Displaying image in WIN32, Why its not displayed? - c++

I want to load a BitMap image in a pic box I created inside a window...picBoxDisp is created using following mechanism..
picBoxDisp = CreateWindow("STATIC", "image box",
50, 50, 250, 300, hwnd , (HMENU)10000, NULL, NULL);
Now Next I created a hBitmap object and loaded an image in to it...
hBitmap = (HBITMAP) LoadImage(NULL,szFileName,IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,
//now assign the new image
//Create a compatible DC for the original size bitmap, for example originalMemDc.
HDC originalDC = GetDC((HWND)hBitmap);
HDC originalMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(originalDC);
MessageBox(NULL,"Problem while creating DC.","Error",MB_OK);
//Select hBitmap into originalMemDc.
//Create a compatible DC for the resized bitmap, for example resizedMemDc.
HDC picBoxDC = GetDC(picBoxDisp);
HDC resizedMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(picBoxDC);
//Create a compatible bitmap of the wanted size for the resized bitmap,
HBITMAP hResizedBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(picBoxDC,250,300);
//Select hResizedBitmap into resizedMemDc.
//Stretch-blit from originalMemDc to resizedMemDc.
BITMAP bmp_old,bmp_new;
StretchBlt ( resizedMemDC,0,0,bmp_new.bmWidth,bmp_new.bmHeight,
////De-select the bitmaps.
if((resizedMemDC==NULL)||(hResizedBitmap == NULL)) {
MessageBox(NULL,"Something is NULL","Error",MB_OK);
//Set hResizedBitmap as the label image with STM_SETIMAGE
SendMessage(picBoxDisp,STM_SETIMAGE, (WPARAM) IMAGE_BITMAP,(LPARAM) hResizedBitmap);
I just cant understand, why the above code is not working ?
Thanks in advance,

You misunderstood the STM_SETIMAGE usage. Do this:
hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(NULL, szFileName, IMAGE_BITMAP,
if (hBitmap != NULL)
::SendMessage(picBoxDisp, STM_SETIMAGE,
EDIT: If you want to resize the bitmap before setting it as the label image, then follow this scheme for the simplest possible way to do it (with sub-optimal quality in the resized image...):
Create a compatible DC for the original size bitmap, for example originalMemDc.
Select hBitmap into originalMemDc.
Create a compatible DC for the resized bitmap, for example resizedMemDc.
Create a compatible bitmap of the wanted size for the resized bitmap, for example hResizedBitmap.
Select hResizedBitmap into resizedMemDc.
Stretch-blit from originalMemDc to resizedMemDc.
De-select the bitmaps.
Set hResizedBitmap as the label image with STM_SETIMAGE
Should work!

The static control won't stretch the image to its size. You could use SS_CENTERIMAGE but it either clips or fills the empty space with the color of the top left pixel (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/b7w5x74z.aspx). You'd have to stretch the bitmap yourself before sending it to the static control.

You're trying to assign an image to a static control, so you don't need to draw the image but to set the image on it.
// set the image
// clear the old image
if(hold && hold != hBitmap)
DeleteObject(hold );


Creating, displaying, and then accessing bitmap/DIB data (w/o GetBitmapBits())

I have inherited an old-school MFC Windows CE program, and am having to make some modifications to it. As part of this I have to create a monochrome image with text on it, and both display it on a screen as well as send each row of the image to a printer one at a time.
I originally used a bitmap, and had success using DrawText() and getting a test string (Hello World) to display on the screen (this code is in Figure 1). However, I hit a wall at the stage where I am looking to extract the wrap data from the bitmap. What I am trying to get is an array with 1s or 0s representing black or white. I had first thought I would use GetBitmapBits() but unfortunately the code I am working with is so old that function is not supported yet. I thought I could get around this issue by using GetBitmap() and then accessing the bmBits parameter. However this appears to always be null which was confirmed when I found the following link: Why does GetObject return an BITMAP with null bmBits?.
My next attempt was to follow the advice in the link and use CreateDIBSection() instead of CreateCompatibleBitmap(). This seems like the right path, and I should have access to the data I want, but unfortunately I cannot get the DIB to display (code is in Figure 2). I suspect I am doing something wrong in creating the header of the DIB, but I cannot figure out what my mistake is.
If anyone has suggestions for a way to access the data in the bitmap, or can see what I am doing wrong with the DIB, I would greatly appreciate the help!
*** FIGURE 1: Code to create and display a bitmap
void CRunPage::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // property page device context for painting
CBitmap mBmp; // CBitmap object for displaying built-in bitmaps
CDC mDCMem; // CDC object to handle built-in bitmap
int iWidth, iHeight; // dimension to draw on the screen
int icurLabel, // current label index of open print file
iLabelNum; // number of labels in open print file
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pBMIH; // bitmap header object for current label
LPBYTE pImage; // bitmap data for current label
CSize size; // size of label
int PreviewLeft,PreviewTop,PreviewWidth,PreviewHeight;
CRect Rect;
// Calculate the preview area
CRect textRect;
CString testText(_T("Hello World"));
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
CBrush whiteBrush, *pOldBrush;
CPen blackPen, *pOldPen;
mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2, PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);
//mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
pOldBitmap = mDCMem.SelectObject(&mBmp);
blackPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
textRect.SetRect(0,0,PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
// this means behind the text will be a white box w/ a black boarder
pOldBrush = mDCMem.SelectObject(&whiteBrush);
pOldPen = mDCMem.SelectObject(&blackPen);
//these commands draw on the memory-only context (mDCMem)
mDCMem.DrawText((LPCTSTR)testText, 11, &textRect, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
dc.StretchBlt(PreviewLeft,PreviewTop, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, & mDCMem, 0, 0, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, SRCCOPY);
*** FIGURE 2: Trying to use a DIB instead of a bitmap
void CRunPage::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // property page device context for painting
CBitmap mBmp; // CBitmap object for displaying built-in bitmaps
CDC mDCMem; // CDC object to handle built-in bitmap
int iWidth, iHeight; // dimension to draw on the screen
int icurLabel, // current label index of open print file
iLabelNum; // number of labels in open print file
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pBMIH; // bitmap header object for current label
LPBYTE pImage; // bitmap data for current label
CSize size; // size of label
int PreviewLeft,PreviewTop,PreviewWidth,PreviewHeight;
CRect Rect;
// Calculate the preview area
CRect textRect;
CString testText(_T("Hello World"));
CBitmap * pOldBitmap;
CBrush whiteBrush, *pOldBrush;
CPen blackPen, *pOldPen;
LPBYTE pFWandImageMem=NULL, pImageMem=NULL, pTemp=NULL;
int i=0,j=0, buffSize=0, numBytesPerRow=0, bitmapWidthPix,bitmapHeightPix;
char *numBytesPerRowString;
char temp;
void ** ppvBits;
//this rect is the area in which I can draw (its x,y location is set by BitBlt or StretchBlt
//mBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2, PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);
bmif.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmif.biWidth = PreviewWidth+PreviewLeft*2;
bmif.biHeight = -(PreviewHeight+PreviewTop*2);//- means top down (I think? I tried both ways and neither worked)
bmif.biPlanes = 1;
bmif.biBitCount = 1;
bmif.biCompression = BI_RGB; // no compression
bmif.biSizeImage = 0; // Size (bytes) if image - this can be set to 0 for uncompressed images
bmif.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmif.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmif.biClrUsed =0;
bmif.biClrImportant = 0;
myDIB = CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, NULL, 0);
myOldDIB = (HBITMAP)mDCMem.SelectObject(myDIB);//SelectObject(mDCMem, myDIB);
blackPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
textRect.SetRect(0,0,PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight);
// this means behind the text will be a white box w/ a black boarder
pOldBrush = mDCMem.SelectObject(&whiteBrush);
pOldPen = mDCMem.SelectObject(&blackPen);
//these commands draw on the memory-only context (mDCMem)
mDCMem.DrawText((LPCTSTR)testText, 11, &textRect, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
dc.StretchBlt(PreviewLeft,PreviewTop, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, & mDCMem, 0, 0, PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight, SRCCOPY);
So I made two minor changes to the DIB code, and it is displaying the image correctly now.
First, I changed the way I passed in my pointer to the CreateDIBSection():
void ** ppvBits;
And then I had to change how I passed that into CreateDIBSection. I also explicitly casted the return of CreateDIBSection() to an HBITMAP:
myDIB = CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pBits, NULL, 0);
myDIB = (HBITMAP) CreateDIBSection(dc.GetSafeHdc(), &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, NULL, 0);
I have not had a chance to see if I can access the image data, but I am past the initial issues now. Thanks to anyone who looked at this, and if people know how to do the first (device dependent bitmap) method I would be interested to know.

Create a GDI Rectangle image

I must be doing something wrong or have missed something because all I actually want to is render a rectangle into a bitmap, so that I can CreateWindowEx() on it. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
// Create Pen and brush for the rectangle
HPEN pn = CreatePen(style, stroke, pen);
HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(brush);
// Create a compatible bitmap and DC from the window DC with the correct dimensions
HDC bm_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
HBITMAP hImage = CreateCompatibleBitmap(bm_hdc, sz.x, sz.y);
// Select the bitmap, pen, brush into the DC
HGDIOBJ bm_obj = SelectObject(bm_hdc, hImage);
HGDIOBJ pn_obj = SelectObject(bm_hdc, pn);
HGDIOBJ br_obj = SelectObject(bm_hdc, br);
// Draw the rectangle into the compatible DC with the bitmap selected
::Rectangle(bm_hdc, xPos, yPos, xPos + xSize, yPos + ySize);
// Restore the old selections
SelectObject(bm_hdc, br_obj);
SelectObject(bm_hdc, pn_obj);
SelectObject(bm_hdc, bm_obj);
// Delete the not needed DC, pen and brush
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
// Create the window and send a message to set the static image
HWND win = CreateWindow(TEXT("STATIC"), NULL, WS_CHILD | SS_BITMAP | WS_VISIBLE, pos.x, pos.y, sz.x, sz.y, hWnd, NULL, hInst, NULL)));
// Delete the old image
if (obj)
Hummmm... but this doesn't work... All I get is a completely black area and not the rectangle that I have drawn. Any ideas why? Do I need to create another DC and BitBlt() between device contexts?
Thanks for all the help everyone, but I've actually solved it myself and it was SUCH a silly mistake too... Consider this line...:-
::Rectangle(bm_hdc, xPos, yPos, xPos + xSize, yPos + ySize);
Nothing wrong with that at first glance, right? WRONG! If you look at my code, I create a compatible bitmap of the required size to contain my rectangle and try to render the rectangle into this bitmap (which is selected into the DC).
But... WHERE in the bitmap am I rendering? xPos and yPos are window positions of the rectangle, but I'm not rendering to the Window DC am I?!? d'oh! That's right, xPos and yPos should both be 0 because I'm rendering into a bitmap of the correct size and it's when the Window is displayed that xPos and yPos should contain screen coordinates!
Wow... what a dumb mistake and thanks for the nice spot on the HDC from the Window rather than from the compatible DC. I did know that a memory DC has a 1bit depth, but still made that classic blunder. Thanks everyone.
Try changing this line HBITMAP hImage = CreateCompatibleBitmap(bm_hdc, sz.x, sz.y); into this :
HBITMAP hImage = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, sz.x, sz.y);
Paul Watt wrote excellent articles for GDI and image composition with MsImage32.dll.
I am reffering you to this article because it addresses your problem, and here are the relevant quotes and code snippets:
The memory DC is initialized with a mono-chromatic 1x1 pixel bitmap by default.
Avoid a Common Mistake
Before we get too far away from code where I showed you what you need to start running, I want to make sure you are holding this new pair of scissors safely. Do not use a Memory DC with a call to CreateCompatibleBitmap.
// You may be tempted to do this; DON'T:
HDC hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
// |
// V
HBITMAP hBmp = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(hMemDC, width, height);
// TIP: Try to use the same DC to create
// the Bitmap which you used to create the memory DC.
Remember the part about how The memory DC is initialized with a mono-chromatic 1x1 pixel bitmap by default?!
As for the remarks of member Raymond Chen I believe he is also right, but since you said that your actual code is different this is the only thing I can see as a mistake.
Hopefully this helps.
Best regards.

How to convert HICON to HBITMAP in VC++?

How to convert HICON to HBITMAP in VC++?
I know this is an FAQ but all the solutions I've found on Google don't work. What I need is a function which takes a parameter HICON and returns HBITMAP.
Greatest if possible to make conversion to 32-bit bitmap even the icon is 24-bit, 16-bit or 8-bit.
This is the code, I don't know where it goes wrong:
HBITMAP icon_to_bitmap(HICON Icon_Handle) {
HDC Screen_Handle = GetDC(NULL);
HDC Device_Handle = CreateCompatibleDC(Screen_Handle);
HBITMAP Bitmap_Handle =
HBITMAP Old_Bitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(Device_Handle,Bitmap_Handle);
DrawIcon(Device_Handle, 0,0, Icon_Handle);
return Bitmap_Handle;
this code do it:
HICON hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDI_ICON), IMAGE_ICON, width, height, 0);
ICONINFO iconinfo;
GetIconInfo(hIcon, &iconinfo);
HBITMAP hBitmap = iconinfo.hbmColor;
and this is the code in the *.rc file:
IDI_ICON ICON "example.ico"
and this is the code in the *.h file:
#define IDI_ICON 4000
HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
HBITMAP hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, x, y);
HBITMAP hResultBmp = NULL;
HGDIOBJ hOrgBMP = SelectObject(hMemDC, hMemBmp);
DrawIconEx(hMemDC, 0, 0, hIcon, x, y, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
hResultBmp = hMemBmp;
hMemBmp = NULL;
SelectObject(hMemDC, hOrgBMP);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
return hResultBmp;
I don't have code readily available to share, but I think this is pretty easy. You have to create the HBITMAP, create a device context, select the bitmap into the DC (this will make the bitmap the drawing area for this DC). Finally call the DrawIcon() function to draw your icon on this DC. After that detach the bitmap from the DC and destroy the DC. Your bitmap now should be ready to go.
Update after looking at your code:
I believe the problem is in the createCompatibleBitmap call. You are asking for a bitmap compatible with the memory DC, but memory DCs start with a 1 bit/pixel bitmap selected into them. Try asking for a bitmap compatible with the screen DC instead.
Update 2: you may want to look at this question as it seems related to your problem.
I found this(similar code works for me - 32x32 icons with or without alpha data):
used CopyImage (msdn link)
HICON hICON = /*your code here*/
BITMAP BM_32_bit_color;
BITMAP BM_1_bit_mask;
// 1. From HICON to HBITMAP for color and mask separately
//.cbSize required
//memset((void*)&IconInfo, 0, sizeof(ICONINFOEX));
IconInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ICONINFOEX);
GetIconInfoEx( hICON , &IconInfo);
//HBITMAP IconInfo.hbmColor is 32bit per pxl, however alpha bytes can be zeroed or can be not.
//HBITMAP IconInfo.hbmMask is 1bit per pxl
// 2. From HBITMAP to BITMAP for color
// (HBITMAP without raw data -> HBITMAP with raw data)
// LR_CREATEDIBSECTION - DIB section will be created,
// so .bmBits pointer will not be null
GetObject(hBITMAPcopy, sizeof(BITMAP), &BM_32_bit_color);
//Now: BM_32_bit_color.bmBits pointing to BGRA data.(.bmWidth * .bmHeight * (.bmBitsPixel/8))
// 3. From HBITMAP to BITMAP for mask
GetObject(hBITMAPcopy, sizeof(BITMAP), &BM_1_bit_mask);
//Now: BM_1_bit_mask.bmBits pointing to mask data (.bmWidth * .bmHeight Bits!)
BM_32_bit_color bitmap may be have Alpha *channel*(each 4th byte) already set! So - check for it before u add mask bit to color data.

Drawing On GDI+ Graphics Object a Bitmap using StretchDIBits for Scaling

I am drawing bitmap images on graphics object using DrawImage method But the Images are in large number so it is taking too much time for Drawing. I have read in this forum that using StretchDIBits takes less time for Drawing.
I am scaling the image by calling Drawimage but i want any other efficent method.
I have a Vector of Bitmap* & i want to draw each Bitmap on graphics.
HDC orghDC = graphics.GetHDC();
CDC *dc = CDC::FromHandle(orghDC);
m_vImgFrames is image vector containg Bitmap*. I have taken HBITMAP from Bitmap*.
HBITMAP hBitmap;
Using this HBITMAP i want to draw on orghDC & finally on graphics. So I want to know how StretchDIBits can be used for scaling the Bitmap and finally draw on Graphics Object.
I am new to this forum.Any ideas or code can be helpful
Instead of using StretchDIBits, why not use the GDI+ API directly to scale the bitmap?:
CRect rc( 0, 0, 20, 30 );
graphics.DrawImage( (Image*)m_vImgFrames[0],
rc.left, rc.top, rc.Width(), rc.Height() );
To use StretchDIBits with Gdiplus::Bitmap you could do the following:
// get HBITMAP
HBITMAP hBitmap;
m_vImgFrames[0]->GetHBITMAP( Gdiplus::Color(), &hBitmap );
// get bits and additional info
BITMAP bmp = {};
::GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(bmp), &bmp );
// prepare BITMAPINFO
BITMAPINFO bminfo = {};
bminfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFO );
bminfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = bmp.bmWidth;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = bmp.bmHeight;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bmp.bmBitsPixel;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = bmp.bmPlanes;
bminfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = bmp.bmWidthBytes*bmp.bmHeight*4; // 4 stands for 32bpp
// select stretch mode
::SetStretchBltMode( HALFTONE );
// draw
::StretchDIBits( hDC, 0, 0, new_cx, new_cy, 0, 0,
m_vImgFrames[0]->GetWidth(), m_vImgFrames[0]->GetHeight(),
bmp.bmBits, &bminfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY );
But this doesn't looks much faster on my machine than simple Graphics::DrawImage.

How to add picture box in win32 API using visual c++

I have a Window (win32 API) Application in visual c++. I am not using MFC. I have to add a picutre box to my application and Change the image of this picture box periodically. Can any one help me out in achieving the above task? Thanks in advance.
This is quite a complex task to post full code here, but I will try to give a few guidelines on how to do it:
First method is to load the image and paint it
Load your image (unfortunately the plain Win32 API has support for quite a few image formats BMP, ICO ...).
Store the handle above somewhere in your application where you can access it from your WindowProcedure
In the WinProc on the WM_PAINT message you will need to paint the image. The code is something like:
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); // hDC is a DC structure supplied by Win32API
SelectObject(hdcMem, hImage);
hDC, // destination DC
left, // x upper left
top, // y upper left
width, // destination width
height, // destination height
hdcMem, // you just created this above
0, // x and y upper left
w, // source bitmap width
h, // source bitmap height
SRCCOPY); // raster operation
Should work.
Now, the second way of doing it is to create a static control, with type being SS_BITMAP and set its image as:
hImage = LoadImage(NULL, file, IMAGE_BITMAP, w, h, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
SendMessage(hwnd, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)hImage);
where hwnd is the handle of your static control.