmartPtr version by nullptr specialization
o.test(true); // dispatched to Variant version by bool specialization
o.test(false); // dispatched to Variant version by bool specialization
return 0;
I had already answered with something not ideal, so I leave that answer in tact as what follows:
I don't have an ideal solution here, and I don't know the constraints you have on your code so this may not be of functional use to you, but the following is sensible. It disallows code to use nullptr at compile time and relies on a global null_smart constant to be used in all cases where the caller is simply showing no interest in passing an object.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Object
class Variant
Variant(bool b) : _b(b) { }
Variant(std::nullptr_t) {};
bool _b;
template<typename T>
class SmartPtr
SmartPtr() { p_ = nullptr; }
template<typename Y>
SmartPtr(Y* p) { p_ = p; }
T* p_;
class Obj
void test(SmartPtr<Object> /*p*/) { cout << "smartptr version!" << endl; }
void test(Variant /*v*/) { cout << "variant version!" << endl; }
const SmartPtr<Object> null_smart;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Obj o;
o.test(null_smart); // calls SmartPtr version, without interest in passing object
o.test(true); // calls Variant version
o.test(false); // calls Variant version
return 0;
It's cleaner than the true/Variant(false) issue, but still a bit on the picky side.
I wonder how to hide a real property field (not make it private or public but force to use setters and getters) and provide him with simple setter and getter. So I wonder how to create api like:
Property( int my_a);
Property( int my_b);
cout << get_my_a() << endl;
// my_a = 13; // will cause compiler error
How to create such thing via Boost preprocessor?
Do you really need to use boost preprocessor?
you have a solution without boost below:
// property.h
#include <stdio.h>
#define property(type) struct : public Property <type>
template <typename T>
class Property
T value;
virtual T get() {
return value;
virtual void set(T new_value) {
value = new_value;
usage example:
// test.cpp
#include "property.h"
class Test {
property(int) {} a;
property(int) {
int get() {
return value * 10;
} b;
property(int) {
void set(int x) {
value = x * 200;
} c;
property(int) {
int get() {
return value * 3000;
void set(int x) {
value = x * 443;
} d;
Test t;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
printf("%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\t%i\n", i, t.a.get(), t.b.get(), t.c.get(), t.d.get());
The wikipedia solution in is good but needs a minimal modification to become useful, because without the protected statement you cant write your own getters and setters.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class property {
T value;
T & operator = (const T &i) {
::std::cout << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
operator T const & () const {
return value;
struct Bar {
property <bool> alpha;
struct :public property <int> {
int & operator = (const int &i) {
::std::cout << "new setter " << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
} bravo;
Bar b;
b.alpha = false;
b.bravo = (unsigned int) 1;
You can change a little more if you want:
#include <iostream>
#define SETTER(type) public: type& operator=(const type new_value)
#define GETTER(type) public: operator type const & () const
template <typename T>
class Property {
T value;
T & operator = (const T &i) {
::std::cout << i << ::std::endl;
return value = i;
template <typename T2> T2 & operator = (const T2 &i) {
::std::cout << "T2: " << i << ::std::endl;
T2 &guard = value;
throw guard; // Never reached.
operator T const & () const {
return value;
struct Bar {
Property <bool> alpha;
struct:Property <int> {
SETTER(int) {
value = new_value * 1000;
::std::cout << "new method " << new_value << ::std::endl;
return value;
GETTER(int) {
return value/1000;
} bravo;
Bar b;
b.alpha = false;
b.bravo = (unsigned int) 1;
::std::cout << b.bravo << ::std::endl;
Rather than rewrite an example of the implementation, this is the link for one on Wikipedia:
This basically forces the property to be accessed through getter/setter methods. The upgrade you would need to get your desired effect is the ability to pass functors to these properties. There are plenty of ideas on implementing these; the best approach I cannot advise and depends on your developmental needs. Personally, it feels like over engineering and prefer to just use Pimpl to hide my private details and just provide the getters/setters explicitly.
I realize that I'll most likely get a lot of "you shouldn't do that because..." answers and they are most welcome and I'll probably totally agree with your reasoning, but I'm curious as to whether this is possible (as I envision it).
Is it possible to define a type of dynamic/generic object in C++ where I can dynamically create properties that are stored and retrieved in a key/value type of system? Example:
MyType myObject;
std::string myStr("string1");
myObject.somethingIJustMadeUp = myStr;
Note that obviously, somethingIJustMadeUp is not actually a defined member of MyType but it would be defined dynamically. Then later I could do something like:
if(myObject.somethingIJustMadeUp != NULL);
Believe me, I realize just how terrible this is, but I'm still curious as to whether it's possible and if it can be done in a way that minimizes it's terrible-ness.
C++Script is what you want!
#include <cppscript>
var script_main(var args)
var x = object();
x["abc"] = 10;
return 0;
and it's a valid C++.
You can do something very similar with std::map:
std::map<std::string, std::string> myObject;
myObject["somethingIJustMadeUp"] = myStr;
Now if you want generic value types, then you can use boost::any as:
std::map<std::string, boost::any> myObject;
myObject["somethingIJustMadeUp"] = myStr;
And you can also check if a value exists or not:
if(myObject.find ("somethingIJustMadeUp") != myObject.end())
std::cout << "Exists" << std::endl;
If you use boost::any, then you can know the actual type of value it holds, by calling .type() as:
if (myObject.find("Xyz") != myObject.end())
if(myObject["Xyz"].type() == typeid(std::string))
std::string value = boost::any_cast<std::string>(myObject["Xyz"]);
std::cout <<"Stored value is string = " << value << std::endl;
This also shows how you can use boost::any_cast to get the value stored in object of boost::any type.
This can be a solution, using RTTI polymorphism
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace dynamic
template<class T, class E>
T& enforce(T& z, const E& e)
{ if(!z) throw e; return z; }
template<class T, class E>
const T& enforce(const T& z, const E& e)
{ if(!z) throw e; return z; }
template<class Derived>
class interface;
class aggregate;
//polymorphic uncopyable unmovable
class property
property() :pagg() {}
property(const property&) =delete;
property& operator=(const property&) =delete;
virtual ~property() {} //just make it polymorphic
template<class Interface>
operator Interface*() const
if(!pagg) return 0;
return *pagg; //let the aggregate do the magic!
aggregate* get_aggregate() const { return pagg; }
template<class Derived>
friend class interface;
friend class aggregate;
static unsigned gen_id()
static unsigned x=0;
return enforce(++x,std::overflow_error("too many ids"));
template<class T>
static unsigned id_of()
{ static unsigned z = gen_id(); return z; }
aggregate* pagg;
template<class Derived>
class interface: public property
interface() {}
virtual ~interface() {}
unsigned id() const { return property::id_of<Derived>(); }
//sealed movable
class aggregate
aggregate() {}
aggregate(const aggregate&) = delete;
aggregate& operator=(const aggregate&) = delete;
aggregate(aggregate&& s) :m(std::move(s.m)) {}
aggregate& operator=(aggregate&& s)
{ if(this!=&s) { m.clear(); std::swap(m, s.m); } return *this; }
template<class Interface>
aggregate& add_interface(interface<Interface>* pi)
m[pi->id()] = std::unique_ptr<property>(pi);
static_cast<property*>(pi)->pagg = this;
return *this;
template<class Inteface>
aggregate& remove_interface()
{ m.erase[property::id_of<Inteface>()]; return *this; }
void clear() { m.clear(); }
bool empty() const { return m.empty(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return empty(); }
template<class Interface>
operator Interface*() const
auto i = m.find(property::id_of<Interface>());
if(i==m.end()) return nullptr;
return dynamic_cast<Interface*>(i->second.get());
template<class Interface>
friend aggregate& operator<<(aggregate& s, interface<Interface>* pi)
{ return s.add_interface(pi); }
typedef std::map<unsigned, std::unique_ptr<property> > map_t;
map_t m;
/// this is a sample on how it can workout
class interface_A: public dynamic::interface<interface_A>
virtual void methodA1() =0;
virtual void methodA2() =0;
class impl_A1: public interface_A
impl_A1() { std::cout<<"creating impl_A1["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual ~impl_A1() { std::cout<<"deleting impl_A1["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodA1() { std::cout<<"interface_A["<<this<<"]::methodA1 on impl_A1 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodA2() { std::cout<<"interface_A["<<this<<"]::methodA2 on impl_A1 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
class impl_A2: public interface_A
impl_A2() { std::cout<<"creating impl_A2["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual ~impl_A2() { std::cout<<"deleting impl_A2["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodA1() { std::cout<<"interface_A["<<this<<"]::methodA1 on impl_A2 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodA2() { std::cout<<"interface_A["<<this<<"]::methodA2 on impl_A2 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
class interface_B: public dynamic::interface<interface_B>
virtual void methodB1() =0;
virtual void methodB2() =0;
class impl_B1: public interface_B
impl_B1() { std::cout<<"creating impl_B1["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual ~impl_B1() { std::cout<<"deleting impl_B1["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodB1() { std::cout<<"interface_B["<<this<<"]::methodB1 on impl_B1 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodB2() { std::cout<<"interface_B["<<this<<"]::methodB2 on impl_B1 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
class impl_B2: public interface_B
impl_B2() { std::cout<<"creating impl_B2["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual ~impl_B2() { std::cout<<"deleting impl_B2["<<this<<"]"<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodB1() { std::cout<<"interface_B["<<this<<"]::methodB1 on impl_B2 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
virtual void methodB2() { std::cout<<"interface_B["<<this<<"]::methodB2 on impl_B2 in aggregate "<<get_aggregate()<<std::endl; }
int main()
dynamic::aggregate agg1;
agg1 << new impl_A1 << new impl_B1;
dynamic::aggregate agg2;
agg2 << new impl_A2 << new impl_B2;
interface_A* pa = 0;
interface_B* pb = 0;
pa = agg1; if(pa) { pa->methodA1(); pa->methodA2(); }
pb = *pa; if(pb) { pb->methodB1(); pb->methodB2(); }
pa = agg2; if(pa) { pa->methodA1(); pa->methodA2(); }
pb = *pa; if(pb) { pb->methodB1(); pb->methodB2(); }
agg2 = std::move(agg1);
pa = agg2; if(pa) { pa->methodA1(); pa->methodA2(); }
pb = *pa; if(pb) { pb->methodB1(); pb->methodB2(); }
return 0;
tested with MINGW4.6 on WinXPsp3
Yes it is terrible. :D
It had been done numerous times to different extents and success levels.
QT has Qobject from which everything related to them decends.
MFC has CObject from which eveything decends as does
I don't know if there is a way to make it less bad, I guess if you avoid multiple inheritance like the plague (which is otherwise a useful language feature) and reimplement the stdlib it would be better. But really if that is what you are after you are probably using the wrong language for the task.
Java and C# are much better suited to this style of programming.
#note if I have read your question wrong just delete this answer.
Check out Dynamic C++