Should I leave a QFile (or fstream) open? - c++

I usually use two methods to write to files, either with Qt's QFile or STL's fstream.
I have a long-running (several minutes) simulation which logs data to a file. Performance-wise and design-wise, is it a good idea to:
Keep it open the whole time
Close and open on every write
Somewhere in-between (1) and (2)
Several question on here address this issue (for Perl, for fopen), but I didn't see any discussion of QFile and fstream. The previous answers suggest to keep it open (option 1). Is this still the cast for QFile and fstream?

Performance wise, it would definitely be better to keep it open for the life of the application, just because less work opening and closing files means less time spent doing things that don't move the application closer to completion, which will slow the program down. As for design, just make sure to close the file before the application terminates.
QFile and fstream probably use fopen, fwrite etc under the hood (although it is of course implementation dependent). So I would bet that anything applying to FILE*s would apply to QFiles and fstreams.

This may be dependent on your libc implementation but fstream is generally uses memory-mapped files. These are generally very efficient, and only main memory or swap when a page of data is written to.
If you are running a 32-bit system and these files are very large or very numerous then you could have issues with exhausting the virtual address space (on windows ~2GB might cause such problems). Seeing as you are simply logging this seems quite unlikely.
But simply closing the files might make it worse in that case because then the virtual address space could become fragmented.
I would advise that it is best to leave the files open at all times unless you think you will run into the issues above. If you are memory constrained then flushing the data will reduce the physical memory requirements.


Linux non-persistent backing store for mmap()

First, a little motivating background info: I've got a C++-based server process that runs on an embedded ARM/Linux-based computer. It works pretty well, but as part of its operation it creates a fairly large fixed-size array (e.g. dozens to hundreds of megabytes) of temporary/non-persistent state information, which it currently keeps on the heap, and it accesses and/or updates that data from time to time.
I'm investigating how far I can scale things up, and one problem I'm running into is that eventually (as I stress-test the server by making its configuration larger and larger), this data structure gets big enough to cause out-of-memory problems, and then the OOM killer shows up, and general unhappiness ensues. Note that this embedded configuration of Linux doesn't have swap enabled, and I can't (easily) enable a swap partition.
One idea I have on how to ameliorate the issue is to allocate this large array on the computer's local flash partition, instead of directly in RAM, and then use mmap() to make it appear to the server process like it's still in RAM. That would reduce RAM usage considerably, and my hope is that Linux's filesystem-cache would mask most of the resulting performance cost.
My only real concern is file management -- in particular, I'd like to avoid any chance of filling up the flash drive with "orphan" backing-store files (i.e. old files whose processes don't exist any longer, but the file is still present because its creating process crashed or by some other mistake forgot to delete it on exit). I'd also like to be able to run multiple instances of the server simultaneously on the same computer, without the instances interfering with each other.
My question is, does Linux have any built-it facility for handling this sort of use-case? I'm particularly imagining some way to flag a file (or an mmap() handle or similar) so that when the file that created the process exits-or-crashes, the OS automagically deletes the file (similar to the way Linux already automagically recovers all of the RAM that was allocated by a process, when the process exits-or-crashes).
Or, if Linux doesn't have any built-in auto-temp-file-cleanup feature, is there a "best practice" that people use to ensure that large temporary files don't end up filling up a drive due to unintentionally becoming persistent?
Note that AFAICT simply placing the file in /tmp won't help me, since /tmp is using a RAM-disk and therefore doesn't give me any RAM-usage advantage over simply allocating in-process heap storage.
Yes, and I do this all the time...
open the file, unlink it, use ftruncate or (better) posix_fallocate to make it the right size, then use mmap with MAP_SHARED to map it into your address space. You can then close the descriptor immediately if you want; the memory mapping itself will keep the file around.
For speed, you might find you want to help Linux manage its page cache. You can use posix_madvise with POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED to advise the kernel to page data in and POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED to advise the kernel to release the pages.
You might find that last does not work the way you want, especially for dirty pages. You can use sync_file_range to explicitly control flushing to disk. (Although in that case you will want to keep the file descriptor open.)
All of this is perfectly standard POSIX except for the Linux-specific sync_file_range.
Yes, You create/open the file. Then you remove() the file by its filename.
The file will still be open by your process and you can read/write it just like any opened file, and it will disappear when the process having the file opened exits.
I believe this behavior is mandated by posix, so it will work on any unix like system. Even at a hard reboot, the space will be reclaimed.
I believe this is filesystem-specific, but most Linux filesystems allow deletion of open files. The file will still exist until the last handle to it is closed. I would recommend that you open the file then delete it immediately and it will be automatically cleaned up when your process exits for any reason.
For further details, see this post: What happens to an open file handle on Linux if the pointed file gets moved, delete

Thread Optimization [duplicate]

I have an input file in my application that contains a vast amount of information. Reading over it sequentially, and at only a single file offset at a time is not sufficient for my application's usage. Ideally, I'd like to have two threads, that have separate and distinct ifstreams reading from two unique file offsets of the same file. I can't just start one ifstream up, and then make a copy of it using its copy constructor (since its uncopyable). So, how do I handle this?
Immediately I can think of two ways,
Construct a new ifstream for the second thread, open it on the same file.
Share a single instance of an open ifstream across both threads (using for instance boost::shared_ptr<>). Seek to the appropriate file offset that current thread is currently interested in, when the thread gets a time slice.
Is one of these two methods preferred?
Is there a third (or fourth) option that I have not yet thought of?
Obviously I am ultimately limited by the hard drive having to spin back and forth, but what I am interested in taking advantage of (if possible), is some OS level disk caching at both file offsets simultaneously.
Two std::ifstream instances will probably be the best option here. Modern HDDs are optimized for a large queue of I/O requests, so reading from two std::ifstream instances concurrently should give quite nice performance.
If you have a single std::ifstream you'll have to worry about synchronizing access to it, plus it might defeat the operating system's automatic sequential access read-ahead caching, resulting in poorer performance.
Between the two, I would prefer the second. Having two openings of the same file might cause an inconsistent view between the files, depending on the underlying OS.
For a third option, pass a reference or raw pointer into the other thread. So long as the semantics are that one thread "owns" the istream, the raw pointer or reference are fine.
Finally note that on the vast majority of hardware, the disk is the bottleneck, not CPU, when loading large files. Using two threads will make this worse because you're turning a sequential file access into a random access. Typical hard disks can do maybe 100MB/s sequentially, but top out at 3 or 4 MB/s random access.
Other option:
Memory-map the file, create as many memory istream objects as you want. (istrstream is good for this, istringstream is not).
It really depends on your system. A modern system will generally read
ahead; seeking within the file is likely to inhibit this, so should
definitly be avoided.
It might be worth experimenting how read-ahead works on your system:
open the file, then read the first half of it sequentially, and see how
long that takes. Then open it, seek to the middle, and read the second
half sequentially. (On some systems I've seen in the past, a simple
seek, at any time, will turn off read-ahead.) Finally, open it, then
read every other record; this will simulate two threads using the same
file descriptor. (For all of these tests, use fixed length records, and
open in binary mode. Also take whatever steps are necessary to ensure
that any data from the file is purged from the OS's cache before
starting the test—under Unix, copying a file of 10 or 20 Gigabytes
to /dev/null is usually sufficient for this.
That will give you some ideas, but to be really certain, the best
solution would be to test the real cases. I'd be surprised if sharing a
single ifstream (and thus a single file descriptor), and constantly
seeking, won, but you never know.
I'd also recommend system specific solutions like mmap, but if you've
got that much data, there's a good chance you won't be able to map it
all in one go anyway. (You can still use mmap, mapping sections of it
at a time, but it becomes a lot more complicated.)
Finally, would it be possible to get the data already cut up into
smaller files? That might be the fastest solution of all. (Ideally,
this would be done where the data is generated or imported into the
My vote would be a single reader, which hands the data to multiple worker threads.
If your file is on a single disk, then multiple readers will kill your read performance. Yes, your kernel may have some fantastic caching or queuing capabilities, but it is going to be spending more time seeking than reading data.

How safe are memory-mapped files for reading input files?

Mapping an input file into memory and then directly parsing data from the mapped memory pages can be a convenient and efficient way to read data from files.
However, this practice also seems fundamentally unsafe unless you can ensure that no other process writes to a mapped file, because even the data in private read-only mappings may change if the underlying file is written to by another process. (POSIX e.g. doesn't specify "whether modifications to the underlying object done after the MAP_PRIVATE mapping is established are visible through the MAP_PRIVATE mapping".)
If you wanted to make your code safe in the presence of external changes to the mapped file, you'd have to access the mapped memory only through volatile pointers and then be extremely careful about how you read and validate the input, which seems impractical for many use cases.
Is this analysis correct? The documentation for memory mapping APIs generally mentions this issue only in passing, if at all, so I wonder whether I'm missing something.
It is not really a problem.
Yes, another process may modify the file while you have it mapped, and yes, it is possible that you will see the modifications. It is even likely, since almost all operating systems have unified virtual memory systems, so unless one requests unbuffered writes, there's no way of writing without going through the buffer cache, and no way without someone holding a mapping seeing the change.
That isn't even a bad thing. Actually, it would be more disturbing if you couldn't see the changes. Since the file quasi becomes part of your address space when you map it, it makes perfect sense that you see changes to the file.
If you use conventional I/O (such as read), someone can still modify the file while you are reading it. Worded differently, copying file content to a memory buffer is not always safe in presence of modifications. It is "safe" insofar as read will not crash, but it does not guarantee that your data is consistent.
Unless you use readv, you have no guarantees about atomicity whatsoever (and even with readv you have no guarantee that what you have in memory is consistent with what is on disk or that it doesn't change between two calls to readv). Someone might modify the file between two read operations, or even while you are in the middle of it.
This isn't just something that isn't formally guaranteed but "probably still works" -- on the contrary, e.g. under Linux writes are demonstrably not atomic. Not even by accident.
The good news:
Usually, processes don't just open an arbitrary random file and start writing to it. When such a thing happens, it is usually either a well-known file that belongs to the process (e.g. log file), or a file that you explicitly told the process to write to (e.g. saving in a text editor), or the process creates a new file (e.g. compiler creating an object file), or the process merely appends to an existing file (e.g. db journals, and of course, log files). Or, a process might atomically replace a file with another one (or unlink it).
In every case, the whole scary problem boils down to "no issue" because either you are well aware of what will happen (so it's your responsibility), or it works seamlessly without interfering.
If you really don't like the possibility that another process could possibly write to your file while you have it mapped, you can simply omit FILE_SHARE_WRITE under Windows when you create the file handle. POSIX makes it somewhat more complicated since you need to fcntl the descriptor for a mandatory lock, which isn't necessary supported or 100% reliable on every system (for example, under Linux).
In theory, you're probably in real trouble if someone does
modify the file while you're reading it. In practice: you're
reading characters, and nothing else: no pointers, or anything
which could get you into trouble. In practice... formally,
I think it's still undefined behavior, but it's one which
I don't think you have to worry about. Unless the modifications
are very minor, you'll get a lot of compiler errors, but that's
about the end of it.
The one case which might cause problems is if the file was
shortened. I'm not sure what happens then, when you're reading
beyond the end.
And finally: the system isn't arbitrarily going to open and
modify the file. It's a source file; it will be some idiot
programmer who does it, and he deserves what he gets. In no
case will your undefined behavior corrupt the system or other
peoples files.
Note too that most editors work on a private copy; when the
write back, they do so by renaming the original, and creating
a new file. Under Unix, once you've opened the file to mmap
it, all that counts is the inode number. And when the editor
renames or deletes the file, you still keep your copy. The
modified file will get a new inode. The only thing you have to
worry about is if someone opens the file for update, and then
goes around modifying it. Not many programs do this on text
files, except for appending additional data to the end.
So while formally, there's some risk, I don't think you have to
worry about it. (If you're really paranoid, you could turn off
write authorisation while you're mmaped. And if there's
really an enemy agent out to get your, he can turn it right back

Writing similar contents to many files at once in C++

I am working on a C++ program that needs to write several hundreds of ASCII files. These files will be almost identical. In particular, the size of the files is always exactly the same, with only few characters different between them.
For this I am currently opening up N files with a for-loop over fopen and then calling fputc/fwrite on each of them for every chunk of data (every few characters). This seems to work, but it feels like there should be some more efficient way.
Is there something I can do to decrease the load on the file system and/or improve the speed of this? For example, how taxing is it on the file system to keep hundreds of files open and write to all of them bit by bit? Would it be better to open one file, write that one entirely, close it and only then move on to the next?
If you consider the cost of context switches usually involved on doing any of those syscalls then yes, you should "pigghy back" as much data is possible taing into account the writing time and the lenght of buffers.
Given also the fact that this is primarly an io driven problem maybe a pub sub architecture where the publisher bufferize data for you to give to any subscriber that does the io work (and that also waits for the underlying storage mechanism to be ready) could be a good choice.
You can write just once to one file and then make copies of that file. You can read about how making copies here
This is the sample code from the upper link how to do it in C++:
int main() {
String* path = S"c:\\temp\\MyTest.txt";
String* path2 = String::Concat(path, S"temp");
// Ensure that the target does not exist.
// Copy the file.
File::Copy(path, path2);
Console::WriteLine(S"{0} copied to {1}", path, path2);
return 0;
Without benchmarking your particular system, I would GUESS - and that is probably as best as you can get - that writing a file at a time is better than opening lost of files and writing the data to several files. After all, preparing the data in memory is a minor detail, the writing to the file is the "long process".
I have done some testing now and it seems like, at least on my system, writing all files in parallel is about 60% slower than writing them one after the other (263s vs. 165s for 100 files times 100000000 characters).
I also tried to use ofstream instead of fputc, but fputc seems to be about twice as fast.
In the end, I will probably keep doing what I am doing at the moment, since the complexity of rewriting my code to write one file at a time is not worth the performance improvement.

C++ program runs slow in VS2008

I have a program written in C++, that opens a binary file(test.bin), reads it object by object, and puts each object into a new file (it opens the new file, writes into it(append), and closes it).
I use fopen/fclose, fread and fwrite.
test.bin contains 20,000 objects.
This program runs under linux with g++ in 1 sec but in VS2008 in debug/release mode in 1min!
There are reasons why I don't do them in batches or don't keep them in memory or any other kind of optimizations.
I just wonder why it is that much slow under windows.
I believe that when you close a file in Windows, it flushes the contents to disk each time. In Linux, I don't think that is the case. The flush on each operation would be very expensive.
Unfortunately file access on Windows isn't renowned for its brilliant speed, particularly if you're opening lots of files and only reading and writing small amounts of data. For better results, the (not particularly helpful) solution would be to read large amounts of data from a small number of files. (Or switch to Linux entirely for this program?!)
Other random suggestions to try:
turn off the virus checker if you have one (I've got Kaspersky on my PC, and writing 20,000 files quickly drove it bananas)
use an NTFS disk if you have one (FAT32 will be even worse)
make sure you're not accidentally using text mode with fopen (easily done)
use setvbuf to increase the buffer size for each FILE
try CreateFile/ReadFile/etc. instead of fopen and friends, which won't solve your problem but may shave a few seconds off the running time (since the stdio functions do a bit of extra work that you probably don't need)
I think it is not matter of VS 2008. It is matter of Linux and Windows file system differences. And how C++ works with files in both systems.
I'm seeing a lot of guessing here.
You're running under VS2008 IDE. You can always use the "poor man's profiler" and find out exactly what's going on.
In that minute, hit the "pause" button and look at what it's doing, including the call stack. Do this several times. Every single pause is almost certain (Prob = 59/60) to catch it doing precisely what it doesn't do under Linux.