Django Event Calendar - django

I am using an Event Calendar wirtten in Django and it is working great expect the time format is showing up wrong. Instead of showing "12:00:00" it is showing "noon" instead, can someone figure out what is wrong.

If you are talking about the formatting of a date in your templates then you can adjust the format easily with the builtin date filter.
Make sure to also check your TIME_FORMAT setting.


How to show shamsi date in django?

I'm trying to make django's default 'DateTimeField' to show Shamsi (Persian) calendar, but I have no idea of how to do it. Is there any way to make this type of field use Shamsi completely or use it as it is and just converting to Shamsi when showing on the template?
Maybe it's too late but you can use jalai-date
I had this problem and solved it by just adding a textfield for shamsi date and converting the date manually each time. It't not the best way but it gets the job done!

django admin list filter limit elements

I can see in django admin page filters as using list_filter = ('founded_date','contact') is there way to limit what's displayed in date field. e.g. only show 'This month' and 'This year' and block 'Today'... any pointers are appreciated.
The most efficient way is to write your own admin filter. That way you'll have complete control of your filter.
It's extremely easy and once you get used to it you'll love it. It can also be reused to other ModelAdmin classes.
If, on the other hand, you only want to hide the Today option then you can do it via jQuery, but I do not recommend it since if someone knows the URL format to apply the filter then he can simply apply it (no matter if the Today option is hidden). The first option (writing your own filter) is the way to go.

Applying a date format to an input box in Ember using an input helper

I have just started using Ember.js and would want to format the date in a bound
input field to (DD/MM/YYYY) format using the moment.js library. Following the video on the Ember.js website, I did create up a mock application and it is working correctly but with a nagging bug. My date is being formatted correctly in the display but when editing, the input box does not allow me to manually add a date and my binding becomes messed up.
I have banged my head against the keyboard several times and can't find where I am getting it wrong.
I have created a jsbin here.

How to insert current date time into a Sitecore email template

I have a form with an Send Email action. I'm about to use the field placeholders, but I'm not sure if its possible to use ASP like syntax to print out the current date time etc.
Is this possible with Sitecore? Or do I need to add an additional field and make it invisible?
So, if I understand your questions correctly:
You have an email template which will have fields in it. You need to store current date time in that field?
You can do that my injecting a pipeline when item is getting created and store the current date time to that field. There are various sources where you can find out how to intercept between pipelines in Sitecore.
Hope it helps :)

Date Picker Styling Sitecore

I'm working on a sitecore project where i'm using WFFM (Web Forms For Marketers), I have a form and would like to change the styling of a date picker. By default it appears with -'s. I ant /'s.
One way would be:
Theres no option to change the styles? that I know of? Any help guidance would be grateful.
When using WFFM as your forms builder i think it is not possible to style the dateformat.
When adding a date field, it always shows up as three droplists:
see this image:
If you want to change styles (display) assign different css class. if your date is displayed with -'s in stead of /'s then i think you are using a custom form, you should be able configure the output of the date via the code behind file.
if this does not help, please provide sitecore version, WFFM version and type of form used.