const char * u8_to_bstr(const uint8_t & u8) {
static char s[9]; // space for 8-char string
s[8] = 0; // terminate string
char * sp = s;
for (uint8_t xbit = 0b10000000; xbit > 0; xbit >>= 1) {
cout << s << endl;
*(sp++) = ((u8 & xbit) == xbit) ? '1' : '0';
return s;
I encountered this piece of code studying that converts a uint8 to a string representing its binary. My question is, why do we need the static qualifier for static char s[9]? When I remove the static qualifier I get some very strange behavior but I don't understand why.
The function returns s, which is declared on the stack of this function. Were it not static, it would go out of scope, effectively disappear, once the function returns because all the storage on the stack is made available for reuse once a function returns. By making it static, it’s forced to have a persistent address in memory. However, it’s still bad design - if you call this function from multiple threads, they’ll fight with each other for use of the static memory space.
To expand on what #VorpalSword offered in their answer, it doesn't have to be static. Instead you could dynamically allocate the array. This dynamically allocated memory will remain valid after u8_to_bstr exits.
const char * u8_to_bstr(const uint8_t & u8) {
const char *s = new char[9]; // space for 8-char string
s[8] = 0; // terminate string
char *sp = s;
for (uint8_t xbit = 0b10000000; xbit > 0; xbit >>= 1) {
cout << s << endl;
*(sp++) = ((u8 & xbit) == xbit) ? '1' : '0';
return s;
It's a remarkably small change to your code, but it does have implications for how your program works, and you do have to remember later to free up this memory.
delete[] variable_holding_results_of_u8_to_bstr;
This is a simple view os storing your data in memory so that it will remain usable after u8_to_bstr finishes its work without using static. It is by no means the only way or the best way.
In good practice, you'd make use of std::unique_ptr and std::vector rather than manually allocating and deleting arrays. Here is a quick view of your code translated to use these tools. Please note I've added a print_vec helper function.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
using std::vector;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::make_unique;
void print_vec(unique_ptr<vector<char>> const& v);
unique_ptr<vector<char>> u8_to_bstr(const uint8_t & u8);
int main() {
auto r = u8_to_bstr(45);
void print_vec(unique_ptr<vector<char>> const& v) {
for (auto ch : *v) {
std::cout << ch;
std::cout << std::endl;
unique_ptr<vector<char>> u8_to_bstr(const uint8_t & u8) {
auto s = make_unique<vector<char>>(9, '\0');
auto sp = s->begin();
for (uint8_t xbit = 0b10000000; xbit > 0; xbit >>= 1) {
*(sp++) = ((u8 & xbit) == xbit) ? '1' : '0';
return s;
You will almost certainly need to compile this specifying the C++14 or C++17 standards. If you wish to research the types and functions introduced, is a good site, and will tell you what C++ standards types/fucntions were introduced in.
Here is the specification for the code:
You are to use the Word and Dictionary classes defined below and write all member functions and any necessary supporting functions to achieve the specified result.
The Word class should dynamically allocate memory for each word to be stored in the dictionary.
The Dictionary class should contain an array of pointers to Word. Memory for this array must be dynamically allocated. You will have to read the words in from the file. Since you do not know the "word" file size, you do not know how large to allocate the array of pointers. You are to let this grow dynamically as you read the file in. Start with an array size of 8, When that array is filled, double the array size, copy the original 8 words to the new array and continue.
You can assume the "word" file is sorted, so your Dictionary::find() function must contain a binary search algorithm. You might want to save this requirement for later - until you get the rest of your program running.
Make sure you store words in the dictionary as lower case and that you convert the input text to the same case - that way your Dictionary::find() function will successfully find "Four" even though it is stored as "four" in your Dictionary.
Here is my code so far.
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Word
char* word_;
Word(const char* text = 0);
~Word() { delete[] word_; word_ = nullptr; }
const char* word() const;
Word::Word(const char* arg)
: word_(new char[strlen(arg) + 1])
strcpy(word_, arg);
const char* Word::word() const
return word_;
class Dictionary
Word** words_;
unsigned int capacity_; // max number of words Dictionary can hold
unsigned int numberOfWordsInDictionary_;
void resize() {
capacity_ = capacity_ * 2;
cout << "Size = " << capacity_ << endl;
void addWordToDictionary(char* word) { words_ += *word; };
Dictionary(const char* filename);
~Dictionary() {
delete[] words_; words_ = nullptr;
bool find(const char* word);
Dictionary::Dictionary(const char * filename)
: words_(new Word*[8]), capacity_(8), numberOfWordsInDictionary_(0)
ifstream fin(filename);
if (!filename) {
cout << "Failed to open file!" << endl;
char buffer[32];
while (fin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
if (numberOfWordsInDictionary_ == capacity_)
bool Dictionary::find(const char * left)
int last = capacity_ - 1,
first = 0,
bool found = false;
while (!found && first <= last) {
middle = (first + last) / 2;
if (strcmp(left, reinterpret_cast<char*>(words_[middle])) == 0) {
found = true;
else if (left > reinterpret_cast<char*>(words_[middle]))
last = middle - 1;
first = middle + 1;
return found;
bool cleanupWord(char x[] ) {
bool lower = false;
int i = 0;
while (x[i]) {
char c = x[i];
lower = true;
return lower;
int main()
char buffer[32];
Dictionary Websters("words.txt");
ifstream fin("gettysburg.txt");
cout << "\nSpell checking " << "gettysburg.text" << "\n\n";
while (fin >> buffer) {
if (cleanupWord(buffer) == true) {
if (!Websters.find(buffer)) {
cout << buffer << " not found in the Dictionary\n";
When I run the program it stops after outputting "spellchecking Gettysburg.txt" and I don't know why. Thank you!
The most likely cause of this problem is the text files have not been opened. Add a check with is_open to make sure they have been opened.
When using Relative Paths (any path that does not go all the way back to the root of the file system (and is an Absolute Path)), take care that the program is being run from the directory you believe it to be. It is not always the same directory as the executable. Search Term to use to learn more about this: Working Directory.
Now on to other reasons this program will not work:
void addWordToDictionary(char* word) { words_ += *word; };
is not adding words to the dictionary. Instead it is advancing the address at which words_ points by the numeric value of the letter at *word. This is extremely destructive as it loses the pointer to the buffer allocated for words_ in the constructor making delete[] words_; in the Dictionary destructor ineffective and probably fatal.
Instead you want to (Note I use want to with a bit of trepidation. What you really want to do is use std::vector and std::string, but I strongly suspect this would upset the assignment's marker)
Dynamically allocate a new Word with new.
Place this word in a free spot in the words_ array. Something along the lines of words_[numberOfWordsInDictionary_] = myNewWord;
Increase numberOfWordsInDictionary_ by 1.
Note that the Words allocated with new must all be released in the Dictionary destructor. You will want a for loop to help with this.
In addition, I would move the
if (numberOfWordsInDictionary_ == capacity_)
from Dictionary to addWordToDictionary so that any time addWordToDictionary is called it is properly sized.
Hmmm. While we're at it, let's look at resize
void resize() {
capacity_ = capacity_ * 2;
cout << "Size = " << capacity_ << endl;
This increases the object's capacity_ but does nothing to allocate more storage for words_. This needs to be corrected. You must:
Double the value of capacity_. You already have this.
Allocate a larger buffer to hold the replacement of words_ with new.
Copy all of the Words in words_ to the larger buffer.
Free the buffer currently pointed to by words_
Point words_ at the new, larger buffer.
I haven't looked closely at find because the carnage required to fix the reading and storage of the dictionary will most likely render find unusable even if it does currently work. The use of reinterpret_cast<char*> is an alarm bell, though. There should be no reason for a cast, let alone the most permissive of them all, in a find function. Rule of thumb: When you see a reinterpret_cast and you don't know what it's for, assume it's hiding a bug and approach it with caution and suspicion.
In addition to investigating the Rule of Three mentioned in the comments, look into the Rule of Five. This will allow you to make a much simpler, and probably more efficient, dictionary based around Word* words_, where words_ will point to an array of Word directly instead of pointers to Words.
I have some trouble with displaying data from a couple of pointer chars.
int main()
char *arr = new char();
for (int t = 0;t < 10;t++)
int size = Generator::GetInstance()->Generate(arr);
for (int generateChars = 0;generateChars < size;generateChars++)
std::cout << &arr[generateChars] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
and the Generator class
int Generator::Generate(char *ar)
int size = (rand() % 10)+1;
arr = new char[size];
for (int t = 0;t < size;t++)
int path = rand() % 4;
switch (path)
case 0:
arr[t] = 'U';
case 1:
arr[t] = 'R';
case 2:
arr[t] = 'D';
case 3:
arr[t] = 'L';
arr[size] = '\0';
*ar = *arr;
return size;
What am I doing wrong this time and why is it displaying junk data each time I am trying something. Sorry if this is something that is answered before already.
If you try to print a char *, C++ assumes that it is a C-style null-terminated string.
It appears that you are allocating (and passing a pointer into) a char array without a terminating null -- so, the I/O library will follow that character with all the junk data that happens to be in memory, until it happens to encounter a null byte.
A simple solution is to pass either a char or a char &, instead of a char *, so that the I/O will correctly interpret it as a single character.
However, that will not fix your memory leaks, which are a separate problem. If you want to use C++ for anything beyond toy programs, you should make a habit of delete-ing anything allocated by new when you no longer need it.
Finally, as mentioned in comments, your code is very non-idiomatic for C++. It is actually terribly educational to play around with low-level code like this, but the standard library has std::string's and all sorts of containers that make it easier to manage your memory correctly, so make sure you learn how to use them, as well as understanding the lower-level features they are built on...
Change your "Generate" functions parameter from a pointer to a pointer reference:
int Generator::Generate(char *& ar)
And change the line:
*ar = *arr;
that is in your "Generate" function to:
ar = arr;
Also remember to clear any dynamic memory that "ar" may point to, when "Generate" is called.
I tested this code and it worked for me...
EDIT In the "for" loop that displays your array, change the line:
std::cout << &arr[generateChars] << " ";
std::cout << arr[generateChars] << " ";
Compiling the following code gives the error message: type illegal.
int main()
// Compilation error - switch expression of type illegal
You cannot use string in either switch or case. Why? Is there any solution that works nicely to support logic similar to switch on strings?
The reason why has to do with the type system. C/C++ doesn't really support strings as a type. It does support the idea of a constant char array but it doesn't really fully understand the notion of a string.
In order to generate the code for a switch statement the compiler must understand what it means for two values to be equal. For items like ints and enums, this is a trivial bit comparison. But how should the compiler compare 2 string values? Case sensitive, insensitive, culture aware, etc ... Without a full awareness of a string this cannot be accurately answered.
Additionally, C/C++ switch statements are typically generated as branch tables. It's not nearly as easy to generate a branch table for a string style switch.
As mentioned previously, compilers like to build lookup tables that optimize switch statements to near O(1) timing whenever possible. Combine this with the fact that the C++ Language doesn't have a string type - std::string is part of the Standard Library which is not part of the Language per se.
I will offer an alternative that you might want to consider, I've used it in the past to good effect. Instead of switching over the string itself, switch over the result of a hash function that uses the string as input. Your code will be almost as clear as switching over the string if you are using a predetermined set of strings:
enum string_code {
string_code hashit (std::string const& inString) {
if (inString == "Fred") return eFred;
if (inString == "Barney") return eBarney;
void foo() {
switch (hashit(stringValue)) {
case eFred:
case eBarney:
There are a bunch of obvious optimizations that pretty much follow what the C compiler would do with a switch statement... funny how that happens.
constexpr hash function:
constexpr unsigned int hash(const char *s, int off = 0) {
return !s[off] ? 5381 : (hash(s, off+1)*33) ^ s[off];
switch( hash(str) ){
case hash("one") : // do something
case hash("two") : // do something
The example above is C++11. There constexpr function must be with single statement. This was relaxed in next C++ versions.
In C++14 and C++17 you can use following hash function:
constexpr uint32_t hash(const char* data, size_t const size) noexcept{
uint32_t hash = 5381;
for(const char *c = data; c < data + size; ++c)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (unsigned char) *c;
return hash;
Also C++17 have std::string_view, so you can use it instead of const char *.
In C++20, you can try using consteval.
C++ 11 update of apparently not #MarmouCorp above but
Uses two maps to convert between the strings and the class enum (better than plain enum because its values are scoped inside it, and reverse lookup for nice error messages).
The use of static in the codeguru code is possible with compiler support for initializer lists which means VS 2013 plus. gcc 4.8.1 was ok with it, not sure how much farther back it would be compatible.
/// <summary>
/// Enum for String values we want to switch on
/// </summary>
enum class TestType
/// <summary>
/// Map from strings to enum values
/// </summary>
std::map<std::string, TestType> MnCTest::s_mapStringToTestType =
{ "setType", TestType::SetType },
{ "getType", TestType::GetType }
/// <summary>
/// Map from enum values to strings
/// </summary>
std::map<TestType, std::string> MnCTest::s_mapTestTypeToString
{TestType::SetType, "setType"},
{TestType::GetType, "getType"},
std::string someString = "setType";
TestType testType = s_mapStringToTestType[someString];
switch (testType)
case TestType::SetType:
case TestType::GetType:
LogError("Unknown TestType ", s_mapTestTypeToString[testType]);
The problem is that for reasons of optimization the switch statement in C++ does not work on anything but primitive types, and you can only compare them with compile time constants.
Presumably the reason for the restriction is that the compiler is able to apply some form of optimization compiling the code down to one cmp instruction and a goto where the address is computed based on the value of the argument at runtime. Since branching and and loops don't play nicely with modern CPUs, this can be an important optimization.
To go around this, I am afraid you will have to resort to if statements.
std::map + C++11 lambdas pattern without enums
unordered_map for the potential amortized O(1): What is the best way to use a HashMap in C++?
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
int main() {
int result;
const std::unordered_map<std::string,std::function<void()>> m{
{"one", [&](){ result = 1; }},
{"two", [&](){ result = 2; }},
{"three", [&](){ result = 3; }},
const auto end = m.end();
std::vector<std::string> strings{"one", "two", "three", "foobar"};
for (const auto& s : strings) {
auto it = m.find(s);
if (it != end) {
} else {
result = -1;
std::cout << s << " " << result << std::endl;
one 1
two 2
three 3
foobar -1
Usage inside methods with static
To use this pattern efficiently inside classes, initialize the lambda map statically, or else you pay O(n) every time to build it from scratch.
Here we can get away with the {} initialization of a static method variable: Static variables in class methods , but we could also use the methods described at: static constructors in C++? I need to initialize private static objects
It was necessary to transform the lambda context capture [&] into an argument, or that would have been undefined: const static auto lambda used with capture by reference
Example that produces the same output as above:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
class RangeSwitch {
void method(std::string key, int &result) {
static const std::unordered_map<std::string,std::function<void(int&)>> m{
{"one", [](int& result){ result = 1; }},
{"two", [](int& result){ result = 2; }},
{"three", [](int& result){ result = 3; }},
static const auto end = m.end();
auto it = m.find(key);
if (it != end) {
} else {
result = -1;
int main() {
RangeSwitch rangeSwitch;
int result;
std::vector<std::string> strings{"one", "two", "three", "foobar"};
for (const auto& s : strings) {
rangeSwitch.method(s, result);
std::cout << s << " " << result << std::endl;
To add a variation using the simplest container possible (no need for an ordered map)... I wouldn't bother with an enum--just put the container definition immediately before the switch so it'll be easy to see which number represents which case.
This does a hashed lookup in the unordered_map and uses the associated int to drive the switch statement. Should be quite fast. Note that at is used instead of [], as I've made that container const. Using [] can be dangerous--if the string isn't in the map, you'll create a new mapping and may end up with undefined results or a continuously growing map.
Note that the at() function will throw an exception if the string isn't in the map. So you may want to test first using count().
const static std::unordered_map<std::string,int> string_to_case{
switch("raj")) {
case 1: // this is the "raj" case
case 2: // this is the "ben" case
The version with a test for an undefined string follows:
const static std::unordered_map<std::string,int> string_to_case{
// in C++20, you can replace .count with .contains
switch(string_to_case.count("raj") ?"raj") : 0) {
case 1: // this is the "raj" case
case 2: // this is the "ben" case
case 0: //this is for the undefined case
In C++ and C switches only work on integer types. Use an if else ladder instead. C++ could obviously have implemented some sort of swich statement for strings - I guess nobody thought it worthwhile, and I agree with them.
Why not? You can use switch implementation with equivalent syntax and same semantics.
The C language does not have objects and strings objects at all, but
strings in C is null terminated strings referenced by pointer.
The C++ language have possibility to make overload functions for
objects comparision or checking objects equalities.
As C as C++ is enough flexible to have such switch for strings for C
language and for objects of any type that support comparaison or check
equality for C++ language. And modern C++11 allow to have this switch
implementation enough effective.
Your code will be like this:
std::string name = "Alice";
std::string gender = "boy";
std::string role;
CASE("Alice") FALL
CASE("Carol") gender = "girl"; FALL
CASE("Dave") role = "participant"; BREAK
CASE("Mallory") FALL
CASE("Trudy") role = "attacker"; BREAK
CASE("Peggy") gender = "girl"; FALL
CASE("Victor") role = "verifier"; BREAK
DEFAULT role = "other";
// the role will be: "participant"
// the gender will be: "girl"
It is possible to use more complicated types for example std::pairs or any structs or classes that support equality operations (or comarisions for quick mode).
any type of data which support comparisions or checking equality
possibility to build cascading nested switch statemens.
possibility to break or fall through case statements
possibility to use non constatnt case expressions
possible to enable quick static/dynamic mode with tree searching (for C++11)
Sintax differences with language switch is
uppercase keywords
need parentheses for CASE statement
semicolon ';' at end of statements is not allowed
colon ':' at CASE statement is not allowed
need one of BREAK or FALL keyword at end of CASE statement
For C++97 language used linear search.
For C++11 and more modern possible to use quick mode wuth tree search where return statement in CASE becoming not allowed.
The C language implementation exists where char* type and zero-terminated string comparisions is used.
Read more about this switch implementation.
I think the reason is that in C strings are not primitive types, as tomjen said, think in a string as a char array, so you can not do things like:
switch (char[]) { // ...
switch (int[]) { // ...
In c++ strings are not first class citizens. The string operations are done through standard library. I think, that is the reason. Also, C++ uses branch table optimization to optimize the switch case statements. Have a look at the link.
Late to the party, here's a solution I came up with some time ago, which completely abides to the requested syntax.
#include <uberswitch/uberswitch.hpp>
int main()
uswitch (std::string("raj"))
ucase ("sda"): /* ... */ break; //notice the parenthesis around the value.
Here's the code:
You could put the strings in an array and use a constexpr to convert them to indices at compile time.
constexpr const char* arr[] = { "bar", "foo" };
constexpr int index(const char* str) { /*...*/ }
do_something(std::string str)
case index("bar"):
// ...
case index("foo"):
// ...
case -1:
// ...
For quick_index, which doesn't have to be constexpr, you could e.g. use an unordered_map to do it O(1) at runtime. (Or sort the array and use binary search, see here for an example.)
Here's a full example for C++11, with a simple custom constexpr string comparer. Duplicate cases and cases not in the array (index gives -1) will be detected at compile time. Missing cases are obviously not detected. Later C++ versions have more flexible constexpr expressions, allowing for simpler code.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
constexpr const char* arr[] = { "bar", "foo", "foobar" };
constexpr int cmp(const char* str1, const char* str2)
return *str1 == *str2 && (!*str1 || cmp(str1+1, str2+1));
constexpr int index(const char* str, int pos=0)
return pos == sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) ? -1 : cmp(str, arr[pos]) ? pos : index(str,pos+1);
int main()
// initialize hash table once
std::unordered_map<std::string,int> lookup;
int i = 0;
for(auto s : arr) lookup[s] = i++;
auto quick_index = [&](std::string& s)
{ auto it = lookup.find(s); return it == lookup.end() ? -1 : it->second; };
// usage in code
std::string str = "bar";
case index("bar"):
std::cout << "bartender" << std::endl;
case index("foo"):
std::cout << "fighter" << std::endl;
case index("foobar"):
std::cout << "fighter bartender" << std::endl;
case -1:
std::cout << "moo" << std::endl;
hare's comment to Nick's solution is really cool. here the complete code example (in C++11):
constexpr uint32_t hash(const std::string& s) noexcept
uint32_t hash = 5381;
for (const auto& c : s)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (unsigned char)c;
return hash;
constexpr inline uint32_t operator"" _(char const* p, size_t) { return hash(p); }
std::string s = "raj";
switch (hash(s)) {
case "sda"_:
// do_something();
In C++ you can only use a switch statement on int and char
cout << "\nEnter word to select your choice\n";
cout << "ex to exit program (0)\n";
cout << "m to set month(1)\n";
cout << "y to set year(2)\n";
cout << "rm to return the month(4)\n";
cout << "ry to return year(5)\n";
cout << "pc to print the calendar for a month(6)\n";
cout << "fdc to print the first day of the month(1)\n";
cin >> c;
cout << endl;
a ="ex") ?"m") ?"y") ?"rm")?"ry") ?"pc") ?"fdc") ? 7 : 6 : 5 : 4 : 3 : 2 : 1 : 0;
switch (a)
case 0:
return 1;
case 1: ///m
cout << "enter month\n";
cin >> c;
cout << endl;
case 2:
cout << "Enter year(yyyy)\n";
cin >> y;
cout << endl;
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout << "Enter month and year\n";
cin >> c >> y;
cout << endl;
case 6:
More functional workaround to the switch problem:
class APIHandlerImpl
// define map of "cases"
std::map<string, std::function<void(server*, websocketpp::connection_hdl, string)>> in_events;
// bind handler method in constructor
in_events["/hello"] = std::bind(&APIHandlerImpl::handleHello, this, _1, _2, _3);
in_events["/bye"] = std::bind(&APIHandlerImpl::handleBye, this, _1, _2, _3);
void onEvent(string event = "/hello", string data = "{}")
// execute event based on incomming event
in_events[event](s, hdl, data);
void APIHandlerImpl::handleHello(server* s, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl, string data)
// ...
void APIHandlerImpl::handleBye(server* s, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl, string data)
// ...
You can use switch on strings.
What you need is table of strings, check every string
char** strings[4] = {"Banana", "Watermelon", "Apple", "Orange"};
unsigned get_case_string(char* str, char** _strings, unsigned n)
if(strcmp(str, _strings[n]) == 0) return n;
return 0;
unsigned index = get_case_string("Banana", strings, 4);
case 1: break;/*Found string `Banana`*/
default: /*No string*/
You can't use string in switch case.Only int & char are allowed. Instead you can try enum for representing the string and use it in the switch case block like
enum MyString(raj,taj,aaj);
Use it int the swich case statement.
That's because C++ turns switches into jump tables. It performs a trivial operation on the input data and jumps to the proper address without comparing. Since a string is not a number, but an array of numbers, C++ cannot create a jump table from it.
movf INDEX,W ; move the index value into the W (working) register from memory
addwf PCL,F ; add it to the program counter. each PIC instruction is one byte
; so there is no need to perform any multiplication.
; Most architectures will transform the index in some way before
; adding it to the program counter
table ; the branch table begins here with this label
goto index_zero ; each of these goto instructions is an unconditional branch
goto index_one ; of code
goto index_two
goto index_three
; code is added here to perform whatever action is required when INDEX = zero
(code from wikipedia
in many cases you can avid extra work by pulling the first char from the string and switching on that. may end up having to do a nested switch on charat(1) if your cases start with the same value. anyone reading your code would appreciate a hint though because most would prob just if-else-if
Switches only work with integral types (int, char, bool, etc.). Why not use a map to pair a string with a number and then use that number with the switch?