Release build not working when run without debugging in VS2010 - c++

I encountered following problem:
I write program in c++ using VS2010. Debug build works properly when run with/without debugging in VS. When I launch built executable directly it also works.
Release build works when run with debugging in VS and alsp when I launch build executable directly.
Unfortunately, program does not work when I run release build in VS -without debugging-. Window is created and then program crashes quickly (without any error message). Since it crashes when run without debugging I don't know how to identify what causes the problem.
Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks :)

It seems most likely you have some sort of memory error/corruption that just happens to work ok in the debugger.
You can try using couts to isolate how far/where it dies, or try a tool like Purify (or valgrind for free if you can port to Linux).


Debugging Windows service built with mingw/msys2

Having one heck of a time debugging a crash in a Windows Service that I've build with QT and Boost Logger on Windows using MSYS2 environment. The main issue really comes when I stop the program right before exit. The program just doesn't exist successfully and throws one of these bad boys:
If I was running it in gdb it might be a different story. I open the crash dump in windbg and get some info, but since the symbols aren't exported it's really cryptic.
I see some issues when my program (called service) is calling the log. But I can't do much here in the way of where or what. How can I get something useful so I could finally solve this issue?
Thanks so much!
Seems like the easiest and most natural way was to attach gdb to the running process. I simply ran msys2 as Administrator, then ran the command
gdb service.exe -p [processID]
Task manager gave me the process ID. As soon as the process was attached I just used the command
to get it to continue running. Then I let it crash and gdb gave me the backtrace perfectly.
I've searched a bit for this and this was much simpler than trying to get windbg to read the symbols generated by g++ or read the assembly code. Hope this helps somebody having the same issue.
How to attach a process in gdb

CLion freeze when compiles

I'm trying to run a basic hello world on cLion, but when I run the application it's freeze complete.
Here is a screen capture that you can see the console, and the code.
and here the version that I am using for the compiler, the CMake and the GDB
I tried to use cygwin64, but the version they have for the GDB is 7.7x, and is incompatible for cLion, they need 1.8.x
Try disabling the antivirus or adding an exception for your program; what happens is that the antivirus thinks your program is a virus because it is an executable that just got created and run. Avast is particularly notorious for this.

Netbeans v7 C++ debugger bug

I have a program that I have written in C++ under linux (Ubuntu 10.10).
The programming and debugging worked perfectly until the moment I added the following lines to the code:
mapfile = fopen(map_filename,"wb");
fwrite(map_header,1,20,mapfile); // <-- this is the problem line
After I added those, the program compiles ok, but the debugger now won't start. It immediately fails with this message:
Program completed, Exit code 0x177
error while loading shared libraries: unexpected PLT reloc type 0xcc
And if I remove the line with the "fwrite", the debugger will start normally.
This problem only happends inside Netbeans.
When I debug it using the command-line "gdb" it also works ok without any problems.
Anyone have idea why its happening and how to fix it?
P.S: Those problems started recently so I assume maybe it has to do something with system updates, I'm not sure.
Found the problem:
Not long ago, I removed some old C++ projects from netbeans. It figures out that netbeans (at least v7.0) remembers all the breakpoints that I put on old projects that don't even exist in the IDE anymore.
I found this by looking at the Debugger Console (Window->Debugging->Debugging Console) and seeing that when "gdb" starts, it tries to setup all these breakpoints from other projects or from projects that do not exists (this is a bug in netbeans, btw)
The solution: I simply cleaned all the breakpoints (inside Window->Debugging->Breakpoints) and now the program can be debugged properly.
Hope this will help to anyone out there who has the similar problem.

C++ 64bit, variable not found

I have a problem with my C++ application. It was developed on a 32bit pc, on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, and now I am trying to run it on a 64bit pc.
On my 32bit pc it works fine; on the 64bit pc, Visual Studio does not give any compilation problem, but then on execution gives wrong results.
And I have undestood why.
In the code, I define a variable, of tipe "dag", that is a structure for a direct acyclic graph. By debugging the software, I noticed that, although I declared it, later the software is not able to insert data in it, and the debugger says:
CXX0017: Error: symbol "dags" not found
Here's my code:
Dag<int64_t>* dags = new Dag<int64_t>();
dags = getDagsFromRequest2(request, dags);
The very strange thing is that, if I follow the flow inside getDagsFromRequest2() function, I can clearly see that dags variable is full of data: on "quickwatch", it shows 2342 nodes inside it. But when I come back from getDagsFromRequest2() function to this part of the code, debugger says "CXX0017: Error: symbol "dags" not found". How is it possible?
You can also see this screenshot from my Visual Studio debug set.
What could be the problem?
Thanks a lot
There are a few possibilities to consider:
Running in Release builds. Switch to a Debug build.
Using a Debug build that has optimizations enabled and/or debug information disabled. Disable the optimizations and enable the debug information (look in another project for the relevant settings).
A corrupt build of some sort. Clean and rebuild the entire solution.
Memory corruption which is preventing the debugger from displaying the variable. Ensure that no memory issues exist with a tool like Valgrind.
A VS bug. This report for VS2010 seems to suggest a known bug with similar characteristics for example. Ensure all patches and hotfixes for VS2008 are installed.
The variable dags is defined as your code compiles. The error you see is simply related to the debugger. I am guessing it is caused by running the application in Release mode which sometimes causes confusing and wrong watches values. Try changing the mode to debug(there is a drop down from which you can choose the build mode).
EDIT: as you say you are running in Debug mode, my next guess is that this behavior could be caused by stack corruption. Try using valgrind to detect if that is the case. It may take a while to start with it,but it is worth it and will detect if you have some memory corruption.

Visual studio release build

I'm trying to generate a release build for a C++ application that I've written. The application runs fine (debug & release) when you run it from within VS2008; but when you run the executable it crashes nearly every single time.
Now, is there a hack so I can run this application as a standalone application without having to run through all of the code and finding the bug that is causing it?
Thanks in advance.
In short, no.
you will have to find the bug, if it works within VS, then I'd hazard a guess that it is a timing issue, possibly you're overwriting shared thread data, this would be less likely (though still possible to see) inside VS as its being run in a debug environment which slows it down a bit.
If you want help finding your bug, then tell us more. Otherwise, build your release with debug symbols (pdbs), install DrWatson as the system debugger and run it standalone. When it crashes DrWatson will create a minidump file, load this into WinDbg (my favourite) and you'll be able to see exactly where your bug is (it'll even tell you that the dump contains an exception and show you it by default. You need to add your source code path and path to your symbols in WinDbg to get it to do this correctly).
Then you will also know how to diagnose crashes when the app is run on-site too.
Are you loading external resources? If you are check that your relative paths are correct in the C++ program.
One possibility is that your program uses uninitialized heap data. Launching a program from the debugger enables the NT debug heap, which causes the heap allocator to fill new memory blocks with a fill pattern, and also enables some heap checking. Launching the same program from outside the debugger leaves the NT debug heap disabled, but if the program was linked against the debug version of the C runtime, then the CRT debug heap will still be enabled.
A much less likely possibility is that your program requires SeDebugPrivilege to be set in its process token. The debugger enables this privilege in its process token, which has the side effect that all programs launched from the debugger inherit this privilege. If your program tries to use OpenProcess()/ReadProcessMemory()/WriteProcessMemory() and doesn't handle errors correctly, it's conceivable that it could crash.
There are a few possibilities. Besides what has already been mentioned, running an app from Visual Studio will execute in the same security context as the Visual Studio instance. So if, for instance, you are working on Vista, you might be hitting an unhandled security violation if you're trying to access protected files, or the registry.
What if you build a debug version and run it standalone? Does it crash? If so, you can usually break into the debugger from there and get a call stack to see what the malfunction is.
From the details you've given, it sounds like there may be a library issue. Are you running the program on the same computer? If not then you'll also have to deploy the appropriate libraries for your application. If you are running on the same computer but outside of the dev environment, ensure that your application can see the appropriate libraries.
Best way i have found to debug in release is to create a crash dump when an crash happens and the dump then allows me to load debug symbols on my dev computer and find out whats going on. More info here:
You can also go to file => open in Visual Studio and open the .exe, so you are not starting it under the debugger per se. Not sure if it will help.