child waiting for another child - c++

is there a way for a forked child to examine another forked child so that, if the other forked child takes more time than usual to perform its chores, the first child may perform predefined steps?
if so, sample code will be greatly appreciated.

Yes. Simply fork the process to be watched, from the process to watch it.
if (fork() == 0) {
// we are the watcher
pid_t watchee_pid = fork();
if (watchee_pid != 0) {
// wait and/or handle timeout
int status;
waitpid(watchee_pid, &status, WNOHANG);
} else {
// we're being watched. do stuff
} else {
// original process
To emphasise: There are 3 processes. The original, the watcher process (that handles timeout etc.) and the actual watched process.

To do this, you'll need to use some form of IPC, and named shared memory segments makes perfect sense here. Your first child could read a value in a named segment which the other child will set once it has completed it's work. Your first child could set a time out and once that time out expires, check for the value - if the value is not set, then do what you need to do.
The code can vary greatly depending on C or C++, you need to select which. If C++, you can use boost::interprocess for this - which has lots of examples of shared memory usage. If C, then you'll have to put this together using native calls for your OS - again this should be fairly straightforward - start at shmget()

This is some orientative code that could help you to solve the problem in a Linux environment.
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
printf("fork: %s", strerror(errno));
} else if (pid > 0) {
/* parent process */
int i = 0;
int secs = 60; /* 60 secs for the process to finish */
while(1) {
/* check if process with pid exists */
if (exist(pid) && i > secs) {
/* do something accordingly */
} else {
/* child process */
/* child logic here */
... those 60 seconds are not very strict. you could better use a timer if you want more strict timing measurement. But if your system doesn't need critical real time processing should be just fine like this.
exist(pid) refers to a function that you should have code that looks into proc/pid where pid is the process id of the child process.
Optionally, you can implement the function exist(pid) using other libraries designed to extract information from the /proc directory like procps

The only processes you can wait on are your own direct child processes - not siblings, not your parent, not grandchildren, etc. Depending on your program's needs, Matt's solution may work for you. If not, here are some other alternatives:
Forget about waiting and use another form of IPC. For robustness, it needs to be something where unexpected termination of the process you're waiting on results in your receiving an event. The best one I can think of is opening a pipe which both processes share, and giving the writing end of the pipe to the process you want to wait for (make sure no other processes keep the writing end open!). When the process holding the writing end terminates, it will be closed, and the reading end will then indicate EOF (read will block on it until the writing end is closed, then return a zero-length read).
Forget about IPC and use threads. One advantage of threads is that the atomicity of a "process" is preserved. It's impossible for individual threads to be killed or otherwise terminate outside of the control of your program, so you don't have to worry about race conditions with process ids and shared resource allocation in the system-global namespace (IPC objects, filenames, sockets, etc.). All synchronization primitives exist purely within your process's address space.


How do I synchronize father and child processes using pipes?

I believe there's a way to synchronize two processes using pipes, but I'm unsure on how to implement it. In my code both the child and father process execute its code at the same time, I would like for one process to wait for the other. For example, using a pipe to block one process until the other process is done.
My code:
int main()
int one[2];
int two[2];
int x=0;
char messageRead[256], messageRead2[256], messageWrite[256], messageWrite2[256];
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) //child process
while (x==0) //loop until condition is met (didn't write the condition yet, just testing)
std::cout << "Child process.\n\n";
std::cin >> messageWrite;
write(one[1], messageWrite, 256);
read(two[0], messageRead2, 256 );
else if(pid>0) //father process
std::cout << "Father process.\n\n";
std::cin >> messageWrite;
write(two[1], messageWrite2, 256);
read(one[0], messageRead, 256);
Right now, both processes go back and forth, like I want but they both execute at the same time like this:
Father process.
Child process.
user input here
user input here
Father process.
Child process.
user input here
user input here
Child process.
Father process.
user input here
user input here
One method that can work rather well is to simply rely on pipes blocking if you try to read and there's nothing in them. With that (configured if necessary), you define one process to own the resource you're protecting and while it continues to own this resource, it uses it as it wishes (and the pipe is empty).
When the resource owner wishes to relinquish the resource, it writes a token into the pipe. This token can be anything that makes sense to you… a simple meaningless piece of data, or something that has meaning.
When either process wishes to own the resource (while it doesn't already), it reads the pipe… this blocks it until something is in there. When the read is successful, that process now owns the resource.
You can do this with non-blocking I/O also, as long as you keep track in each process if you own the resource or not.
The problem in the code you've provided in your question is that both processes write to the other's pipe right away, allowing the other end's read to be successful without any delay.

Way to force file descriptor to close so that pclose() will not block?

I am creating a pipe using popen() and the process is invoking a third party tool which in some rare cases I need to terminate.
::popen(thirdPartyCommand.c_str(), "w");
If I just throw an exception and unwind the stack, my unwind attempts to call pclose() on the third party process whose results I no longer need. However, pclose() never returns as it blocks with the following stack trace on Centos 4:
#0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0x00807dc3 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/
#2 0x007d0abe in _IO_proc_close##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
#3 0x007daf38 in _IO_new_file_close_it () from /lib/
#4 0x007cec6e in fclose##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
#5 0x007d6cfd in pclose##GLIBC_2.1 () from /lib/
Is there any way to force the call to pclose() to be successful before calling it so I can programmatically avoid this situation of my process getting hung up waiting for pclose() to succeed when it never will because I've stopped supplying input to the popen()ed process and wish to throw away its work?
Should I write an end of file somehow to the popen()ed file descriptor before trying to close it?
Note that the third party software is forking itself. At the point where pclose() has hung, there are four processes, one of which is defunct:
abc 6870 0.0 0.0 8696 972 ? S 04:39 0:00 sh -c /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2 2>&1
abc 6871 0.0 0.0 10172 4296 ? S 04:39 0:00 /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2
abc 6874 99.8 0.0 10180 1604 ? R 04:39 141:44 /usr/local/bin/third_party /home/arg1 /home/arg2
abc 6875 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 04:39 0:00 [third_party] <defunct>
I see two solutions here:
The neat one: you fork(), pipe() and execve() (or anything in the exec family of course...) "manually", then it is going to be up to you to decide if you want to let your children become zombies or not. (i.e. to wait() for them or not)
The ugly one: if you're sure you only have one of this child process running at any given time, you could use sysctl() to check if there is any process running with this name before you call pclose()... yuk.
I strongly advise the neat way here, or you could just ask whomever responsible to fix that infinite loop in your third party tool haha.
Good luck!
For you first question: I don't know. Doing some researches on how to find processes by name using sysctl() shoud tell you what you need to know, I myself have never pushed it this far.
For your second and third question: popen() is basically a wrapper to fork() + pipe() + dup2() + execl().
fork() duplicates the process, execl() replaces the duplicated process' image with a new one, pipe() handles inter process communication and dup2() is used to redirect the output... And then pclose() will wait() for the duplicated process to die, which is why we're here.
If you want to know more, you should check this answer where I've recently explained how to perform a simple fork with standard IPC. In this case, it's just a bit more complicated as you have to use dup2() to redirect the standard output to your pipe.
You should also take a look at popen()/pclose() source codes, as they are of course open source.
Finally, here's a brief example, I cannot make it clearer than that:
int pipefd[2];
if (fork() == 0) // I'm the child
close(pipefd[0]); // I'm not going to read from this pipe
dup2(pipefd[1], 1); // redirect standard output to the pipe
close(pipefd[1]); // it has been duplicated, close it as we don't need it anymore
execve()/execl()/execsomething()... // execute the program you want
else // I'm the parent
close(pipefd[1]); // I'm not going to write to this pipe
while (read(pipefd[0], &buf, 1) > 0) // read while EOF
write(1, &buf, 1);
close(pipefd[1]); // cleaning
And as always, remember to read the man pages and to check all your return values.
Again, good luck!
Another solution is to kill all your children. If you know that the only child processes you have are processes that get started when you do popen(), then it's easy enough. Otherwise you may need some more work or use the fork() + execve() combo, in which case you will know the first child's PID.
Whenever you run a child process, it's PPID (parent process ID) is your own PID. It is easy enough to read the list of currently running processes and gather those that have their PPID = getpid(). Repeat the loop looking for processes that have their PPID equal to one of your children's PID. In the end you build a whole tree of child processes.
Since you child processes may end up creating other child processes, to make it safe, you will want to block those processes by sending a SIGSTOP. That way they will stop creating new children. As far as I know, you can't prevent the SIGSTOP from doing its deed.
The process is therefore:
function kill_all_children()
std::vector<pid_t> me_and_children;
bool found_child = false;
found_child = false;
std::vector<process> processes(get_processes());
for(auto p : processes)
// i.e. if I'm the child of any one of those processes
kill(, SIGSTOP);
found_child = true;
for(auto c : me_and_children)
// ignore ourselves
if(c == getpid())
kill(c, SIGTERM);
kill(c, SIGCONT); // make sure it continues now
This is probably not the best way to close your pipe, though, since you probably need to let the command time to handle your data. So what you want is execute that code only after a timeout. So your regular code could look something like this:
void send_data(...)
signal(SIGALRM, handle_alarm);
f = popen("command", "w");
// do some work...
alarm(60); // give it a minute
alarm(0); // remove alarm
void handle_alarm()
-- about the alarm(60);, the location is up to you, it could also be placed before the popen() if you're afraid that the popen() or the work after it could also fail (i.e. I've had problems where the pipe fills up and I don't even reach the pclose() because then the child process loops forever.)
Note that the alarm() may not be the best idea in the world. You may prefer using a thread with a sleep made of a poll() or select() on an fd which you can wake up as required. That way the thread would call the kill_all_children() function after the sleep, but you can send it a message to wake it up early and let it know that the pclose() happened as expected.
Note: I left the implementation of the get_processes() out of this answer. You can read that from /proc or with the libprocps library. I have such an implementation in my snapwebsites project. It's called process_list. You could just reap off that class.
I'm using popen() to invoke a child process which doesn't need any stdin or stdout, it just runs for a short time to do its work, then it stops all by itself. Arguably, invoking this type of child process should rather be done with system() ? Anyway, pclose() is used afterwards to verify that the child process exited cleanly.
Under certain conditions, this child process keeps on running indefinitely. pclose() blocks forever, so then my parent process is also stuck. CPU usage runs to 100%, other executables get starved, and my whole embedded system crumbles. I came here looking for solutions.
Solution 1 by #cmc : decomposing popen() into fork(), pipe(), dup2() and execl().
It might just be a matter of personal taste, but I'm reluctant to rewrite perfectly fine system calls myself. I would just end up introducing new bugs.
Solution 2 by #cmc : verifying that the child process actually exists with sysctl(), to make sure that pclose() will return successfully. I find that this somehow sidesteps the problem from the OP #WilliamKF - there is definitely a child process, it just has become unresponsive. Forgoing the pclose() call won't solve that. [As an aside, in the 7 years since #cmc wrote this answer, sysctl() seems to have become deprecated.]
Solution 3 by #Alexis Wilke : killing the child process. I like this approach best. It basically automates what I did when I stepped in manually to resuscitate my dying embedded system. The problem with my stubborn adherence to popen(), is that I get no PID from the child process. I have been trying in vain with
waitid(P_PGID, getpgrp(), &child_info, WNOHANG);
but all I get on my Debian Linux 4.19 system is EINVAL.
So here's what I cobbled together. I'm searching for the child process by name; I can afford to take a few shortcuts, as I'm sure there will only be one process with this name. Ironically, commandline utility ps is invoked by yet another popen(). This won't win any elegance prizes, but at least my embedded system stays afloat now.
FILE* child = popen("child", "r");
if (child)
int nr_loops;
int child_pid;
for (nr_loops=10; nr_loops; nr_loops--)
FILE* ps = popen("ps | grep child | grep -v grep | grep -v \"sh -c \" | sed \'s/^ *//\' | sed \'s/ .*$//\'", "r");
child_pid = 0;
int found = fscanf(ps, "%d", &child_pid);
if (found != 1)
// The child process is no longer running, no risk of blocking pclose()
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "child running PID %d", child_pid);
usleep(1000000); // 1 second
if (!nr_loops)
// Time to kill this runaway child
syslog(LOG_ERR, "killing PID %d", child_pid);
kill(child_pid, SIGTERM);
pclose(child); // Even after it had to be killed
} /* if (child) */
I learned in the hard way, that I have to pair every popen() with a pclose(), otherwise I pile up the zombie processes. I find it remarkable that this is needed after a direct kill; I figure that's because according to the manpage, popen() actually launches sh -c with the child process in it, and it's this surrounding sh that becomes a zombie.

C++ threads & infinite loop

I have a little problem, I wrote a program, server role, doing an infinite loop waiting for client requests.
But I would like this program to also return his pid.
Thus, I think I should use multithreading.
Here's my main :
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int pid = (int) getpid();
int port = 5555
ServerSoap *servsoap;
servsoap = new ServerSoap(port, false);
servsoap->StartServer(); //Here starts the infinite loop
return pid; //so it never executes this
If it was bash scripting I would add & to run it in background.
Shall I use pthread ? And how to do it please ?
When a program returns (exits), all running threads terminate, so you can't have a background thread continue to run.
In addition, the int return value of main is (usually) truncated to a 7-bit value, so you don't have enough space to return a full pid.
It'd be better just to print the pid to stdout using printf.
If you put the infinite loop in a separate thread, and then return from main it will kill the whole process including your new thread. One solution, keeping to threads, is to make a detached thread. A better solution is probably to create a new process:
int main()
int pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
else if (pid == 0)
ServerSoap serversoap(5555, false);
return pid;
Edit: Also note the limit to the return value from main as noted in the answer from ecatmur.
I have a feeling that you're trying to implement daemon.
To add to #ecatmur answer, if no error has happened program should always return 0 on termination.
PID is usually saved in some file, often times in /var/run/ directory. Some programs use /tmp/ directory.
Your main is attempting to do what your server should do. You're confusing a couple patterns here.
Pattern #1: Daemon
Think of the main as the program that, when on, accepts client requests and performs operations with them. The main has to wait for requests if this is the structure of the program. When a request is received, only then do you perform the requested operation. The main serves only to turn on or off this service. Normally this type of behavior is handled by default with threads. The listener activates a thread calling specific methods with information regarding the request, for instance. Unless you require threads for the work you need done, you shouldn't require threads for this.
Pattern #2: Tool
Alternatively, you could simply call this program as a tool. You'd still need a web service, but this program could be separate from that. Apart from what your tool should do, you shouldn't require threads for this.
In either case, I don't think what you're looking for is to implement threading. You're simply activating a server which does nothing. You should probably look into adding request handlers instead.

Reliable way to count running instances of a process on Windows using c++/WinAPIs

I need to know how many instances of my process are running on a local Windows system. I need to be able to do it using C++/MFC/WinAPIs. So what is a reliable method to do this?
I was thinking to use process IDs for that, stored as a list in a shared memory array that can be accessed by the process. But the question is, when a process is closed or crashes how soon will its process ID be reused?
The process and thread identifiers may be reused any time after closure of all handles. See When does a process ID become available for reuse? for more information on this.
However if you are going to store a pair of { identifier, process start time } you can resolve these ambiguities and detect identifier reuse. You can create a named file mapping to share information between the processes, and use IPC to synchronize access to this shared data.
You can snag the process handles by the name of the process using the method described in this question. It's called Process Walking. That'll be more reliable than process id's or file paths.
A variation of this answer is what you're looking for. Just loop through the processes with Process32Next, and look for processes with the same name using MatchProcessName. Unlike the example in the link I provided, you'll be looking to count or create a list of the processes with the same name, but that's a trivial addition.
If you are trying to limit the number of instances of your process to some number you can use a Semaphore.
You can read in detail here:
In a nutshell, the semaphore is initialized with a current count and max count. Each instance of your process will decrement the count when it acquires the semaphore. When the nth process tries to acquire it but the count has reached zero that process will fail to acquire it and can terminate or take appropriate action.
The following code should give you the gist of what you have to do:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// maximum number of instances of your process
#define MAX_INSTANCES 10
// name shared by all your processes. See
#define SEMAPHORE_NAME "Global\MyProcess"
// access rights for semaphore, see
int main( void )
HANDLE semaphore;
// Create a semaphore with initial and max counts of MAX_SEM_COUNT
semaphore = CreateSemaphore(
NULL, // default security attributes
MAX_INSTANCES, // initial count
MAX_INSTANCES, // maximum count
if (semaphore == NULL)
semaphore = OpenSemaphore(
FALSE, // don't inherit the handle for child processes
if (semaphore == NULL)
printf("Error creating/opening semaphore: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
// acquire semaphore and decrement count
DWORD acquireResult = 0;
acquireResult = WaitForSingleObject(
0L); // timeout after 0 seconds trying to acquire
if(acquireResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
printf("Too many processes have the semaphore. Exiting.");
return 1;
// do your application's business here
// now that you're done release the semaphore
LONG prevCount = 0;
BOOL releaseResult = ReleaseSemaphore(
1, // increment count by 1
&prevCount );
printf("Error releasing semaphore");
return 1;
printf("Semaphore released, prev count is %d", prevCount);
return 0;
Well, your solution is not very reliable. PIDs can be reused by the OS at any later time.
I did it once by going through all the processes and comparing their command line string (the path of the executable) with the one for my process. Works pretty well.
Extra care should be taken for programs that are started via batch files (like some java apps/servers).
Other solutions involve IPC, maybe through named pipes, sockets, shared memory (as you mentioned). But none of them are that easy to implement and maintain.

fork and exec many different processes, and obtain results from each one

I have managed to fork and exec a different program from within my app. I'm currently working on how to wait until the process called from exec returns a result through a pipe or stdout. However, can I have a group of processes using a single fork, or do I have to fork many times and call the same program again? Can I get a PID for each different process ? I want my app to call the same program I'm currently calling many times but with different parameters: I want a group of 8 processes of the same program running and returning results via pipes. Can someone please point me to the right direction please ? I've gone through the linux.die man pages, but they are quite spartan and cryptic in their description. Is there an ebook or pdf I can find for detailed information ? Thank you!
pid_t pID = fork();
if (pID == 0){
int proc = execl(BOLDAGENT,BOLDAGENT,"-u","2","-c","walkevo.xml",NULL);
std::cout << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
For example, how can I control by PID which child (according to the parameter xml file) has obtained which result (by pipe or stdout), and thus act accordingly? Do I have to encapsulate children processes in an object, and work from there, or can I group them altogether?
One Fork syscall make only one new process (one PID). You should organize some data structures (e.g. array of pids, array of parent's ends of pipes, etc), do 8 fork from main program (every child will do exec) and then wait for childs.
After each fork() it will return you a PID of child. You can store this pid and associated information like this:
#define MAX_CHILD=8
pid_t pids[MAX_CHILD];
int pipe_fd[MAX_CHILD];
for(int child=0;child<MAX_CHILD;child++) {
int pipe[2];
/* create a pipe; save one of pipe fd to the pipe_fd[child] */
int ret;
ret = fork();
if(ret) { /* parent */
/* close alien half of pipe */
pids[child] = ret; /* save the pid */
} else { /* child */
/* close alien half of pipe */
/* We are child #child, exec needed program */
/* here can be no more code in the child, as `exec` will not return if there is no error! */
/* there you can do a `select` to wait data from several pipes; select will give you number of fd with data waiting, you can find a pid from two arrays */
It's mind-bending at first, but you seem to grasp that, when you call fork( ):
the calling process (the "parent") is
essentially duplicated by the
operating system and the duplicate process
becomes the "child"
with a unique PID all its own;
the returned value from the fork( )
call is either: integer
0,1 meaning that the
program receiving the 0 return is the
"child"; or it is the non-zero integer PID
of that forked child; and
the new child process is entered into
the scheduling queue for execution.
The parent remains in the scheduling
queue and continues to execute as
It is this ( 0 .xor. non-0 ) return from fork( ) that tells the program which role it's playing at this instant -- 0 returned, program is the child process; anything else returned, program is the parent process.
If the program playing the parent role wants many children, he has to fork( ) each one separately; there's no such thing as multiple children sharing a fork( ).
Intermediate results certainly can be sent via a pipe.
As for calling each child with different parameters, there's really nothing special to do: you can be sure that, when the child gets control, he will have (copies of) exactly the same variables as does the parent. So communicating parameters to the child is a matter of the parent's setting up variable values he wants the child to operate on; and then calling fork( ).
1 More accurately: fork( ) returns a value of type pid_t, which these days is identical to an integer on quite a few systems.
It's been a while since I've worked in C/C++, but a few points:
The Wikipedia fork-exec page provides a starting point to learn about forking and execing. Google is your friend here too.
As osgx's answer says, fork() can only give you one subprocess, so you'll have to call it 8 times to get 8 processes and then each one will have to exec the other program.
fork() returns the PID of the child process to the main process and 0 to the subprocess, so you should be able to do something like:
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
/* exec new program here */
} else {
/* continue with parent process stuff */