Prolog element in lists replacement - list

Hi i was wondering if you could help me out with this
From programming in Prolog: write Prolog script for replacement any given element in lists by an another given element. For example:
replace( 3, a,[1,2,3,4,3,5], [1,2,a,4,a,5])=true
Many Thanks in advance

In Prolog, most list processing is done by processing the head and then recursively processing the rest of the list. Of course, you can't forget about the base case, which is an empty list.
Replacing anything with anything in an empty list results again in an empty list. If the head of the list is the same as the element to replace, replace it, otherwise, keep it as it is. In both cases, process recursively the rest of the list. Translated from English into Prolog:
replace(_, _, [], []).
replace(O, R, [O|T], [R|T2]) :- replace(O, R, T, T2).
replace(O, R, [H|T], [H|T2]) :- H \= O, replace(O, R, T, T2).

All implementations presented so far in other answers are logically unsound when being used with non-ground terms. Consider the original query and a slight variant:
?- replace(3,three,[1,2,3],Xs).
Xs = [1,2,three] ; % OK: correct
?- A=3, replace(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs). % OK: correct
Xs = [1,2,B], A = 3 ;
It works! Let's ask some very similar queries:
?- replace(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs). % FAIL: should succeed more than once...
Xs = [B,2,3], A = 1 ; % ... but the other solutions are missing
?- replace(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs), A=3. % FAIL: this query _should_ succeed ...
false % ... it does not!
What's going on? Put the blame on meta-logical builtins (!)/0 and (\=)/2, which are very hard to use right and often make code brittle, impure, and logically unsound.
To preserve logical soundness, stick to logical purity and abstain from meta-logical "features" whenever possible! Luckily, most Prolog implementations support dif/2 as a logical alternative to (\=)/2. Let's use it:
% code by #svick, modified to use dif/2 instead of (\=)/2
replaceP(_, _, [], []).
replaceP(O, R, [O|T], [R|T2]) :- replaceP(O, R, T, T2).
replaceP(O, R, [H|T], [H|T2]) :- dif(H,O), replaceP(O, R, T, T2).
Let's run above queries again, this time with the improved replaceP/4:
?- replaceP(3,three,[1,2,3],Xs).
Xs = [1,2,three] ; % OK: correct, like before
?- replaceP(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs). % OK: four solutions, not just one
Xs = [B,2,3], A = 1 ;
Xs = [1,B,3], A = 2 ;
Xs = [1,2,B], A = 3 ;
Xs = [1,2,3], dif(A,1),dif(A,2),dif(A,3) ;
?- replaceP(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs), A=3. % OK (succeeds now)
Xs = [1,2,B], A = 3 ;
?- A=3, replaceP(A,B,[1,2,3],Xs). % OK (same as before)
Xs = [1,2,B], A = 3 ;

replace(_, _ , [], []).
replace(X, Y, [ X | Z ], [ Y | ZZ]):- ! , replace( X, Y, Z, ZZ).
replace(X, Y, [ W | Z], [ W | ZZ] :- replace(X, Y, Z, ZZ).
Though, one would usually arrange the 3. arg to be the first one. And strictly speaking above does not replace anything in the list, it just anwsers if 4th arg is like the one in the 3rd but with Y' instead of X'.

replace(E,S,[H|T1],[H|T2]):-E\=H, replace(E,S,T1,T2).
the idea is simple, if the elements match, change it, if not, go forward until empty.

nondeterm rep(I,Z,A,K)
rep([Z|T1],Z,A,[A|T2]):- rep(T1,Z,A,T2).
rep([H|T1],Z,A,[H|T2]) :- rep(T1,Z,A,T2).


I want to implement the predicate noDupl/2 in Prolog & have trouble with singleton variables

My confusion mainly lies around understanding singleton variables.
I want to implement the predicate noDupl/2 in Prolog. This predicate can be used to identify numbers in a list that appear exactly once, i. e., numbers which are no duplicates. The first argument of noDupl is the list to analyze. The
second argument is the list of numbers which are no duplicates, as described below.
As an example, for the list [2, 0, 3, 2, 1] the result [0, 3, 1] is computed (because 2 is a duplicate).
In my implementation I used the predefined member predicate and used an auxiliary predicate called helper.
I'll explain my logic in pseudocode, so you can help me spot where I went wrong.
First off, If the first element is not a member of the rest of the list, add the first element to the new result List (as it's head).
If the first element is a member of T, call the helper method on the rest of the list, the first element H and the new list.
Helper method, if H is found in the tail, return list without H, i. e., Tail.
noDupl([H|T],L) :-
\+ member(H,T),
noDupl([H|T],L) :-
helper([H|T],H,T). %found place of duplicate & return list without it
helper([H|T],N,L) :-
helper(T,N,[H|T1]).%still couldn't locate the place, so add H to the new List as it's not a duplicate
While I'm writing my code, I'm always having trouble with deciding to choose a new variable or use the one defined in the predicate arguments when it comes to free variables specifically.
Warnings about singleton variables are not the actual problem.
Singleton variables are logical variables that occur once in some Prolog clause (fact or rule). Prolog warns you about these variables if they are named like non-singleton variables, i. e., if their name does not start with a _.
This convention helps avoid typos of the nasty kind—typos which do not cause syntax errors but do change the meaning.
Let's build a canonical solution to your problem.
First, forget about CamelCase and pick a proper predicate name that reflects the relational nature of the problem at hand: how about list_uniques/2?
Then, document cases in which you expect the predicate to give one answer, multiple answers or no answer at all. How?
Not as mere text, but as queries.
Start with the most general query:
?- list_uniques(Xs, Ys).
Add some ground queries:
?- list_uniques([], []).
?- list_uniques([1,2,2,1,3,4], [3,4]).
?- list_uniques([a,b,b,a], []).
And add queries containing variables:
?- list_uniques([n,i,x,o,n], Xs).
?- list_uniques([i,s,p,y,i,s,p,y], Xs).
?- list_uniques([A,B], [X,Y]).
?- list_uniques([A,B,C], [D,E]).
?- list_uniques([A,B,C,D], [X]).
Now let's write some code! Based on library(reif) write:
:- use_module(library(reif)).
list_uniques(Xs, Ys) :-
list_past_uniques(Xs, [], Ys).
list_past_uniques([], _, []). % auxiliary predicate
list_past_uniques([X|Xs], Xs0, Ys) :-
if_((memberd_t(X,Xs) ; memberd_t(X,Xs0)),
Ys = Ys0,
Ys = [X|Ys0]),
list_past_uniques(Xs, [X|Xs0], Ys0).
What's going on?
list_uniques/2 is built upon the helper predicate list_past_uniques/3
At any point, list_past_uniques/3 keeps track of:
all items ahead (Xs) and
all items "behind" (Xs0) some item of the original list X.
If X is a member of either list, then Ys skips X—it's not unique!
Otherwise, X is unique and it occurs in Ys (as its list head).
Let's run some of the above queries using SWI-Prolog 8.0.0:
?- list_uniques(Xs, Ys).
Xs = [], Ys = []
; Xs = [_A], Ys = [_A]
; Xs = [_A,_A], Ys = []
; Xs = [_A,_A,_A], Ys = []
?- list_uniques([], []).
?- list_uniques([1,2,2,1,3,4], [3,4]).
?- list_uniques([a,b,b,a], []).
?- list_uniques([1,2,2,1,3,4], Xs).
Xs = [3,4].
?- list_uniques([n,i,x,o,n], Xs).
Xs = [i,x,o].
?- list_uniques([i,s,p,y,i,s,p,y], Xs).
Xs = [].
?- list_uniques([A,B], [X,Y]).
A = X, B = Y, dif(Y,X).
?- list_uniques([A,B,C], [D,E]).
?- list_uniques([A,B,C,D], [X]).
A = B, B = C, D = X, dif(X,C)
; A = B, B = D, C = X, dif(X,D)
; A = C, C = D, B = X, dif(D,X)
; A = X, B = C, C = D, dif(D,X)
; false.
Just like my previous answer, the following answer is based on library(reif)—and uses it in a somewhat more idiomatic way.
:- use_module(library(reif)).
list_uniques([], []).
list_uniques([V|Vs], Xs) :-
tpartition(=(V), Vs, Equals, Difs),
if_(Equals = [], Xs = [V|Xs0], Xs = Xs0),
list_uniques(Difs, Xs0).
While this code does not improve upon my previous one regarding efficiency / complexity, it is arguably more readable (fewer arguments in the recursion).
In this solution a slightly modified version of tpartition is used to have more control over what happens when an item passes the condition (or not):
tpartition_p(P_2, OnTrue_5, OnFalse_5, OnEnd_4, InitialTrue, InitialFalse, Xs, RTrue, RFalse) :-
i_tpartition_p(Xs, P_2, OnTrue_5, OnFalse_5, OnEnd_4, InitialTrue, InitialFalse, RTrue, RFalse).
i_tpartition_p([], _P_2, _OnTrue_5, _OnFalse_5, OnEnd_4, CurrentTrue, CurrentFalse, RTrue, RFalse):-
call(OnEnd_4, CurrentTrue, CurrentFalse, RTrue, RFalse).
i_tpartition_p([X|Xs], P_2, OnTrue_5, OnFalse_5, OnEnd_4, CurrentTrue, CurrentFalse, RTrue, RFalse):-
if_( call(P_2, X)
, call(OnTrue_5, X, CurrentTrue, CurrentFalse, NCurrentTrue, NCurrentFalse)
, call(OnFalse_5, X, CurrentTrue, CurrentFalse, NCurrentTrue, NCurrentFalse) ),
i_tpartition_p(Xs, P_2, OnTrue_5, OnFalse_5, OnEnd_4, NCurrentTrue, NCurrentFalse, RTrue, RFalse).
InitialTrue/InitialFalse and RTrue/RFalse contains the desired initial and final state, procedures OnTrue_5 and OnFalse_5 manage state transition after testing the condition P_2 on each item and OnEnd_4 manages the last transition.
With the following code for list_uniques/2:
list_uniques([], []).
list_uniques([V|Vs], Xs) :-
tpartition_p(=(V), on_true, on_false, on_end, false, Difs, Vs, HasDuplicates, []),
if_(=(HasDuplicates), Xs=Xs0, Xs = [V|Xs0]),
list_uniques(Difs, Xs0).
on_true(_, _, Difs, true, Difs).
on_false(X, HasDuplicates, [X|Xs], HasDuplicates, Xs).
on_end(HasDuplicates, Difs, HasDuplicates, Difs).
When the item passes the filter (its a duplicate) we just mark that the list has duplicates and skip the item, otherwise the item is kept for further processing.
This answer goes similar ways as this previous answer by #gusbro.
However, it does not propose a somewhat baroque version of tpartition/4, but instead an augmented, but hopefully leaner, version of tfilter/3 called tfilter_t/4 which can be defined like so:
tfilter_t(C_2, Es, Fs, T) :-
i_tfilter_t(Es, C_2, Fs, T).
i_tfilter_t([], _, [], true).
i_tfilter_t([E|Es], C_2, Fs0, T) :-
( Fs0 = [E|Fs], i_tfilter_t(Es,C_2,Fs,T) ),
( Fs0 = Fs, T = false, tfilter(C_2,Es,Fs) )).
Adapting list_uniques/2 is straightforward:
list_uniques([], []).
list_uniques([V|Vs], Xs) :-
if_(tfilter_t(dif(V),Vs,Difs), Xs = [V|Xs0], Xs = Xs0),
list_uniques(Difs, Xs0).
Save scrollbars. Stay lean! Use filter_t/4.
You have problems already in the first predicate, noDupl/2.
The first clause, noDupl([], []). looks fine.
The second clause is wrong.
What does that really mean I leave as an exercise to you. If you want, however, to add H to the result, you would write it like this:
noDupl([H|T], [H|L]) :-
\+ member(H, T),
noDupl(T, L).
Please look carefully at this and try to understand. The H is added to the result by unifying the result (the second argument in the head) to a list with H as the head and the variable L as the tail. The singleton variable L in your definition is a singleton because there is a mistake in your definition, namely, you do nothing at all with it.
The last clause has a different kind of problem. You try to clean the rest of the list from this one element, but you never return to the original task of getting rid of all duplicates. It could be fixed like this:
noDupl([H|T], L) :-
member(H, T),
helper(T, H, T0),
noDupl(T0, L).
Your helper/3 cleans the rest of the original list from the duplicate, unifying the result with T0, then uses this clean list to continue removing duplicates.
Now on to your helper. The first clause seems fine but has a singleton variable. This is a valid case where you don't want to do anything with this argument, so you "declare" it unused for example like this:
helper([], _, []).
The second clause is problematic because it removes a single occurrence. What should happen if you call:
?- helper([1,2,3,2], 2, L).
The last clause also has a problem. Just because you use different names for two variables, this doesn't make them different. To fix these two clauses, you can for example do:
helper([H|T], H, L) :-
helper(T, H, L).
helper([H|T], X, [H|L]) :-
dif(H, X),
helper(T, X, L).
These are the minimal corrections that will give you an answer when the first argument of noDupl/2 is ground. You could do this check this by renaming noDupl/2 to noDupl_ground/2 and defining noDupl/2 as:
noDupl(L, R) :-
must_be(ground, L),
noDupl_ground(L, R).
Try to see what you get for different queries with the current naive implementation and ask if you have further questions. It is still full of problems, but it really depends on how you will use it and what you want out of the answer.

Numbers in a list smaller than a given number

xMenores(X,[H|T],[R|Z]) :-
X > H,
R is H.
xMenores takes three parameters:
The first one is a number.
The second is a list of numbers.
The third is a list and is the variable that will contain the result.
The objective of the rule xMenores is obtain a list with the numbers of the list (Second parameter) that are smaller than the value on the first parameter. For example:
?- xMenores(3,[1,2,3],X).
X = [1,2]. % expected result
The problem is that xMenores returns false when X > H is false and my programming skills are almost null at prolog. So:
?- xMenores(4,[1,2,3],X).
X = [1,2,3]. % Perfect.
?- xMenores(2,[1,2,3],X).
false. % Wrong! "X = [1]" would be perfect.
I consider X > H, R is H. because I need that whenever X is bigger than H, R takes the value of H. But I don't know a control structure like an if or something in Prolog to handle this.
Please, any solution? Thanks.
Using ( if -> then ; else )
The control structure you might be looking for is ( if -> then ; else ).
Warning: you should probably swap the order of the first two arguments:
lessthan_if([], _, []).
lessthan_if([X|Xs], Y, Zs) :-
( X < Y
-> Zs = [X|Zs1]
; Zs = Zs1
lessthan_if(Xs, Y, Zs1).
However, if you are writing real code, you should almost certainly go with one of the predicates in library(apply), for example include/3, as suggested by #CapelliC:
?- include(>(3), [1,2,3], R).
R = [1, 2].
?- include(>(4), [1,2,3], R).
R = [1, 2, 3].
?- include(<(2), [1,2,3], R).
R = [3].
See the implementation of include/3 if you want to know how this kind of problems are solved. You will notice that lessthan/3 above is nothing but a specialization of the more general include/3 in library(apply): include/3 will reorder the arguments and use the ( if -> then ; else ).
"Declarative" solution
Alternatively, a less "procedural" and more "declarative" predicate:
lessthan_decl([], _, []).
lessthan_decl([X|Xs], Y, [X|Zs]) :- X < Y,
lessthan_decl(Xs, Y, Zs).
lessthan_decl([X|Xs], Y, Zs) :- X >= Y,
lessthan_decl(Xs, Y, Zs).
(lessthan_if/3 and lessthan_decl/3 are nearly identical to the solutions by Nicholas Carey, except for the order of arguments.)
On the downside, lessthan_decl/3 leaves behind choice points. However, it is a good starting point for a general, readable solution. We need two code transformations:
Replace the arithmetic comparisons < and >= with CLP(FD) constraints: #< and #>=;
Use a DCG rule to get rid of arguments in the definition.
You will arrive at the solution by lurker.
A different approach
The most general comparison predicate in Prolog is compare/3. A common pattern using it is to explicitly enumerate the three possible values for Order:
lessthan_compare([], _, []).
lessthan_compare([H|T], X, R) :-
compare(Order, H, X),
lessthan_compare_1(Order, H, T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(<, H, T, X, [H|R]) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(=, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
lessthan_compare_1(>, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_compare(T, X, R).
(Compared to any of the other solutions, this one would work with any terms, not just integers or arithmetic expressions.)
Replacing compare/3 with zcompare/3:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
lessthan_clpfd([], _, []).
lessthan_clpfd([H|T], X, R) :-
zcompare(ZOrder, H, X),
lessthan_clpfd_1(ZOrder, H, T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(<, H, T, X, [H|R]) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(=, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
lessthan_clpfd_1(>, _, T, X, R) :-
lessthan_clpfd(T, X, R).
This is definitely more code than any of the other solutions, but it does not leave behind unnecessary choice points:
?- lessthan_clpfd(3, [1,3,2], Xs).
Xs = [1, 2]. % no dangling choice points!
In the other cases, it behaves just as the DCG solution by lurker:
?- lessthan_clpfd(X, [1,3,2], Xs).
Xs = [1, 3, 2],
X in 4..sup ;
X = 3,
Xs = [1, 2] ;
X = 2,
Xs = [1] ;
X = 1,
Xs = [] .
?- lessthan_clpfd(X, [1,3,2], Xs), X = 3. %
X = 3,
Xs = [1, 2] ; % no error!
?- lessthan_clpfd([1,3,2], X, R), R = [1, 2].
X = 3,
R = [1, 2] ;
Unless you need such a general approach, include(>(X), List, Result) is good enough.
This can also be done using a DCG:
less_than([], _) --> [].
less_than([H|T], N) --> [H], { H #< N }, less_than(T, N).
less_than(L, N) --> [H], { H #>= N }, less_than(L, N).
| ?- phrase(less_than(R, 4), [1,2,3,4,5,6]).
R = [1,2,3] ? ;
You can write your predicate as:
xMenores(N, NumberList, Result) :- phrase(less_than(Result, N), NumberList).
You could write it as a one-liner using findall\3:
filter( N , Xs , Zs ) :- findall( X, ( member(X,Xs), X < N ) , Zs ) .
However, I suspect that the point of the exercise is to learn about recursion, so something like this would work:
filter( _ , [] , [] ) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , [X|Zs] ) :- X < N , filter(N,Xs,Zs) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , Zs ) :- X >= N , filter(N,Xs,Zs) .
It does, however, unpack the list twice on backtracking. An optimization here would be to combine the 2nd and 3rd clauses by introducing a soft cut like so:
filter( _ , [] , [] ) .
filter( N , [X|Xs] , [X|Zs] ) :-
( X < N -> Zs = [X|Z1] ; Zs = Z1 ) ,
(This is more like a comment than an answer, but too long for a comment.)
Some previous answers and comments have suggested using "if-then-else" (->)/2 or using library(apply) meta-predicate include/3. Both methods work alright, as long as only plain-old Prolog arithmetics—is/2, (>)/2, and the like—are used ...
?- X = 3, include(>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs).
X = 3, Xs = [1,2].
?- include(>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs), X = 3.
ERROR: >/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
% This is OK. When instantiation is insufficient, an exception is raised.
..., but when doing the seemingly benign switch from (>)/2 to (#>)/2, we lose soundness!
?- X = 3, include(#>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs).
X = 3, Xs = [1,2].
?- include(#>(X),[1,3,2,5,4],Xs), X = 3.
% This is BAD! Expected success with answer substitutions `X = 3, Xs = [1,2]`.
No new code is presented in this answer.
In the following we take a detailed look at different revisions of this answer by #lurker.
Revision #1, renamed to less_than_ver1//2. By using dcg and clpfd, the code is both very readable and versatile:
less_than_ver1(_, []) --> [].
less_than_ver1(N, [H|T]) --> [H], { H #< N }, less_than_ver1(N, T).
less_than_ver1(N, L) --> [H], { H #>= N }, less_than_ver1(N, L).
Let's query!
?- phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N in 6..sup, Zs = [1,2,3,4,5]
; N = 5 , Zs = [1,2,3,4]
; N = 4 , Zs = [1,2,3]
; N = 3 , Zs = [1,2]
; N = 2 , Zs = [1]
; N in inf..1, Zs = []
; false.
?- N = 3, phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N = 3, Zs = [1,2] % succeeds, but leaves useless choicepoint
; false.
?- phrase(less_than_ver1(N,Zs),[1,2,3,4,5]), N = 3.
N = 3, Zs = [1,2]
; false.
As a small imperfection, less_than_ver1//2 leaves some useless choicepoints.
Let's see how things went with the newer revision...
Revision #3, renamed to less_than_ver3//2:
less_than_ver3([],_) --> [].
less_than_ver3(L,N) --> [X], { X #< N -> L=[X|T] ; L=T }, less_than_ver3(L,N).
This code uses the if-then-else ((->)/2 + (;)/2) in order to improve determinism.
Let's simply re-run the above queries!
?- phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N in 6..sup, Zs = [1,2,3,4,5]
; false. % all other solutions are missing!
?- N = 3, phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]).
N = 3, Zs = [1,2] % works as before, but no better.
; false. % we still got the useless choicepoint
?- phrase(less_than_ver3(Zs,N),[1,2,3,4,5]), N = 3.
false. % no solution!
% we got one with revision #1!
Surprise! Two cases that worked before are now (somewhat) broken, and the determinism in the ground case is no better... Why?
The vanilla if-then-else often cuts too much too soon, which is particularly problematic with code which uses coroutining and/or constraints.
Note that (*->)/2 (a.k.a. "soft-cut" or if/3), fares only a bit better, not a lot!
As if_/3 never ever cuts more (often than) the vanilla if-then-else (->)/2, it cannot be used in above code to improve determinism.
If you want to use if_/3 in combination with constraints, take a step back and write code that is non-dcg as the first shot.
If you're lazy like me, consider using a meta-predicate like tfilter/3 and (#>)/3.
This answer by #Boris presented a logically pure solution which utilizes clpfd:zcompare/3 to help improve determinism in certain (ground) cases.
In this answer we will explore different ways of coding logically pure Prolog while trying to avoid the creation of useless choicepoints.
Let's get started with zcompare/3 and (#<)/3!
zcompare/3 implements three-way comparison of finite domain variables and reifies the trichotomy into one of <, =, or >.
As the inclusion criterion used by the OP was a arithmetic less-than test, we propose using
(#<)/3 for reifying the dichotomy into one of true or false.
Consider the answers of the following queries:
?- zcompare(Ord,1,5), #<(1,5,B).
Ord = (<), B = true.
?- zcompare(Ord,5,5), #<(5,5,B).
Ord = (=), B = false.
?- zcompare(Ord,9,5), #<(9,5,B).
Ord = (>), B = false.
Note that for all items to be selected both Ord = (<) and B = true holds.
Here's a side-by-side comparison of three non-dcg solutions based on clpfd:
The left one uses zcompare/3 and first-argument indexing on the three cases <, =, and >.
The middle one uses (#<)/3 and first-argument indexing on the two cases true and false.
The right one uses (#<)/3 in combination with if_/3.
Note that we do not need to define auxiliary predicates in the right column!
less_than([],[],_). % less_than([],[],_). % less_than([],[],_).
less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :- % less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :- % less_than([Z|Zs],Ls,X) :-
zcompare(Ord,Z,X), % #<(Z,X,B), % if_(Z #< X,
ord_lt_(Ord,Z,Ls,Rs), % incl_lt_(B,Z,Ls,Rs), % Ls = [Z|Rs],
less_than(Zs,Rs,X). % less_than(Zs,Rs,X). % Ls = Rs),
% % less_than(Zs,Rs,X).
ord_lt_(<,Z,[Z|Ls],Ls). % incl_lt_(true ,Z,[Z|Ls],Ls). %
ord_lt_(=,_, Ls ,Ls). % incl_lt_(false,_, Ls ,Ls). %
ord_lt_(>,_, Ls ,Ls). % %
Next, let's use dcg!
In the right column we use if_//3 instead of if_/3.
Note the different argument orders of dcg and non-dcg solutions: less_than([1,2,3],Zs,3) vs phrase(less_than([1,2,3],3),Zs).
The following dcg implementations correspond to above non-dcg codes:
less_than([],_) --> []. % less_than([],_) --> []. % less_than([],_) --> [].
less_than([Z|Zs],X) --> % less_than([Z|Zs],X) --> % less_than([Z|Zs],X) -->
{ zcompare(Ord,Z,X) }, % { #<(Z,X,B) }, % if_(Z #< X,[Z],[]),
ord_lt_(Ord,Z), % incl_lt_(B,Z), % less_than(Zs,X).
less_than(Zs,X). % less_than(Zs,X). %
% %
ord_lt_(<,Z) --> [Z]. % incl_lt_(true ,Z) --> [Z]. %
ord_lt_(=,_) --> []. % incl_lt_(false,_) --> []. %
ord_lt_(>,_) --> []. % %
OK! Saving the best for last... Simply use meta-predicate tfilter/3 together with (#>)/3!
less_than(Xs,Zs,P) :-
The dcg variant in this previous answer is our starting point.
Consider the auxiliary non-terminal ord_lt_//2:
ord_lt_(<,Z) --> [Z].
ord_lt_(=,_) --> [].
ord_lt_(>,_) --> [].
These three clauses can be covered using two conditions:
Ord = (<): the item should be included.
dif(Ord, (<)): it should not be included.
We can express this "either-or choice" using if_//3:
less_than([],_) --> [].
less_than([Z|Zs],X) -->
{ zcompare(Ord,Z,X) },
if_(Ord = (<), [Z], []),
Thus ord_lt_//2 becomes redundant.
Net gain? 3 lines-of-code !-)

Excluding all occurrences of the minimum number in a list

As a Prolog newbie, I try to define a predicate filter_min/2 which takes two lists to determine if the second list is the same as the first, but with all occurrences of the minimum number removed.
Sample queries with expected results:
?- filter_min([3,2,7,8], N).
N = [3,7,8].
?- filter_min([3,2,7,8], [3,7,8]).
I tried but I always get the same result: false. I don't know what the problem is. I need help!
Here is my code:
filter_min(X,Y) :-
X == [],
write("ERROR: List parameter is empty!"),
filter([H1|T1],[H2|T2],Z) :-
\+ number(H1),
write("ERROR: List parameter contains a non-number element"),
H1 \= Z -> H2 is H1, filter(T1,T2,Z);
There are a couple of problems with your code:
filter([],[],0). will not unify when working with any list that does not have 0 as its minimum value, which is not what you want. You want it to unify regardless of the minimum value to end your recursion.
The way you wrote filter([H1|T1],[H2|T2],Z) and its body will make it so that the two lists always have the same number of elements, when in fact the second one should have at least one less.
A correct implementation of filter/3 would be the following:
\+ number(H1),
write("ERROR: List parameter contains a non-number element"),
H1 \= Z -> filter(T1,T2,Z), L2 = [H1|T2];
A bounty was offered...
... for a pure solution that terminates for (certain) cases where neither the length of the first nor of the second argument is known.
Here's a candidate implementation handling integer values, built on clpfd:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
filter_min(Xs,Ys) :-
filter_min_picked_gt([] ,_,true ,[]).
filter_min_picked_gt([Z|Xs],M,Picked,[Z|Zs]) :-
Z #> M,
filter_min_picked_gt([M|Xs],M,_,Zs) :-
Some sample queries:
?- filter_min([3,2,7,8],[3,7,8]).
true ; false. % correct, but leaves choicepoint
?- filter_min([3,2,7,8],Zs).
Zs = [3,7,8] ; false. % correct, but leaves choicepoint
Now, some queries terminate even though both list lengths are unknown:
?- filter_min([2,1|_],[1|_]).
false. % terminates
?- filter_min([1,2|_],[3,2|_]).
false. % terminates
Note that the implementation doesn't always finitely fail (terminate) in cases that are logically false:
?- filter_min([1,2|_],[2,1|_]). % does _not_ terminate
For a Prolog newbie, better start with the basics. The following works when first argument is fully instantiated, and the second is an uninstantiated variable, computing the result in one pass over the input list.
% remmin( +From, -Result).
% remmin([],[]). % no min elem to remove from empty list
remmin([A|B], R):-
remmin(B, A, [A], [], R). % remove A from B to get R, keeping [A]
% in case a smaller elem will be found
remmin([C|B], A, Rev, Rem, R):-
C > A -> remmin(B, A, [C|Rev], [C|Rem], R) ;
C==A -> remmin(B, A, [C|Rev], Rem, R) ;
C < A -> remmin(B, C, [C|Rev], Rev, R).
remmin([], _, _, Rem, R) :- reverse(Rem, R).
First, we can get the minimum number using the predicate list_minnum/2:
?- list_minnum([3,2,7,8],M).
M = 2.
We can define list_minnum/2 like this:
list_minnum([E|Es],M) :-
V is E,
list_minnum0_minnum([E|Es],M0,M) :-
M1 is min(E,M0),
For the sake of completeness, here's the super-similar list_maxnum/2:
list_maxnum([E|Es],M) :-
V is E,
list_maxnum0_maxnum([E|Es],M0,M) :-
M1 is max(E,M0),
Next, we use meta-predicate tfilter/3 in tandem with dif/3 to exclude all occurrences of M:
?- M=2, tfilter(dif(M),[2,3,2,7,2,8,2],Xs).
Xs = [3,7,8].
Put the two steps together and define min_excluded/2:
min_excluded(Xs,Ys) :-
Let's run some queries!
?- min_excluded([3,2,7,8],Xs).
Xs = [3,7,8].
?- min_excluded([3,2,7,8,2],Xs).
Xs = [3,7,8].

Remove pair from list, only if it exists

I'm attempting to make a predicate that takes a list of pairs and, if it finds the key in the list it will remove that item from the list and return the rest. However, it also needs to return the full list if the key given does not exist.
unmap(K, M1, M2):-
select(E, M1, MM1),
select(E, [(K, _)], K1),
unmap(MM1, K1, M2).
unmap(X, _, X).
Called with:
unmap(key1, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
Results in:
R = [(key2, value2), (key3, value3)]
Works, but theres a problem. I'm trying to make it return the identical list thats given if the key1 does not exist. Here's what it returns:
unmap(key4, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = key4
I think it's something to do with my terminating rule, but I'm not sure how to go about fixing it. Thanks very much in advance for all that can help.
Of course, you can do it with logical-purity! Here's how...
Let's call the actual relation pairs_key_unmapped/3. That's a somewhat more descriptive name. unmap/3 is just a wrapper for pairs_key_unmapped/3:
unmap(Key,Ps0,Ps) :-
The implementation of pairs_key_unmapped/3 is built on the predicates if_/3 and =/3 (a.k.a. equal_truth/3), as defined by #false in an answer to "Prolog union for A U B U C":
pairs_key_unmapped([P|Ps],K,Us) :-
P = (K0,_),
if_(K0=K, Ps=Us, (Us=[P|Us0],pairs_key_unmapped(Ps,K,Us0))).
Let's run some queries!
?- unmap(key1,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)],Ps).
Ps = [(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]. % succeeds deterministically
?- unmap(key4,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)],Ps).
Ps = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]. % succeeds deterministically
Let's try something different... What if Key occurs twice in Ps0?
?- unmap(key1,[(key1,x),(key1,y)],Ps). % only the 1st occurrence is removed
Ps = [(key1,y)]. % succeeds deterministically
What if Ps0 is unknown, but Ps is known?
?- unmap(key4,Ps0,[(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)]).
Ps0 = [(key4,_A), (key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key4,_A), (key2,value2),(key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key4,_A), (key3,value3)] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3) ] ;
Ps0 = [(key1,value1),(key2,value2),(key3,value3),(key4,_A) ] ;
How about something a little more general?
?- unmap(Key,Ps0,[_,_]).
Ps0 = [(Key,_A),_B, _C ] ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (Key,_C), _D ], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (_C,_D) ], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B), (_C,_D), (Key,_E)], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ;
And what answers does the most general query give us?
?- unmap(Key,Ps0,Ps).
Ps0 = [], Ps = [] ;
Ps0 = [(Key,_A)|Ps] ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B)], Ps = [(_A,_B)], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B),(Key,_C)|_Z], Ps = [(_A,_B)|_Z], dif(_A,Key) ;
Ps0 = [(_A,_B),(_C,_D)], Ps = [(_A,_B),(_C,_D)], dif(_A,Key), dif(_C,Key) ...
The issue is with your base case:
unmap(X, _, X).
If your main predicate clause fails (the key isn't found), it reverts to the base case, which will instantiate your result (third argument) with only the key (first argument). Your base case should be:
unmap(_, X, X).
Which will instantiate the result (third argument) with the original list (second argument).
Note that the main clause could be simpler (this will work in GNU or SWI prolog):
unmap(K, M, R):-
select((K, _), M, M1),
unmap(K, M1, R), !.
The cut prevents backtracking to the base case if the first clause succeeds.
In SWI Prolog, the delete/3 predicate will work in your favor:
unmap(K, M, R) :-
delete(M, (K,_), R), !.
delete/3 is more strict in GNU Prolog and will not work in this case.
This isn't so much an answer to the question, but a simpler way of attacking it, without using the 'select' (or any other built-in predicates), and only using recursion.
Considering that the output list is just a list of items that didn't match the key, you need 2 main clauses, and iterate around the list. One where the key matches the head of the list, and one that doesn't.
unmap(_, [], []).
% head of the list matches key, do not add K/H to unmatched list (ie remove it)
unmap(K, [(H, _)|Tail], Unmatched) :-
H == K,
unmap(K, Tail, Unmatched).
% above rule fails, add H to unmatched list
unmap(K, [H|Tail], [H|Unmatched]) :-
unmap(K, Tail, Unmatched).
?- unmap(key1, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = [ (key2, value2), (key3, value3)] .
?- unmap(key4, [(key1, value1),(key2, value2),(key3, value3)], R).
R = [ (key1, value1), (key2, value2), (key3, value3)] .
So if the key doesn't exist, it just iterates around adding all list items, and so the input and output lists are identical.

Remove duplicates in list (Prolog)

I am completely new to Prolog and trying some exercises. One of them is:
Write a predicate set(InList,OutList)
which takes as input an arbitrary
list, and returns a list in which each
element of the input list appears only
Here is my solution:
member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T).
set([H|T],[H|Out]) :-
set([H|T],Out) :-
I'm not allowed to use any of built-in predicates (It would be better even do not use not/1). The problem is, that set/2 gives multiple same solutions. The more repetitions in the input list, the more solutions will result. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
You are getting multiple solutions due to Prolog's backtracking. Technically, each solution provided is correct, which is why it is being generated. If you want just one solution to be generated, you are going to have to stop backtracking at some point. This is what the Prolog cut is used for. You might find that reading up on that will help you with this problem.
Update: Right. Your member() predicate is evaluating as true in several different ways if the first variable is in multiple positions in the second variable.
I've used the name mymember() for this predicate, so as not to conflict with GNU Prolog's builtin member() predicate. My knowledge base now looks like this:
mymember(X,[_|T]) :- mymember(X,T).
not(A) :- \+ call(A).
set([H|T],[H|Out]) :-
set([H|T],Out) :-
So, mymember(1, [1, 1, 1]). evaluates as true in three different ways:
| ?- mymember(1, [1, 1, 1]).
true ? a
If you want to have only one answer, you're going to have to use a cut. Changing the first definition of mymember() to this:
mymember(X,[X|_]) :- !.
Solves your problem.
Furthermore, you can avoid not() altogether, if you wish, by defining a notamember() predicate yourself. The choice is yours.
A simpler (and likely faster) solution is to use library predicate sort/2 which remove duplicates in O(n log n). Definitely works in Yap prolog and SWIPL
You are on the right track... Stay pure---it's easy!
Use reified equality predicates =/3 and dif/3 in combination with if_/3, as implemented in Prolog union for A U B U C:
=(X, Y, R) :- X == Y, !, R = true.
=(X, Y, R) :- ?=(X, Y), !, R = false. % syntactically different
=(X, Y, R) :- X \= Y, !, R = false. % semantically different
=(X, Y, R) :- R == true, !, X = Y.
=(X, X, true).
=(X, Y, false) :-
dif(X, Y).
% dif/3 is defined like (=)/3
dif(X, Y, R) :- X == Y, !, R = false.
dif(X, Y, R) :- ?=(X, Y), !, R = true. % syntactically different
dif(X, Y, R) :- X \= Y, !, R = true. % semantically different
dif(X, Y, R) :- R == true, !, X \= Y.
dif(X, Y, true) :- % succeed first!
dif(X, Y).
dif(X, X, false).
if_(C_1, Then_0, Else_0) :-
call(C_1, Truth),
functor(Truth,_,0), % safety check
( Truth == true -> Then_0 ; Truth == false, Else_0 ).
Based on these predicates we build a reified membership predicate list_item_isMember/3. It is semantically equivalent with memberd_truth/3 by #false. We rearrange the argument order so the list is the 1st argument. This enables first-argument indexing which prevents leaving useless choice-points behind as memberd_truth/3 would create.
list_item_isMember([X|Xs],E,Truth) :-
if_(E = X, Truth = true, list_item_isMember(Xs,E,Truth)).
list_set([X|Xs],Ys) :-
if_(list_item_isMember(Xs,X), Ys = Ys0, Ys = [X|Ys0]),
A simple query shows that all redundant answers have been eliminated and that the goal succeeds without leaving any choice-points behind:
?- list_set([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1],Xs).
Xs = [4,3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Edit 2015-04-23
I was inspired by #Ludwig's answer of set/2, which goes like this:
set([H|T],[H|T1]) :- subtract(T,[H],T2), set(T2,T1).
SWI-Prolog's builtin predicate subtract/3 can be non-monotone, which may restrict its use. list_item_subtracted/3 is a monotone variant of it:
list_item_subtracted([A|As],E,Bs1) :-
if_(dif(A,E), Bs1 = [A|Bs], Bs = Bs1),
list_setB/2 is like set/2, but is based on list_item_subtracted/3---not subtract/3:
list_setB([X|Xs1],[X|Ys]) :-
The following queries compare list_set/2 and list_setB/2:
?- list_set([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1], Xs).
Xs = [4,3,2,1]. % succeeds deterministically
?- list_setB([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1],Xs).
Xs = [1,2,3,4]. % succeeds deterministically
?- list_set(Xs,[a,b]).
Xs = [a,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b,b]
... % does not terminate universally
?- list_setB(Xs,[a,b]).
Xs = [a,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b,b]
... % does not terminate universally
I think that a better way to do this would be:
set([], []).
set([H|T], [H|T1]) :- subtract(T, [H], T2), set(T2, T1).
So, for example ?- set([1,4,1,1,3,4],S) give you as output:
S = [1, 4, 3]
Adding my answer to this old thread:
The only virtue of this solution is that it uses only those predicates that have been introduced by the point where this exercise appears in the original text.
This works without cut, but it needs more lines and another argument.
If I change the [H2|T2] to S on line three, it will produce multiple results. I don't understand why.
setb([H|T],[H|T2],A) :- not(member(H,A)),setb(T,T2,[H|A]).
setb([H|T],[H2|T2],A) :- member(H,A),setb(T,[H2|T2],A).
setb([H|T],[],A) :- member(H,A),setb(T,[],A).
set(L,S) :- setb(L,S,[]).
You just have to stop the backtracking of Prolog.
enter code here
member(X,[X|_]):- !.
member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T).
set([H|T],[H|Out]) :-
set([H|T],Out) :-
Using the support function mymember of Tim, you can do this if the order of elements in the set isn't important:
mymember(X,[_|T]) :- mymember(X,T).
mkset([T|C], S) :- mymember(T,C),!, mkset(C,S).
mkset([T|C], S) :- mkset(C,Z), S=[T|Z].
So, for example ?- mkset([1,4,1,1,3,4],S) give you as output:
S = [1, 3, 4]
but, if you want a set with the elements ordered like in the list you can use:
mkset2([],[], _).
mkset2([T|C], S, D) :- mkset2(C,Z,[T|D]), ((mymember(T,D), S=Z,!) ; S=[T|Z]).
mkset(L, S) :- mkset2(L,S,[]).
This solution, with the same input of the previous example, give to you:
S = [1, 4, 3]
This time the elements are in the same order as they appear in the input list.
/* Remove duplicates from a list without accumulator */
our_member(A, [_|Rest]):-
our_member(A, Rest).