CLOCKS_PER_SEC Not Matching Results From std::clock() - c++

I'm using the following short program to test std::clock():
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::clock_t Begin = std::clock();
int Dummy;
std::cin >> Dummy;
std::clock_t End = std::clock();
std::cout << "CLOCKS_PER_SEC: " << CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "\n";
std::cout << "Begin: " << Begin << "\n";
std::cout << "End: " << End << "\n";
std::cout << "Difference: " << (End - Begin) << std::endl;
However, after waiting several seconds to input the "dummy" value, I get the following output:
Begin: 13504
End: 13604
Difference: 100
This obviously doesn't make much sense. No matter how long I wait, the difference is always somewhere around 100.
What am I missing? Is there some header I forgot to include?
I'm using Xcode with GCC 4.2.

clock() counts CPU time, so it's not adding any time if it's sitting around waiting for input.


Is std::clock() broken on MSYS2's g++ compiler?

I'm trying to write a simple single header benchmarker and I understand that std::clock will give me the time that a process (thread) is in actual use.
So, given the following simplified program:
nt main() {
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
auto start_cpu = std::clock();
auto start_wall = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// clobber();
// clobber();
auto finish_cpu = std::clock();
auto finish_wall = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cerr << "cpu: "
<< start_cpu << " " << finish_cpu << " "
<< (finish_cpu - start_cpu) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "wall: "
// << FormatTime(start_wall) << " " << FormatTime(finish_wall) << " "
<< (finish_wall - start_wall) / 1.0s << " s" << std::endl;
return 0;
We get the following output:
cpu: 4820 4839 1.9e-05 s
wall: 1.00007 s
I just want to clarify that the cpu time is the time that it executes the code that is not actually the sleep_for code as that is actually done by the kernel which std::clock doesn't track. So to confirm, I changed what I was timing:
int main() {
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
int value = 0;
auto start_cpu = std::clock();
auto start_wall = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// clobber();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
value = rand();
// clobber();
std::cout << "value = " << value << std::endl;
auto finish_cpu = std::clock();
auto finish_wall = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cerr << "cpu: "
<< start_cpu << " " << finish_cpu << " "
<< (finish_cpu - start_cpu) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "wall: "
// << FormatTime(start_wall) << " " << FormatTime(finish_wall) << " "
<< (finish_wall - start_wall) / 1.0s << " s" << std::endl;
return 0;
This gave me an output of:
cpu: 4949 1398224 1.39328 s
wall: 2.39141 s
value = 354531795
So far, so good. I then tried this on my windows box running MSYS2's g++ compiler. The output for the last program gave me:
value = 0
cpu: 15 15 0 s
wall: 0.0080039 s
std::clock() is always outputting 15? Is the compiler implementation of std::clock() broken?
Seems that I assumed that CLOCKS_PER_SEC would be the same. However, on the MSYS2 compiler, it was 1000x less then on

Iomanip setprecision() Method Isn't Working as It Should Only on the First Line, Why?

So I'm writing a program to count the execution time of a function using clock and I used iomanip to change the output to decimal with 9 zeros.
This is the code that I am using:
#include <time.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void linearFunction(int input)
for(int i = 0; i < input; i++)
void execution_time(int input)
clock_t start_time, end_time;
start_time = clock();
end_time = clock();
double time_taken = double(end_time - start_time) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
cout << "Time taken by function for input = " << input << " is : " << fixed
<< time_taken << setprecision(9);
cout << " sec " << endl;
int main()
return 0;
And the output shows:
Time taken by function for input = 10000 is : 0.000000 sec
Time taken by function for input = 100000 is : 0.001000000 sec
Time taken by function for input = 1000000 is : 0.002000000 sec
Time taken by function for input = 10000000 is : 0.038000000 sec
Time taken by function for input = 100000000 is : 0.316000000 sec
Time taken by function for input = 1000000000 is : 3.288000000 sec
As you can see, the first time I call the function, it doesn't follow the setprecision(9) that I wrote. Why is this and how can I solve this? Thanks you in advance.
Look at the following line properly:
cout << "Time taken by function for input = " << input << " is : " << fixed << time_taken << setprecision(9);
See? You are setting the precision after printing out time_taken. So for the first time, you don't see the result of setprecision(). But for the second time and onwards, as setprecision() has already been executed, you get the desired decimal places.
So to fix this issue, move setprecision() before time_taken as such:
cout << "Time taken by function for input = " << input << " is : " << fixed << setprecision(9) << time_taken;
..or you can also do something like this:
cout << "Time taken by function for input = " << input << " is : " << fixed << time_taken;
Also, consider not using the following line in your code:
using namespace std; it's considered as a bad practice. Instead use std:: every time like this:
std::cout << "Time taken by function for input = " << input << " is : " << std::fixed << time_taken;
For more information on this, look up to why is "using namespace std" considered as a bad practice.

Why does std::endl makes this loop run forever?

I found this code on a q&a platform.
#include <iostream>
int main()
for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
std::cout << i << " " << i * 12345678 << std::endl;
At first sight, this seems normal but instead it runs infinitely.
Results at :
Now I changed the std::endl to "\n" and it behaved normal this time running for 300 times, terminating at i=299.
So what is going on with the std::endl keyword ?

Possible cause and solution for randomness in time measurements [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is cpu clock time returned by have to be exactly same among runs?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I got result of time measurements below for repeated computations for simple summation from my Windows machine with 3.2Ghz quad-core CPU and 24GB RAM.
The code is following.
From the result, the summation takes less than 3 ms most of time but sometimes it can take 20 times more. I can understand the large maximum because distribution of the time measurements is exponential having very long right tail.
But what I am not sure of are:
What is cause of the randomness (variation)? Note that I ran the application while CPU usage was 2-4% and memory was 10%.
Possible solution for the randomness. Is there any way to avoid the rare maximum duration?
Time Statistics (ms)
N : 10000
Minimum: 2.31406
Maximum: 64.7171
Mean : 2.43556
Std : 0.676273
M+6Std : 3.11184
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
LARGE_INTEGER t_start, t_end, Frequency;
double tdiff,minx=1e+307,maxx=-1e+307,meanx=0,stdx=0;
int niter = 10000;
for (int j = 0;j < niter;j++)
double s = 0;
for (int i = 0;i < 1000000;i++) s += i;
tdiff = (double)(t_end.QuadPart - t_start.QuadPart) / (double)Frequency.QuadPart * 1000;
minx = min(minx, tdiff);
maxx = max(maxx, tdiff);
meanx += tdiff;
stdx += tdiff*tdiff;
//std::cout << "Iteration: " << j << " Time (ms): " << tdiff << std::endl;
meanx /= (double)niter;
stdx = sqrt((stdx - (double)niter*meanx*meanx) / (double)(niter - 1));
std::cout << "Time Statistics (ms) " << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "N : " << niter << std::endl;
std::cout << "Minimum: " << minx << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maximum: " << maxx << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mean : " << meanx << std::endl;
std::cout << "Std : " << stdx << std::endl;
std::cout << "M+6Std : " << meanx+stdx << std::endl;
return 0;
A general-purpose computing system has many tasks going on. At any moment, the system may have to respond to I/O interrupts (disk drive completion notices, timer interrupts, network activity,…) and run various housekeeping tasks (background backups, check for scheduled events, indexing user files,…).
The times at which they occur are effectively random. Measuring execution time repeatedly and discarding outliers is a common technique.

C++ iterator in loop

+++ See update below +++
This is a code for reverse printing the content of an array. I used 3 slightly different methods for doing it: directly putting the dimension of the array in the for loop, using iterator and using reverse_iterator and measured the execution time of printing the for loop.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
using get_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
int main() {
std::cout << "Enter the array dimension:";
int N;
std::cin >> N;
//Read the array elements
std::cout << "Enter the array elements:" <<'\n';
std::vector <int> v;
int input;
for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++){
std::cin >> input;
auto start = get_time::now();
for(int i=N-1; i>=0; i--){
std::cout << v[i] <<" ";
auto finish = get_time::now();
auto time_diff=finish-start;
std::cout << "Elapsed time,non-iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
auto start2 = get_time::now();
std::vector <int>::reverse_iterator ri;
for(ri=v.rbegin(); ri!=v.rend(); ri++){
std::cout << *ri <<" ";
auto finish2 = get_time::now();
auto time_diff2=finish2-start2;
std::cout << "Elapsed time, reverse iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff2).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
auto start3 = get_time::now();
std::vector <int>::iterator i;
for(i=v.end()-1; i>=v.begin(); i--){
std::cout << *i <<" ";
auto finish3 = get_time::now();
auto time_diff3=finish3-start3;
std::cout << "Elapsed time, iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff3).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
return 0;
The output is as follows:
5 4 3 2 1 Elapsed time,non-iterator= 2.7913e-05 Seconds
5 4 3 2 1 Elapsed time, reverse iterator= 5.57e-06 Seconds
5 4 3 2 1 Elapsed time, iterator= 4.56e-06 Seconds
My question is:
Why the direct method is almost 5 times slower than both iterator and reverse_iterator methods? Also, is this faster execution of iterator machine dependent?
This is a prototype, but I will need to deal with much bigger matrices; that is why I am asking this question. Thank you.
+++ Update +++
I am posting the updated results after incorporating the comments. It was too big for a comment.
I changed the for loop to evaluate the sum of an array with 100000 elements. I evaluated the same sum using the above mentioned methods (compiled with -O3 in clang++) and I have averaged the execution time for 3 methods over 10000 runs. Here are the results:
Average (10000 runs) elapsed time, non-iterator= 2.50183e-05
Average (10000 runs) elapsed time, reverse-iterator= 3.48299e-05
Average (10000 runs) elapsed time, iterator= 7.35307e-05
The results are much more uniform now, and now the non-iterator method is the fastest! Any insights? Or even this result is meaningless and I should do some more test?
the updated code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
using get_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
int main() {
double time1,time2,time3;
int run=10000;
for(int k=0; k<run; k++){
//Read the array elements
std::vector <int> v;
int input,N=100000;
for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++){
int sum1{0},sum2{0},sum3{0};
auto start = get_time::now();
for(int i=N-1; i>=0; i--){
auto finish = get_time::now();
auto time_diff=finish-start;
std::cout << "Sum= " << sum1 << " " << "Elapsed time,non-iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
auto start2 = get_time::now();
std::vector <int>::reverse_iterator ri;
for(ri=v.rbegin(); ri!=v.rend(); ri++){
auto finish2 = get_time::now();
auto time_diff2=finish2-start2;
std::cout << "Sum= " << sum2 <<" Elapsed time, reverse iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff2).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
auto start3 = get_time::now();
std::vector <int>::iterator i;
for(i=v.end()-1; i>=v.begin(); i--){
auto finish3 = get_time::now();
auto time_diff3=finish3-start3;
std::cout << "Sum= " <<sum3 << " Elapsed time, iterator= " << std::chrono::duration<double>
(time_diff3).count() << " Seconds" << '\n';
std::cout << "Average (" << run << " runs)" << " elapsed time, non-iterator= " << time1/double(run) <<'\n';
std::cout << "Average (" << run << " runs)" << " elapsed time, reverse-iterator= " << time2/double(run) <<'\n';
std::cout << "Average (" << run << " runs)" << " elapsed time, iterator= " << time3/double(run) <<'\n';
return 0;