how to add images in executable jar? - executable-jar

I want to add images that JFrames use from image folder in executable jar. In eclipse executable jar is created but it does not include image folder. So how can i include that folder?


Why are Leiningen download dependencies in ~/.m2/repository directory?

I have created a new project using Leiningen. When I added a new dependency and ran lein deps, the lein downloaded the dependencies in ~/.m2/repository directory.
Shouldn't the project specific dependencies be downloaded in a directory that is local to the project and not into the global directory like ~/.m2/repository.
For example - While I used npm, it gave me 2 options, i.e., to download the dependency locally (in project's node_modules directory) or globally.
Unlike npm, lein uses maven and maven dependencies are stored in a globally shared directory, defaulting to ~/.m2/repository.
As previous pointed lein uses maven and maven's "local repository" is by default in the ${user.home}/.m2/repository folder.
You can control/change this from your maven (user) settings file ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml or (global) settings file ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml by defining the entry:
for more details check: maven settings reference

Make ColdFusion load the newest jar from our folder and not the one of the lib folder

I need to load BouncyCastle jars for mail encryption using the java loader. (ColdFusion 10 and no Application.cfc). When an older version of a jar exists in the lib directory, that version is loaded and not the one specified in the javaloader.
Even when I create a jar with BouncyCastle jars in the classpath and call a "facade" in ColdFusion, the jars in the lib directories are first loaded and it gives errors (the jar runs perfect in Java)
Does someone know if there is a way to ensure loading of the specified jars (new versions) and not those from the lib directories with the java loader?

lein uberjar doesn't pack the jar file under resource into the final jar

I defined :resource-paths in profile.clj to include some special jar (vertica jdbc) file. and then I run lein uberjar: trying to pack that jar file into the standalone jar file, but after I run it, and uncompressed it, I can't find that vertica jdbc file.
Leiningen can create jar files, but the only place it picks them up from is your maven repository (under an .m2 directory on your machine). Once your special jar is in maven you need to refer to it as a dependency in your project.clj file.
If your jar file was in clojars this would be quite easy - just put in a dependency - lein will fetch it into your maven repository. On the other hand if it was your own source code you would first need to lein install from the directory of that source code project.
However I'm guessing your file is just a jar file you have, which is not an artifact in clojars. In this case you can install it into your maven repository using this maven command (here assuming my-deps.jar is your file):
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./my-deps.jar -DgroupId=my-deps -DartifactId=my-deps -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar
You can then refer to it as a dependency in the uberjar project, and then lein uberjar.
Edit - if you don't want to use raw maven commands then consider using this leiningen library that abstracts them away for you:
An alternative is to add to project.clj:
:repositories {"local" "file:lib"}
Create a lib directory in your project and add the jar there.
Add the lib reference in the :dependencies tag in project.clj.
This lib directory has the same structure as .m2/repository but is inside your project and local to your project

NetBeans: How to disable project files copying on remote host

I'm trying to build project on remote host using NetBeans 8.1.
I create the project and try to build it. NetBeans shows me in build log
Copying project files to /home/user/.netbeans/remote/hostname/desktop-Linux-x86_64 at user#hostname
Building project files list...
Checking directory structure...
Checking previously uploaded files...
Checking links...
Uploading changed files:
Zipping 1 changed files...
Uploading zip to user#hostname...
Unzipping changed files...
Checking exec permissions...
Uploading changed files finished successfully.
NetBeans builds my project in this directory not in the project home directory.
How can I disable files copying and make NetBeans to build project in it original directory?
It seems like you had selected SFTP, you have to select "System Level file sharing (NFS, Samba)
then do Path Mapper, that's all

In Qt how to add folder to project which has a shell script to run?

I have a Qt c++ project in which I want to add a folder which has a bash script which I want to run with Qt. The folder has many sub directories with jar files which will run from the shell script. I will then use macdeployqt so keeping the folder separate is not an option. So haw do I add the folder and run the shell script in it ?