File I/O from current Windows position C++ - c++

I have not yet found a definitive answer about this. I am trying to have access to files in subfolders from my .EXE. When I have asked before, people tell me to use the absolute location i.e. "c:/game/info/" if I wanted to access something in /info/
But it is completely unreasonable for me or anyone to assume that someone is going to use their program from the same directory. What if the user only has a D drive? That sort of thing.
So my question is: how can I access a file in a subdirectory from my executable without relying on the entire path?

Your title says "Windows", so I'll give a WinAPI-specific answer.
On Windows, you can find your application directory with GetModuleFileName(NULL, ...), and PathRemoveFileSpec. Then PathAppend will make the full path to your data files.
Or you can store the data inside you .exe file as Win32 resources, so they never get separated.
Please note that this approach generally works only for read-only access to data files. If you try to write files in your application directory, you might be blocked by ACLs (depending on install location and local security settings of the computer).

Use GetModuleFileName (Retrieves the fully-qualified path for the file that contains the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the current process.)
char strExePath [MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName (NULL, strExePath, MAX_PATH);
You'll then need to extract the folder path (someone has already posted how to do that), and combine your path.

Make or use an installer that asks the user where to install the executable and writes that path to the registry in a well-known location for later reference.

if you use:
#include <fstream>
ifstream stream("file");
it will be working. "file" is file in directory with your exe. Of course if you want go up or down in folders hierarchy use "..\file" or "folder\file"


what is the proper method of using resource files in MFC project?

i have made a MFC-based game and my project includes images and sounds. Now i want to create an installer setup in order to distribute it.
i have used the resources by providing their exact path in e.g
img->Load(L"C:\\Users\\Ad33l's\\Desktop\\block mania\\block mania\\res\\db.png");
MCIWndCreate(NULL, NULL,WS_POPUP|MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR|MCIWNDF_NOMENU,L"C:\\Users\\Ad33l's\\Desktop\\block mania\\block mania\\res\\tick.wav");
1.Can someone tell me any way to avoid Hard-coding the actual resource path as these resource files will not be present at this same exact path in other computers ?
2.Also guide me to handle these resource files during the creation of standalone SETUP (i am using advance installer )
(as an actual answer).
Do not use absolute path, always use relative path; relative to your EXE file is one solution.
The EXE path can be found using GetModuleFileName.
GetModuleFileName(NULL, appPath, MAXFILENAMELEN);
(addendum) appPath name is misleading, it contains the full name of the application; you need to extract the path from the full application name.
We do something like this:
(edit to make it compilable in unicode)
TCHAR applicationPath[MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName(NULL, applicationPath, MAX_PATH);
CString sSoundFile(applicationPath);
From there, you can do something like (pseudocode-ish):
img.Load( appPath + "//Images//db.png" );
You can have a variable that saves the directory they want to install your program in. After they choose the directory they want to install it in, go off of that. Or you can also use system folders like the appdata folder
A first solution would be to configure your setup project to install the installation files under the DesktopFolder\block mania\block mania\res. Then, you can access within your application the current user Desktop location and append to it the remaining fix location (block mania\block mania\res).
Another solution would be to configure the setup project to create registries at install time which will store the paths of the installation files. Then, your application could read the installation paths from registry.
Finally you could also create at install time environment variables containing the paths of the installation file and, then use within your application the environment variables to access the installed files locations.

Opening a file with a certain program changes that programs working directory?

I have a file saved to my desktop, when I open it with my program the working directory changes to the desktop, this means my program can not load in some files it needs as it searches for these in the working directory. Is there a way I can stop the working directory from changing like this?
There's a flag you can set to avoid the current directory from changing called OFN_NOCHANGEDIR
You can just save your working directory at startup and use absolute paths. In fact, it's better to always open files with absolute paths, unless you really want to rely on the current working directory.
You would be better off determining the processes location, then using it as the key for where to find the other files? There are many ways that programs can be launched, which effect the working directory.
See: The answer here for a good description of how to get the processes location and strip out the executable filename (look in the comments)
Essentially, you use:
GetModuleFileName or GetModuleFileNameEx.
and then:
PathRemoveFileSpec to remove the file name
Opening a file doesn't change your current directory. Perhaps you using the common open file dialog? Here is an article that will explain all about how that changes your current directory.
use SetCurrentDirectory to do that.
You can locate the executable by using GetModuleFileName
GetModuleFileName( NULL, szFileName, MAX_PATH )
... then compute the correct directory

Relative path problem for a deployed win32 application

I have written a c++ program and deployed it in say c:\my_app, and my executable's path is c:\my_app\my_app.exe. Say, my_app needs many files such as the_file.txt, which is located in c:\my_app\the_file.txt.
In my executable, I open the txt file as,"the_file.txt");
Moreover, I have associated my program with let's say .myp extension.
When I'm on Desktop, and want to open a file named example.myp, my program can not see the_file.txt. Because, it (somehow) assumes that it's currently working on Desktop.
Is there any easy way to handle this problem by changing shell command for open in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT? The naive solution would be to change all file open operations with something like %my_app_location/the_file.txt". I don't want to do that.
Always use a full path name to open a file. In other words, don't open "foo.txt", open "c:\bar\foo.txt". To find the install directory of your EXE use GetModuleFileName(), passing NULL for the module handle.
These days you shouldn't add files to c:\my_app....
Instead use the ProgramData Folder and full paths.
Use SHGetSpecialFolderPathA with CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA to get the ProgramData folder and the create your program directory and add your files.
You should set current directory for your app's folder with SetCurrentDirectory function. After that you can open file by name without full path

SetCurrentDirectory in multi-threaded application

I understand SetCurrentDirectory shouldn't be used in a multithreaded application since the current directory is shared between all threads in the process.
What is the best approach to setting the directory with this in mind.
It can mostly be avoided setting the directory by including the full pathname when opening files instead of first navigating to them with SetCurrentDirectory, but is this the only solution?
I've encountered this problem before.
Any object that needs the concept of a current directory to support relative paths or searching (e.g. a build tool) has a member property that it maintains with its "current" path, then build the full path to open/create/search.
The initial value for CurrentPath can be retrieved once during the application's load phase, e.g. main(), WinMain(), DllInit(), etc. via GetCurrentDirectory and stored in a global. After that the Win32 version is ignored.
The OPENFILENAME structure has an initial directory member, so file open/save dialogs don't have to use the Win32 current directory.
Each process has a single current directory, so if you want each thread in your process use different current directory I think you should specify the full path in each.
A advice to use full paths in general and local paths only as a exception (and very carefully), when needed. I.e. the OpenFile Dialog may or may not change the current directory (depending on attributes) etc. Using filenames or local paths is a potential cause of trouble.
By my experience full paths do not slow down file access significantly. I wrote a app that opens thousands of files every minute and writes sorted data to other thousands of files - all using full paths and all on a windows mounted network drive. The bottleneck there was closing the files. Not opening them.

std::ifstream::open() not working

I am developing a prototype for a game, and certain gameplay rules are to be defined in an ini file so that the game designers can tweak the game parameters without requiring help from me in addition to a re-compile. This is what I'm doing currently:
std::ifstream stream;"rules.ini");
if (!stream.is_open())
throw new std::exception("Rule file could not be opened");
// read file contents here
However, my stream never opens succesfully. Diving deep into the STL source during debugging reveals that _getstream() (as defined in stream.c) keeps on returning NULL, but I just can't figure out why this is. Help, anyone?
Edit: Rules.ini is in the same directory as the .exe file.
You are assuming that the working directory is the directory that your executable resides in. That is a bad assumption.
Your executable can be run from any working directory, so it's usually a bad idea to hard-code relative paths in your software.
If you want to be able to access files relative to the location of your executable, you should first determine the path of your executable and create a fully qualified path from that.
You can get the name of your executable by examining the argv[0] parameter passed to main(). Alternatively, if you're on Windows, you can get it with GetModuleFileName() by passing NULL as the first parameter.
Is the scope of your open stream correct.
"rules.ini" isn't a full path so it has to be relative so what is it relative to. Or do you need to use full path there.
(wild assumption here) you are using visual studio. During debug, your program is going to search the project directory for "rules.ini"
However, if you try executing your program from "myproject/debug/myexe.exe", it should run fine because it is going to search "/debug" for rules.ini
Like its been mentionned you should specify the full path because relative path tend to lead to errors