redirect rule for nginx? - django

I am running my django app using nginx. I want to write a redirect rule such that
if user hit the url then it redirect it to!/nginx/. I want o know the regex for it.

You'll want to handle this on the client side (through Javascript, most likely), not through nginx.
From what I understand, the point of # in URLs (as per the spec) is that the portion that comes after # doesn't reach the server.
Also, see this question for some info on JS libraries for working with hash-bang urls: Are there any javascript libraries for working with hashbang/shebang (#!) urls?

Given you example I'm assuming that you are working with URLs in the form "http://1/2/3/" only, so nothing going beyond 3. Where you want to separate 2 and 3 with "/#!/". If that is the case you can try the following.
from django.views.generic.simple import redirect_to
urlpatterns = patterns('',
('^django/(?P<ajax_section>\w+)/$', redirect_to, {'url': '/django/#!/%(ajax_section)s/'}),
The above assumes that 2("django") in the URL will be fixed. If that is not the case you will have to try and make it a parameter as well.


Redirecting old PHP links to Django urls

I am getting a lot of search engine referral links for my previous PHP developed site that has now been migrated over to Django. I made a url redirect for the old php links like search.php?name=john+smith to the same view for my django search url as shown here:
url(r'^search.php/$', profile_search, name='search'),
url(r'^search/$', profile_search, name='search'),
Will Google eventually update those old links if I redirect through or do I need to make a 301 redirect? If so how would I do this with django and nginx?
I would do this at nginx level - this is much more efficient than having Django handle it. Assuming the Django view expects the same query arguments, you can do this in your nginx server block:
location = /search.php {
return 301 http://$server_name/search/$is_args$args;
This will redirect all requests for search.php to /search/, preserving any query arguments.
A 301 response is definitely the correct approach - you don't want to serve duplicate content on different URLs.
Unless you have HttpResponseRedirect in your profile_search method, you don't actually have any sort of redirect here at. But what you really want to use is HttpResponsePermanentRedirect
def profile_search(request):
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('/somether/url/?based_on_request_params')

Use anchored urls in django (anchored by the id of http objects)

My level in front-end development is pretty low.
Nevertheless, I want to implement the very wide-spread behaviour of having several parts anchored in one single page instead of several separate pages, and refer to these parts in the url.
So instead of having and as two different pages and templates, I would like to have one page and then depending on if you want to #walk or #run, refer to the html headers with the id field as suffixes of the url.
I don't really know how to do it with django. I'd like to create only one url dispatcher that - I guess - will look like that:
url(r'^how_to_stuff/#(?P<partId>[-\w]*)', views.how_to, name='how_to')
...and then I have to create a simple view, but how to refer to the id in the render() call, I have no idea.
I found the answer to my own question. The crucial element is that when the client (browser) goes for such an anchored url, it sends to the server only the root url and then applies the anchor to it locally. So you need:
A classic, simple url/view/template combination that loads the page when it is asked by the client.
A way to send the client to these anchored pages and reference them for development. I do this through an other url/view couple that redirects the client to the right anchored url.
Below is the result:
url(r'^how_to_do_stuff/(?P<part_id>[-\w]+)', views.how_to_redirect, name='how_to'),
url(r'^how_to_do_stuff', views.how_to)
def how_to_redirect(request, part_id):
return HttpResponseRedirect("/how_to_do_stuff/#"+part_id)
def how_to(request):
return render(request, "GWSite/how_to_do_stuff.html")
And then I refer to these in my templates through:
{% url "how_to" "run"}
From django project website
Take a look at how you they send the num var to
# URLconf
from django.conf.urls import url
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^blog/$', ''),
url(r'^blog/page(?P<num>[0-9]+)/$', ''),
# View (in blog/
def page(request, num="1"):
# Output the appropriate page of blog entries, according to num.

Django index url confusion

Hi thanks for looking into this.
I have been following Django's tutorial on URLs and got a bit confused/stuck on this part:
what I do not understand is if, say, on page I provide only 2 possible URLs for and, what happens if the user goes to Obviously, I thought, the user will need to see some sort of 'welcome' page so I decided to add another URL to that
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^/', 'myapp.views.welcome'), #when it's just
url(r'^myapp/', include('myapp.urls')), #includes everything with
url(r'^admin/', include(,
But then I get redirected to that welcome view from whichever page, whether i go to /myapp or not. So, I decided to create a file outside myapps folder and put that welcome page there, and it seems to have worked, apart from that I get a 404.
I am so confused! Could you explain in lamers' terms please
It should be
url(r'^$', 'myapp.views.welcome')
otherwise any URL will match the pattern. Django will call the view for the first pattern in urlpatterns that matches, so you need to be specific and include the end-of-the-line character ($) into the pattern.

Django-CMS AppHooks with conflicting urls?

I'm trying to use django-cms app hooks in a different way. I have only an app, with different website pages. For each page, i created an AppHook, since i want to have control of all of them with the cms.
To do that, inside the app, i did a package, with file for each of the page, example:
Here are the definition of some app hooks:
class WebsiteHome(CMSApp):
name = _("cms-home")
urls = ["website.urls.home_urls"]
class WebsiteServices(CMSApp):
name = _("cms-services")
urls = ["website.urls.services_urls"]
Anyway, the problem is: i don't have any control on the regular expressions. Each one, is entering on the first regular expression that it founds, in this case, the urlpattern in the
Despite, having different apphHooks.
if i write a slug contacts (that has an apphook to WebsiteContacts), it still goes to the file, associated with the WebsiteHome (app hook).
Did anyone had a similiar problem?
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it's something wrong with the regular expression. I can't make:
url(r'^$', [...]),
url(r'^', [...]),
If I put the '$', it doesn't enter on any regex. If I take it, it enters always on the
Despite the slugs having different Apphooks, associated with different files.
Have you tried r'^/$'? I'm using r'^/?$' in some app-hook urls, but I wonder if r'^$' is failing for you because of a '/'?
As you've defined each of those URL files as individual app hooks in CMS then they'll each get attached to a certain page in the CMS e.g.
Because those URL files are attached to pages this should prevent conflict between urlpatterns. For example, I've got an URLs file attached to a CMS app called News which looks like this;
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^(?P<slug>[-_\w]+)/$', NewsDetailView.as_view(), name='news_detail'),
url(r'^$', NewsListView.as_view(), name='news_list'),
Which is attached to a page at so if I go to I hit that NewsDetailView and if I go to I hit NewListView.
Using this example, if you had a slug for a contact you'd go to to hit that NewsDetailView.
And just a sidenote on the urlpatterns in case you're not aware, the ^ in the regex signifies the start of a pattern to match, and the $ signifies the end. URL dispatcher docs

Unable to make a domain redirection in Django from to

I get the following message when I browse to
500 - Internal Server Error
I get my 404 error message when I browse to which indicates my site is alive.
How can you make a domain redirection without .htaccess by Django from to
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib import admin
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Example:
# (r'^{{ project_name }}/', include('{{ project_name }}.foo.urls')),
(r'^home/', include('index.html')),
# Uncomment the admin/doc line below and add 'django.contrib.admindocs'
# to INSTALLED_APPS to enable admin documentation:
(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
I have the following answer from Djangohosting:
Remove the website proxy for [] and add [] in the aliases section of the [] website.
I am not completely sure what it means.
How can you remove the website proxy for
Where can you find the aliases section of the website
I don't know if it solves all your problems but if you want to do it via django, try a middleware
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
class WWWRedirectMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if not request.META['HTTP_HOST'].startswith('www.'):
return HttpResponseRedirect('')
Remember that it must be executed before any other middleware.
Based on this one, didn't test it.
Checking out PREPEND_WWW setting might help.
The 500 Internal Server error is likely caused by this line:
(r'^home/', include('index.html')),
The include() function is a way to include other URL config files, not static HTML files. You'd have to either serve index.html as a static file at the given URL (/home), or write a view that simply renders the file.
I get the following message when I browse to
500 - Internal Server Error
I get my 404 error message when I browse to which indicates my site is alive.
It is likely the other way around. The 500 message means that your site is active, but giving an error. What you have to understand is that the part of the url serves to find which server to connect to. By the time your Django application gets called, this part has already been completed, so there os no way to do this from Django.
Instead, you want to set up www as a subdomain of and make them point the same place. See the first example here: virtualhosts examples
UPDATE I just noticed that you stated that your 404 was showing up, so ignore the first two sentences. Either way, the solution would likely be the same. :-)