Why was pair range access removed from C++11? - c++

I just discovered that at one point, the C++11 draft had std::begin/std::end overloads for std::pair that allowed treating a pair of iterators as a range suitable for use in a range-based for loop (N3126, section, but this has since been removed.
Does anyone know why it was removed?
I find the removal very unfortunate, because it seems there is no other way to treat a pair of iterators as a range. Indeed:
The lookup rules for begin/end in a range-based for loop say that begin/end are looked for in 1) as member functions of the range object 2) as free functions in "associated namespaces"
std::pair does not have begin/end member functions
The only associated namespace for std::pair<T, U> in general is namespace std
We are not allowed to overload std::begin/std::end for std::pair ourselves
We cannot specialize std::begin/std::end for std::pair (because the specialization would have to be partial and that's not allowed for functions)
Is there some other way that I am missing?

I think the 2009 paper "Pairs do not make good ranges" by Alisdair Meredith is at least part of the answer. Basically, many algorithms return pairs of iterators that are actually not guaranteed to be valid ranges. It seems they removed the support for pair<iterator,iterator> from the for-range loop for this reason. However, the proposed solution has not been fully adopted.
If you know for certain that some pair of iterators really represents a valid range then you could wrap them into a custom type which offers begin()/end() member functions:
template<class Iter>
struct iter_pair_range : std::pair<Iter,Iter> {
iter_pair_range(std::pair<Iter,Iter> const& x)
: std::pair<Iter,Iter>(x)
Iter begin() const {return this->first;}
Iter end() const {return this->second;}
template<class Iter>
inline iter_pair_range<Iter> as_range(std::pair<Iter,Iter> const& x)
{ return iter_pair_range<Iter>(x); }
int main() {
multimap<int,int> mm;
for (auto& p : as_range(mm.equal_range(42))) {
I agree this is a bit of a wart. Functions which return valid ranges (like equal_range) should say so using an appropriate return type. It's a bit embarrasing that we have to manually confirm this via something like as_range above.

You can use boost::make_iterator_range.
It constructs an iterator_range with begin() and end() methods.
boost::make_iterator_range can accept std::pair of iterators.

expanding on the above answer using c++11 optimisations:
#include <utility>
template<class Iter>
struct range_t : public std::pair<Iter, Iter> {
using pair_t = std::pair<Iter, Iter>;
range_t(pair_t&& src)
: std::pair<Iter, Iter>(std::forward<pair_t>(src))
using std::pair<Iter, Iter>::first;
using std::pair<Iter, Iter>::second;
Iter begin() const { return first; }
Iter end() const { return second; }
template<class Iter>
range_t<Iter> range(std::pair<Iter, Iter> p) {
return range_t<Iter>(std::move(p));
template<class Iter>
range_t<Iter> range(Iter i1, Iter i2) {
return range_t<Iter>(std::make_pair(std::move(i1), std::move(i2)));
// TEST:
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
int main() {
multiset<int> mySet { 6,4,5,5,5,3,3,67,8,89,7,5,45,4,3 };
cout << "similar elements: ";
for (const auto&i : range(mySet.lower_bound(5), mySet.upper_bound(10))) {
cout << i << ",";
cout << "\n";
int count = 0, sum = 0;
for (const auto& i: range(mySet.equal_range(5)))
sum += i;
cout << "5 appears " << count << " times\n"
<< "the sum is " << sum << "\n";
return 0;


How to use the range version of `transform()` with two ranges?

The header <algorithm> contains a version of std::transform() taking a two input sequences, an output sequence, and a binary function as parameters, e.g.:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> v0{1, 2, 3};
std::vector<int> v1{4, 5, 6};
std::vector<int> result;
std::transform(v0.begin(), v0.end(), v1.begin(), std::back_inserter(result),
[](auto a, auto b){ return a + b; });
std::copy(result.begin(), result.end(),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << '\n';
C++20 introduced range algoirthms which does include std::ranges::views::transform(R, F) and its implementation std::ranges::views::transform_view. I can see how to use this transform() with one range, e.g.:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> v0{1, 2, 3};
for (auto x: std::ranges::views::transform(v0, [](auto a){ return a + 3; })) {
std::cout << x << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
However, there is no version supporting more than one range. So, the question becomes: How to use the range version of transform() with two (or more) ranges? On objective of this approach is to benefit from the lazy evaluation of views and avoid the creation of an intermediate sequence (result in the non-ranges version above). A potential use could look like this (putting the function argument in front to make it easier for a potential solution allowing even more than two ranges):
for (auto v: envisioned::transform([](auto a, auto b){ return a + b; }, v0, v1) {
std::cout << v << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
The way you would like to use transform, where you take an arbitrary number of input ranges is not possible directly with what's available in <algorithm> as of C++20. You can of course write such an algorithm yourself without too much effort.
The example with 2 input ranges can be implemented in C++20 like this:
std::ranges::transform(v0, v1,
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "),
Here's a demo, and this is specifically the last overload of transform listed here.
There is unfortunately no way to write the equivalent version like this:
for (auto v : std::views::transform(v0, v1, std::plus{})) // no, unfortunately
std::cout << v << " ";
but the above implementation does the same thing. It certainly satisfies your requirements of not having to store the results separately; they can be printed as they're generated.
What you're looking for is the algorithm that range-v3 calls zip_with and what we are proposing in P2214 to add to C++23 under the name zip_transform. There is no such algorithm in C++20.
Until then, the range-v3 version is exactly your use-case:
for (auto v : zip_with([](auto a, auto b){ return a + b; }, v0, v1)) {
std::cout << v << ' ';
It can handle an arbitrary number of ranges.
Note that there is no piping version here, just as there is not with regular zip.
The answer blow is how I envisioned to answer the question and I think it still contains some interesting bits on how to actually implement a view. It turns out that P2214 mentioned in #Barry's answer has an interesting view (zip_transform) which does an intermediate step of the solution posted below but actually fully covers the functionality needed to do a multi-range transform!
It seems there are essentially two ingredients to using std::ranges::views::transform() with multiple ranges:
Some way to zip the objects at the corresponding positions of the ranges into a std::tuple, probably retaining the value category of the respective values.
Instead of using an n-ary function to take the elements of the range as parameters the function would rather use a std::tuple and possibly use that to call a corresponding n-ary function.
Using this idea would allow creating a version of transform() dealing with an arbitrary number of ranges, although it is easier to take the function object first rather than extract the last element of a parameter pack:
auto transform(auto&& fun, auto&&... ranges)
return std::ranges::views::transform(zip(std::forward<decltype(ranges)>(ranges)...),
[fun = std::forward<decltype(fun)>(fun)]
(auto&& t){ return std::apply(fun, std::forward<decltype(t)>(t)); });
The zip view used by this implementation can be implemented in terms of std::tuple:
template <typename... Range>
struct zip_view
: std::ranges::view_base
template <typename V>
struct rvalue_view
std::shared_ptr<std::decay_t<V>> view;
rvalue_view() = default;
rvalue_view(V v): view(new std::decay_t<V>(std::move(v))) {}
auto begin() const { return this->view->begin(); }
auto end() const { return this->view->end(); }
template <typename T>
using element_t = std::conditional_t<
using storage_t = std::tuple<element_t<Range>...>;
using value_type = std::tuple<std::ranges::range_reference_t<std::remove_reference_t<Range>>...>;
using reference = value_type;
using difference_type = std::common_type_t<std::ranges::range_difference_t<Range>...>;
storage_t ranges;
template <typename> struct base;
template <std::size_t... I>
struct base<std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, I...>>
using value_type = zip_view::value_type;
using reference = zip_view::value_type;
using pointer = value_type*;
using difference_type = std::common_type_t<std::ranges::range_difference_t<Range>...>;
using iterator_category = std::common_type_t<std::random_access_iterator_tag,
typename std::iterator_traits<std::ranges::iterator_t<Range>>::iterator_category...>;
using iterators_t = std::tuple<std::ranges::iterator_t<Range>...>;
iterators_t iters;
reference operator*() const { return {*std::get<I>(iters)...}; }
reference operator[](difference_type n) const { return {std::get<I>(iters)[n]...}; }
void increment() { (++std::get<I>(iters), ...); }
void decrement() { (--std::get<I>(iters), ...); }
bool equals(base const& other) const {
return ((std::get<I>(iters) == std::get<I>(other.iters)) || ...);
void advance(difference_type n){ ((std::get<I>(iters) += n), ...); }
base(): iters() {}
base(const storage_t& s, auto f): iters(f(std::get<I>(s))...) {}
struct iterator
: base<std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Range)>>
using base<std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Range)>>::base;
iterator& operator++() { this->increment(); return *this; }
iterator operator++(int) { auto rc(*this); operator++(); return rc; }
iterator& operator--() { this->decrement(); return *this; }
iterator operator--(int) { auto rc(*this); operator--(); return rc; }
iterator& operator+= (difference_type n) { this->advance(n); return *this; }
iterator& operator-= (difference_type n) { this->advance(-n); return *this; }
bool operator== (iterator const& other) const { return this->equals(other); }
auto operator<=> (iterator const& other) const {
return std::get<0>(this->iters) <=> std::get<0>(other.iters);
friend iterator operator+ (iterator it, difference_type n) { return it += n; }
friend iterator operator+ (difference_type n, iterator it) { return it += n; }
friend iterator operator- (iterator it, difference_type n) { return it -= n; }
friend difference_type operator- (iterator it0, iterator it1) {
return std::get<0>(it0.iters) - std::get<0>(it1.iters);
zip_view(): ranges() {}
template <typename... R>
zip_view(R&&... ranges): ranges(std::forward<R>(ranges)...) {}
iterator begin() const { return iterator(ranges, [](auto& r){ return std::ranges::begin(r); }); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(ranges, [](auto& r){ return std::ranges::end(r); }); }
auto zip(auto&&... ranges)
-> zip_view<decltype(ranges)...>
return {std::forward<decltype(ranges)>(ranges)...};
This implementation makes some decisions about the value_type and the reference type and how to keep track of the different ranges. Other choices may be more reasonable (P2214 makes slightly different, probably better, choices). The only tricky bit in this implementation is operating on the std::tuples which requires a parameter pack containing indices or a suitable set of algorithms on std::tuples.
With all of that in place a multi-range transform can be used nicely, e.g.:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <ranges>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// zip_view, zip, and transform as above
int main()
std::vector<int> v0{1, 2, 3};
std::vector<int> v1{4, 5, 6};
std::vector<int> v2{7, 8, 9};
for (auto x: transform([](auto a, auto b, auto c){ return a + b + c; }, v0, v1, v2)) {
std::cout << x << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';

boost::transform_iterator and std::iter_swap

I am trying to generalize a function I have which used to take two iterators to a vector of a specific data-structure, and re-arrange the elements in a certain way using std::iter_swap (like std::sort does).
Since this function only actually needs a subset of the data, and I will need to use it in other contexts in the future, I thought about removing the dependency on the data structure, and use boost::transform_iterator at the point of call to handle the transformation.
Unfortunately, it seems that boost::transform_iterator is not happy with this change. I can imagine why: std::iter_swap is usually implemented as std::swap(*lhs, *rhs), and dereferencing the transform_iterator does not yield the original element to swap in the correct way.
I was wondering if there was a way to handle this case. I am open to use boost::range or the experimental std::ranges ts if it needed.
This question is probably similar to this one, but even there the solution ends up modifying the subset of data the algorithm needs, rather than the outside structure.
Here is an MWE:
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
struct A {
int x;
int y;
template <typename It>
void my_invert(It begin, It end) {
while (begin < end) {
std::iter_swap(begin++, --end);
template <typename It>
void my_print(It begin, It end) {
for (; begin != end; ++begin)
std::cout << (*begin) << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
int main() {
std::vector<int> x{7,6,5,4,3,2};
my_invert(std::begin(x), std::end(x));
my_print(std::begin(x), std::end(x));
auto unwrap = +[](const A & a) { return a.x; };
std::vector<A> y{{9,8}, {7,6}, {5,4}, {3,2}};
auto begin = boost::make_transform_iterator(std::begin(y), unwrap);
auto end = boost::make_transform_iterator(std::end(y), unwrap);
//my_invert(begin, end); // Does not work.
my_print(begin, end);
return 0;
Accessing the underlying iterator
You could access the base() property of transform_iterator (inherited publicly from iterator_adaptor) to implement your custom transform_iter_swap, for swapping the underlying data of the wrapped iterator.
template<class IteratorAdaptor>
void transform_iter_swap(IteratorAdaptor a, IteratorAdaptor b)
std::swap(*a.base(), *b.base());
template <typename It>
void my_invert(It begin, It end) {
while (begin < end) {
transform_iter_swap(begin++, --end);
After which your example (omitting the std::vector part) runs as expected:
my_invert(begin, end); // OK
my_print(begin, end); // 3 5 7 9
If you want a general function template to cover both the boost (adaptor) iterators as well as typical iterators, you could e.g. use if constexpr (C++17) based on whether the iterators public typedef iterator_category derives from boost::iterators::no_traversal_tag or not:
// expand includes with
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_categories.hpp>
template <class It>
void iter_swap(It a, It b) {
if constexpr(std::is_base_of<
typename It::iterator_category>::value) {
std::swap(*a.base(), *b.base());
else {
std::swap(*a, *b);
template <typename It>
void my_invert(It begin, It end) {
while (begin < end) {
iter_swap(begin++, --end);
The problem comes from the unary predicate you've passed. Notice, that since you allow the return type to be deduced, the return type is deduced to be an int, a copy is returned, and the compilation fails when you try to swap two unmodifiable ints. However, if you were to specify the return type to be int&, like so:
auto unwrap = [](A & a)->int& { return a.x; }; // explicitly demand to return ref
It will compile, and reverse the elements. Tested on gcc 8.1.0 and clang 6.0.0.

How to implement end sentinel for back_insert_iterator?

I want to fill a container by consequtive values of iterators to elements of another container (often occured real life problem), say:
std::container1< T > c1{/* initialized */};
std::continer2< typename std::container1< T >::iterator > c2;
auto it = std::begin(c1), const end = std::end(c1);
do { c2.push_back(it); } while (++it != end);
There is attractive std::iota algorithm in STL, but it is range-based and for std::back_inserter(c2) there is no way to achieve desired currently. However in the next versions of STL I can expect the iota algorithm of the form:
template< typename ForwardIterator, typename EndSentinel, typename T >
iota(ForwardIterator first, EndSentinel last, T value)
for (; first != last; ++first) {
*first = value;
How to implement EndSentinel and operator != (ForwardIterator, EndSentinel) to make above iota stop after exactly c1.size() step of the for loop in iota(std::back_inserter(c1), something(c1, c1.size()), std::begin(c1))?
There is no sentinel for std::back_insert_iterator (or any OutputIterator) and also no equality operator, because an output iterator is an "unlimited sequence": You can append elements to the end of a container or write to a file until you run out of memory or disk space.
However, it makes sense to have an output iterator with a sentinel if you need to call an algorithm which expects an "output sentinel" (because not expecting one may be unsafe if the output is a "limited sequence", such as a pre-allocated std::vector). Such an algorithm could look like:
template<typename InIter, typename InSentinel, typename OutIter, typename OutSentinel>
OutIter modernAlgorithm(InIter first, InSentinel last, OutIter outFirst, OutSentinel outLast);
In this case, all you need is a trivial sentinel, which compares unequal to everything. See also this answer.
template<typename T>
struct TrivialSentinel
bool operator==(const T&) { return false; }
bool operator!=(const T&) { return true; }
friend bool operator==(const T&, TrivialSentinel&) { return false; }
friend bool operator!=(const T&, TrivialSentinel&) { return true; }
modernAlgorithm(v.begin(), v.end(), std::back_inserter(r), TrivialSentinel<decltype(std::back_inserter(r))>());
(This may seem odd, but it does make sense if you consider that even if you repeat the same operation *out = expr on the same value of out, the output will be in a different state each time, so in a certain sense, no two output iterators are ever necessarily equivalent...)
However, older algorithms often don't allow the iterator and sentinel to have different types:
template<typename InIter, typename OutIter>
OutIter olderAlgorithm(InIter first, InIter last, OutIter outFirst, OutIter outLast);
In this case, you can write a sub class or wrapper of std::back_insert_iterator, which has a default constructor and always compares unequal to itself.
This is easy in C++20, where std::back_insert_iterator has a default constructor:
// C++20
template<typename C>
struct BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel : public std::back_insert_iterator<C>
BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel() {} // C++20 only
BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel(C& c) : std::back_insert_iterator<C>(c) {}
bool operator==(const BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel&) { return false; }
bool operator!=(const BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel&) { return true; }
template<typename C>
BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel<C> BackInserterWithSentinel(C& c)
return BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel<C>(c);
template<typename C>
BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel<C> BackInserterWithSentinel()
return BackInsertIteratorWithSentinel<C>();
olderAlgorithm(v.begin(), v.end(), BackInserterWithSentinel(r), BackInserterWithSentinel<std::vector<int> >());
Note that even in C++20, std::back_insert_iterator does not have an equality operator.
If you have to support older versions of C++, then you may have to implement your own std::back_insert_iterator from scratch, or use boost::optional or in-place construction to work around the lack of a default constructor.
Full test program for C++20
I dont think you can do it - or maybe I dont understand your question, but..
according to http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/iota, this algorithm works on existing range of elements - so it does not make sense to use it with: std::back_inserter as first iterator which basicly is used to insert elements.
I want to fill a container by consequtive values of iterators to elements of another container
a different solution which uses generate_n:
std::vector<int> src = {0,1,2,3};
std::vector<std::vector<int>::iterator> dst;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(dst), src.size(), [it=src.begin()]() mutable {return it++;});
Your question includes an iota implementation which is different than the one in the standard I believe. Here is the standard version I know http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/iota.
Your iota (which I will rename it as miota in my code) allows different type of iterators for begin and end.
What you want in the algorithm is; end sentinel needs to be different from begin (the inserter) until all values are processed. For processing values you only take one object and you use increment and copy-construction on that object.
Therefore, your end sentinel should know about the value processing and when finished the end sentinel should become equal to the inserter somehow.
I did it via holding begin/end iterators of the original container in a class called IotaHelper. This uses shared_ptr for sharing state with the sentinel class which is called IotaEndSentinel.
When you increment the value inside miota, it actually increments the begin iterator of the IotaHelper. When you check equality with the inserter and the sentinel it actually checks the iterator equality inside the IotaHelper.
All code with a basic example is here:
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
template< typename ForwardIterator, typename EndSentinel, typename T >
void miota(ForwardIterator first, EndSentinel last, T value)
for (; first != last; ++first) {
*first = value;
template<typename Container>
struct IotaHelper
using Iterator = typename Container::iterator;
using IteratorPair = std::pair<Iterator, Iterator>;
IotaHelper(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
pair(std::make_shared<IteratorPair>(begin, end))
{ }
operator Iterator()
return pair->first;
IotaHelper& operator++()
return *this;
std::shared_ptr<IteratorPair> pair;
template<typename Container>
struct IotaEndSentinel
using Helper = IotaHelper<Container>;
using Iterator = typename Helper::Iterator;
IotaEndSentinel(const Helper& helper)
template<typename C>
friend bool operator!=(const std::back_insert_iterator<C>& bii,
const IotaEndSentinel& sentinel)
return sentinel.helper.pair->first != sentinel.helper.pair->second;
Helper helper;
int main()
using Container0 = std::vector<int>;
using Container1 = std::vector<Container0::iterator>;
Container0 c0 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Container1 c1;
IotaHelper<Container0> iotaHelper(c0.begin(), c0.end());
std::cout << "Result: ";
for (auto iter : c1)
std::cout << *iter << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
I have tried to do this because it was fun. But please don't use this method for hacking output iterators like back_insert_iterator and make a generic method for yourself for different containers.
template<typename SourceContainer, typename IteratorContainer>
void FillIterators(SourceContainer& sc, IteratorContainer& ic)
for (auto iter = sc.begin(); iter != sc.end(); ++iter)
ic.insert(ic.end(), iter);
After using heap-allocation that code was smelling to me. Instead of trying to reason about the "value and the process" we can reason about the "iterators and the process".
We can build an iterator-wrapper which contains the process iterator and the insert iterator together.
When the algorithm needs to dereference the wrapper, it will return the insert iterator.
When the algorithm needs to compare to other "wrapper or sentinel", wrapper will compare the process iterator.
In the end we can use such iterator for both std::iota and your miota.
Complete example is here:
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
template< typename ForwardIterator, typename EndSentinel, typename T >
void miota(ForwardIterator first, EndSentinel last, T value)
for (; first != last; ++first) {
*first = value;
template<typename InsertIterator, typename Iterator>
struct InsertWrapper
InsertWrapper(const InsertIterator& inserter, const Iterator& iter)
{ }
bool operator!=(const InsertWrapper& other) const
//only compare process iterators
return iter != other.iter;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& sentinel) const
//compare process iterator against the sentinel
return iter != sentinel;
InsertIterator& operator*()
//return inserter for dereference
return inserter;
InsertWrapper& operator++()
//iterate inserter as the process progresses
return *this;
InsertIterator inserter;
Iterator iter;
template<typename InsertIterator, typename Iterator>
InsertWrapper<InsertIterator, Iterator> WrapInserter(const InsertIterator& inserter,
const Iterator& iter)
return InsertWrapper<InsertIterator, Iterator>(inserter, iter);
int main()
using Container0 = std::vector<int>;
using Container1 = std::vector<Container0::iterator>;
Container0 c0 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Container1 c1;
//use wrapper as usual iterator begin/end
std::iota(WrapInserter(std::back_inserter(c1), c0.begin()),
WrapInserter(std::back_inserter(c1), c0.end()),
std::cout << "std::iota result: ";
for (auto iter : c1)
std::cout << *iter << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
miota(WrapInserter(std::back_inserter(c1), c0.begin()),
c0.end(), //end iterator as sentinel
std::cout << "miota result: ";
for (auto iter : c1)
std::cout << *iter << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;

equal_range and range for

While discussing multimap with my students, I noticed a small change that could cut out a bit of boilerplate, and was wondering if anyone had suggested it to the standard committee, and if so what the response was.
The canonical method of iterating over an equal range is (taken from cplusplus.com):
// multimap::equal_range
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
int main ()
std::multimap<char,int> mymm;
std::cout << "mymm contains:\n";
for (char ch='a'; ch<='d'; ch++)
std::pair <std::multimap<char,int>::iterator,std::multimap<char,int>::iterator> ret;
ret = mymm.equal_range(ch);
std::cout << ch << " =>";
for (std::multimap<char,int>::iterator it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << it->second;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
You cannot use a range based for loop directly in this case because the return type of equal_range is a pair<multimap<K,V>::iterator, multimap<K,V>::iterator>. However, a simple wrapping struct should allow this:
template <typename T>
struct abstract_collection {
abstract_collection(pair<T, T> its)
: m_begin(its.first),
m_end(its.second) {}
abstract_collection(T begin, T end)
: m_begin(begin),
m_end(end) {}
T begin() const { return m_begin; }
T end() const { return m_end; }
T m_begin;
T m_end;
Combined with adding a function to the multimap (and others) API to return iterators in this structure, rather than in a pair.
template<typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A>
auto multimap<K, V, C, A>::equal_range_c(K const& k) -> abstract_collection<iterator> {
return equal_range(k);
Or alternatively overloading a version of std::begin and std::end that takes a pair of iterators should work as well:
template <typename T>
T begin(pair<T, T> p) { return p.first; }
template <typename T>
T end(pair<T, T> p) { return p.second; }
Has these ideas surfaced before, and if so, what was the committee response? Are they just unworkable or undesirable for some reason I'm not seeing?
(Note, the code was written without attempting to compile or check for expositional purposes only. It's probably wrong. And it doesn't contain typechecking to constrain to iterators only as it ought to, as that was added complexity that didn't serve to explain the idea.)
This is what boost::iterator_range accomplishes, which was adopted into the range library TS as ranges::iterator_range. That TS is to be incorporated sometime after C++17.

Limit STL algorithms to N elements

(Inspired by a comment from nakiya)
Many STL algorithms take a range as a pair of iterators. For instance, for_each(begin, end, &foo);. Obviously, if distance(begin, end) >= N, and begin is a random-access iterator, then for_each(begin, begin+N, &foo); applies foo only to the first N elements.
Now is there a clean, generic alternative if either of these two conditions is not met?
There is no generic full solution without changing the iterator type.
Proof: suppose that the iterator type is only an InputIterator, so begin actually refers to (for example) a stream, and end is a special-case marker iterator, which will compare equal to the "real" iterator once the real iterator has read EOF.
Then any use of begin to try to work out a new value of end to pass to the algorithm, will "consume" the original value of begin, since that's how InputIterators work.
What you could do is write an iterator wrapper class, such that the iterator counts how many times it has been incremented, and compares equal to an "end" iterator once it has been incremented N times. N could be a template parameter, or a constructor parameter to one or other of the iterators.
Something like this. I've tested it compiles and works for me. Still to do - I'm currently only handling one of your two situations, "not a random-access iterator". I don't also handle the other, "distance < N".
#include <iterator>
template <typename It>
class FiniteIterator : public std::iterator<
typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category,
typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type> {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::difference_type diff_type;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type val_type;
It it;
diff_type count;
FiniteIterator(It it) : it(it), count(0) {}
FiniteIterator(diff_type count, It it = It()) : it(it), count(count) {}
FiniteIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
FiniteIterator &operator--() {
return *this;
val_type &operator*() const {
return *it;
It operator->() const {
return it;
bool operator==(const FiniteIterator &rhs) const {
return count == rhs.count;
bool operator!=(const FiniteIterator &rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
FiniteIterator operator++(int) {
FiniteIterator cp = *this;
return cp;
FiniteIterator operator--(int) {
FiniteIterator cp = *this;
return cp;
Note that the second constructor only takes an iterator because the underlying type might not be default constructible (if it's only an InputIterator). In the case where the caller is creating an "end" iterator it doesn't use it, because it won't be valid once the other copy is incremented.
If the underlying iterator type is RandomAccess, then this wrapper isn't needed/wanted. So I provide a helper template function, that does the type deduction the same way back_inserter does for back_insert_iterator. However, in the case where its parameter type is an iterator of random-access category, the helper shouldn't return FiniteIterator<T>, but just T:
template <typename Iterator, typename Category>
struct finite_traits2 {
typedef FiniteIterator<Iterator> ret_type;
static ret_type plus(Iterator it, typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type d) {
return ret_type(d, it);
template <typename Iterator>
struct finite_traits2<Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag> {
typedef Iterator ret_type;
static ret_type plus(Iterator it, typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type d) {
return it + d;
template <typename Iterator>
struct finite_traits {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category itcat;
typedef typename finite_traits2<Iterator, itcat>::ret_type ret_type;
static ret_type plus(Iterator it, typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type d) {
return finite_traits2<Iterator, itcat>::plus(it, d);
template <typename Iterator, typename Distance>
typename finite_traits<Iterator>::ret_type finite_iterator(Iterator it, Distance d) {
return finite_traits<Iterator>::plus(it, d);
template <typename Iterator>
typename finite_traits<Iterator>::ret_type finite_iterator(Iterator it) {
return finite_traits<Iterator>::plus(it, 0);
Example usage (and minimal test):
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <list>
struct MyIterator : std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, int> {
difference_type count;
int main() {
std::cout << typeid(MyIterator::iterator_category).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(FiniteIterator<MyIterator>::iterator_category).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(MyIterator::difference_type).name() << "\n";
std::cout << typeid(FiniteIterator<MyIterator>::difference_type).name() << "\n";
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::copy(finite_iterator(a), finite_iterator(a,4), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
std::list<int> al(finite_iterator(a), finite_iterator(a,4));
std::cout << al.size() << "\n";
std::copy(finite_iterator(al.begin()), finite_iterator(al.begin(),3), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
Caution: finite_iterator(x, 1) == finite_iterator(++x, 0) is false, even for a forward iterator or better. Finite iterators are only comparable if they are created from the same starting point.
Also, this still isn't complete. For example std::reverse doesn't work, because for the purposes of accessing the referand, finite_iterator(x, 1) is "pointing at" x.
Currently the following happens to work:
std::list<int>::iterator e = al.begin();
std::reverse(finite_iterator(al.begin()), finite_iterator(e,3));
So I'm not far off, but that's not a good interface. I would need to think more about the case of Bidirectional iterators.
There is already fill_n and generate_n, there is no foreach_n (or for_n would probably be more appropriate) but it is easy enough to write one.
template< typename FwdIter, typename Op, typename SizeType >
void for_n( FwdIter begin, SizeType n, Op op )
while( n-- )
You could do op(*begin++) but although it is less typing it may generate more code to copy the iterator. size_type is numeric so doing post-increment is no less efficient and here is a case where it is useful.
I believe you could create a wrapper iterator type similar to boost::counting_iterator which would keep together both an increment and the underlying iterator, and would compare equal to an "end" iterator as soon as the increment exceeds the maximum value.