What is the difference between #Inject and #EJB - jpa-2.0

I'm currently learning the new Java EE 6 component models and am confused with the latest dependency injection mechanism. So here are my questions:
1) What is the difference between #Inject and #EJB
2) If I have a simple POJO that contains another POJOs (which one of them is the DAO code), what would be the better choice: #Inject or #EJB?
Can I mix #Inject and #EJB?
An example would be:
ClassA implements InterfaceA and has
an instance of ClassA_Adaptor
ClassA_Adaptor implements InterfaceAB
and has an instance of ClassB
ClassB implements InterfaceB and has
an instance of ClassB_Adaptor and an
instance DAO_ClassB
ClassB_Adaptor implements InterfaceB
and has an instance of ClassC
ClassC implements InterfaceBC and has
an instance of WebService_ClassC
DAO_ClassB will use JPA 2.0
I'd like to inject all of them including the DAO and the WebService.
3) Is it a bad approach to only use transactional for certain operations but not for all?
As an example: Some methods in DAO_ClassB are your typical query, while other methods are "write" methods. Is it bad to not wrap the "READ" methods with transaction?
To my understanding, the DAO_ClassB can be wrapped with transaction using #EJB (inject the DAO_ClassB and make all methods transactional). How can I control it?
Sorry if some of the questions are confusing because I know only bits and pieces of the Java EE 6 new component model.

#EJB injects EJBs only, but #Inject can be used to inject POJOs rather than EJBs. However, #Inject requires that your archive be a BDA (contain beans.xml for EE 6, or implicitly in EE 7). #Inject also has additional CDI-specific capabilities (scopes, interceptors, etc.), but those capabilities incur extra overhead. Application servers have support for specifying #EJB bindings so that a deployer can choose the target EJB, but #Inject only allows the application developer to choose the target EJB (and it must exist in the application).
If the target is not an EJB, then you must not use #EJB.
It depends whether you're making multiple inter-related queries and then attempting to make business decisions. You need to understand isolation levels and take them into consideration, even for read-only operations.

From Adam Biens Weblog:
You can use both annotations to inject EJBs. Start with #Inject and if you encounter any problems, switch to #EJB.
#Inject does not have any methods / attributes--it is just a plain annotation:
#Target(value = {ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD})
#Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public #interface Inject {
On the other hand, the #EJB annotation allows you to pass additional information, which could be useful to reference remote EJBs, or EJBs which cannot be simple injected in the "Convention over Configuration" style:
#Target(value = {ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
#Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public #interface EJB {
public String name() default "";
public String beanName() default "";
public Class beanInterface() default Object.class;
public String mappedName() default "";

#Inject is more general than EJB and is part of CDI specification. So if you want to use #Inject, you need an implementation of it in your server.
For POJOs (not EJBs) you have to use #Inject.


How to test JSF bean methods that use session parameters?

I'm having a hard time trying to implement unit tests on my JSF backing bean classes... For instance some of the methods use session or request parameters, obtained using this sort of code:
My question is: how can I test a method which obtains values from the session or request?
What I usually do is to avoid calling static methods into the beans I want to test. That implies your current code to be refactored:
Are there ways to test them with their static method calls? Probably there are, but they led me to a lot of trouble more than help. So at the end I got rid of them and changed my design. Just let a second bean do it (which you'll mock later). In your case, create a #SessionScoped bean which manages that functionality:
public class SessionBean{
public Object getSessionParam(String paramKey){
And inject that bean in every single bean that needs it (I usually extend my view/request beans from an abstract bean which has it, so don't have to implement it in every single bean):
public class RequestBean{
private SessionBean sessionBean;
public void accessSessionParam(){
That way you can access static methods easily, via your auxiliary SessionBean. Then, how to test it? Just create a mock of it (using Mockito, for instance):
public class Test{
public void test1(){
SessionBean sb = Mockito.mock(SessionBean.class);
//Mock your 'getSessionParam' method
ValueBean vb = new ValueBean();
//Create your bean to test and set your mock to it
RequestBean rb = new RequestBean();
//here you can test your RequestBean assuming
//will return vb for every single call
It is possible to mock FacesContext but this is less than ideal. Mockito example:
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
public abstract class ContextMocker extends FacesContext {
private ContextMocker() {}
private static final Release RELEASE = new Release();
private static class Release implements Answer<Void> {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return null;
public static FacesContext mockFacesContext() {
FacesContext context = Mockito.mock(FacesContext.class);
return context;
If your platform supports it, prefer CDI to JSF managed beans. CDI has static dependency checking and injects proxies to prevent scope leak. CDI doesn't support all of JSF's features but it is relatively easy to connect JSF managed beans to CDI where necessary.
JSF managed beans restrict the scope that you inject types into but even that can lead to scope leaks. For example, the #{sessionScope} variable can be injected into a session scope bean even though the object belongs to the request scoped ExternalContext. It is possible to overcome this by writing your own JSF bean proxies.
Note: most of this was written with Java EE 6 in mind; things might have improved with Java EE 7.

How to unit test a class that consumes a web service?

I have a class (lets call it A) that:
In the constructor takes a config and based on it, creates a stub of
a web service and stores a reference to it in a private field.
Has a few methods that call web methods and some stuff inbetween.
I started to create a unit test that:
Creates an instance of a class A with a dummy configuration.
Through reflection it injects the mocked web service stub.
Although that web service has plenty of methods.
Should I mock them all (in every test, with different data)?
Or maybe I should create another layer that encapsulates only the web methods that are being used?
Or there is another approach?
You should create a wrapper interface around your webservice, and make your class under test take a dependency on that interface, rather than directly on the webservice; you can then mock the interface. Only make that interface expose the methods of the webservice that you find interesting. This is known as a facade pattern, and is detailed here.
Without having a clue about what you're testing, aim for something like this:
public interface IWebserviceWrapper
Whatever DoStuff(int something);
public class WebserviceWrapper : IWebserviceWrapper
private WebService _theActualWebservice;
public WebserviceWrapper(Webservice theService)
_theActualWebService = theService;
public Whatever DoStuff(int something)
return _theActualWebservice.DoSomething(something);
Then your test would look like this (in this case, using MOQ)
public void Test_doing_something()
Mock<IWebserviceWrapper> _serviceWrapperMock = new Mock<IWebserviceWrapper>();
_serviceWrapperMock.SetUp(m => m.DoStuff(12345)).Returns(new Whatever());
var classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(_serviceWrapperMock.Object);
var result = classUnderTest.Dothings(12345);
Short answer Yes :). Long answer you should use some kind of mocking lib for example: http://code.google.com/p/mockito/ and in your unit test mock the WS stub and pass it to the tested class. That is the way of the force :)
When you unit test a class, you always want to make sure to only test that class and not include its dependencies. To do that, you will have to mock your WS to have it return dummy data when methods are called. Depending on your scenarios, you do not have to mock ALL the methods for each test, I would say only those that are used.
For an example about mocking, you can read this article: http://written-in-codes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/unit-tests-part-deux.html

Unit Testing DbContext

I've researched some information about techniques I could use to unit test a DbContext. I would like to add some in-memory data to the context so that my tests could run against it. I'm using Database-First approach.
The two articles I've found most usefull were this and this.
That approach relies on creating an IContext interface that both MyContext and FakeContext will implement, allowing to Mock the context.
However, I'm trying to avoid using repositories to abstract EF, as pointed by some people, since EF 4.1 already implements repository and unit of work patterns through DbSet and DbContext, and I really would like to preserve all the features implemented by the EF Team without having to maintain them myself with a generic repository, as I already did in other project (and it was kind of painful).
Working with an IContext will lead me to the same path (or won't it?).
I thought about creating a FakeContext that inherits from main MyContext and thus take advantage of the DbContext underneath it to run my tests without hitting the database.
I couldn't find similar implementations, so I'm hoping someone can help me on this.
Am I doing something wrong, or could this lead me to some problems that I'm not anticipating?
Ask yourself a single question: What are you going to test?
You mentioned FakeContext and Mocking the context - why to use both? Those are just different ways to do the same - provide test only implementation of the context.
There is one more bigger problem - faking or mocking context or set has only one result: You are not testing your real code any more.
Simple example:
public interface IContext : IDisposable
IDbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; }
public class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; }
public class MyService
private bool MyVerySpecialNetMethod(e)
return File.Exists(e.Path);
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> GetMyEntities()
using (IContext context = CreateContext())
return context.MyEntities
.Where(e => MyVerySpecialNetMethod(e))
Now imagine that you have this in your SUT (system under test - in case of unit test it is an unit = usually a method). In the test code you provide FakeContext and FakeSet and it will work - you will have a green test. Now in the production code you will provide a another derived DbContext and DbSet and you will get exception at runtime.
Why? Because by using FakeContext you have also changed LINQ provider and instead of LINQ to Entities you are running LINQ to Objects so calling local .NET methods which cannot be converted to SQL works as well as many other LINQ features which are not available in LINQ to Entities! There are other issues you can find with data modification as well - referential integrity, cascade deletes, etc. That is the reason why I believe that code dealing with context / LINQ to Entities should be covered with integration tests and executed against the real database.
I am developing an open-source library to solve this problem.
A little teaser:
You don't have to add any boilerplate code, just simply call the appropriate API of the library, for example:
var context = Effort.ObjectContextFactory.CreateTransient<MyContext>();
At first this might seem to be magic, but the created ObjectContext object will communicate with an in-memory database and will not talk to the original real database at all. The term "transient" refers to the lifecycle of this database, it only lives during the presence of the created ObjectContext object. Concurrently created ObjectContext objects communicate with dedicated database instances, the data is not shared accross them. This enables to write automated tests easily.
The library provides various features to customize the creation: share data across instances, set initial data of the database, create fake database on different data layers... check out the project site for more info.
As of EF 4.3, you can unit test your code by injecting a fake DefaultConnectionFactory before creating the context.
Entity Framework 4.1 is close to being able to be mocked up in tests but requires a little extra effort. The T4 template provides you with a DbContext derived class that contains DbSet properties. The two things that I think you need to mock are the DbSet objects that these properties return and properites and methods you're using on the DbContext derived class. Both can be achieved by modifying the T4 template.
Brent McKendrick has shown the types of modifications that need to be made in this post, but not the T4 template modifications that can achieve this. Roughly, these are:
Convert the DbSet properties on the DbContext derived class into IDbSet properties.
Add a section that generates an interface for the DbContext derived class containing the IDbSet properties and any other methods (such as SaveChanges) that you'll need to mock.
Implement the new interface in the DbContext derived class.

#Autowired, #Component and testing

How would you go about integration testing a spring application that is annotation-configured and component-scanned and does not have an XML configuration at all? I'm hitting a wall with the need to replace production components with testing components without actually resorting to xml configuration or reflection injections to all the #autowired parts.
interface A {...}
class AImpl implements A {
interface B {...}
class BImpl implements B {
#Autowired A a;
interface C {...}
class CImpl implements C {
#Autowired B b;
then in my test I want to use ATestImpl, but I only have access to C (integration testing C).
How would you go about doing that?
Take advantage of #Primary annotation:
public class TestA implements A {
If there is more than one bean implementing A, Spring will prefer the one annotated with #Primary. If you place TestA class in /src/test/java, it will only be picked up during test execution, on normal context startup Spring won't see TestA and use only avaialble AImpl.
Use a dedicated spring context XML file where you override AImpl with an instance of ATestImpl. Of course, it uses XML, but I don't see any other solution (other than repackaging the application with your ATestImpl annotated class instead of the AImpl one)
The new Bean Profile features in Spring 3.1 address the need to swap injected components for testing by defining profiles e.g. test, production etc.
The link to the blog post is here. The Spring team have today released the second milestone release of Spring 3.1.
You can use a special component scan for your test, that exclude the "normal" class and add the test class.
If you have several different test classes, then they should not have a #Component Annotation (or #Service, ...). Instead they should be loaded by an XML Bean declaration. So you can have different XML files for different setups.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.queomedia.sgcrm.base">
<context:exclude-filter expression="com\.example\.AImpl" type="regex"/>
<bean class="com.example.ATestImpl"/>
Using Spring annotation config classes, code the #Bean methods to interfaces. The prod config can perform a componentscan on the high-level package(s) to load the prod objects and the test configs can individually specify beans to return the test versions of your objects. This works very well for component testing where faking service calls and DAO objects is necessary.

How to mock ObjectContext or ObjectQuery<T> in Entity Framework?

How to mock ObjectContext or ObjectQuery in Entity Framework?
The basic mocking frameworks can only create mocks for interfaces and for abstract classes (but only for abstract/virtual methods).
As the ObjectContext is neither abstract nor interface, it is not so easy to mock it. However, as the concrete model container is generated as partial class (if you use the designer), you can extract the methods/properties you need from it to an interface. In your code, you may use the interface only, that you can mock afterwards.
With the ObjectQuery it is a little bit more easy, as it has a base interface (e.g. IQueryable) that basically contains all the neccessary operations that you usually need (and required for LINQ). So you should expose IQueryable instead of ObjectQuery in your business logic, and you can create mock for that interface.
Other alternative is to hide all data-access related logic into a separate layer (with minimal logic), test this layer with integration tests, and mock it to be able to unit test the other layers.
There are tools (I know only TypeMock) that use the profiling hooks of .NET to generate the mocks. These tools are not limited to mock interfaces or abstract classes, but with them you can mock basically anything, including non-virtual and static methods. With such a tool you don't need to change your business logic in order to allow mocking.
Although this approach is sometimes useful, you have to be aware that extracting the dependencies to interfaces (IoC) is not only helpful for mocking, but also it reduces the dependencies between your components, that has other benefits too.
Personally I like Rhino.Mocks the best from the freeware tools, but we also use TypeMock as well, which is also a great product (but you have to pay for it).
Why can't we just create the actual context object to be used in our tests? Since we don't want our tests to affect the production database, we can always specify a connection string that points to a test database. Before running each test, construct a new context, add the data you will need in your test, proceed with the unit test, then in the test cleanup section, delete all the records that were created during the test. The only side-affect here would be that the auto-increment IDs would be used up in the test database, but since it's a test database - who cares?
I know that most answers regarding this question propose using DI/IoC designs to create interfaces for data contexts etc. but the reason I am using Entity Framework is exactly to not write any interfaces for my database connections, object models, and simple CRUD transactions. To write mock interfaces for my data objects and to write complex queryable objects to support LINQ, defeats the purpose of relying on highly-tested and reliable Entity Framework.
This pattern for unit testing is not new - Ruby on Rails has been using it for a long time and it's worked out great. Just as .NET provides EF, RoR provides ActiveRecord objects and each unit test creates the objects it needs, proceeds with the tests, and then deletes all the constructed records.
How to specify connection string for test environment? Since all tests are in their own dedicated test project, adding a new App.Config file with a connection string for the test database would suffice.
Just think of how much headache and pain this will save you.
I agree with the others you cannot really Mock ObjectContext. You should use EF DbContext because you can mock the underlying DbSet There are quite a lot of post how to do that. So I won't write how to do it. However if you absolutely must use ObjectContext (for some reason) and you want to Unit test it you can use InMemory database.
First install this Nuget package: Effort (Entity Framework Fake ObjectContext Realization Tool), which uses NMemory as the database. Install Effort.EF6 package:
PM> Install-Package Effort.EF6
using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using Effort;
public class DbContextHelper
//Fake object you can drop this if you are using your own EF context
private class DbObject
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
//Fake EF context you can switch with you own EF context
private class FakeDbContext : DbContext
public FakeDbContext(DbConnection connection)
: base(connection, true) { }
public virtual DbSet<DbObject> DbObjects { get; set; }
private FakeDbContext _dbContext;
public DbContextHelper()
//In memory DB connection
DbConnection effortConnection = DbConnectionFactory.CreatePersistent("TestInstanceName");
_dbContext = new FakeDbContext(effortConnection);
//You can expose your context instead of the DbContext base type
public DbContext DbContext => _dbContext;
public ObjectContext ObjectContext => ((IObjectContextAdapter)_dbContext).ObjectContext;
//Method to add Fake object to the fake EF context
public void AddEntityWithState(string value, EntityState entityState)
DbContext.Entry(new DbObject() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = value }).State = entityState;
DbContextHelper _dbContextHelper = new DbContextHelper();
_dbContextHelper.AddEntityWithState("added", System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added);
_dbContextHelper.AddEntityWithState("added", System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified);
var objs = _dbContextHelper.ObjectContext.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Added);
There you are you have your object in memory DB.