Django url handling? - django

After decoupling url file to our app we are facing problem:
How to handle urls in template ( to accomodate for any prefix(ourprefix) in url)
How to do HttpResponseRedirect without hard-coded urls (also outprefix problem is present here)

Use named urls in
Use the {% url name %} template tag. It will insert the correct path.
Use reverse('name', **kwargs) for the redirect.
an example:
in proj/
patterns = patterns('',
(r'^prefix/', include('') ),
in proj/app/
patterns = patterns('',
url(r'object/^(?P<pk>\d+)/edit/', edit_object_view, name="edit"),
in proj/app/
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('app:edit', {'pk':pk}))
in proj/app/templates/app/
<a href="{% url app:edit pk=pk %}"> <!-- generates /prefix/object/123/edit/ -->

If I understand you right, you want to resolve a particular view to a URL inside the template?
You should use the url-reverse method in Django. See here.
1) For the template, you can use:
Where the "prefix" is a variable set in your Context that you pass to the template. You can also dynamically pick the right URL:
{% url application.views.viewfunc parameter1 parameter2 %}
See here for more details.
2) So to HttpResponseRedirect, you can do:
It also accepts parameters.


How to get URL without required parameters

I have the following path in my URLS:
path('remove_order/<int:order_id>', RemoveOrder.as_view(), name='md_remove_order')
What I would like to do is get the URL WITHOUT specifying an order_id in my template. Like this:
{% url 'md_remove_order' %}
so it gives me something like this:
I will then pass this value to my Javascript where the order_id will be added dynamically.
You can use re_path
re_path('remove_order(?:/(?P<pk>[0-9]+))?/$', RemoveOrder.as_view(),name='md_remove_order')
So it will both work for remove_order/ and remove_order/123/
An easy way to do that is to create another url that points to the same view but without the parameter:
urlpatterns = [
path('remove_order/<int:order_id>', RemoveOrder.as_view(), name='md_remove_order'),
path('remove_order/', RemoveOrder.as_view(), name='md_remove_order_without_params'),
Then use that new url
{% url 'md_remove_order_without_params' %}

How to replace re "." in Django template url tag

I have Django url routes that looks like this:
app_name = 'courses'
urlpatterns = [
url(r'./(?P<courseid>[0-9]+)/$', views.viewcourse, name='view_course'),
url(r'./(?P<courseid>[0-9]+)/review/$', views.reviewcourse, name='review_course')
The "." in the regular expression will usually be replaced by a slug, e.g.:
Now I need a link in my 'view course' template to take the user to the review page, i.e:
I could do this by simply appending review to the current url:
{{ request.path }}review
However, I would rather do it the 'correct' way using a template url tag
{% url 'courses:review_course' %}
However, this produces:
courses/30/review, which of course fails.
Is it possible to generate the correct link using the {% url %} tag without having to change the "." into a name capture parameter?
Change your :
url(r'(?P<course_type>[a-z_-]+)/(?P<courseid>[0-9]+)/$', views.viewcourse, name='view_course')
Now in your view you have access to course_type in your kwargs and you can then load whatever you want (as I have no code, i'm guessing what you're doing :)).
And in your template:
{% url 'courses:review_course' course_type=something%}

Could not parse the remainder: '/{{}}' from ''item'/{{menu.Info.Page}}'

<img id="page" class="abc" src="{{STATIC_URL}}page/code_251.png" style=""/>
Hitting this url like localhost:8000/app/page works fine.
If I want something from views and append that pageid with url then showing error as Couldn't parse.
From views:{{page.pageid}}
output url should be :localhost:8000/app/?pageid=xx
for this i tried with below syntax:
<img id="page" class="abc" src="{{STATIC_URL}}page/code_251.png" style=""/>
But above syntax did't worked for me.
May be some changes need to be done on as well.
Can someone share some idea!!
You're confused about at least two things here.
Firstly, you would never use {{ }} inside a tag. You're already in the template language context there: you have access to variables directly.
Secondly, the {% url %} tag works on urlpattern names and parameters, not literal URLs. And your page URL does not expect a querystring value for page_id: it expects it as part of the path. Your generated URL needs to be "/page/3", not "/page?page_id=3".
So your URL tag is just:
<a href="{% url 'page' page_id=page.pageid %}">

Getting the root url in Django

In my view, I want to make a request to from an arbitrary page such as or from Thus, I can't make this a relative request using ./ or ./../ type things. Do I have to use a context processor to do {{URL_BASE}}more/stuff/? Is there a set way to do this in Django or a best way?
why don't you use named urls? it's always works.
for example {% url 'admin:index' %} always printed as url to admin(in case if you using default django.contrib.admin app).
if you'll have in smth like
url(r'^lots/', Lots.as_view(), name='lots'),
then just use smth like
{% url 'lots' %}
Don't hardcode your urls!
Instead of a relative url, use an absolute url: /
If you're on or, hitting a link with url: /foo/ will both go to

Django urls with the same name but different regexps

I have these types of urls:
All of the urls are handling by one view. Is there a way to use the same name for these urls to subsequently use tags like these:
{% url 'city_index' city.slug %},
{% url 'city_index' city.slug category.slug %},
{% url 'city_index' city.slug category.slug subcategory.slug %}
I tried this:
But in that case the second url reverse returns url without trailing slash.
If you do not write /{0,1}, urls like /city/category won't work, that is worse than reversing without slash.
Is there a good reason not to call them 'city_index', 'city_index_with_category' and 'city_index_with_sub_category'?
Django has named URL patterns for this. The problem with your code is that you use city_index for all of the url's name properties. Change these to name='city_index', name='city_category' and name='city_subcategory' and all should be well. The view name (real_city_index) can be the same for all url patterns.