Is std::string part of the STL? - c++

(When I say STL, I'm talking about the template library that revolves around containers, iterators, algorithms and functors.)
This question came to mind after thinking that a std::string mostly behaves like a normal container, with begin and end functions (including iterator), a size function and the possibility to use all of those for normal STL algorithms that work on containers / ranges through their iterators (e.g. transform, sort, find, etc.).
At the same time, however, it is not a container itself, as it doesn't fit in picture of containers that store arbitary data. Also, it operates on the contained data mostly through member functions, like substr, find_first_of, etc., while true container don't do that and let the algorithms handle that.
Additionally, the cplusplus reference site and the C++ standard don't list std::string together with the real containers, but in a distinct category.
However, on SGI's STL site, basic_string (and consequently the string typedef) are mentioned with the other container and the basic_string reference site states that it belongs to the "containers" category.
Now my question is, is string actually part of the STL or is it a distinct library itself?
And if it belongs to the STL now, did it differ in the original STL developed by Stepanov?

No, not really. And yes, kind of.
There are varying definitions of "the STL", including:
The actual HP/SGI STL, the original library, parts of which the C++ Standard Library was based on. They included containers, iterators and algorithms. Strings were not a part of this.
The parts of the C++ Standard Library that were based on the SGI STL library: containers, iterators and algorithms. Still no strings.
All of the C++ Standard Library. This definition has absolutely no grounding in logic or reality though, if followed, std::string would be included.
Note that the actual STL has developed since C++ was standardised (some 13 years ago, remember), and they've backwards-adopted some of the stuff that went into the standard, like strings. This does not mean that they were originally there in 1998... but they are there now for "compatibility" reasons.
The STL was containers, algorithms and iterators.
Strings and streams were adopted for C++98, then backwards-adopted for the modern SGI STL.
Whether strings are "part of the STL" or not depends on whether you follow logic and reason, or call the standard library "STL".
Hope this helps.

There is no real answer to this. On one hand, std::string was developed entirely independently from the other containers. On the other hand, it's had enough added on to meet all the requirements of a random-access container. Whether you choose to classify that as part of "STL" or not is entirely up to you -- in the end, it just points to the fact that "STL" lacks a single, agreed-upon definition, and the chances of it suddenly gaining a clear meaning is remote (to put it nicely).
IOW, "STL" is a lousy abbreviation to use because people use it to mean at least three different things -- but, unfortunately, there's no better abbreviation around with a better defined meaning either, so STL remains in use and will probably continue to do so (and continue to obstruct communication) indefinitely.

It is part of STL indeed. And std::string is just basic_string<char> typedef. It is container, specialized (not in C++ "specialization" meaning :) ) for data storage with string semantics. No idea about Stepanov though.
Worth mentioning is that STL is "Standard Template Library", not only container subpart. That includes algorithms, streams and some traits.


Why does the C++ STL use RBtree to implement "std::map"?

Nowadays I am looking python source code, and I found both python and C# use hash to implement Dictionary.
The time complexity of hash is O(1) and RBtree is O(lgn), so can anybody tell me the reason why the C++ STL uses RBtree to implement std::map?
Because it has a separate container for hash tables: std::unordered_map<>. Note also that .NET has SortedDictionary<> in addition to Dictionary<>.
The answer can be found in "The Standard C++ Library, A Tutorial and Reference", available online here:
Short quote explaining:
In general, the whole standard (language and library) is the result of a lot of discussions and
influence from hundreds of people all over the world. For example, the Japanese came up with
important support for internationalization. Of course, mistakes were made, minds were changed,
and people had different opinions. Then, in 1994, when people thought the standard was close to
being finished, the STL was incorporated, which changed the whole library radically. However, to
get finished, the thinking about major extensions was eventually stopped, regardless of how
useful the extension would be. Thus, hash tables are not part of the standard, although they
should be a part of the STL as a common data structure.
Obviously since that time c++ 11 has come out, and since the name map was already taken, and hash_map is a name that was already widely used via common extension libraries (e.g.__gnu_cxx::hash_map), the name unordered_map was chosen for hash maps.

What is so great about STL? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I am a Java developer trying to learn C++. I have many times read on the internet (including Stack Overflow) that STL is the best collections library that you can get in any language. (Sorry, I do not have any citations for that)
However after studying some STL, I am really failing to see what makes STL so special. Would you please shed some light on what sets STL apart from the collection libraries of other languages and make it the best collection library?
What is so great about the STL ?
The STL is great in that it was conceived very early and yet succeeded in using C++ generic programming paradigm quite efficiently.
It separated efficiently the data structures: vector, map, ... and the algorithms to operate on them copy, transform, ... taking advantage of templates to do so.
It neatly decoupled concerns and provided generic containers with hooks of customization (Comparator and Allocator template parameters).
The result is very elegant (DRY principle) and very efficient thanks to compiler optimizations so that hand-generated algorithms for a given container are unlikely to do better.
It also means that it is easily extensible: you can create your own container with the interface you wish, as long as it exposes STL-compliant iterators you'll be able to use the STL algorithms with it!
And thanks to the use of traits, you can even apply the algorithms on C-array through plain pointers! Talk about backward compatibility!
However, it could (perhaps) have been better...
What is not so great about the STL ?
It really pisses me off that one always have to use the iterators, I'd really stand for being able to write: std::foreach(myVector, [](int x) { return x+1;}); because face it, most of the times you want to iterate over the whole of the container...
But what's worse is that because of that:
set<int> mySet = /**/;
set<int>::const_iterator it = std::find(mySet.begin(), mySet.end(), 1005); // [1]
set<int>::const_iterator it = mySet.find(1005); // [2]
[1] and [2] are carried out completely differently, resulting in [1] having O(n) complexity while [2] has O(log n) complexity! Here the problem is that the iterators abstract too much.
I don't mean that iterators are not worthy, I just mean that providing an interface exclusively in terms of iterators was a poor choice.
I much prefer myself the idea of views over containers, for example check out what has been done with Boost.MPL. With a view you manipulate your container with a (lazy) layer of transformation. It makes for very efficient structures that allows you to filter out some elements, transform others etc...
Combining views and concept checking ideas would, I think, produce a much better interface for STL algorithms (and solve this find, lower_bound, upper_bound, equal_range issue).
It would also avoid common mistakes of using ill-defined ranges of iterators and the undefined behavior that result of it...
It's not so much that it's "great" or "the best collections library that you can get in *any* language", but it does have a different philosophy to many other languages.
In particular, the standard C++ library uses a generic programming paradigm, rather than an object-oriented paradigm that is common in languages like Java and C#. That is, you have a "generic" definition of what an iterator should be, and then you can implement the function for_each or sort or max_element that takes any class that implements the iterator pattern, without actually having to inherit from some base "Iterator" interface or whatever.
What I love about the STL is how robust it is. It is easy to extend it. Some complain that it's small, missing many common algorithms or iterators. But this is precisely when you see how easy it is to add in the missing components you need. Not only that, but small is beautiful: you have about 60 algorithms, a handful of containers and a handful of iterators; but the functionality is in the order of the product of these. The interfaces of the containers remain small and simple.
Because it's fashion to write small, simple, modular algorithms it gets easier to spot bugs and holes in your components. Yet, at the same time, as simple as the algorithms and iterators are, they're extraordinarily robust: your algorithms will work with many existing and yet-to-be-written iterators and your iterators work with many existing and yet-to-be-written algorithms.
I also love how simple the STL is. You have containers, you have iterators and you have algorithms. That's it (I'm lying here, but this is what it takes to get comfortable with the library). You can mix different algorithms with different iterators with different containers. True, some of these have constraints that forbid them from working with others, but in general there's a lot to play with.
Niklaus Wirth said that a program is algorithms plus data-structures. That's exactly what the STL is about. If Ruby and Python are string superheros, then C++ and the STL are an algorithms-and-containers superhero.
STL's containers are nice, but they're not much different than you'll find in other programming languages. What makes the STL containers useful is that they mesh beautifully with algorithms. The flexibility provided by the standard algorithms is unmatched in other programming languages.
Without the algorithms, the containers are just that. Containers. Nothing special in particular.
Now if you're talking about container libraries for C++ only, it is unlikely you will find libraries as well used and tested as those provided by STL if nothing else because they are standard.
The STL works beautifully with built-in types. A std::array<int, 5> is exactly that -- an array of 5 ints, which consumes 20 bytes on a 32 bit platform.
java.util.Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), on the other hand, returns a reference to an object containing a reference to an array containing references to Integer objects containing ints. Yes, that's 3 levels of indirection, and I don't dare predict how many bytes that consumes ;)
This is not a direct answer, but as you're coming from Java I'd like to point this out. By comparison to Java equivalents, STL is really fast.
I did find this page, showing some performance comparisons. Generally Java people are very touchy when it comes to performance conversations, and will claim that all kinds of advances are occurring all the time. However similar advances are also occurring in C/C++ compilers.
Keep in mind that STL is actually quite old now, so other, newer libraries may have specific advantages. Given the age, its' popularity is a testament to how good the original design was.
There are four main reasons why I'd say that STL is (still) awesome:
STL uses C++ templates, which means that the compiler generates code that is specifically tailored to your use of the library. For example, map will automagically generate a new class to implement a map collection of 'key' type to 'value' type. There is no runtime overhead where the library tries to work out how to efficiently store 'key' and 'value' - this is done at compile time. Due to the elegant design some operations on some types will compile down to single assembly instructions (e.g. increment integer-based iterator).
The collections classes have a notion of 'allocators', which you can either provide yourself or use the library-provided ones which allocate only enough storage to store your data. There is no padding nor wastage. Where a built-in type can be stored more efficiently, there are specializations to handle these cases optimally, e.g. vector of bool is handled as a bitfield.
You can use the Containers (collection classes), Algorithms and Functions provided in the STL on any type that is suitable. If your type can be compared, you can put it into a container. If it goes into a container, it can be sorted, searched, compared. If you provide a function like 'bool Predicate(MyType)', it can be filtered, etc.
Other libraries/frameworks have to implement the Sort()/Find()/Reverse() methods on each type of collection. STL implements these as separate algorithms that take iterators of whatever collection you are using and operate blindly on that collection. The algorithms don't care whether you're using a Vector, List, Deque, Stack, Bag, Map - they just work.
Well, that is somewhat of a bold claim... perhaps in C++0x when it finally gets a hash map (in the form of std::unordered_map), it can make that claim, but in its current state, well, I don't buy that.
I can tell you, though, some cool things about it, namely that it uses templates rather than inheritance to achieve its level of flexibility and generality. This has both advantages and disadvantages; a disadvantage is that lots of code gets duplicated by the compiler, and any sort of dynamic runtime typing is very hard to achieve; however, a key advantage is that it is incredibly quick. Because each template specialization is really its own separate class generated by the compiler, it can be highly optimized for that class. Additionally, many of the STL algorithms that operate on STL containers have general definitions, but have specializations for special cases that result in incredibly good performance.
STL gives you the pieces.
Languages and their environments are built from smaller component pieces, sometimes via programming language constructs, sometimes via cut-and-paste. Some languages give you a sealed box - Java's collections, for instance. You can do what they allow, but woe betide you if you want to do something exotic with them.
The STL gives you the pieces that the designers used to build its more advanced functionality. Directly exposing the iterators, algorithms, etc. give you an abstract but highly flexible way of recombining core data structures and manipulations in whatever way is suitable for solving your problem. While Java's design probably hits the 90-95% mark for what you need from data structures, the STL's flexibility raises it to maybe 99%, with the iterator abstraction meaning you're not completely on your own for the remaining 1%.
When you combine that with its speed and other extensibility and customizabiltiy features (allocators, traits, etc.), you have a quite excellent package. I don't know that I'd call it the best data structures package, but certainly a very good one.
Warning: percentages totally made up.
Unique because it
focuses on basic algorithms instead of providing ready-to-use solutions to specific application problems.
uses unique C++ features to implement those algorithms.
As for being best... There is a reason why the same approach wasn't (and probably won't) ever followed by any other language, including direct descendants like D.
The standard C++ library's approach to collections via iterators has come in for some constructive criticism recently. Andrei Alexandrescu, a notable C++ expert, has recently begun working on a new version of a language called D, and describes his experiences designing collections support for it in this article.
Personally I find it frustrating that this kind of excellent work is being put into yet another programming language that overlaps hugely with existing languages, and I've told him so! :) I'd like someone of his expertise to turn their hand to producing a collections library for the so-called "modern languages" that are already in widespread use, Java and C#, that has all the capabilities he thinks are required to be world-class: the notion of a forward-iterable range is already ubiquitous, but what about reverse iteration exposed in an efficient way? What about mutable collections? What about integrating all this smoothly with Linq? etc.
Anyway, the point is: don't believe anyone who tells you that the standard C++ way is the holy grail, the best it could possibly be. It's just one way among many, and has at least one obvious drawback: the fact that in all the standard algorithms, a collection is specified by two separate iterators (begin and end) and hence is clumsy to compose operations on.
Obviously C++, C#, and Java can enter as many pissing contests as you want them to. The clue as to why the STL is at least somewhat great is that Java was initially designed and implemented without type-safe containers. Then Sun decided/realised people actually need them in a typed language, and added generics in 1.5.
You can compare the pros and cons of each, but as to which of the three languages has the "greatest" implementation of generic containers - that is solely a pissing contest. Greatest for what? In whose opinion? Each of them has the best libraries that the creators managed to come up with, subject to other constraints imposed by the languages. C++'s idea of generics doesn't work in Java, and type erasure would be sub-standard in typical C++ usage.
The primary thing is, you can use templates to make using containers switch-in/switch-out, without having to resort to the horrendous mess that is Java's interfaces.
If you fail to see what usage the STL has, I recommend buying a book, "The C++ Programming Language" by Bjarne Stroustrup. It pretty much explains everything there is about C++ because he's the dude who created it.

What is the point of STL?

I've been programming c++ for about a year now and when i'm looking about i see lots of references to STL.
Can some one please tell me what it does?
and the advantages and disadvantageous of it?
also what does it give me over the borlands VCL or MFC?
It's the C++ standard library that gives you all sorts of very useful containers, strings, algorithms to manipulate them with etc.
The term 'STL' is outdated IMHO, what used to be the STL has become a large part of the standard library for C++.
If you are doing any serious C++ development, you will need to be familiar with this library and preferably the boost library. If you are not using it already, you're probably working at the wrong level of abstraction or you're constraining yourself to a small-ish subset of C++.
STL stands for Standard Template Library. This was a library designed mainly by Stepanov and Lee which was then adopted as part of the C++ Standard Library. The term is gradually becoming meaningless, but covers these parts of the Standard Library:
containers (vectors, maps etc.)
If you call yourself a C++ programmer, you should be familiar with all of these concepts, and the Standard Library implementation of them.
The STL is the Standard Template Library. Like any library it's a collection of code that makes your life easier by providing well tested, robust code for you to re-use.
Need a collection (map, list, vector, etc) they're in the STL
Need to operate on a collection (for_each, copy, transform, etc,) they're in the STL
Need to do I/O, there's classes for that.
1, You don't have to re-implement standard containers (cus you'll get it wrong anyway)
Read this book by Nicolai M.Josuttis to learn more about the STL, it's the best STL reference book out there.
It provides common useful tools for the programmer! Iterators, algorithms, etc. Why re-invent the wheel?
"advantages and disadvantageous" compared to what? To writing all that code yourself? Is not it obvious? It has great collections and tools to work with them
Wikipedia has a good overview:
The STL fixes one big deficiency of C++ - the lack of a standard string type. This has cause innumerable headaches as there have been thousands of string implementations that don't work well together.
It stands for standard template library
It is a set of functions and class that are there to save you a lot of work.
They are designed to use templates, which is where you define a function, but with out defining what data type it will work on.
for example, vector more or less lets you have dynamic arrays. when you create an instance of it, you say what type you want it to work for. This can even be your own data type (class).
Its a hard thing to think about, but it is hugely powerful and can save you loads of time.
Get reading up on it now! You want regret it.
It gives you another acronym to toss around at cocktail parties.
Seriously, check the intro docs starting e.g. with the Wikipedia article on STL.
The STL has Iterators. Sure, collections and stuff are useful, but the power iterators is gigantic, and, in my humble opinion, makes the rest pale in comparison.

STL or Qt containers?

What are the pros and cons of using Qt containers (QMap, QVector, etc.) over their STL equivalent?
I can see one reason to prefer Qt:
Qt containers can be passed along to other parts of Qt. For example, they can be used to populate a QVariant and then a QSettings (with some limitation though, only QList and QMap/QHash whose keys are strings are accepted).
Is there any other?
Edit: Assuming the application already relies on Qt.
This is a difficult to answer question. It can really boil down to a philosophical/subjective argument.
That being said...
I recommend the rule "When in Rome... Do as the Romans Do"
Which means if you are in Qt land, code as the Qt'ians do. This is not just for readability/consistency concerns. Consider what happens if you store everything in a stl container then you have to pass all that data over to a Qt function. Do you really want to manage a bunch of code that copies things into/out-of Qt containers. Your code is already heavily dependent on Qt, so its not like you're making it any more "standard" by using stl containers. And whats the point of a container if everytime you want to use it for anything useful, you have to copy it out into the corresponding Qt container?
I started by using std::(w)string and the STL containers exclusively and converting to/from the Qt equivalents, but I have already switched to QString and I find that I'm using Qt's containers more and more.
When it comes to strings, QString offers much more complete functionality compared to std::basic_string and it is
completely Unicode aware. It also offers an efficient COW implementation, which I've come to rely on heavily.
Qt's containers:
offer the same COW implementation as in QString, which is extremely useful when it comes to using Qt's foreach macro
(which does a copy) and when using meta-types or signals and slots.
can use STL-style iterators or Java-style iterators
are streamable with QDataStream
are used extensively in Qt's API
have a stable implementation across operating systems. A STL implementation must obey the C++ standard, but
is otherwise free to do as it pleases (see the std::string COW controversy). Some STL implementations are especially
provide hashes, which are not available unless you use TR1
The QTL has a different philosophy from the STL, which is well summarized by J. Blanchette: "Whereas STL's containers are optimized for raw speed, Qt's container classes have been carefully designed to provide convenience, minimal memory usage, and minimal code expansion."
The above link provides more details about the implementation of the QTL and what optimizations are used.
The Qt containers are more limited than the STL ones. A few examples of where the STL ones are superior (all of these I have hit in the past):
STL is standardized, doesn't change with every Qt version (Qt 2 had QList (pointer-based) and QValueList (value-based); Qt 3 had QPtrList and QValueList; Qt 4 now has QList, and it's nothing at all like QPtrList or QValueList). Qt 6 will have a QList that's QVector while QVector will be deprecated.
Even if you end up using the Qt containers, use the STL-compatible API subset (ie. push_back(), not append(); front(), not first(), ...) to avoid porting yet again come Qt 6. In both Qt2->3 and Qt3->4 transitions, the changes in the Qt containers were among those requiring the most code churn. I expect the same for Qt5->6.
STL bidirectional containers all have rbegin()/rend(), making reverse iteration symmetric to forward iteration. Not all Qt containers have them (the associative ones don't), so reverse iteration is needlessly complicated.
STL containers have range-insert() from different, but compatible, iterator types, making std::copy() much less often needed.
STL containers have an Allocator template argument, making custom memory management trivial (typedef required), compared with Qt (fork of QLineEdit required for s/QString/secqstring/). EDIT 20171220: This cuts Qt off of advances in allocator design following C++11 and C++17, cf. e.g. John Lakos' talk (part 2).
There's no Qt equivalent to std::deque.
std::list has splice(). Whenever I find myself using std::list, it's because I need splice().
std::stack, std::queue properly aggregate their underlying container, and don't inherit it, as QStack, QQueue do.
QSet is like std::unordered_set, not like std::set.
QList is a just weird.
Many of the above could be solved quite easily in Qt, but the container library in Qt seems to experience a lack of development focus at the moment.
EDIT 20150106: After having spent some time trying to bring C++11-support to Qt 5 container classes, I have decided that it's not worth the work. If you look at the work that is being put into C++ standard library implementations, it's quite clear that the Qt classes will never catch up. We've released Qt 5.4 now and QVector still doesn't move elements on reallocations, doesn't have emplace_back() or rvalue-push_back()... We also recently rejected a QOptional class template, waiting for std::optional instead. Likewise for std::unique_ptr. I hope that trend continues.
EDIT 20201009: Come Qt 6, they will again rewrite their containers in incompatible ways:
QVector will be renamed QList, so you lose stabiliy-of-reference when using QList.
QVector (the name) will be deprecated. QLinkedList will be removed.
QHash and QSet are now Open-Addressing Hash Tables, also losing stability-of-reference guarantees
QMap will be backed by std::map, possibly changing insertion behaviour and, for QMultiMap, order of equivalent elements.
Qt container sizes and indexes will become qsizetype (more or less std::ptrdiff_t) (was: int).
So, if you want to rewrite your container-using code, then go ahead with the Qt containers. Everyone else enjoys decades of stability with the STL containers.
Let's break down these claims into actual measurable phenomena:
Lighter: Qt containers use less memory than STL containers
Safer: Qt containers have less opportunity to be improperly used
Easier: Qt containers present less of an intellectual burden
The claim made in this context is that java-style iteration is somehow "easier" than STL style, and therefore Qt is easier to use because of this additional interface.
Java Style:
QListIterator<QString> i(list);
while (i.hasNext())
qDebug() <<;
STL Style:
QList<QString>::iterator i;
for (i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
qDebug << *i;
The Java iterator style has the benefit of being a little smaller and cleaner.
The problem is, this isn't actually STL style anymore.
C++11 STL Style
for( auto i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
qDebug << *i;
C++11 foreach style
for (QString i : list)
qDebug << i;
Which is so drastically simple that there's no reason to ever use anything else (unless you don't support C++11).
My favorite, however, is:
BOOST_FOREACH(QString i, list)
qDebug << i;
So, as we can see, this interface gains us nothing except an additional interface, on top of an already sleek, streamlined, and modern interface. Adding an unnecessary level of abstraction on top of an already stable and usable interface? Not my idea of "easier".
Also, Qt foreach and java interfaces add overhead; they copy the structure, and provide an unnecessary level of indirection. This might not seem like much, but why add a layer of overhead to provide a not-that-much-simpler interface? Java has this interface because java doesn't have operator overloading; C++ does.
The justification that Qt gives is the implicit sharing problem, which is neither implicit nor a problem. It does involve sharing, however.
QVector<int> a, b;
a.resize(100000); // make a big vector filled with 0.
QVector<int>::iterator i = a.begin();
// WRONG way of using the iterator i:
b = a;
Now we should be careful with iterator i since it will point to shared data
If we do *i = 4 then we would change the shared instance (both vectors)
The behavior differs from STL containers. Avoid doing such things in Qt.
First, this isn't implicit; you are explicitly assigning one vector to another. The STL iterator specification clearly indicates that iterators belong to the container, so we've clearly introduced a shared container between b and a. Second, this isn't a problem; as long as all the rules of the iterator specification are followed, absolutely nothing will go wrong. The only time something goes wrong is here:
b.clear(); // Now the iterator i is completely invalid.
Qt specifies this as if it means something, like a problem arises de novo from this scenario. It doesn't. The iterator is invalidated, and just like anything that can be accessed from multiple disjoint areas, this is just how it works. In fact, this will occur readily with Java style iterators in Qt, thanks to it's heavily reliance on implicit sharing, which is an antipattern as documented here, and at many other areas. It seems especially strange for this "optimization" to be put into use in a framework moving more and more towards multithreading, but that's marketing for you.
This one is a bit trickier. The use of Copy-On-Write and Implicit Sharing and Growth Strategies makes it very difficult to actually make guarantees about how much memory your container will use at any given time. This is unlike the STL, which gives you strong algorithmic guarantees.
We know the minimal bound of wasted space for a vector is the square root of the length of the vector, but there seems to be no way to implement this in Qt; the various "optimizations" they support would preclude this very important space saving feature. The STL does not require this feature (and most use a doubling growth, which is more wasteful), but it's important to note that you could at least implement this feature, if need be.
The same is true of doubly linked lists, which could use XOr linking to drastically reduce space used. Again, this is impossible with Qt, due to it's requirements for growth and COW.
COW can indeed make something lighter, but so can Intrusive Containers, such as supported by boost, and Qt used these frequently in the earlier versions, but they are not used as much anymore because they are hard to use, unsafe, and impose a burden on the programmer. COW is a much less intrusive solution, but unattractive for the reasons posed above.
There is no reason why you could not use STL containers with the same memory cost or less than Qt's containers, with the added benefit of actually knowing how much memory you will waste at any given time. It is, unfortunately, impossible to compare the two in raw memory usage, because such benchmarks would show wildly different results in different use cases, which is the exact sort of problem that the STL was designed to correct.
In Conclusion
Avoid use of Qt Containers when ever possible to do so without imposing a copying cost, and use STL type iteration (perhaps through a wrapper or the new syntax), whenever possible.
STL containers:
Have performance guarantees
Can be used in STL algorithms which also have performance guarantees
Can be leveraged by third-party C++ libraries like Boost
Are standard, and likely to outlive proprietary solutions
Encourage generic programming of algorithms and data structures. If you write new algorithms and data structures that conform to STL you can leverage what STL already provides at no cost.
Qt containers use copy-on-write idiom.
One of the main issues is that Qt's API expects you to provide data in Qt's containers, so you may as well simply use the Qt containers rather than transforming back and forth between the two.
Also, if you're already using the Qt containers, it might be slightly more optimal to use them exclusively, as you would not have to include the STL header files and potentially link in the STL libraries. However, depending on your toolchain, that may happen anyway. Purely from a design perspective, consistency is generally a good thing.
If the data you are working with is mostly used to drive the Qt based UI, then definitely use Qt containers.
If the data is mostly used internally in the app, and you're never likely to port away from Qt, then barring performance issues, use the Qt containers because it will make the bits of data that go to the UI easier to deal with.
If the data is mostly used in conjunction with other libraries that only know about STL containers, then use STL containers. If you have this situation you're in trouble no matter what because you're going to do a lot of porting back and forth between container types no matter what you do.
Besides the COW difference, STL containers are much more widely supported on a variety of platforms. Qt is portable enough if you limit your work to "mainstream" platforms, but the STL is available on many other more obscure platforms too (e.g., Texas Instruments' DSPs).
Because the STL is standard rather than controlled by a single corporation, there are, generally speaking, more programmers who can easily read, understand, and modify STL code and more resources (books, online forums, conferences, etc.) to support them in doing this than there are for Qt. That's not to say that one should shy away from Qt for this reason alone; just that, all other things being equal, you should default to the STL, but of course all things are rarely equal, so you'll have to decide in your own context which makes the most sense.
In regard to AlexKR's answer: the STL performance is guaranteed within limits, but a given implementation may make use of platform-dependent details to speed up their STL. So in that sense, you may get different results on different platforms, but it will never be slower than the explicit guarantee (modulo bugs).
My five cents:
Qt containers are supposed to work similar on different platforms.
While STL containers depend on STL implementation.
You might get different performance results.
I am not telling that STL is "slower" but I point to effects of
various implementation details.
Please check this, and then maybe this.
And it is not a real problem of STL. Obviosly, if you have significant difference in performance, then there is problem in the code which uses STL.
I am of the opinion that STL is a excellent piece of software however if I am to do some KDE or Qt related programming then Qt is the way to go. Also it depends on the compiler you are using, with GCC STL works pretty good however if you have to use say SUN Studio CC then STL will most likely bring you headaches because of the compiler not the STL per se. In that case since the compiler will make your head hurt just use Qt to save you the trouble. Just my 2 cents...
There is a (sometimes) big limitation in QVector. It can only allocate int bytes of memory (note that the limit is in bytes not in number of elements). This implies that trying to allocate contiguous blocks of memory bigger than ~2GB with a QVector will lead to a crash. This happens with Qt 4 and 5. std::vector does not have such limitation.
I guess it depends on the way you use Qt. If you use it all over your product, than it probably makes sense to use Qt containers. If you contain it only to (for instance) the UI portion, it may be better to use C++ standard containers.
The main reason to go with STL containers for me is if you need a custom allocator in order to reuse memory in very big containers. Suppose for example that you have a QMap that stores 1000000 entries (key/value pairs). In Qt that implies exactly 1000000 million allocations (new calls) no matter what. In STL you can always create a custom allocator that internally allocates all that memory at once and assign it to each entry as the map is populated.
My advice is to use STL containers when writing performance critical algorithms in the business logic and then convert them back to Qt containers when the results are ready to by displayed by your UI controls and forms if needed.

C++ iterators considered harmful?

At the Boost library conference today, Andrei Alexandrescu, author of the book Modern C++ Design and the Loki C++ library, gave a talk titled "Iterators Must Go" (video, slides) about why iterators are bad, and he had a better solution.
I tried to read the presentation slides, but I could not get much out of them.
Are iterators bad?
Is his replacement really better?
Will C++ implementators pick up his ideas?
First, to answer your questions:
No. In fact, I argued elsewhere that iterators are the most important/fundamental concept of computer science ever. I (unlike Andrei) also think that iterators are intuitive.
Yes, definitely but that shouldn't come as a surprise.
Hmm. Looking at Boost.Range and C++0x – haven't they already?
Andrei's big contribution here is just to say: drop the concept of iterators altogether, see ranges not just as a convenience wrapper but rather as a core construct. Other languages have already done this (much of Andrei's concepts just echo .NET's LINQ or Python's iterators) but they all only offer output ranges. Andrei argues for different types of ranges, much like the conventional iterator categories.
In that light, it's odd that he starts by mocking the arbitrariness of these iterator categories.
I also think that his examples are off, especially his file copying: yes, the iterator variant is a huge improvement over the 1975 code. It reduces a loop with complicated break condition down to one statement. What he's really taking issue with here is just the syntax. Well, excuse me: we're talking about C++ here – of course the syntax is ugly. And yes, using ranges here is an improvement – but only syntactically.
I also think that Andrei's find implementation is off. What he really defines there is the DropUntil operation (naming is hard!) from LINQ. The find operation should really return either one or zero elements (or an iterator!). Shunning iterators here isn't helpful in my opinion since we might want to modify the value directly instead of copying it. Returning a one-element range here only adds overhead without a benefit. Doing it Andrei's way is bad because then the name of the method is just wrong and misleading.
That said, I essentially agree with Andrei in almost all points. Iterators, while being my pet concept from computer science, are certainly a big syntactical burden and many ranges (especially infinite generators) can (and should) be implemented conveniently without them.
I agree with him that iterators are mostly inferior to ranges, and I don't know if 'something better' will get picked up.
"The good is the enemy of the best" is strongly at play here, as it usually is. Iterators are useful and firmly entrenched, so it's hard to know if something better like ranges can supplant them in a reasonable amount of time.
Most of us make a simple use of them in what have become well known idioms, like in for loops to iterate through an std::vector. A developer reads it and knows what's going on. In our everyday coding life, iterators are not good or bad, they're just "what gets the job done".
Probably, yes.
I don't think so.
Andrei at times can be a bit provocative. Iterators are a reasonable concept, and quite fundamental in the sense that bits are. But just like most bits in C++ are not bools, but part of larger types,most iterators should be dealt with at a high level. Andrei is right that the proper level to do so is the range object. But not all ranges are properly exposed as iterator ranges, as the istream_iterator sentinel shows. That's just a hack to create an artificial end iterator. I don't think his ideas will be picked up by implementations, though. C++1x will be as relevant as C99.
C++0x is already making the first steps:
rvalue references solve some problems with treating containers as ranges
ranges have been added to the core library, including range concepts
Transitioning to ranges without losing any iterator functionality (think of all the combinations of iterator categories, const-ness and rvalue-ness) is hard, especially if you try to factor in infinite and mutable ranges.
Isn't Andrei trying to do some hidden marketing for the D language (currently he is working with it)...?
Andrei states that containers are ok, but iterators are ugly, non-intuitive, error-prone and dangerous, hard to implement (well this last one seems to be rather true...) And what do we have in C++... pointers? Aren't they ugly/.../dangerous? But we happily embraced them and live with them.
Which one is more intuitive to write:
for(auto i=foo.begin();i!=foo.end();++i)
for (auto r=foo.all(); !foo.empty(); foo.popFront())
Iterators concept can be complemented with ranges and other ideas, but I think that they have their place and won't be replaced.
No, they are not bad, they are very clever idea in fact. However, they are not ideal and there is room for improvements in the concept of iterator.
It solves number of real-life problems with iterators. For instance, it's tedious (also error prone) in many cases to query two separate objects, iterators, from a single containers and then pass them as still two separate objects to an algorithm. Why not to pass a single object around? Even std::pair<iterator, iterator> would make for a crude range which is easier to manipulate - one object, not two. Also, it's a good idea to consider a range is an iterator. That's in fact what Andrei suggests. By the way, some of these problems have been already solved by Boost.Range.
I would expect it happened, but it will not be a revolution, rather evolution.
Not likely, at least not for many years
I think we should use ranges next to iterators, i.e. we should choose the evolution way, not revolution way.
Like any API or function, if misused can create many problems of identification difficult.
Iterators have used in many projects, but always maintaining the necessary care required according to their characteristics.
Its use should be preceded by a good understanding of their limitations. Iterators can be very useful if user properly.
This questions are related :
Is there any way to check if an iterator is valid?
Should I prefer iterators over const_iterators?
I disagree with both Andrei and Konrad and myself :-)
The most fundamental concept is an interface not an iterator and that is pretty obvious in any work anyone does today (which is all about cross-library, cross-language, cross-compiler, cross-OS, cross-platform, you cross-name it :-)
Neither iterator or range (apart from source-level use) offer anything more than a clean and simple, non intrusive or intrusive, non shared or shared, non unique or unique: pointer ! Clean pointer to typed data is simply put universal and you can make data mutable or immutable and many other things. All interface is is just another level of indirection to it while still being friendly to machine and compiler of all sorts, plus far safer, relegating iterators and range usage to an implementation detail.
To that extent IEnumerable and IQueryable do the half 'right thing' TM but they are clearly inferior in their concepts of iteration and much more to what you can do with STL, retain control and so on and on (but otoh, they have better metadata and hence a better, cleaner model). Point being with interfaces you can build any abstraction you want and satisfy, well probably contraversial but essentially a no-brainer: optimal, and runtime or compile-time neutral data representation and code (heck essential to algorithms and compilers and VMs and what not).
It is even possible to optimise it for 'dynamic'/component systems down to 'runtime' inlining (screw HotSpot VM:-).. To that extent, the advance to 1975 is minimal as evident by a huge interop industry workload (it's everywhere you look, including this site, its use of proprietary and open tech, etc; in computer science idealism, well, this type of interfacing 'work' should not exist should it)..
I think C++ implementors will have their hands full producing full working support for C++0x, without implementing new, non-standard paradigms.
The only argument I can see from that presentation is the inability to define ranges, and the c++0x "Range for statement" proposal seems to eliminate that problem to some extent anyway. maybe it shouldn't be an argument about if iterators should / shouldn't be used at all, but more what situations should / shouldn't they be used for?