Haskell List of Int : [123] to [1,2,3] - list

i have list of int as [123,123] which i required to be as [1,2,3,1,2,3]
Current Code
i tried out the following code using recursion
fat [] = []
fat (a,b,c:xs) = a : b : c : fat xs
i have no idea how to acess values as '1' , '2 , '3 in a list [123,123] separetly

I suggest to use the digs function given in this answer on each element of your list. It splits an Int into a list of digits ([Int]). Then you just need to concatenate the resulting lists. This 'map and concatenate results' requirement is a perfect job for concatMap
fat :: [Int] -> [Int]
fat = concatMap digs
This gives:
*Main> fat [123,123]
Which is what you want, if I understood correctly.

splitNum :: Int -> [Int]
splitNum n | n <= 9 = [n]
| otherwise = (splitNum (n `div` 10)) ++ [n `mod` 10]
fat :: [Int] -> [Int]
fat x = concatMap splitNum x
splitNum is used to convert an Int to a [Int] by splitting it into the division by ten reminders and appending the resulting Int to the splitted rest (recursion!)
Now, having a function that converts numbers into lists, go through input, apply splitNum to any Number in the inner list and concat all resulting lists (list comprehension!)

As a new Haskell programmer I will give you my thoughts of this problem. Just because I think it's good to have many alternatives, especially from different people with different experience.
Here's my take on the problem:
For each item in the list, convert that item to a char list using read.
Send that char list into a function which converts each item of that list into an int, then return an list of ints.
Concat that list of ints into the main list.
To clarify:
[123, 234]
123 turns into ['1', '2', '3']
['1', '2', '3'] turns into [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3] gets concat in the main list
the cycle repeats for 234.
The util function would look something like this:
import Char
charsToInts :: [Char] -> [Int]
charsToInts [] = []
charsToInts (x:xs) = digitToInt x : charsToInts xs
Coming from a imperative background that's how I would have solved it. Probably slower than just splitting the number mathematically, but I thought it would be interesting to show a alternative.

To pinpoint the problem bluntly, you have no idea how to access the digits separately because you do not understand Haskell types and pattern matching. Let me try to help dispel some of your misconceptions.
Let's look at your list:
[123, 123]
What is its type? It is clearly a list of ints, or [Int]. With lists, you can pattern match on the constructor :, known to lispers as "cons", or "list constructor". You put a single element on the left side of the :, and another list on the right side. The list on the right side can be the empty list [], which basically indicates the end of the list. Haskell provides "syntactic sugar" to make lists easier to write, but [123,456] actually gets desugared into 123:(456:[]). So when you pattern match (x:y:z), you can now see that x will be assigned 123 and y will be assigned 456. z will be the rest of the list after x and y; in this case only [] is left.
Now then, pattern matching with : works for lists. Ints are not lists, so you can't use : to pattern match on the digits of an Int. However, Strings are lists, because String is the same as [Char]. So if you turn your Int into a String then you can pattern match on each character.
map show [123, 123]
map applies a function to all elements of a list. show can take an Int and turn it into a String. So we map show over the list of Ints to get a list of Strings.
["123", "123"]
Now let's turn those Strings into lists of Ints. Since String is simply [Char], we will again make use of map.
map digitToInt "123" -- this requires that you import Data.Char (digitToInt)
This will give us [1,2,3]; each Char in the list is turned into an Int. This is what we want to do to each String in our list ["123", "123"]. We want to map digitToInt to each String. But we have a list of Strings. So what do we do? We map it!
map (map digitToInt) ["123", "123"]
This will give us [[1,2,3], [1,2,3]]. Almost what we wanted. Now we just have to flatten the list of list of Ints ([[Int]]) into just a list of Int ([Int]). How can we do that? Stop...Hoogle time! Hoogling [[a]] -> [a] we find the very first hit, concat, is exactly what we wanted.
Let's put it all together. First we do map show to get from [Int] to [String]. Then we do map (map digitToInt) to get from [String] to [[Int]]. Then we do concat to get from [[Int]] to [Int]. Then we'll just print it out!
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
main = print $ concat $ map (map digitToInt) $ map show $ [123, 123]
Now let's pull most of that out into a function fat
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
main = print $ fat [123, 123]
fat :: [Int] -> [Int]
fat xs = concat $ map (map digitToInt) $ map show $ xs
From here you could make it prettier in a few different ways. concat $ map is the same as concatMap, and since we map both (map digitToInt) and show in sequence, we can merge those. Also making it pointfree, we can end up with quite a terse definition:
fat = concatMap (map digitToInt . show)

For the sake of completeness, I wrote it as suggested by #Ancide
fat' :: [Int] -> [Int]
fat' l = map (read) [[z] | z <- [x | k <- (map (show) l), x <- k]]
{- last result -} stands for the result of the last code explained.
map (show) l
This takes every element inside l and converts it to [String].
[x | k <- {- last result -}, x <- k]
While k goes through all elements inside the last result, x enumerates all character in each k. All those are added to a list. Now you have a String, respectively a [Char] with all digits next to each others.
[[z] | z <- {- last result -}]
This part takes each Char from the String and puts it into an empty String. Notice the [z] part! This make a list around z, which is (see above) the same as String. Now you have a list of String with a String for each digit.
map (read) {- last result -}
This takes every item in the last result and converts it back to Int and joins them to [Int]. Now you have a list of type [Int] of the wanted result.
Although this implementation is possible, it's neither fast, due to all the type conversions, nor readable.

Playing around with the list monad I came up with this. Pretty much the same #Ankur's solution, except using the list monad:
fat :: [Int] -> [Int]
fat is = is >>= show >>= return . digitToInt

If you had two numbers, a and b then you could turn them into a single number by doing 10*a + b. The same principles apply for three.
It sounds like one way of doing this would be to splitEvery into lumps of three and then map a function to turn a list of three into a single number.
Does that help?

You need a function to convert Integer to string... which is obviously Show function
Another function to convert a Char to Integer which is "digitToInt" in module Char
And here we go :
fat [] = []
fat ls = concat $ map (map digitToInt) (map show ls)
Please let me know if it works :)


how to add a number in a 2D list with specific index in haskell

I'm beginner in haskell and I tried to add a number in a 2D list with specific index in haskell but I don't know how to do
example i have this:
and I would like to put a number (3) in the index 1 like this
I tried this
[array !! 1] ++ [[3]]
but it doesn't work
As you may have noticed in your foray so far, Haskell isn't like many other languages in that it is generally immutable, so trying to change a value, especially in a deeply nested structure like that, isn't the easiest thing. [array !! 1] would give you a nested list [[]] but this is not mutable, so any manipulations you do this structure won't be reflected in the original array, it'll be a separate copy.
(There are specialized environments where you can do local mutability, as with e.g. Vectors in the ST monad, but these are an exception.)
For what you're trying to do, you'll have to deconstruct the list to get it to a point where you can easily make the modification, then reconstruct the final structure from the (modified) parts.
The splitAt function looks like it will help you with this: it takes a list and separates it into two parts at the index you give it.
let array = [[],[],[]]
splitAt 1 array
will give you
([[]], [[],[]])
This helps you by getting you closer to the list you want, the middle nested list.
Let's do a destructuring bind to be able to reconstruct your final list later:
let array = [[],[],[]]
(beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
Next, you'll need to get at the sub-list you want, which is the first item in the end list:
desired = head end
Now you can make your modification -- note, this will produce a new list, it won't modify the one that's there:
desired' = 3:desired
Now we need to put this back into the end list. Unfortunately, the end list is still the original value of [[],[]], so we'll have to replace the head of this with our desired' to make it right:
end' = desired' : (tail end)
This drops the empty sub-list at the beginning and affixes the modified list in its place.
Now all that's left is to recombine the modified end' with the original beginning:
in beginning ++ end'
making the whole snippet:
let array = [[],[],[]]
(beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
desired = head end
desired' = 3:desired
end' = desired' : (tail end)
in beginning ++ end'
or, if you're entering all these as commands in the REPL:
let array = [[],[],[]]
let (beginning, end) = splitAt 1 array
let desired = head end
let desired' = 3:desired
let end' = desired' : (tail end)
beginning ++ end'
As paul mentions, things in Haskell are immutable. What you want to do must be done not be modifying the list in place, but by destructuring the list, transforming one of its parts, and restructuring the list with this changed part. One way of destructuring (via splitAt) is put forth there; I'd like to offer another.
Lists in Haskell are defined as follows:
data [] a = [] | a : [a]
This reads "A list of a is either empty or an a followed by a list of a". (:) is pronounced "cons" for "constructor", and with it, you can create nonempty lists.
1 : [] -> [1]
1 : [2,3] -> [1,2,3]
1 : 2 : 3 : [] -> [1,2,3]
This goes both ways, thanks to pattern matching. If you have a list [1,2,3], matching it to x : xs will bind its head 1 to the name x and its tail [2,3] to xs. As you can see, we've destructured the list into the two pieces that were initially used to create it. We can then operate on those pieces before putting the list back together:
λ> let x : xs = [1,2,3]
λ> let y = x - 5
λ> y : xs
So in your case, we can match the initial list to x : y : z : [], compute w = y ++ [3], and construct our new list:
λ> let x : y : z : [] = [[],[],[]]
λ> let w = y ++ [3]
λ> [x,w,z]
But that's not very extensible, and it doesn't solve the problem you pose ("with specific index"). What if later on we want to change the thousandth item of a list? I'm not too keen on matching that many pieces. Fortunately, we know a little something about lists—index n in list xs is index n+1 in list x:xs. So we can recurse, moving one step along the list and decrementing our index each step of the way:
foo :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
foo 0 (x:xs) = TODO -- Index 0 is x. We have arrived; here, we concatenate with [3] before restructuring the list.
foo n (x:xs) = x : foo (n-1) xs
foo n [] = TODO -- Up to you how you would like to handle invalid indices. Consider the function error.
Implement the first of those three yourself, assuming you're operating on index zero. Make sure you understand the recursive call in the second. Then read on.
Now, this works. It's not all that useful, though—it performs a predetermined computation on a specified item in a list of one particular type. It's time to generalize. What we want is a function of the following type signature:
bar :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
where bar f n xs applies the transformation f to the value at index n in the list xs. With this, we can implement the function from before:
foo n xs = bar (++[3]) n xs
foo = bar (++[3]) -- Alternatively, with partial application
And believe it or not, changing the foo you already wrote into the much more useful bar is a very simple task. Give it a try!

Calculating the difference between two strings

I have two strings
a :: [String]
a = ["A1","A2","B3","C3"]
b :: [String]
b = ["A1","B2","B3","D5"]
And I want to calculate the difference between two strings based on the first character and second character and combination of two characters.
If the combination of two elements are the same, it would be calculate as 1
The function I declared is
calcP :: [String] -> [String] -> (Int,[String])
calcP (x:xs) (y:ys) = (a,b)
a = 0 in
b = ????
I know that I should have a increment variable to count the correct element, and where I should put it in? For now I totally have no idea about how to do that, can anyone give me some hint??
The desired result would be
How should I do that?
I assume that the lists have the same size.
The differences between the two lists
Let's focus on the main part of the problem:
Prelude> a=["A1","A2","B3","C3"]
Prelude> b=["A1","B2","B3","D5"]
First, notice that the zip method zips two lists. If you use it on a and b, you get:
Prelude> zip a b
Ok. It's now time to compare the terms one to one. There are many ways to do it.
Prelude> filter(\(x,y)->x/=y)(zip a b)
The lambda function returns True if the elements of the pair are different (/= operator). Thus, the filter keeps only the pairs that don't match.
It's ok, but you have to do a little more job to keep only the second element of each pair.
Prelude> map(snd)(filter(\(x,y)->x/=y)(zip a b))
map(snd) applies snd, which keeps only the second element of a pair, to every discordant pair.
A fold is more generic, and may be used to implement a filter. Let's see how:
Prelude> foldl(\l(x,y)->if x==y then l else l++[y])[](zip a b)
The lambda function takes every pair (x,y) and compares the two elements. If they have the same value, the accumulator list remains the identical, but if the values are different, the accumulator list is augmented by the second element.
List comprehension
This is more compact, and should seem obvious to every Python programmer:
Prelude> [y|(x,y)<-zip a b, x/=y] -- in Python [y for (x,y) in zip(a,b) if x!= y]
The number of elements
You want a pair with the number of elements and the elements themselves.
With a fold, it's easy but cumbersome: you will use a slightly more complicated accumulator, that stores simultaneously the differences (l) and the number of those differences (n).
Prelude> foldl(\(n,l)(x,y)->if x==y then (n,l) else (n+1,l++[y]))(0,[])$zip a b
But you can use the fact that your output is redundant: you want a list preceeded by the length of that list. Why not apply a lambda that does the job?
Prelude> (\x->(length x,x))[1,2,3]
With a list comprehension, it gives:
Prelude> (\x->(length x,x))[y|(x,y)<-zip a b, x/=y]
Bind operator
Finally, and for the fun, you don't need to build the lambda this way. You could do:
Prelude> ((,)=<<length)[y|(x,y)<-zip a b,x/=y]
What happens here? (,) is a operator that makes a pair from two elements:
Prelude> (,) 1 2
and ((,)=<<length) : 1. takes a list (technically a Foldable) and passes it to the length function; 2. the list and the length are then passed by =<< (the "bind" operator) to the (,) operator, hence the expected result.
Partial conclusion
"There is more than than one way to do it" (but it's not Perl!)
Haskell offers a lot of builtins functions and operators to handle this kind of basic manipulation.
What about doing it recursively? If two elements are the same, the first element of the resulting tuple is incremented; otherwise, the second element of the resulting tuple is appended by the mismatched element:
calcP :: [String] -> [String] -> (Int,[String])
calcP (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x == y = increment (calcP xs ys)
| otherwise = append y (calcP xs ys)
increment (count, results) = (count + 1, results)
append y (count, results) = (count, y:results)
calcP [] x = (0, x)
calcP x [] = (0, [])
a = ["A1","A2","B3","C3"]
b = ["A1","B2","B3","D5"]
main = print $ calcP a b
The printed result is (2,["B2","D5"])
Note, that
calcP [] x = (0, x)
calcP x [] = (0, [])
are needed to provide exhaustiveness for the pattern matching. In other words, you need to provide the case when one of the passed elements is an empty list. This also provides the following logic:
If the first list is greater than the second one on n elements, these n last elements are ignored.
If the second list is greater than the first one on n elements, these n last elements are appended to the second element of the resulting tuple.
I'd like to propose a very different method than the other folks: namely, compute a "summary statistic" for each pairing of elements between the two lists, and then combine the summaries into your desired result.
First some imports.
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
For us, the summary statistic is how many matches there are, together with the list of mismatches from the second argument:
type Statistic = (Sum Int, [String])
I've used Sum Int instead of Int to specify how statistics should be combined. (Other options here include Product Int, which would multiply together the values instead of adding them.) We can compute the summary of a single pairing quite simply:
summary :: String -> String -> Statistic
summary a b | a == b = (1, [ ])
| otherwise = (0, [b])
Combining the summaries for all the elements is just a fold:
calcP :: [String] -> [String] -> Statistic
calcP as bs = fold (zipWith summary as bs)
In ghci:
> calcP ["A1", "A2", "B3", "C3"] ["A1", "B2", "B3", "D5"]
(Sum {getSum = 2},["B2","D5"])
This general pattern (of processing elements one at a time into a Monoidal type) is frequently useful, and spotting where it's applicable can greatly simplify your code.

List of integers to single integer - Haskell

I seem to be struggling with something that should be extremely simple in Haskell, but I just cannot figure it out and I need some help. I am trying to convert a list of integers ([3,2,1]) and convert it to a single integer (321).
Here is what I have so far:
fromDigits :: [Integer] -> Integer
fromDigits [] = 0;
fromDigits (x:xs) = x : fromDigits (xs)
What am I doing wrong?
You can use the worker wrapper approach to do this:
fromDigits :: [Integer] -> Integer
fromDigits xs = aux xs 0
where aux [] acc = acc
aux (x:xs) acc = aux xs ((acc * 10) + x)
λ> fromDigits [3,2,1]
Or even you can use the higher order function foldl:
λ> foldl' (\acc x -> (acc * 10) + x) 0 [1,2,3]
This is not a conversion. The list [3,2,1] may “look” like the number 321, but it's not a one-to-one relation (as Greg alluded – [32,1] looks like the same number), and most certainly not a canonical one (why would you use base 10? Is this actually hexadecimal?) Hence there is really no reason why this should be particularly simple in Haskell1. This is not JavaScript, fortunately.
Repeat of message... it looks like the number 321, and that's all, it's not related to the number in really any meaningful way. So, if you really need to implement this function of questionable worth (I think you shouldn't), then you might as well do the hack to actually exploit the “looks like” thing. I.e.,
fromDigits = read . filter (not . (`elem`"[,]")) . show
This uses the Show instance of lists, to convert the list [3,2,1] into an actual string "[3,2,1]", then throws away the list-related characters, and reads the concatenated string "321" back, yielding the number 321.
1Apart from the fact that it's generally quite simple to implement pure functions in Haskell...

Type error in generator , haskell list using tuple

Currently working with Haskell on a function that takes a String in parameters and return a list of (Char, Int) The function occur works with multiple type and is used in the function called word.
occur::Eq a=>a->[a]->Int
occur n [] = 0
occur n (x:xs) = if n == x
then 1 + occur n xs
else occur n xs
word xs = [(x,y) | x<-head xs, y<-(occur x xs)]
Get me this error
ERROR "file.hs":31 - Type error in generator
*** Term : head xs
*** Type : Char
*** Does not match : [a]
What am I doing wrong ? How can I make this code run properly , type-wise ?
The problem is you say that xs has type String, so head xs has type Char, and then you try to iterate over a single Char, which can't be done. The a <- b syntax only works when b is a list. You have the same problem in that y <- occur x xs is trying to iterate over a single Int, not a list of Int. You also had a problem in your type signature, the first type in the tuple should be Char, not String. You can fix it with:
word :: String -> [(Char, Int)]
word xs = [(x, occur x xs) | x <- xs]
Here we loop over the entire string xs, and for each character x in xs we compute occur x xs.
I would actually recommend using a slightly stronger constraint than just Eq. If you generalize word (that I've renamed to occurrences) and constrain it with Ord, you can use group and sort, which allow you to keep from iterating over the list repeatedly for each character and avoid the O(n^2) complexity. You can also simplify the definition pretty significantly:
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
occurrences :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences = map (head &&& length) . group . sort
What this does is first sort your list, then group by identical elements. So "Hello, world" turns into
> sort "Hello, world"
" ,Hdellloorw"
> group $ sort "Hello, world"
[" ", ",", "H", "d", "e", "lll", "oo", "r", "w"]
Then we use the arrow operator &&& which takes two functions, applies a single input to both, then return the results as a tuple. So head &&& length is the same as saying
\x -> (head x, length x)
and we map this over our sorted, grouped list:
> map (head &&& length) $ group $ sort "Hello, world"
[(' ',1),(',',1),('H',1),('d',1),('e',1),('l',3),('o',2),('r',1),('w',1)]
This eliminates repeats, you aren't having to scan the list over and over counting the number of elements, and it can be defined in a single line in the pointfree style, which is nice. However, it does not preserve order. If you need to preserve order, I would then use sortBy and the handy function comparing from Data.Ord (but we lose a nice point free form):
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
occurrences :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences = map (head &&& length) . group . sort
occurrences' :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
occurrences' xs = sortBy (comparing ((`elemIndex` xs) . fst)) $ occurrences xs
You can almost read this as plain English. This sorts by comparing the index in xs of the first element of the tuples in occurrences xs. Even though elemIndex returns a value of type Maybe Int, we can still compare those directly (Nothing is "less than" any Just value). It simply looks up the first index of each letter in the original string and sorts by that index. That way
> occurrences' "Hello, world"
[('H',1),('e',1),('l',3),('o',2),(',',1),(' ',1),('w',1),('r',1),('d',1)]
with all the letters in the original order, up to repetition.

Convert list of Integers into one Int (like concat) in haskell

Pretty much what the title says. I have a list of Integers like so: [1,2,3]. I want to change this in to the Integer 123. My first thought was concat but that doesn't work because it's of the wrong type, I've tried various things but usually I just end up returning the same list. Any help greatly appreciated.
Also I have found a way to print the right thing (putStr) except I want the type to be Integer and putStr doesn't do that.
You can use foldl to combine all the elements of a list:
fromDigits = foldl addDigit 0
where addDigit num d = 10*num + d
The addDigit function is called by foldl to add the digits, one after another, starting from the leftmost one.
*Main> fromDigits [1,2,3]
foldl walks through the list from left to right, adding the elements to accumulate some value.
The second argument of foldl, 0 in this case, is the starting value of the process. In the first step, that starting value is combined with 1, the first element of the list, by calling addDigit 0 1. This results in 10*0+1 = 1. In the next step this 1 is combined with the second element of the list, by addDigit 1 2, giving 10*1+2 = 12. Then this is combined with the third element of the list, by addDigit 12 3, resulting in 10*12+3 = 123.
So pointlessly multiplying by zero is just the first step, in the following steps the multiplication is actually needed to add the new digits "to the end" of the number getting accumulated.
You could concat the string representations of the numbers, and then read them back, like so:
joiner :: [Integer] -> Integer
joiner = read . concatMap show
This worked pretty well for me.
read (concat (map show (x:xs))) :: Int
How function reads:
Step 1 - convert each int in the list to a string
(map show (x:xs))
Step 2 - combine each of those strings together
(concat (step 1))
Step 3 - read the string as the type of int
read (step 2) :: Int
Use read and also intToDigit:
joinInt :: [Int] -> Int
joinInt l = read $ map intToDigit l
Has the advantage (or disadvantage) of puking on multi-digit numbers.
Another idea would be to say: the last digit counts for 1, the next-to last counts for 10, the digit before that counts for 100, etcetera. So to convert a list of digits to a number, you need to reverse it (in order to start at the back), multiply the digits together with the corresponding powers of ten, and add the result together.
To reverse a list, use reverse, to get the powers of ten you can use iterate (*10) 1 (try it in GHCi or Hugs!), to multiply corresponding digits of two lists use zipWith (*) and to add everything together, use sum - it really helps to know a few library functions! Putting the bits together, you get
fromDigits xs = sum (zipWith (*) (reverse xs) (iterate (*10) 1))
Example of evaluation:
fromDigits [1,2,3,4]
==> sum (zipWith (*) (reverse [1,2,3,4]) [1,10,100,1000, ....]
==> sum (zipWith (*) [4,3,2,1] [1,10,100,1000, ....])
==> sum [4 * 1, 3 * 10, 2 * 100, 1 * 1000]
==> 4 + 30 + 200 + 1000
==> 1234
However, this solution is slower than the ones with foldl, due to the call to reverse and since you're building up those powers of ten only to use them directly again. On the plus side, this way of building numbers is closer to the way people usually think (at least I do!), while the foldl-solutions in essence use Horner's rule.
join :: Integral a => [a] -> a
join [x] = x
join (x:xs) = (x * (10 ^ long)) + join(xs)
where long = length(x:xs)
We can define the function called join, that given a list of Integral numbers it can return another Integral number. We are using recursion to separate the head of the given list with the rest of the list and we use pattern matching to define an edge condition so that the recursion can end.
As for how to print the number, instead of
putStr n
just try
putStr (show n)
The reasoning is that putStr can only print strings. So you need to convert the number to a string before passing it in.
You may also want to try the print function from Prelude. This one can print anything that is "showable" (any instance of class Show), not only Strings. But be aware that print n corresponds (roughly) to putStrLn (show n), not putStr (show n).
I'm no expert in Haskell, but this is the easiest way I can think of for a solution to this problem that doesn't involve using any other external functions.
concatDigits :: [Int] -> Int
concatDigits [] = 0
concatDigits xs = concatReversed (reverseDigits xs) 1
reverseDigits :: [Int] -> [Int]
reverseDigits [] = []
reverseDigits (x:xs) = (reverseDigits xs) ++ [x]
concatReversed :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
concatReversed [] d = 0
concatReversed (x:xs) d = (x*d) + concatReversed xs (d*10)
As you can see, I've assumed you're trying to concat a list of digits. If by any chance this is not your case, I'm pretty sure this won't work. :(
In my solution, first of all I've defined a function called reverseDigits, which reverses the original list. For example [1,2,3] to [3,2,1]
After that, I use a concatReversed function which takes a list of digits and number d, which is the result of ten power the first digit on the list position. If the list is empty it returns 0, and if not, it returns the first digit on the list times d, plus the call to concatReversed passing the rest of the list and d times 10.
Hope the code speaks for itself, because I think my poor English explanation wasn't very helpful.
After a long time, I see my solution is very messy, as it requires reversing the list in order to be able to multiply each digit by 10 power the index of the digit in the list, from right to left. Now knowing tuples, I see that a much better approach is to have a function that receives both the accumulated converted part, and the remainder of the list, so in each invocation in multiplies the accumulated part by 10, and then adds the current digit.
concatDigits :: [Int] -> Int
concatDigits xs = aggregate (xs, 0)
where aggregate :: ([Int], Int) -> Int
aggregate ([], acc) = acc
aggregate (x:xs, acc) = aggregate (xs, (acc * 10 + x))