Considerations for using auto generated proxies for web services (Advantages and Disadvantages) - web-services

We are using a lot of manual code in .net (through HttpWebRequest) to access some web services. I was reading we do not need to do this as we can easily generate proxies. Has anyone converted from manual to auto-generated services. We do need to use some customized settings like UseProxyServer based on config settings and client certificates.
What are the considerations I need to take care of? Any helpful link is really appreciated.
Update (as pointed by John Saunders): Our web services are using WS-Security and hence the need to pass UsernameToken.

Anything you would have set "manually" can be set on the proxy class. You should use the proxy unless you have a specific reason not to. It will save you a great deal of time that you could spend solving other problems.


WS-Security in Wildfly without Spring and without WS-SecurityPolicy

My client suggests that implementing a web service using WS-Policy entries inside the WSDL (using WS-SecurityPolicy standard, which seems to be the recommended way) might cause incompatibility issues with clients that call the web service. My first question is, are his concerns correct? If not, how can I prove to my client that it is safe to use WS? I could not find anything on the subject.
If compatibility issues can indeed occur, I need to find a different way to implement WS-Security requirements (like signing parts etc.) without Spring, using JavaEE APIs. I could not find anything on that subject either. The only thing I could find is about standalone web services but I do not want that, I want a web application and I need to use JavaEE APIs (so no Spring).
Any help will be appreciated.
If you have pre-existing clients already using this webservice, then yes it will break compatibility if you add WS-Security.
But if no one is using it, or it hasn't been developed yet, how will this cause compatibility issues?
Personally I see WS-Security as rather complex, particular in the area of signing and encryption, so if your client had said that some clients might not have the skills to implement the web service I would have been inclined to agree with him.

good use case of HATEOAS

may I have some example/typical use case of HATEOAS? I agree it can be a very powerful concept provide great flexibility but I am not sure how to properly get benefit from HATEOAS. would be great if you can share your experience/use case.
A good answer from #dreamer above, but HATEOAS is not present in most REST-based services. It is a constraint on the REST architecture style that allows clients to interact with a service entirely via the hypermedia contained in the resources.
If you look at the Twitter or Facebook REST APIs, you won't find hypermedia. Look at the Facebook friendlist resource. There are no hypertext links in that resource that you can use to transition the state of the resource - to delete, update, etc. Instead, you need to read the out-of-band documentation to understand what you need to do to delete that resource.
One of the claimed advantages of using hypermedia in your APIs is that you can manage change within the resources themselves. For example, what if Facebook wanted to add additional functionality to the frendlist? If it were built with HATEOAS in mind, the resource would be updated to add the hyperlinks provides those additional state transitions.
If this sounds difficult, you're right. But as a developer of client applications, however, once you understand how the hypermedia is presented, you can build applications that will evolve along with the API itself.
So how do you build APIs using HATEOAS? A number of options are out there, but I like the Hypertext Application Language (HAL) the best.
UPDATE: Since you asked for an example, here's a link to a demo using HAL.
Good public HATEOAS use cases are hard to find, because there are a lot of misconceptions around REST, and HATEOAS can be hard to implement. You really need to have a good understanding of its benefits, before you're willing to put yourself through the trouble of getting it to work, and if the clients don't follow it correctly, all work will be in vain.
From my experience, implementing proper REST in a company is a culture change as important as moving to version control systems or agile development. Unless everyone adopts it and understands it, it causes more trouble than it solves.
Having that in mind, I think the best example one will find is the HAL API, on the link below:
It's very powerful concept used in RESTful presentation of the application to the client. There are many many projects which are adopting this interface now. A typical use case for this is Web Services APIs using RESTful APIs. A RESTful APIs typically consists of the following elements:
base URI, such as
an Internet media type for the data. This is often JSON but can be any other valid Internet media type (e.g. XML, Atom, microformats, images, etc.)
standard HTTP methods (e.g., GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE)
hypertext links to reference state
hypertext links to reference related resources
The application state can be modified using above HTTP methods for example, to get a particular resource, A client can issue a REST query using curl like:
curl -X GET --url "" -X "Content-Type:application/json"
you could go through the man pages for curl and its usage. More on RESTful interface concepts can be looked upon at wiki

Securing a financial application with a web interface

I am in the process of designing an application that users will be able to log on remotely and use - via a web interface.
Security is of paramount importance (think credit card and personal banking type information)- so I need to make sure that I get the security aspect nailed down - HARD.
I intend to provide the application functionality via traditional (stateful) web pages , as well as web services.
For what its worth, I am intending to use web2py as my web application framework.
Is there a list of guidelines I can follow to make sure that I have all areas covered?
One stop shopping:
Read that and take every suggestion to heart.
you should consider at least the following:
authentication. getting users to log on in some manner. which authentication method they use depends on what you aim to provide
privacy. making sure the information they send is only visible to them and your application and not an eavesdropper.
in the simplest case SSL can take care of both of the above. it will always provide encryption but can also be used to authenticate or at least make some simple authentication mechanism more secure. one thing to look at is security of ssl. ssl is suceptible to a man in the middle attack particluarly when the users already have a trust relationship with, say, their employer - who can them proceed to install an ssl gateway which is effectively a mim.
authorisation. making sure users are only allowed to see what you want them to see and no more.
this really depends on technology you are using.
non reputidation. making sure the user cannot dispute the actions they perform
this is a very open ended question. legally this is seldom (never?) used so it depends... something like signed logs of user requested actions for example is probably enough.
Your biggest threat, by far, is writing server-side webapp code that introduces vulnerabilities in your web application layer. This is not something you can checklist. For a starter, make sure you are 100% comfortable with the items in the OWASP Top Ten and understand how to code safely against them. If you are not expert in web application vulnerabilities, strongly consider hiring someone who is to help review the web layer. At the least, i would consider contacting a security testing company to perform some form of penetration testing, preferably with a code review component.
If you ever do anything with credit card data, you will need to comply with the PCI DSS which will require at least quarterly remote-testing from an Approved Scanning Vendor.

Contract-First or Code-First?

Which approach (Contract-First/Code-First) should be used when creating Web services with Apache Axis2? If I choose the contract-first approach, which tool should I use to create wsdl? I am using the WSO2 platform.
Contract-first is the best approach IMHO. The reason is quite simple. When you code first and generate a WSDL, it might change. This may cause problems for other teams working on client code based on that WSDL.
In case of contract first, the WSDL will always be the subject of discussion between teams, and it will not just change because of code changes, but only when all parties agree.
It is best to use versioning in it as well.
You can create a WSDL in Eclipse, which also has excellent checks (requires internet access).
Definitlety contract first.
Interfaces are the way to go for strong typed web services.

Is it possible to test stateful web services with SoapUI?

What do you use as a test client for your stateful web services? Is it possible to use SoapUI? Are there best practices in this area?
You can do what's called a "Property Transfer" in SoapUI. For example, all our web services have to first call an authentication web service and obtain an authentication token.
I've set this up in SoapUI so that the returned auth token from the auth service is passed on to subsequent requests. It seems to work pretty well, but unless I'm missing a trick I wouldn't like to set it up for a lot of web services (i.e. you have to have an entry for each call you want to transfer data to / from).
Yeah, building SoapUI tests is slow, repetitive work. We didn't discover it until rewriting the SOAP server, and it makes great unit and system tests, but is s.l.o.w to create them.
Oh, and watch out for the memory leaks. Save very frequently. When you run out of memory, you can't save anymore. That sucks a little.
The property transfer stuff is awesome - you can have different scopes (test, request, global), and you can use GroovyScript to do dynamic stuff (like look up a particular date related to today's date, and so on).
With a properly formatted WSDL file, it will generate template requests for you, but you'll still need to tweak them a fair bit - or at least, I did.
I don't know whether it's practical to do this with SoapUI, but I've done things like this with both iTKO LISA and Parasoft SOATest. It wasn't for testing stateful web services, but simply executing multiple testing steps, storing results that are used in following steps. Both LISA and SOATest have the ability to define steps in the GUI that can store pieces of responses that are used in later requests.