we have a form in testtrack. it has a lot of fields. some of them are used on a daily basis and some of them are not needed and take a lot of space.
is there a way to resize these fields? i can then add more fields and save the custom fields tab.
The answer really depends on whether you are referring to the built-in TestTrack fields or custom fields.
If your company does not use a specific built-in field, you could use field-level security options to hide that field from users. If it is a custom field, then you can just delete the field.
For custom fields you have several other options:
Multi-line custom fields do have a vertical size option which you can configure from the Edit Custom Fields window.
You can configure the location of the custom fields. Your location options consist of the main detail window (top part of the window) or the Custom field tab. You can also configure the order of these fields. The less commonly used custom fields should be pushed to the Custom field tab and/or pushed down in the order of custom fields.
I have a Django 3.x web site. There are 3 models, among others, Document, MetaData, MetaDataValue. The MetaDataValue model has a foreign key relationship to the MetaData model.
In a simple world, there would be a foreign key relationship from MetaData to Document. Then the DocumentAdmin would display the MetaData field as a dropdown, filled with the appropriate MetaDataValues. There would also be edit/add (pencil/plus) links next to the dropdown to allow the user to edit/add the MetaDataValue for that MetaData object.
However, one of the requirements for the project was not to define which, or how many, MetaData objects would be associated with a particular Document type until run time. Those associations are through another set of models. Therefore, the Document admin change page adds the different MetaData fields to the change admin page at run time, by looking into the database for which MetaData fields are associated with this type of Document, and then adding them to the fieldset through the get_fieldsets method.
The implication of this design is that one cannot edit/add values to a particular MetaData field on the Document admin change page, because, I assume, Django lost the underlying foreign key relationship between the Document and MetaData models because the fieldset is generated in the admin's get_fieldsets method.
I could add pages of code to show how the MetaData fields are generated at run time, but I don't think that would make the description any clearer. I have looked at the page source and fieldsets generated for the "simple world" example described above above, and cannot see where Django is figuring out when to add the edit/change links to the drop down for a particular foreign key field.
My question, is how can I add the pencil and plus sign to these MetaData fields displayed in the Document admin change page, and give the user to option to add/edit the MetaDataValue for that particular MetaData object? I could just create some Ajax calls and do all the heavy lifting myself, bu I would prefer to leverage as much of the Django infrastructure as possible, and not reinvent more than I have to.
I found a solution using the RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper. I added this widget wrapper to all my selects that needed the green plus (add) and yellow pencil (edit).
There is too much code to post here, but here is the meat of it. My db table MetaData has the names of all the fields, and MetaDataValue has the values for each metadata field. The metadata is used to describe a document (text, video, image), but there are no FK relationships between the MetaData model and the Document model. The relationship between the metadata and the documents is contained in a JSON field in another table. The MetaData table also has what type of Django field is used for that metadata field. There is also another table that determines which metadata fields apply to which document type (image, text, video). For all the ModelChoiceFields, I add the field and the widget (Select wrapped in a RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper).
elif (metadata_names[i].field_type == MetaData.MODELCHOICEFIELD):
fields[metadata_names[i].name] = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=MetaDataValue.objects.filter(metadata_id=metadata_names[i].metadata_id).order_by('value'), required=False, label=metadata_names[i].label, help_text=metadata_names[i].help_text)
# add the green plus (add) and pencil (edit) links to each select field
fields[metadata_names[i].name].widget = RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper(fields[metadata_names[i].name].widget, MetaDataValue._meta.get_field('tag_value'), admin_site, can_add_related=True, can_change_related=True)
if 'documentType_id' in fields:
# Editing/add a new document type seems like a bad idea, as document type is used a lot in the processing logic
fields['documentType_id'].widget.can_add_related = False
fields['documentType_id'].widget.can_change_related = False
The hard part was getting the right arguments for the RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper. The documentation is a little sparse on that widget, because, I think, it was an early part of the admin, but much of the Django code has changed since it was first implemented, so a lot of ways this wrapper was used in the past (ie stack overflow posts) has been deprecated. I just looked at the source, and tried what seemed to be appropriate until it worked. Finally, these articles helped a lot:
More RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper – My Very Own Popup
How can I remove the add and change buttons from a TabularInline admin field?
I am trying to Edit Users Table in Django. I am using Users Table to login or register a users. I have to add a new field name Role in that Table but i can't find any option to edit that existing table in admin section.
i just try to field some files to field out where the code of that existing Table is but did't get it.
is there any way to Edit the Table or I have to Create a New Table and have to create a new method of registration.
i am not expert so it's hard to me understand things.
Well first, the Django admin interface it's just for performing CRUD operations over already existing models, you are not able to change in any way the database tables (at lest not using the "out of the box features") using the admin interface.
Said that in order to do what you want to do, with any model (not just User), you should:
Add the field to the model.
Instruct the admin interface to list this fields along the others.
Now the user model is kind of a special model here so I'll recommend a couple of readings you should complete before go forward with the model User customization.
References (User customization): Substituting a custom User model, Extending the User model.
And for the admin interface ...
Reference (admin interface): ModelAdmin options, special attention here to list_display
I'm building a products table to show all the products attributes. However I need to allow users to add/edit/remove those attributes from the products later on in production without any dev work. I thought about branch templates but when I edit the branch template, existing products are not getting updated. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction? Any suggestions?
In an older project we have a similar setup with product and attributes and used a custom database to help us out:
products are stored as items in Sitecore
attributes are stored as items in Sitecore
a custom database stores the values of all attributes for all products
publish events are used to keep the custom database in sync when deleting products
on a product template we added an extra tab in the content editor including an aspx page that offers an editor on our custom database for that product. We use the products Sitecore ID and display all possible attributes in an editable way.
Most attributes have simple string values but that is extendable. Our attributes have a type (string, bool, (multi-)list, ..) and we use that to create the editor. The lists refer back to Sitecore items (a parent is selected on the attribute item).
Adding an extra tab in the editor can be done by creating a new item in the core database (/sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Editors) that point towards your aspx file. In the standard values of your product template, you select the created "editor" in the Appearance section. (note that this is in Sitecore 6 - might have been changed although the path to the editors is still valid)
This solution does mean that the values of your attributes are stored outside Sitecore, but it worked for our requirements.
I've been playing around with python/django for the last couple of weeks and whilst the overall structure and makeup of the framework is making sense I'm rather confused on how to create advanced interfaces (in relation to tasks administrators would perform). One trivial example I'm playing around with at the moment is a bulk csv product import for different suppliers which will update various fields of a particular product (keeping track of any changes), creating items where they don't already exist and applying other business logic etc.
With the data successfully in the database and the models reflecting this I envisage a view whereby one could select a supplier from a drop down, which would load all the products silently in the background and display a datagrid on success. The user could then interact with each product individually, for example selecting would display a stacked line chart of pricing history above the datagrid and an optional fly-in panel to the right with options to update prices, add notes etc.
Are there any best practice approaches for achieving something along these lines, does one create custom views/templates or put some heavy lifting into overriding the default Django admin functionality?
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
You can either:
Create a custom django admin action that will appear as an option in the changelist page dropdown menu (of the Supplier model for example.) You can then apply this action to the selected rows. You can also have intermediate pages when using admin actions
You can hook your own views into the django admin for particular models and and then overwrite the appropriate django admin templates to link the two together
I've got several forms in my django app that require support for attachments. Each form instance may have any number of attachments, including none. I want to present a jQuery based upload widget for managing these uploads, allowing the uploads to be processed asynchronously. The attachments are stored in their own model, so there is then a many-to-many from the attachments model to each model that requires attachments. When an attachment is sucessfully uploaded and processed, the view handling the upload will return the id in the attachments model, which will then be inserted into a hidden field on the form. I'm currently trying to decide how best to represent this in the form.
One method would be to simply have a single hidden input which takes a comma separated list of ids. This would then require quite a lot of manual processing and validation on submission, which I can't help feeling could be avoided.
Elsewhere, I've used a HiddenInput for a single value where I'm doing something similar and dynamically adding items to the related model in the form. I can't however see how I can extend this directly to a Many to Many from a simple Foreign Key.
Anyone able to suggest the best way to go about doing this?
Try to use formsets or model_formsets to create a form for creating/editing multiple objects, also you can use javascript to add forms dynamically in your browser.