How to integrate a wiki with Mantis bug tracker - wiki

I have read the original and updated guides in the Mantis Wiki on how to integrate DokuWiki, but when I follow those instructions now it gives me a number of errors. While doing so I noticed that a lot of Wiki integration is now already supported, and the instructions conflict with what is already there.
In the administrator and developer guides in the Mantis documentation there is nothing relating to wiki integration, and I don't see anything in plugins either.
So, where will I find decent documentation on integrating a Wiki (the DokuWiki on has some excellent integration, would prefer that) with Mantis?

It appears that the answer was on the original page, but fairly easy to miss. Basically just ignore everything in the Mantis Steps section, and edit the wiki values in the config_inc.php file.


Django wiki (from its official website)

Choosing a wiki engine.
Django has a wiki at its official site. I suppose this wiki engine must me rather stable and well supported. Maybe this is the best choice.
Could you tell me what is the name of this wiki application. uses Trac as an issue tracking system, Trac has a built-in wiki engine so I guess it is what they use (I grepped the source code and did not find reference to any other Wiki engine).
A dedicated Wiki engine probably is a better choice than Trac's one but I have no expertise on the issue so I can't help you any further.

Is there a wiki software with stick notes functionality built in?

I am looking for a wiki software with sticky notes or post note functionality built in.
I come across Zim, but it didn't support post note functionality.
So ever time , i need to capture notes from 7-notes and need manually port them to wiki software.
Kindly put your thoughts if you come across any such software
I know that is possible enable "sticky notes" on PmWiki. Here the post.
The others Wiki have plugin. For example: BoltWire(

google talk / libjingle developer forum

Does anyone know if there is a libjingle developer forum?
The link provided at under "Support" throws a "You do not have permission to access this group. (#418)" error.
Other places I could find are, but that is only for bugs. And the activity at Stackoverflow seems low.
I was going to ask the same question, and this question has been open for 2 months, which makes me think the answer is no. Also, I'll add that the link to google talk help center on the google talk blog goes to! I searched for other google groups that cover libjingle and they are filled with spam.
Moreover, the current compilation instructions for Mac OS X require a lot of work (I documented this here: So I'm guessing this means google is quietly reducing their level of support for libjingle.
I think the best place to get support is right here.
I mailed one of the google developers and he told me that libjingle does not have a specific forum. He suggested we try the WebRTC mailing list instead!forum/discuss-webrtc
Since libjingle is effectively a subset of WebRTC, and WebRTC has a more active community.
Although if you have an issue, you can add the issue to:

Can you remove dead wiki links in the "See Also" section of a FogBugz case?

We have a couple cases in FogBugz that have a link to an old wiki via the See Also section. No where in these cases is there a link in the edited text (the normal section where you enter your text), so I'm assuming the link was created through the wiki article (using the Case ### linking method). However, the wiki article appears to be deleted (as clicking the link says This article does not exist). Is there any way to actually remove the link from these cases to the non-existent wiki?
Here's a link to the question on the FogBugz Technical Support forum.
They have fixed this issue and will be releasing it in the next FogBugz update. Many thanks to Ben Kamens, Rich Armstrong, Joel Spolsky and the rest of Fog Creek!
Might be a good idea to ask this one on the FogBugz tech support forum. Likely you'll have to go into the DB directly and edit the records to remove the links. That's my thought.
You're probably aware of this, but this bug was fixed in FogBuz version 7 (possible patched in version 6).

Maintaining a Programmer Wiki [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I was recently put in charge of the wiki for the development team. The wiki is still in its infancy, so I have a lot of room to work with. It goal is to house internal to the development team. Currently, the main piece of information that the wiki holds is Coding Standards.
What are some best practices your dev team uses for its internal wiki?
What information is important to have on a dev wiki?
If you were to go to the wiki for your dev team what information would you expect to see?
Is there some information that shouldn't go on the wiki even though it seems like a good idea?
-- edit --
Also, is there a good way to organize the information? ( such as by layer ( data, ui), by porject, or other)
Introduction to the source base for new programmers
General documentation (not the API documentation per-se, but more tutorial like things)
Lists of staff / who's doing what and how to reach them
Notes / resources / articles that explain concepts used in the software
Documentation of the build process and the filesystem layout of the codebase
Other things I usually put up there are
Planning / todo lists
Information that is interesting for others to read
Everything else that I feel should be shared
We had a development wiki and it was a great tool. We used it for everything!
When brainstorming new ideas, we'd capture them on the wiki. The low friction nature of the wiki made it easy for anyone in the organization (we were a small startup) to add ideas as they thought of them. We had a high level "brainstorming" page which linked to detailed pages containing a thorough description of each idea.
For each iteration, we'd "move" feature idea items from the "brainstorming" list to the feature list for that iteration. The details of the feature were flushed out to include design and implementation details.
As features were completed, the iteration page became our release notes page - which also included the release tag from our version control system.
We had a bug page that worked very similar to the feature pages. Bug fixes were added to the iteration/release pages as they were worked on/complete.
We also created our user documentation on the wiki and exported those pages it with the release.
As time went on. This tool was viewed more and more valuable. We wound up creating new wikis for different the products the company was working on.
I hope you find your development wiki as useful as we did!
Wikipatterns is a website dedicated to documenting best wiki practices. They also describe anti-patterns and talk about ways to deal with them. I read their book and it was a great asset for me to get a wiki off the ground in a 150+ person organization.
One thing that we stress on our dev wiki is that it is updated when things change.
We don't want our wiki that is intended to provide information and be a central source of collected knowledge to become so out of date that it is useless. As the code is updated, developers are requested to update any related information on the wiki.
Other than Coding Standards, we keep tips and tricks for working with our code base, setup information for new hires, and general environment information.
The hardest part is getting developers to use your wiki. I have some long standing suggestions here:
Getting a Wiki Adopted is Tough
Have a Champion
Remove Objections
Create Content
Enmesh the Wiki In Company Processes
Don't Give Up
Consider Not Using Wiki For Conversations
Just Do It! Don't Wait For a Budget
Have a Transition Plan
Promoting Your Wiki
One good practice is to have the entire documentation and source code for each build available through your wiki. Then developers will go to wiki to access build info and that makes it invaluable.
Wikis can be a valuable resource for software development teams but they are not a silver bullet. It is all too easy to create a Wiki that would rapidly fall into disuse or become grossly outdated.
In my opinion, the key to a successful Wiki is getting the entire team on board. That means getting people away from other resources (and in particular email archives) as knowledge repositories, and offering some incentive for people to contribute.
However, it's also important to not be a format czar: If you have a lot of documents that you generate in, say, MS WORD, it may be ideal to do them all in Wiki format but that takes time and may be annoying if you have diagrams, documents, etc. In those cases, it's better to compromise and let people keep it in word format, as long as the only way to access the newest version is through the Wiki.
If you're not a manager, you need to get a manager on board because it would require some "enforcement".
There has been accumulating research and experience on Wikis and their use in software engineering. You can search the ACM digital library, for example. I am a coorganizer of an annual workshop on wikis for SE and we had several interesting experience reports and there are additional materials in the international symposium on Wikis.
Burndown charts
common setup information for development environments (nice for when new people start)
Known issues and workarounds with development tools
Come up with some kind of style guide, and teach others how to style stuff. When I was in charge of a corporate wiki, all of the other developers would just write crummy prose that was barely formatted, and looked terrible.
Keep away from things that require discussion. I tried shoehorn in a book review section, but it was too difficult to have others comment on things.
Examples of in house libraries are good. And/or "storyboards" walking a user through a process when MethodX is called.
What are some best practices your dev team uses for its internal wiki?
Make it look nice. I know it doesn't sound important, but if you spend a little time branding it pays off in terms of people actually using it. And uptake is key, or it will just wither and die.
What information is important to have on a dev wiki?
General information about a Project, milestones, delivery dates etc.
Summaries of design decisions/meetings. Important so that you don't re-visit the same areas time and time again.
HowTo guides for general development of current projects (for example, how to develop a new Plugin)
If you were to go to the wiki for your dev team what information would you expect to see?
Project information, who is working on what etc. Design decisions. Also best practices and links to useful sites.
Is there some information that shouldn't go on the wiki even though it seems like a good idea?
Low-level task lists tend to fluctuate and not be kept up-to-date, and can be misleading.
Also, critical communications between departments are better suited to e-mail, THEN the conversation can be copied to the wiki. It's too easy to ignore it otherwise!
Remember that a wiki is interactive. If you're thinking about publishing, as in publishing burndown charts, then you're not thinking far enough. Distributing that information is only part of it.
For instance, rather than having a "Current Burndown Chart" page, create a page for "Burndown Chart for Week of 10-27-2008" and then encourage people to comment on the chart, and what it means, and why you did so poorly that week.
We house and inhouse team wiki. And there we put all the necessary information for each project we are developing:
addresses for virtual machines
project documentations
project overview
project status
and anything else we fill needs to be written on a project. And it is the most useful web application we are running (besides Mantis) . On more general pages we put a definition of every taxonomy we are using, general project guidelines, polices, coding and developing practices we use.
It is there, it is simple and effective and I think every team should have one of those.