Dijkstra's algorithm with an 2d-array - c++

For the past few days I've tried to implement this algorithm. This far I've managed to make a dynamic 2d array and insert the distances between nodes, a function to remove a path between nodes and a function that tells me if there is a path between two nodes.
Now I would like to implement a function that returns the shortest path from node A to node B. I know how dijkstras algorithm works and I've read the pseudo code on wiki without being able to write any code my self. I'm really stuck here.
I've been thinking about how the code should look like and what should happen thats why I've made that function that tells me if theres a path between two nodes. Do I need any more help functions which would make implementing of dijkstras easier?
For now I have only 3 nodes but the code I would like to write needs to work in general for n nodes.
Any kind of help is appreciated.

You are probably thinking to much.
You need 2 things. A clean graph structure you understand. A good description of the algorithm you understand.
If you have both. Just start writing some code. Helpers needed will become obvious on the way.
-- edit --
You will probably need some of the following datastructures

I found several codes for this algorithm, but maybe it is better the simplest one in order to undertand it better, so you can check the differences between yours and this one, and complete yours. It is always better to program your way.
Have a look at this one and see if it helps.
Good luck.

Edit: Code deleted, and I'm going to give hints:
Store graph as list of adjacency lists of each vertex. (something like this vector < vector < pair<int,int> > > g (n);)
Use some data-structure to keep track what is the vertex with minimal distance in current state. (maybe set, or priority_queue to have O(m log(n)) complexity)
Each time take high_priority vertex (vertex with minimal current distance), delete it from your data_structure and update distances of adjacent to deleted one vertexes.
Note: If you want to get minimal path as well, then keep some vector<int> previous and each time when updating distance of vertex (say v) set previous[v] = index of vertex from where you came here. Your path is last, prev[last], prev[prev[last]],...,first in reversed order.


Is this a bad way to implement a graph?

When I look at a book, I only show examples of how to implement graphs in almost every book by adjacent matrix method and adjacent list method.
I'm trying to create a node-based editor, in which case the number of edges that stretch out on each node is small, but there's a lot of vertex.
So I'm trying to implement the adjacent list method rather than the adjacent matrix method.
However, adjacent lists store and use each edge as a connection list.
But, I would like to use the node in the form listed below.
class GraphNode
int x, y;
dataType data;
vector<GraphNode*> in;
vector<GraphNode*> out;
GraphNode(var...) = 0;
So like this, I want to make the node act as a vertex and have access to other nodes that are connected.
Because when I create a node-based editor program, I have to access and process different nodes that are connected to each node.
I want to implement this without using a linked list.
And, I'm going to use graph algorithms in this state.
Is this a bad method?
Lastly, I apologize for my poor English.
Thank you for reading.
You're just missing the point of the difference between adjacency list and adjacency matrix. The main point is the complexity of operations, like finding edges or iterating over them. If you compare a std::list and a std::vector as datatype implementing an adjacency list, both have a complexity of O(n) (n being the number of edges) for these operations, so they are equivalent.
Other considerations:
If you're modifying the graph, insertion and deletion may be relevant as well. In that case, you may prefer a linked list.
I said that the two are equivalent, but generally std::vector has a better locality of reference and less memory overhead, so it performs better. The general rule in C++ is to use std::vector for any sequential container, until profiling has shown that it is a bottleneck.
Short answer: It is probably a reasonable way for implementing a graph.
Long answer: What graph data structure to use is always dependent on what you want to use it for. A adjacency matrix is good for very dense graphs were it will not waste space due to many 0 entries and if we want to answer the question "Is there an edge between A and B?" fast. The iteration over all members of a node can take pretty long, since it has to look at a whole row and not just the neighbors.
An adjacency list is good for sparse graphs and if we mostly want to look up all neighbors of a node (which is very often the case for graph mustering algorithms). In a directed graph were we want to treat ingoing and outgoing edges seperately, it is probably a good idea to have a seperate adjacency list for ingoing and outgoing egdes (as has your code).
Regarding what container to use for the list, it depends on the use case. If you will much more often iterate over the graph and not so often delete something from it, using a vector over a list is a very good idea (basically all graph programms I ever wrote were of this type). If you have a graph that changes very often, you have to delete edges very often, you don't want to have iterator invalidation and so on, maybe it is better having a list. But that is very seldom the case.
A good design would be to make it very easy to change between list and vector so you can easily profile both and then use what is better for your program.
Btw if you often delete one edge, this is also pretty easily done fast with a vector, if you do not care about the order of your edges in adjacency list (so do not do this without thinking while iterating over the vector):
void delte_in_edge(size_t index) {
std::swap(in[i], in.back()); // The element to be deleted is now at the last position,
// the formerly last element is at position i
in.pop_back(); // Delete the current last element
This has O(1) complexity (and the swap is probably pretty fast).

Finding path in a char array

I am working on a project and I've found myself in a position where I have a n x n char array of signs a,b or c I have to check if there is a path of b's between the first and the last row.
Example YES input:
I am stuck at this point? Should I adapt some well-known algorithm for graph searching or is there any better way of solving this problem? Should I add a bool array to mark which cell I have visited?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Yes, you should adopt a graph algorithm for finding the path from a source to the target. In your case you have multiple sources (all 'b's in the first row) and multiple targets ('b's in the last row).
Shortest path on an unweighted graph can be solved pretty efficiently by the easily implemented BFS. Only difference to handle multiple sources is to initialize the queue with all the 'b's on the first line (and not a single node).
In your graph every 'b' cell is a node, there is an edge between every two adjacent 'b' cells.
Note that BFS is complete (always finds a solution if one exists) and optimal (finds shortest path).
The easiest way to do this is to allocate an equally sized, zero filled 2D array, mark the start points, and do a flood fill using the char array as a guide. When the flood fill terminates, you can easily check whether an end point has been marked.
A flood fill may be implemented in several ways, how you do it doesn't really matter as long as your problem size is small.
Generally, the easiest way is to do it in a recursive fashion. The only problem with a recursive flood fill is the huge recursion depth that can result, so it really depends on the problem size whether a recursive version is applicable.
If time is not important, you may simply do it iteratively, going through the entire array several times, marking points that have marked neighbours and are bs, until an iteration does not mark any point.
If you need to handle huge arrays efficiently, you should go for a breadth-first flood fill, keeping a queue of frontier pixels which you process in a first-in-first-out manner.

Boost::graph Dijkstra : initially populating the queue

I'm using boost::graph and its Dijkstra implementation.
I want to compute THE shortest path from a set of vertices to another set of vertices.
I do not want to compute all the possible paths between those sets.
The idea is the following : I'm in a building with entrances on various streets. So I can start my journey on any of those streets. But I'm only interested in the shortest one.
If I had used my own implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm, I would have done the following:
For each start node, the distance map to 0
Add the start node to the priority queue.
While it's easy to set the distance map to 0 using boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_init, I cannot figure out how to add the node to the priority queue.
I looked into the source code, and it seems pretty much impossible.
So I'm thinking of defining my own Combine functor that will return a 0 distance if I reach one of the start nodes, but it seems rather ugly.
I could create a virtual node, and add edges from the virtual node to starting nodes. However, this triggers some concurrent access problems I would like to avoid.
Did I miss a possibility in the boost library, or does someone know of a clever workaround. I'm also thinking of patching boost to allow a custom initialization of the priority queue.
I've not used boost::graph, and I hope somebody with better knowledge of it will give a better answer, but perhaps you could create a graph type that wraps the existing graph, leaving the original unmodified, but exposing to the algorithm a view that includes your virtual nodes and edges? If not, is it infeasible to copy the whole graph?

Data structure for a random world

So, I was thinking about making a simple random world generator. This generator would create a starting "cell" that would have between one and four random exits (in the cardinal directions, something like a maze). After deciding those exits, I would generate a new random "cell" at each of those exits, and repeat whenever a player would get near a part of the world that had not yet been generated. This concept would allow a "infinite" world of sorts, all randomly generated; however, I am unsure of how to best represent this internally.
I am using C++ (which doesn't really matter, I could implement any sort of data structure necessary). At first I thought of using a sort of directed graph in which each node would have directed edges to each cell surrounding it, but this probably won't work well if a user finds a spot in the world, backtracks, and comes back to that spot from another direction. The world might do some weird things, such as generate two cells at one location.
Any ideas on what kind of data structure might be the most effective for such a situation? Or am I doing something really dumb with my random world generation?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I recommend you read about graphs. This is exactly an application of random graph generation. Instead of 'cell' and 'exit' you are describing 'node' and 'edge'.
Plus, then you can do things like shortest path analysis, cycle detection and all sorts of other useful graph theory application.
This will help you understand about the nodes and edges:
and here is a finished application of these concepts. I implemented this in a OOP way - each node knew about it's edges to other nodes. A popular alternative is to implement this using an adjacency list. I think the adjacency list concept is basically what user470379 described with his answer. However, his map solution allows for infinite graphs, while a traditional adjacency list does not. I love graph theory, and this is a perfect application of it.
Good luck!
-Brian J. Stianr-
A map< pair<int,int>, cell> would probably work well; the pair would represent the x,y coordinates. If there's not a cell in the map at those coordinates, create a new cell. If you wanted to make it truly infinite, you could replace the ints with an arbitrary length integer class that you would have to provide (such as a bigint)
If the world's cells are arranged in a grid, you can easily give them cartesian coordinates. If you keep a big list of existing cells, then before determining exits from a given cell, you can check that list to see if any of its neighbors already exist. If they do, and you don't want to have 1-way doors (directed graph?) then you'll have to take their exits into account. If you don't mind having chutes in your game, you can still choose exits randomly, just make sure that you link to existing cells if they're there.
Optimization note: checking a hash table to see if it contains a particular key is O(1).
Couldn't you have a hash (or STL set) that stored a collection of all grid coordinates that contain occupied cells?
Then when you are looking at creating a new cell, you can quickly check to see if the candidate cell location is already occupied.
(if you had finite space, you could use a 2d array - I think I saw this in a Byte magazine article back in ~1980-ish, but if I understand correctly, you want a world that could extend indefinitely)

Find a cycle in an undirected graph (boost) and return its vertices and edges

I need a functions thats find a cycle in an undirected graph (boost) and returns its vertices and edges. It needs only return the vertices/edges of one cycle in the graph.
My question is - what is the best way to do this using with boost? I am not experienced using it.
I do not know Boost, but here is the answer from S.O. at a conceptual level:
Here is my guess: walk through the graph using BFS. On every node note its "depth" and add a reference to a "parent" (should be only one even if there are many cycles). Once you discover that a link from A to B creates a cycle (because B is already colored), then:
1) Backtrack from A back to the root, save the edges / vertices along the way.
2) Backtrack from B back to the root, save the edges / vertices along the way.
3) Add A, B, AB
4) "Sort" to restore the proper order. Consider using a LIFO (stack) for 1) and a FIFO for 2)
I hope this helps.
Generally you can do this with a depth first search. I'm not intimately familiar with boost's graphing facilities but this page will give you an overview of the algorithm.
If you want to find a cycle, then using depth first search should do just fine. The DFS visitor has a back_edge function. When it's called, you have an edge in the cycle. You can then walk the predecessor map to reconstruct the cycle. Note that:
There's the strong_components function, to find, well, strong components
Finding all cycles, as opposed to a cycle, is much harder problem, and I believe Boost.Graph does not have a implementation for that at present