I am just trying to declare a map iterator but I get a compile error saying "expected ; before it"
I believe it is because I haven't included the whole std namespace (using namespace std;) but I intentionally dont want to include all of it.
My code:
#include <map>
#include <string>
template <class Object>
class Cont
Cont() {}
Object* get( unsigned int nID )
std::map <unsigned int, Object*>::iterator it = m.begin(); // error here "expected ; before it" what is this error?
for ( ; it != m.end(); it++ )
if ( (*it).second->ID == nID ) { return (*it).second; }
return NULL;
std::map <unsigned int, Object*> m;
I have tried this aswell but it doesn't work:
std::map <unsigned int, Object*>::std::iterator it = m.begin();
If I'm not mistaken because you are using a template argument you need to prefix the iterator declaration with typename.
typename std::map <unsigned int, Object*>::iterator it = m.begin();
What's your compiler and flag settings? I was able to build this OK.
// test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
class Foo
int ID;
template <class Object> class Cont
Cont() {}
Object* get( unsigned int nID )
std::map <unsigned int, Object*>::iterator it = m.begin(); // error here "expected ; before it" what is this error?
for ( ; it != m.end(); it++ )
if ( (*it).second->ID == nID ) { return (*it).second; }
return NULL;
std::map <unsigned int, Object*> m;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Cont<Foo> c;
c.get( 2 );
return 0;
You don't say what compiler you're using, but just by cutting and pasting this into a new file, it compiles fine in VS2010. You don't need to using namespace std; certainly....
(And your wrinkle of putting another std:: before iterator was creative, but isn't correct. :-) You're specifying that the map class template is located in namespace std::, and iterator is a type that's nested within the map template.)
I have a map defined and used like this
// def.h
struct X{};
struct Y{};
struct myStruct
X x;
Y y;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, myStruct> myMap;
namespace std
template<> struct pair<std::string, std::string>
std::string s1,s2;
pair(const std::string& a, const std::string& b):s1(a),s2(b){}
bool operator < (const pair<std::string,std::string>& r)
return (0 < r.s1.compare(s1) && (0 < r.s2.compare(s2)));
class CUse
myMap m;
Some errors emitted by the compiler are extracted as below
At the constructor CUse initialization,
note: see reference to function template instantiation
'std::unordered_map,myStruct,std::hash<_Kty>,std::equal_to<_Kty>,std::allocator>>::unordered_map(unsigned __int64)' being compiled
At the declaration of m in CUse
note: see reference to class template instantiation
'std::unordered_map,myStruct,std::hash<_Kty>,std::equal_to<_Kty>,std::allocator>>' being compiled
As #Bo Persson and #Sean Cline mentioned in the comments, you will need to use a custom hash function/functor to do that.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <functional>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
struct myStruct { int x, y; };
using Key = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
namespace something
struct Compare //custom hash function/functor
std::size_t operator()(const Key& string_pair) const
// just to demonstrate the comparison.
return std::hash<std::string>{}(string_pair.first) ^
using myMap = std::unordered_map<Key, myStruct, something::Compare>;
int main()
myMap mp =
{ { "name1", "name2" },{ 3,4 } },
{ { "aame1", "name2" },{ 8,4 } },
{ std::make_pair("fame1", "name2"),{ 2,4 } }, // or make pair
{ std::make_pair("fame1", "bame2"),{ 1,2 } }
for(const auto& it: mp)
std::cout << it.first.first << " " << it.first.second << " "
<< it.second.x << " " << it.second.y << std::endl;
return 0;
However, every symmetric pair will make almost same hashes and that can cause,
hash collisions and thereby less performance. Nevertheless, additional specializations for std::pair to compose hashes are available in boost.hash
An alternative solution, could be using std::map<>. There you can also specify the custom function/functor for the std::pair, in order to achieve the same map structure. Even though there you will not have to face hash-collisions, that would be well sorted which you might not want.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
struct myStruct { int x, y; };
using Key = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
namespace something
struct Compare
bool operator()(const Key& lhs, const Key& rhs) const
// do the required comparison here
return std::tie(lhs.first, lhs.second) < std::tie(rhs.first, rhs.second);
using myMap = std::map<Key, myStruct, something::Compare>;
could you tell me why it is not good to use my data type in std ? My
type is defined in my own program anyway.
You shouldn't make it under the namespace of std, because it can cause a UB. A well defined situations/exceptions where you can extend std namespace are given here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/extending_std
Answer to the secondary question:
Thank you but could you tell me why it is not good to use my data type in std ? My type is defined in my own program anyway
You feel that you can define whatever you want in your program, right? (That is the impression you gave, at least.) Well, C++ implementations feel the same way about namespace std -- it is their namespace and they can define whatever they want in it (subject to the C++ standard, of course).
If an implementation needs to define a (possibly undocumented) helper function/class/whatever, the expectation is that it can be placed in namespace std without conflicting with your program. Case in point: what would happen to your program if your C++ library decided that it needed to define a specialization of the std::pair template for std::pair<std::string, std::string>? To my knowledge, the standard neither requires nor prohibits such a specialization, so the existence of it is left to the implementor's discretion.
Namespaces exist to prevent naming conflicts. In particular, namespace std exists to isolate C++ implementation details from user programs. Adding your code to namespace std destroys that isolation, hence the standard declares it undefined behavior. Don't do it.
(That being said, there is nothing stopping you from writing a wrapper class around std::pair<std::string, std::string> to get the functionality you need. Just do it in your own namespace.)
You need to define a specialization of std::hash for your key type, like so:
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
using KeyType = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
namespace std
struct hash<KeyType>
size_t operator()(KeyType const& kt) const
size_t hash = 0;
hash_combine(hash, kt.first);
hash_combine(hash, kt.second);
return hash;
// taken from boost::hash_combine:
// https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/hash/reference.html#boost.hash_combine
template <class T>
inline static void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v)
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
int main()
std::unordered_map<KeyType, int> us;
return 0;
I have a problem similar to that described here: C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type
I am trying to create a JSON representation in C++. Many libraries already offer excellent JSON representations and parsers that are very fast, but I am not reinventing this wheel. I need to create a C++ JSON representation that supports certain space optimizations under specific conditions. In short, if and only if a JSON array contains homogenous data, rather than storing every element as bloated variant types, I need compact storage of native types. I also need to support heterogeneous arrays and standard nested JSON objects.
The following is the "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" version of the code, which is meant to clearly illustrate intent, but is obviously broken because types are used before any declaration exists. I want to avoid specifying the same information multiple times in types (i.e. Array, Object, and Value should not require duplicated type specifications). I also want to avoid any unnecessarily high run-time costs.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
class JSONDocument {
using String = std::string;
using Integer = long;
using Float = double;
using Boolean = bool;
using Null = void *;
using Key = std::string;
using Path = std::string;
using Value = boost::variant<
using Object = std::unordered_map<Key,Value>;
using Array = boost::variant<
std::vector<Value> >;
Value root;
class value_traversal_visitor : public boost::static_visitor<Value> {
value_traversal_visitor( Path path ) : path(path) {}
Value operator()( Null x ) const {
if( path.empty() ) {
return x;
// otherwise throw ...
Value operator()( String x ) const {
if( path.empty() ) {
return x;
// special handling for Array and Object types
Path path;
Value get( Path path ) {
return boost::apply_visitor( value_traversal_visitor( path ), root );
As you can see, I am including the recursive_wrapper header. I have tried various invocations of boost::make_recursive_variant and boost::recursive_wrapper, but I always get compiler errors. I do not see how the answer from C++ Mutually Recursive Variant Type solves this, because in every attempt, I get compiler errors (from both gcc++ 5.3 and LLVM/clang++ 3.8) that almost exclusively reference Boost that essentially boil down to types not being convertible or declarations either conflicting or not existing. I would put one of my attempts along with specific compiler error messages here, but I wouldn't know which of the many attempts to use.
I'm hoping somebody can set me on the right path...
Thanks in advance!
Just to build on the accepted answer below, here is an example of a working skeleton for the types and their usages.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
using String = std::string;
using Integer = long;
using Float = double;
using Boolean = bool;
using Key = std::string;
using Value = boost::make_recursive_variant<
std::unordered_map<Key, boost::recursive_variant_>,
boost::variant<std::vector<String>,std::vector<Integer>,std::vector<Float>,std::vector<Boolean>,std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_> >
using Object = std::unordered_map<Key, Value>;
using Array = boost::variant<std::vector<String>,std::vector<Integer>,std::vector<Float>,std::vector<Boolean>,std::vector<Value> >;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
Value v;
v = static_cast<Integer>( 7 );
Object o;
v = o;
Array a = std::vector<Integer>( 3 );
v = a;
return 0;
You could just use recursive_variant_ placeholder with make_recursive_variant.
Here's the gist:
using Value = boost::make_recursive_variant<
std::unordered_map<Key, boost::recursive_variant_>, // Object
std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_> // Array
using Object = std::unordered_map<Key, Value>;
using Array = boost::variant<Value>;
Live Demo
Live On Coliru
As you can see there's unimplemented bits in the code (never write functions missing return statements!). Also note the simplifications in control flow for get and the private visitor implementation.
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
class JSONDocument {
struct Null { constexpr bool operator==(Null) const { return true; } };
using String = std::string;
using Integer = long;
using Float = double;
using Boolean = bool;
using Key = std::string;
using Path = std::string;
using Value = boost::make_recursive_variant<
std::unordered_map<Key, boost::recursive_variant_>, // Object
std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_> // Array
using Object = std::unordered_map<Key, Value>;
using Array = boost::variant<Value>;
Value root;
struct value_traversal_visitor {
Path path;
using result_type = Value;
result_type operator()(Value const &x) const {
if (path.empty()) {
return x;
return boost::apply_visitor(*this, x);
result_type operator()(Null) const { throw std::invalid_argument("null not addressable"); }
result_type operator()(String const &) const { throw std::invalid_argument("string not addressable"); }
// special handling for Array and Object types TODO
template <typename T> result_type operator()(T &&) const { return Null{}; }
Value get(Path path) { return value_traversal_visitor{path}(root); }
int main() {}
Note that you should NOT use void* for Null because all manner of unwanted implicit conversions
Note that you should probably not use unordered_map because
some JSON implementations allow duplicate property names
some JSON applications depend on the ordering of the properties
See also https://github.com/sehe/spirit-v2-json/blob/master/json.hpp#L37
Not a solution per se, but Here's a way to achieve variant recursivity using std::variant. I thought this might be of interest, since the stl doesn't provide any api for recursive, nor forward-declared types. Compiles using gcc 7.2 -std=c++17
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Nil {};
struct vector1;
using var_t1 = variant<Nil, int, vector1>;
using var_t2 = variant<Nil, double, float, int, var_t1>;
struct vector1 {
vector<var_t2> v_;
struct print_var_t2;
struct print_var_t1 {
void operator()(const vector1& v);
void operator()(int) { cout << "int\n"; }
void operator()(const Nil&) { cout << "nil\n"; }
struct print_var_t2 {
void operator()(const Nil&) { cout << "Nil\n"; }
void operator()(int) { cout << "int\n"; }
void operator()(double) { cout << "double\n"; }
void operator()(float) { cout << "float\n"; }
void operator()(const var_t1& v);
void print_var_t1::operator()(const vector1& v) {
for_each(v.v_.begin(), v.v_.end(), [](const var_t2& x)
visit(print_var_t2{}, x);
void print_var_t2::operator()(const var_t1& v) {
visit(print_var_t1{}, v);
int main()
vector1 v1;
var_t1 var1 = v1;
std::visit(print_var_t1{}, var1);
return 0;
When reading someone else's code, is there an easy way to unfold the underlying types of a nested typedef, except for going through all headers, searching for the respective definitions?
E.g. today I encountered
auto* p = new A<B::C>();
where B::C is defined in some header as
template <typename T>
class B: public BBase {
typedef B< D<E, E> > C;
and D and E are defined somewhere else. C
Can I somehow display that p is actually A<B<D<E, E>>>?
An alternative if you don't want to demangle typeid names is:
template<typename> struct TC;
Then put TC<A<B::C>> a; somewhere and you'll get a compiler error with the full deduced type in it.
For example:
template<typename> struct TC;
template<typename> using A = int;
using B = A<float>;
int main()
TC<B> a;
GCC outputs:
main.cpp:8:11: error: aggregate TC<int> a has incomplete type and cannot be defined
As you can see, B was substituted for A<float>, which was substituted for int in the compiler error.
You can use typeid(T).name(). It gives you a nice readable type declaration in Visual C++. With g++ compiler you have to use g++-specific functionality to demangle the somewhat cryptic result.
In order to use typeid you must include the <typeinfo> header.
The g++ name demangling function is abi::__cxa_demangle from the g++ <cxxabi.h> header.
Example (I had to fix various details of your alleged declarations):
template< class > struct A {};
template<class, class> struct D {};
struct E {};
struct BBase {};
class B: public BBase
using C = B< D<E, E> >;
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __GNUC__
# include <cxxabi.h>
auto demangled( char const* name )
-> string
int status = 0;
char* realname = abi::__cxa_demangle( name, 0, 0, &status );
string result = realname;
free( realname );
return result;
# include <sstream>
auto demangled( char const* name )
-> string
// Possibly remove all instances of "struct ", "class " and "enum "
return name;
#include <iostream>
auto main() -> int
auto* p = new A<B<int>::C>();
(void) p; // unused
cout << demangled( typeid( p ).name() ) << endl;
Output with g++:
A<B<D<E, E> > >*
An alternative is the trick presented by TartanLlama, of using the relevant type in an undefined template:
template<class> class Incomplete;
auto main() -> int
Incomplete< A<B<int>::C> > x;
which with g++ generates the error message:
ar.cpp:24:36: error: aggregate 'Incomplete<A<B<D<E, E> > > > x' has incomplete type and cannot be defined
Incomplete< A<B<int>::C> > x;
Those are the options that comes to my mind:
1) Debug printing, you can temporary add typeid(E) etc, but requires compiling and running, so not just reading the code.
2) Using an IDE like visual studio, qt creator etc, should be able to show you the actual typedefs/defines when hovering with the mouse on any usage of the typedef/defines.
3) Using text editors, many text editor might allow to have plugins to speed up the search and to jump from symbol to symbol to quickly find were they are defined.
So final answer I think by just looking at the code there is no way to know that, and that is actually a bit of a problem coming with the defines, it obfuscates the code a little.
on gcc/clang:
#include <iostream>
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
#include <typeinfo>
std::string demangle(const char* mangled_name)
using namespace std;
size_t len = 0;
int stat = 0;
struct deleter {
void operator()(const char* p) const {
if (p) {
auto p1 = const_cast<char*>(p);
using ptr_type = std::unique_ptr<const char, deleter>;
auto pname = ptr_type(abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled_name,
if (stat)
switch(stat) {
case -1:
throw std::bad_alloc();
case -2:
throw std::logic_error("invalid name: "s + mangled_name);
case -3:
throw std::invalid_argument("demangle");
throw std::logic_error("unknown error code "s + to_string(stat));
return string(pname.get(), len);
template<class X, class Y> struct D {};
struct E {};
template <typename T>
struct B {
typedef B< D<E, E> > C;
int main()
using namespace std;
cout << demangle(typeid(B<int>::C).name()) << endl;
return 0;
no doubt windows will have a similar means of detangling a name.
expected output:
B<D<E, E> >
I have a map<string, std::function<void(AgentMessage&)>> (AgentMessage is a struct with a few strings). When I try to access it using an iterator I get an access violation on the copy function of pair.
note: The std::function is pointing at a function in a different dll than the place where it is copied.
EDIT: I thought the explanation was good enough for a simple piece of code, but still - here it is.
for (map<string, std::function<void(AgentMessage&)>>::iterator it = mapRef.begin(); it != mapRef.end(); it++)
auto functionCopy = it->second; // IT CRASHES HERE
Can you show the code that inserts elements to the map?
I tried this and it works:
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct AgentMessage
void f(AgentMessage& am)
void g(AgentMessage& am)
int main()
AgentMessage am;
map<string, std::function<void(AgentMessage&)>> m;
m["f"] = f;
m["g"] = g;
for (map<string, std::function<void(AgentMessage&)>>::iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
auto func = it->second;
I am looking for a simple way to create an iterator for the values of a map in C++11.
This method should be simple and transparent: simple in that it should be easy to implement, and transparent in that the client should not know the values come from a map, not a set.
This question has been asked several times before. Many of these questions predate C++11 and use boost, which I do not want to use. Some are not simple, John Ahlgren's solution here, http://john-ahlgren.blogspot.com/2013/10/how-to-iterate-over-values-of-stdmap.html , for example requires a page of code to write a custom iterator.
The others are not transparent, i.e., clearly one can write:
map<string,foo> mymap;
for (auto it=mymap.begin();it!=mymap.end();++it){
Foo val= it->second;
However, I do not want to do this because I do not want the client to have to know of the data representation.
The problem comes up as follows.
I have a bunch of objects uniquely indexed with a long "key". Sometimes I want to manipulate sets of these objects. Other times I want to retrieve an object given its key.
I cannot use the "set" class directly for several reasons, chief among which is that it does not store mutable instances, and these instances must be mutable (except, obviously, for the key).
So, I have decided to store all my objects in a giant global hashtable:
map<long,Foo> all_the_objects;
I then do not work with set<Foo> at all. Instead I work with set<long> and use an adaptor to simulate a set of Foo, i.e.,
class SetOfFoo{
private: set<long> theKeys;
void insert(const & Foo);
size_t size() return theKeys.size();
bool is_member(const & Foo)
{return theKeys.find(Foo.key)
!= theKeys.end;}
Foo & insert(const & Foo val){
long key=val.key;
return all_the_objects[key];
...::iterator begin() {???}
In other words, the client of the SetOfFoo class does not know or need to know that SetOfFoo is implemented as as set of keys.
I also cannot just make a Vector myself in the adaptor class, because one cannot store references in C++ collections.
Is it really impossible to make a simple, transparent way to iterate over map<> values? I find it hard to believe, as this is a very common need and is trivial to do in every language I have seen that has hashtables. I just don't understand how this can be hard.
it's pretty trivial.
Here's an extremely simplistic version that minimally solves the problem for a map of ints to strings. You can either rewrite for the types you want or templatise it as you wish.
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
struct map_value_iterator : public std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator
map_value_iterator(std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator src)
: std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator(std::move(src))
// override the indirection operator
const std::string& operator*() const {
return std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator::operator*().second;
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> myMap { {1, "Hello" }, { 2, "World" } };
copy(map_value_iterator(begin(myMap)), map_value_iterator(end(myMap)), ostream_iterator<string>(cout , " "));
cout << endl;
return 0;
Program output:
Compiling the source code....
$g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o demo -lm -pthread -lgmpxx -lgmp -lreadline 2>&1
Executing the program....
Hello World
You can do something like the following (C++98):
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "util/pair_iterator.hpp"
template<class T> inline T const& constify(T& t) { return t; }
int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace util;
map<int, string> m;
m[0] = "alice";
m[1] = "bob";
m[2] = "carol";
m[3] = "dave";
m[4] = "eve";
, over_second(m.end())
, ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n")
, over_first(m.end())
, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n")
// const iterators check
, over_second(constify(m).end())
, ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n")
, over_first(constify(m).end())
, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n")
Here is an implementation:
// util/pair_iterator.hpp
#include <iterator>
#include "boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp"
#include "boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp"
#include "boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp"
#include "boost/mpl/if.hpp"
namespace util {
namespace aux {
template<class T> struct dereference_type
: boost::remove_reference<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::reference>
template<class PairT>
struct first_extracter
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
, typename PairT::first_type const
, typename PairT::first_type
>::type result_type;
result_type& operator()(PairT& p) const { return p.first; }
template<class PairT>
struct second_extracter
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
, typename PairT::second_type const
, typename PairT::second_type
>::type result_type;
result_type& operator()(PairT& p) const { return p.second; }
} // namespace aux {
template<class IteratorT>
boost::transform_iterator<aux::first_extracter<typename aux::dereference_type<IteratorT>::type>, IteratorT>
over_first(IteratorT const& i)
typedef aux::first_extracter<typename aux::dereference_type<IteratorT>::type> extracter;
return boost::transform_iterator<extracter, IteratorT>(i, extracter());
template<class IteratorT>
boost::transform_iterator<aux::second_extracter<typename aux::dereference_type<IteratorT>::type>, IteratorT>
over_second(IteratorT const& i)
typedef aux::second_extracter<typename aux::dereference_type<IteratorT>::type> extracter;
return boost::transform_iterator<extracter, IteratorT>(i, extracter());
} // namespace util