Executable Scenarios (BDD) for C++ - c++

Does anyone know of a BDD framework for C++ that allows the execution of (Gherkin) scenarios such as:
Feature: Table support in nbehave
Scenario: a table
Given a list of people:
|Name |Country|
|Morgan |Sweden |
|Jimmy |Sweden |
|Jimmy |USA |
When I search for people from Sweden
Then I should find:
|Name |Country|
|Morgan|Sweden |
|Jimmy |Sweden |

I've found a project called Cukebins: https://github.com/paoloambrosio/cukebins/wiki/Release-0.2. I haven't tried it and I don't know how well it works. Renamed to Cucumber-CPP and moved to https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-cpp/
There's also a discussion with some alternatives here: http://groups.google.com/group/cukes/browse_thread/thread/1f496aba050a22c3/145b871678e2bbbc


How to use regexp_replace in spark.sql() to extract hashtags from string

I need to write a regexg_replace query in spark.sql() and I'm not sure how to handle it. For readability purposes, I have to utilize SQL for it. I am trying to pull out the hashtags from the table. I know how to do this using the python method but most of my team are SQL users.
My dataframe example looks like so:
Today, Senate Dems vote to #SaveTheInternet. Proud to support similar #NetNeutrality legislation here in the House…
RT #NALCABPolicy: Meeting with #RepDarrenSoto . Thanks for taking the time to meet with #LatinoLeader ED Marucci Guzman. #NALCABPolicy2018.…
RT #Tharryry: I am delighted that #RepDarrenSoto will be voting for the CRA to overrule the FCC and save our #NetNeutrality rules. Find out…
My code:
I create a tempview:
post_df = spark.sql("""
regexp_replace(Insta_post, '.*?(.|'')(#)(\w+)', '$1') as a
from post_tempview
where Insta_post like '%#%'
My end result:
|a |
|Today, Senate Dems vote to #SaveTheInternet. Proud to support similar #NetNeutrality legislation here in the House… |
|RT #NALCABPolicy: Meeting with #RepDarrenSoto . Thanks for taking the time to meet with #LatinoLeader ED Marucci Guzman. #NALCABPolicy2018.…|
|RT #Tharryry: I am delighted that #RepDarrenSoto will be voting for the CRA to overrule the FCC and save our #NetNeutrality rules. Find out…|
desired result:
|a |
| #SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality|
| #NALCABPolicy2018 |
| #NetNeutrality |
I haven't really used regexp_replace too much so this is new to me. Any help would be appreciated as well as an explanation of how to structure the subsets!
For Spark 3.1+, you can use regexp_extract_all function to extract multiple matches:
post_df = spark.sql("""
select regexp_extract_all(Insta_post, '(#\\\\w+)', 1) as a
from post_tempview
where Insta_post like '%#%'
#|a |
#|[#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality]|
#|[#NALCABPolicy2018] |
#|[#NetNeutrality] |
For Spark <3.1, you can use regexp_replace to remove all that doesn't match the hashtag pattern :
post_df = spark.sql("""
select trim(trailing ',' from regexp_replace(Insta_post, '.*?(#\\\\w+)|.*', '$1,')) as a
from post_tempview
where Insta_post like '%#%'
#|a |
#|#NALCABPolicy2018 |
#|#NetNeutrality |
Note the use trim to remove the unnecessary trailing commas created by the first replace $,.
Do you really need a view? Because the following code might do it:
df = df.filter(F.col('Insta_post').like('%#%'))
col_trimmed = F.trim((F.regexp_replace('Insta_post', '.*?(#\w+)|.+', '$1 ')))
df = df.select(F.regexp_replace(col_trimmed,'\s',', ').alias('a'))
# +--------------------------------+
# |a |
# +--------------------------------+
# |#SaveTheInternet, #NetNeutrality|
# |#NALCABPolicy2018 |
# |#NetNeutrality |
# +--------------------------------+
I ended up using two of regexp_replace, so potentially there could be a better alternative, just couldn't think of one.

reference a markdown table in R markdown

My question is how to reference tables in markdown format like the following because the answer here doesn't work
Referencing a 'hand-made' table using bookdown package
I tried
output: html_document
you may refer to this table using \#ref(tab:foo)
Table: (\#tab:foo) Your table caption.
| Auteur | Protocole | Résultats |
| (Jiayi 2011) | Analyse formantique | Diphtongaison de [e |
and it didn't work.
it gives "Table : (#tab:foo) Your table caption." as the caption and "you may refer to this table using #ref(tab:foo)" If I cross reference using #ref(tab:foo).
Is it possible also to have automatic numbering ?
Looks like you just need to use bookdown's output formats.
df_print: paged
you may refer to this table using \#ref(tab:foo)
Table: (\#tab:foo) Your table caption.
| Auteur | Protocole | Résultats |
| (Jiayi 2011) | Analyse formantique | Diphtongaison de [e |
The answer here works for me:
I am joining the discussion a bit late, but I just wanted to share a working MWE (based on the earlier answers):
```{r , echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
cat(' Table: (\\#tab:mwe) Example
| Sepal.Length| Sepal.Width| Petal.Length|
| 5.1| 3.5| 1.4|
| 4.9| 3.0| 1.4|
| 4.7| 3.2| 1.3|
| 4.6| 3.1| 1.5|')```
The table can now be reference via \#ref(tab:mwe) in bookdown. This is working for me in pdf and html exports.
Note that if you would like to add greek letters or more complicated sub-or superscripts, you will need to include the following text reference outside of the code chunk
(ref:flower) Flower~dimensions\ example~
```{r , echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
cat(' Table: (\\#tab:mwe) Example with (ref:flower)
| Sepal.Length| Sepal.Width| Petal.Length|
| 5.1| 3.5| 1.4|
| 4.9| 3.0| 1.4|
| 4.7| 3.2| 1.3|
| 4.6| 3.1| 1.5|')```

Regex to match last sentence of a line

Got some text:
[23/07 | DEV | FARO | QC Billable | #2032] Unable to Load label
[30/07 | QC | ROLAWN ] Selling products as a bundle
[11/08 | EST | QC BILLABLE | #2015 ISUOG ] On Demand website looping
[05/08 | EST | ROLAWN | Problems with 'find a stockist'
[29/07 | DEV | QUBA] Blog comments loading to error
[24/07 | FROG | EST| QC BILLABLE #2033] Carousel banner not working correctly
I'm trying to match the last sentence at the end of each line so the matches are as follows:
Unable to Load label
Selling products as a bundle
On Demand website looping
Problems with 'find a stockist'
Blog comments loading to error
Carousel banner not working correctly
Unfortunately, I can't depend on the structure of the line to conform, but the information I'm trying to extract should always be the last sentence. I've tried quite a few different things, but I'm struggling here.
If there is also some kind on no-word character before last sentence, try with:
Edit: The answer above by m.cekiera [\w\s']+$ is better.
Here's a pretty naive solution: https://regex101.com/r/yT8jJ7/1.
If you give more details about the actual structure it could be refined.

cucumber Repeat steps

I am learing cucumber and trying to write a feature file.
Following is my feature file.
Feature: Doctors handover Notes Module
Scenario: Search for patients on the bases of filter criteria
Given I am on website login page
When I put username, password and select database:
| Field | Value |
| username | test |
| password | pass |
| database | test|
Then I login to eoasis
Then I click on doctors hand over notes link
And I am on doctors handover notes page
Then I select sites, wards, onCallTeam, grades,potential Discharge, outstanding task,High priority:
| siteList | wardsList | onCallTeamList | gradesList | potentialDischargeCB | outstandingTasksCB | highPriorityCB |
| THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | null | null | null | null | null |
Then I click on search button
Then I should see search results
I want to repeat last three steps like I select the search criteria then click on search button and then check search result. So how should I break this feature file. if I use scenario outline then there would be two different scenarios One for login and one for search criteria. Is that fine? Will the session will maintain in that case? Whats the best way to write such feature file.
Or is this a right way to write?
I don't think we can have multiple example sets in a Scenario Outline.
Most of the scenario steps in the example is too procedural to have its own step.
The first three steps could be reduced to something like.
Given I am logged into eoasis as a <user>
Code in the step definition, which could make calls to a separate login method that could take care of updating entering the username, password and selecting database.
Another rule is to avoid statements like "When I click the doctor's handover link". The keyword to avoid here being click. Today its a click, tomorrow it could be drop down or a button. So the focus should be on the functional expectation of the user, which is viewing the handover notes. So we modify this to
When I view the doctor's handover notes link
To summarize, this is how I would write this test.
Scenario Outline: Search for patients on the basis of filter criteria
Given I am logged into eoasis as a <user>
When I view the doctor's handover notes link
And I select sites, wards, onCallTeam, grades, potential Discharge, outstanding task, High priority
And perform a search
Then I should see the search results
|sites |wards |onCallTeam |grades |potential Discharge |outstanding task |High priority|
| THE INFIRMARY | INFIRMARY WARD 9 - ASSESSMENT | null | null | null | null | null |
This really is the wrong way to write features. This feature is very declarative, its all about HOW you do something. What a feature should do is explain WHY you are doing something.
Another bad thing this feature does is mix up the details of two different operations, signing in, and searching for patients. Write a feature for each one e.g.
Feature: Signing in
As a doctor
I want my patients data to only be available if I sign in
So I ensure their confidentiality
Scenario: Sign in
Given I am a doctor
When I sign in
Then I should be signed in
Feature: Search for patients
Explain why searching for patients gives value to the doctor
You should focus on the name of the feature and the bit at the top that explains why this has value first. If you do that well then the scenarios are much easier to write (look how simple my sign in scenario is).
The art of writing features is doing this bit well, so that you end up with simple scenarios.

C++ - basic Qt question

Do I have any simple way to have context menu items, that aren't highlighted when mouse goes over them (using Qt)?
I want to make simple context menu with various item groups such as
| Group1
| -----
| DoSomething
| DoSomethingWow
| DoSomethingCool
| Group2
| ------
| DoSomethingCoolHuh
and I want Group1 and Group2 act as simple labels so that users couldn't even focus them.
Is this possible?
simple solution which comes to my mind "out of the box" is to:
set those items disabled:
Then you could use some style to make it look different.
Hope this helps.