What do 'ea' and 'fcs' mean for build version? - build

What do 'ea' and 'fcs' abbreviations mean in a build versioning? I suppose 'ea' stands for 'early access' but I could be wrong. I don't have any idea what is 'fcs'.

Normally fcs is First customer shipment
Ie the first one to escape the labs and be given the mere mortals :)


Regex masking all phone numbers except a specific range

Not 100% if this is possible but I would like to convert any outbound call that does not match my DID range to a set phone number. 
With our carrier in Australia if the ANI is not from their supplied range the call is blocked as part of new regulations. 
What I am looking for is something like this. 
if not +61 2 XXXX XXXX - +61 2 XXXX  XXXX  then send as +612XXXX XXXX
I apologise I have no true understanding of regex and do not know even where to begin.
I am starting to work on my knowledge of it though. please be kind. If anyone can point me to an "idiots guide" link I would be appreciative as I am just getting into this.
Of course it's possible. It's just a matter of how much work you want to do. I'm not quite sure what you want to mask and what you want to pass on unmutilated. A couple of particular examples would help. How many different formats, countries, and so on do you need to support?
With these problems, I tend to follow this approach:
Normalize the data. Make them all look the same. So, remove all non-digits, for example. +61 2 XXXX XXXX turns into 612XXXXXXXX. In this step, you'd also fill in implicit information, like a local number that does not include the country code. Number::Phone may be interesting, but, also note is was the largest distro on CPAN for awhile.
Now it should be easier to recognize the number and it's components (because if it isn't, you didn't do Step 1 right). Instead of a regex, you might use a parser. That is, get the country code, and then from that, decide what has to happen next. That's the sort of thing I have to do with ISBNs in Business::ISBN, which have a group code then a publisher code (both of which are variable length.
Once you can recognize the number, it's easy to select a range. If it's in the range, you know what to replace.

How to coded reference from an APA a reference in excel?

I have a database with APA references in a column like this one (let's sake it's in A6 for the sake of our example) in Google Sheets (online reproducibility aimed)
Smith (2010) Assessing the Impact of Aimhigher Kent and Medway
I would like to create a new code column with just the last name of the first author and the date. For our example, that would be
I tried things like
=REGEXEXTRACT(A6; "\w.(\d\d\d\d)")
but it doesn't work. Could you help me please in this very low-level issue?
Thanks in advance,
One option is to use REGEXREPLACE with 2 capturing groups, and use those groups in the replacement.
Regex demo
=REGEXREPLACE(A6; "^[^\S\r\n]*(\w+)[^()\r\n]+\((\d{4})\).*"; "$1$2")
Thanks to #The fourth bird the solution is:
> =REGEXREPLACE(A6; "^[^\S\r\n]*?(\w+)[^()\r\n]+\((\d{4})\).*"; "$1$2")
Thanks a lot for the ones who helped !!

how to build regular expressions

I'm dealing with some google spreadsheet with data, some of which is in a very confused way, but regular, so i hope we can figure this out.
I've tried reg ex builders but I can't find the right one for google sheets or I misunderstand some stuff.
I would appreciate help with these sentances below:
1. {"user":{"Czy faktura?":"Y","Nazwa firmy":"Name of the company ","NIP":"113 234 20 57"}}
2. {"user":{"Czy faktura?":"Y","Nazwa firmy":"The longer name of the company","NIP":"2352225961"}}
3. {"user":{"Czy faktura?":"N","Nazwa firmy":"","NIP":""}}
The point is to extract: (using arrayformula in google sheets)
Y or N
Name of the company
NIP number
The name of the company has different lengths, and the NIP number is sometimes with white-spaces.
Do you guys have any idea how can I properly use it?
I know it's the REGEXEXTRACT formula of course :)
Just have a problem on how to formulate the regular expression..
=regexreplace(B1, "(^.*Nazwa firmy"":"")(.*)("",""NIP.*$)", "$2")
Well the support was fantastic :)
After all, a simple "Y|N" solves the first problem
I used #ttarchala's solution for the company name as it seems to work for some reason - i don't know why or how :)
"(^.Nazwa firmy"":"")(.)("",""NIP.*$)", "$2"
and the NIP is isolated by this one: "NIP\"":\""(.+)\"""),"-|\s","" and later trimmed of off the "-" minus and whitespaces signs.

Regex structure to identify name(s) before key word

I am trying to write an expression to identify station locations within a sentence in knowledge studio (IBM Watson).
At the moment I have
but it is causing me some problems:
1. It is extracting the whole line rather than just the station (e.g. "Please meet at Angel Station" is extracted rather than just "Angel Station").
2. I can't seem to find how to write an exception within an expression. For example, I would usually want to find all words before station that are not lower case (uppercase, titlecase or numerical), but if it is and then I want it to continue identifying words (e.g. Highbury and Islington Station, not just select Islington station).
Please advise on what I am doing wrong. Thanks!
The answer I think is IBM Watson Knowledge Studio specific - you have to define a specific number of word tokens outside of the regex structure - by default this is limited to 5 so needed to be increased to pick up all of the words correctly. I increased this to 10 which work fine for my purpose.
In terms of then the correct structure the below worked:
Note - I needed to include the ' symbol to ensure all stations were picked up (e.g. King's Cross Station).
Oak Lane Station is still not selecting, but this seems to be a bug rather than an issue with the Regex so have reported it to the IBM Watson team.

Regexp to parse out a person's name?

This might be a hard one (if not impossible), but can anyone think of a regular expression that will find a person's name, in say, a resume? I know this won't be 100% accurate, but I can't come up with something.
Let's assume the name only shows up once in the document.
No, you can't use regular expressions for this. The only chance you have is if the document is always in the same format and you can find the name based on the context surrounding it. But this probably isn't the case for you.
If you are asking your applicants to submit their résumé online you could provide a separate field for them to enter their name and any other information you need instead of trying to automatically parse résumés.
Forget it - seriously.
Or expect to get a lot of applications from a Mr C Vitae
In my experience, having written something very similar (but a very long time ago), about 95% of resumes have the person's name as the very first line. You could probably have a pretty loose regex checking for alpha, hyphens, periods, and assume that's the name.
Obviously there's no way to do this 100% accurately, as you said, but this would be close.
Unless you wanted to build an expression that contained every possible name, or-ed together, the expression you are referring to is not "Regular," with a capital R. A good guess might be to go looking for the largest-font words in the document. If they follow a pattern that looks like firstname-lastname, name-initial-name, etc., you could call it a good guess...
That's a really hairy problem to tackle. The regex has to match two words that could be someone's name. The problem with that is that some people, of Hispanic origin, for example, might have a name that's more than 2 words. Also, how would you define two words to match for a name? Would you use a database of common first and last name fields? That might work unless someone has an uncommon name.
I'm reminded of a story of a COBOL teacher in college told me about an individual of Asian origin who's name would break every rule the programmers defined for a bank's internal system. His first name was "O." just the letter O.
The only remotely dependable way to nail down the regex would be if you had something to set off your search with; maybe if a line of text in the resume began with "Name: " then you'd know where to start looking.
tl;dr: People's names and individual resumes are too heavily varied for a regular expression to pick apart.
You could do something like Amazon does for book overviews: SIPs. This would require some after-the-fact double checking by humans but you might find the person's name(s) in there.